
RjGhi, I keep getting with 23.10 a kernel panic error.  from an upgrade from 23.04 which works the 23.10 gives a kernel panic that it can not locate the drive UUID of the / partition... I'm using secure boot and on ryzen 5 5600x with an AMD rx 6600 graphics.00:14
jeremy31RjG: have you filed a bug report?00:31
RjGbeen attempting to but going in circles on hte web site,  I haven't ben able to get to a terminal as the panic is also hardlocking my system.00:32
RjGI even attempted booting via the live USB for Kubuntu and UbuntuSudio 23.10... the try or install ruslts in a hardlock  or repost of the system... safe graphics mode gives a kernel panic message  just minus the  unable to locate the UUID of / part00:36
RjGthe live USB do work on a ryzen 5600G running with integrated graphics.00:42
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