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charlesI put a micro sd card in and looking at it with Disks, it says Partition 1 is 32gb GB Fat.   Is that the right format to install Ubuntu onto using the Imager application?01:48
rboxcharles: you should read the documentation01:54
Eickmeyerrbox: From !guidelines:  "Telling people to "RTFM" or to "just google it" is not very polite. Ideally, you should find them a link, or at least give them some directions to documentation they can use."02:19
loswedsededhas do-release-upgrade been deprecated?02:30
ruserGood evening, everyone, I did get my system installed and booted, and even snapshotted in zfs.  I did a release-upgrade and now i'm stuck in the rescue mode.  Two questions. First. Is there a way to to launch ssh server?  any attempt to do so drops me right back into maintnenace mode and no daemon.  2. mount reports invalid boot record signagure, failed to read boot sector, and failed to recognize exfat02:58
rusertype. finally wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdv1, missing codepage or helper program or other error.   Prior to do-release-update it worked fine.  What should i try to figure out next?02:59
ruserwhops, i just borked the partition02:59
ruseri'm going to reinstall but i have a feeling i'll end up here03:00
ruseror rather i have the old info so i'll return the system to the prior state03:00
rusernvm, i didn't do anyting03:03
ruserMy prior two questions stand03:03
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jStefanjoin #apache-ws05:21
jStefan... in the wrong net too :(05:22
gordonjcpthis is a bit more generic than Ubuntu-specific but is there a decent parametric EQ that'll work inline with PulseAudio?09:53
gordonjcpthere's pulseaudio-equalizer but that's a graphic EQ09:53
cbreakisn't ubuntu going away from pulse?10:32
lotuspsychjecbreak: i think its still in between worlds, some versions still on pulse, newer going to pipewire10:43
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BluesKajHi all13:27
DocMorsis there a way to, preferably automatically, repair a nackered snap installation?13:47
DocMorsor do I better do a full reinstall?13:47
BluesKajuse a non-snap version if available13:48
DocMorsyes but without it 5 or apps are no longer available, I think I finally jump and find a distro without snaps. I was with Ubuntu for more than 15 years but this I don't want to fight13:51
centHOGGi use(d) both snap & crossover. Wine capability primarily13:52
BluesKajwhich ubuntu release are you running DocMors ?13:54
ravagewhat error do you get?13:54
DocMorssudo snap refresh firefox13:55
DocMorserror: cannot perform the following tasks:13:55
DocMors- Run post-refresh hook of "firefox" snap if present (run hook "post-refresh": cannot locate base snap core22: No such file or directory)13:55
ravagesudo snap install core2213:56
DocMorsI think the issue is not with firefox but with this core2213:56
DocMorsand gues what that was the first I tried13:56
DocMorssudo snap install core2213:56
DocMorssnap "core22" is already installed, see 'snap help refresh'13:56
ravagewell. we are not psychic. we dont know what you tried13:57
DocMorssudo snap remove core2213:57
DocMorserror: cannot remove "core22": snap "core22" is not removable: snap is being used by snaps13:57
DocMors       cameractrls, cups, gnome-42-2204 and telegram-desktop.13:57
DocMorssame with purge, I tried to apt purge snapd too13:58
ravagedo other snaps work?13:58
ravagetelegram for example?13:58
DocMorsall with reinstall and reboot but totally no joy. I don't find anything that shows me how to manage broken snaps either13:58
DocMorsnope all dead snaps are dead13:58
DocMorsit's this core22 thing and like said I don't find anything how to fix that13:59
ravageok so get a list from "snap list"13:59
DocMorsneed to calm down13:59
ravageremove the snaps. it will greate snapshots on remove13:59
ravageso your data are still there13:59
DocMorsso remove all blovking snaps and then remove / reinstall core22 ?14:00
ravagei would even remove snapd with --purge14:00
ravagethen install snapd again14:00
ravagebefore you reinstall check if /var/lib/snapd/snaps is also empty14:00
ravageif not remove all files in there too14:00
ravageyou dont have to remove snaps like the core snaps14:01
ravageonly real applications14:01
DocMorsnow that core snap is the culprit methinks14:01
ravageand remove with purge i mean by apt14:03
DocMorslet see whether we get this running again14:04
DocMorsand thka14:04
* DocMors hands a huge cookie to ravage14:15
DocMorsthank god no reinstall14:15
ravage\o/ nom nom14:15
DocMorsif I wasn't so riled I'd even write up how to get this fixed, there isn't much about it on the web.14:17
DocMorsmaybe tomorrow14:17
EckoWhen i apt install php-common, it automatically select php8.2-common. Is this some sort of symlink?15:29
ioriathe ondrej ppa, probably15:32
noenthey. I'm having some issues with the keyboard settings in Ubuntu 22.04. During installation I set "de (neo2)" as keyboard language, but in a lot of applications it jumps back to normal German keyboard e.g. when pressing ctrl. So I have to press different keys for e.g. ^c which is quite annoying. Iirc there was a bug with Xorg that caused this behavior for all layouts with XkbVariant and there was a work around, but I can't seem to find it right now16:25
semIs this page still current? (Bug with fonts blocking the 23.10 upgrade path) https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/mantic-minotaur-23-10-release-status-tracking/3788716:25
Eickmeyersem: Yes.16:32
Eickmeyersem: Reason being is that 24.04 hasn't yet opened for development, the blocking bug requires it be opened.16:32
semI wasn't sure if there was a meeting on monday that was going to address that. Are they going to wait to completely clear the bug before opening the taps16:33
Eickmeyersem: Yes.16:33
EickmeyerAs stated in the bug, the verification of the bug must be completed by verifying with nn (24.04).16:34
semI'm just curious, why do they need to make sure it works from mantic -> nn in order to allow lunar -> mantic ?16:38
Eickmeyersem: ubuntu-release-upgrader works by downloading from the release being upgraded to and then running within the release being upgraded from. Therefore, they want to make sure it's not broken going nn -> mantic first.16:40
Eickmeyersem: All development within Ubuntu works by working in the development release first and then backporting fixes to the next highest release.16:41
Eickmeyers/highest release/highest supported release16:41
Eickmeyersem: Also, to add to that, there is a planning sprint going on right now, so you really need patience.16:42
Eickmeyersem: The developers in charge of ubuntu-release-upgrader are stretched pretty thin.16:43
semThat makes sense to me to do development that way. The part that is confusing I guess is if it has already been tested and works for lunar -> mantic, why block the upgrade path? Will it introduce problems later if the fix doesn't work for mantic -> nn?16:44
Eickmeyersem: The problem is the last test for lunar -> mantic didn't work, and as stated before, the "Fix Released" change happens automatically in the bug tracker and can be a misnomer. This fix requires manual verification to know for certain and *must* be verified by the developer that did the fix using the process they use.16:46
semah ok. There's a comment saying that the fixed packages were in -upgrades and people were unsubscribing from the bug, so I thought it was done16:47
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Eickmeyersem: That is an automatic comment, believe it or not.16:48
Eickmeyersem: Or, rather, semi-automated.16:48
semAh, ok, I thought that was someone signing off on the fix :p16:48
EickmeyerIt's a semi-automated part of the SRU process.16:48
semI appreciate your patience explaining all of this process. I was hoping that 23.10 would fix some bugs on my system, but I will keep waiting patiently16:49
EickmeyerThe rest of the verification has yet to be completed. When that's completed (as stated in the comment in the bug report), the block will be lifted and upgrades will be enabled.16:49
EickmeyerYou're welcome. It's a very, very careful process and doesn't usually take this long, but a lot of things went awry close to release this time.16:50
robson-faI'm having a problem with OpenVPN, on my Ubuntu 22.04 Desktop. When I connect, using a configured connection to my company, I can access my internal network, but only by IP address, I can't access using the name of my resource. I can see that the IP of my internal DNS is put into the file /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf, but it's not working. The17:24
robson-fafile /etc/resolv.conf is a symbolic link to the file /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf, which is not updated with the IP Address of my internal DNS. I changed the symbolic link of /etc/resolv.conf to /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf and everything start to work. I'd like to know if is there way to do it works without this change of symbolic17:24
ioriarobson-fa, you might try with openvpn-systemd-resolved17:34
[twisti]im trying to understand how firewall works on ubuntu (lts 22), and all guides i read refer to ufw, and the first step is usually enabling ufw. does that mean that by default, ubuntu has no firewall activated ?17:55
leftyfb[twisti]: correct17:56
[twisti]alright, thanks. i am debugging being unable to access a port, so the firewall config is then probably not something i should be looking at right now17:56
leftyfbalso correct17:57
[twisti]i just spooled up a blank server install, and ufw status reports inactive, i just wanted to make sure it didnt default to another firewall solution17:57
jStefan[twisti], did you try something like "ss -tlnp"? and are you trying to reach the port via the internet or local network ?18:04
[twisti]jStefan: thanks, i solved it already, just when you open a port and cant connect to it from a remote machine, FW was my first go-to to check. turned out kubectl port-forwarding binds to only by default18:05
Dex2xHi all, I have samba instance running and my shares are working except for one, I don't see the [share] config in my /etc/samba/smb.conf , I do have a /var/lib/samba/usershares/series file, but this folder doesn't seem to be exposed?18:37
Fishermangohey guys , I'm using Android 12 and my wifi connection keeps switching between 2. or ghz and 5ghz, breaking downloads and streams. I can't figure out how to set a specific band on Android settings, and i cant modify the router.18:48
ruserThis is an #ubuntu channel?18:49
FishermangoGreat, i can't join android18:49
oerheksyou might need to regeister with libera for #android18:49
Fishermangoi can't18:50
ubottuFor information on registering your IRC nick, see https://libera.chat/guides/registration - For any further help, ask in #libera18:50
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kaiEvening folks20:29
kaiI can't seem to access the internet from my 22.04 laptop after installing updates earlier today, and I'm a bit stumped how to debug this20:31
kaiI'm connected to WiFi, DNS lookups seem to work, but nothing else20:32
leftyfbkai: can you ping your router?20:32
kaiYes, but nothing on the outside20:32
leftyfbcan you ping ?20:33
kaiTried on multiple networks,  so it's not the router20:33
leftyfbkai: "ip route" does that show the ip of your router?20:34
kaiLeftyfb: yup20:35
kaiThe ping to fails, btw20:35
kaiI'm currently connected to my phone's hotspot, so I'm sure the network connection should work20:36
leftyfbkai: is this a laptop? Desktop? Server? virtual machine? docker container? other?20:36
kaiA laptop20:37
leftyfbI would recommend testing being hardwired to your router, wifi if you can't hardwire20:37
kaiAnd as I said, DNS seems to work20:37
jStefanthe laptop can connect to the internet via the phone's hotspot, but not your wiif?20:37
kaiNo, no matter what wifi network I'm on, no connection20:38
leftyfbkai: host ubuntu.com    # what does this give you?20:38
kaiThat times out, but without specifying the Google DNS I get a result20:39
kaiBut I assume that's because that's coming in via the router20:39
leftyfbkai: ok, so DNS is only "working" because your router is probably doing resolutions for you. You can't actually communicate with the internet20:40
kaiThat's my assumption, too. I didn't realise that DNS was just screwing with me before20:41
leftyfbkai: look in your network settings. Make sure you're not using a profile that is set with static network settings. You should be using DHCP for everything20:41
kaiYeah, I'm on dhcp, otherwise I wouldn't get the right ip,  route,  and DNS settings20:42
jStefanif it can get dns from the router and nothing else, maybe it's missing a routing rule? and just generating unreachables?? just a guess20:42
kaiip route shows a default route, though20:43
kaiAnd if I connect to a different WiFi network, that route updates as expected20:44
jStefancould another route be interfering with the default route?20:45
kaiNo, not that I'd see, no custom routes20:47
oerhekswith weird connection issues; reboot the router?20:49
kaiNot my router,  but I have the same symptoms on four different networks already20:50
leftyfbkai: sudo iptables -L -n # got any firewall rules ?20:50
kaiI also checked that, no rules20:51
kaiI don't have wireshark installed,  unfortunately20:53
leftyfbI didn't ask to run wireshark20:54
kaiYeah, just saying that I'd love to see what kind of traffic I can see on the interface20:55
kaiiptables lists no rules set with the default policy of accept20:56
kaiHm, I just realised I have an ubuntu desktop iso image  and a USB driv21:01
leftyfbkai: are you able to try hardwired? Or a different wireless adapter(USB)?21:01
kaiI'll give that a spin to see if it's a config issue21:01
kaiNo, no ethernet ports here, and I don't carry a spare adapter21:02
kaiAnyway, thanks for the debugging help, I need to go offline for tonight21:22
kaiOk, couldn't leave it alone. Wifi works from the live image, so it's a software problem for sure21:43
SeanMatulaHello everyone!22:42
SeanMatulaI'm having trouble with a MicroOVN install. Anyone know if it works with arm64? It appears the openvswitch service isn't starting after the "snap install", and I think that has to due with loading kernel module.22:43
carpatumy cpu fan makes a small noise for 5 min when cool at boot time22:54
leftyfbcarpatu: you should ask in #hardware. Ubuntu doesn't make cpu fans22:55
carpatuthats a good channel thanks22:55

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