[02:10] good morning [04:02] man, it's amazing what channels you forget exist when you've been away from distro development for six months [04:07] arraybolt3_wc: If you do not use it ---- you loose it :P [12:26] Hi anyone here use DigitalOcean by chance and still have a clean copy of the sources.list - I goofed mine all up and I don't want to create a whole new droplet to get a new one... [12:28] I am getting a distro-info-data held back error and I am sure that is the issue.... [12:29] !phasedupdates | Zed` [12:29] Zed`: Since Ubuntu 21.04, APT may hold back some updates on some systems while they are being phased in. This is called "phased updates". See https://ubottu.com/y/phased and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PhasedUpdates for more info. [12:30] oh I understand that thank you.. [12:31] I was helping the folks over at #Irssi update their package and instead of properly updating the files as the soruces.list instructs I edited the file directly so thus my request :))) [12:32] what's more I did it so long ago I don't have a backup or snapshot with a good copy of the file hehe [12:32] I'm a bad man [12:35] So while it may be a phased update issue my file is still fUx0r3D [12:35] * Zed` curtsies [12:36] and good morning to those that are [12:36] TZ'd in the morning === fabiomirmar_ is now known as fabiomirmar [19:58] hmm is spotted ' Noble' ? http://zone0.clouds.archive.ubuntu.com/dists/noble/Release [20:08] oerheks: Noble is the official first half codename for 24.04, we don't know the second half of the codename yet (or at least I don't). [20:08] I'm using a VM with the Noble repos enabled right now :D [20:08] (for Lubuntu development) [20:09] ah, i missed the news [20:10] It's not open for development, but it exists. [20:11] It's Noble Nanimal (no animal announced, so codename incomplete). [20:33] Interesting line of C++ code for the day: `mac[i / 3] = *reinterpret_cast(¤tByte);` [20:34] meaning - convert an unsigned char to a signed char and store it in an array. Surely there has to be a simpler way to do than than the mess of pointers combined with a reinterpret_cast, but I couldn't find it, so... [20:34] *that than, not than than [21:30] welcome, ComputerTech :) [21:30] \o [21:30] thx [21:31] nice to see you around here. gnome is confusing at times === _enigma9o7_ is now known as enigma9o7 [22:11] hi again