=== lagbox is now known as rainbox === rainbox is now known as zuul === zuul is now known as loonybin === loonybin is now known as lagbox [02:30] i'm having trouble installing chrome, i'm trying to follow these instructions https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-install-google-chrome-web-browser-on-ubuntu-20-04/ but I get this error https://gist.github.com/gartha1/ed7aade659527e4a09d6efdd45f7f731 When I do bob@xrdptest2:/tmp$ sudo apt install ./google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb It says "dpkg: error processing archive /tmp/google- [02:30] chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb (--unpack):" [02:32] barg: i'm guessing your download is corrupt [02:34] well, I got it via wget https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb Is there a way for me to check whether it is corrupt and if so then what can I do to install chrome?! [02:38] barg: have you tried deleting and redownloading the file? [02:40] What is the size of the .deb file? It should be about 100 MB in size; maybe you're hitting some sort of captcha and downloading the HTML of that instead? [02:41] 100M [02:42] -rw-rw-r-- 1 bob bob 104057764 Oct 25 02:25 google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb [02:42] my system is booting in legacy mode with gpt scheme. i have /dev/sdb2 with vfat with is supposed to mount to /boot/efi however after the system update i get dropped into rescue mode and mount reports Invalid medica value 0x7d how do i recover from this? [02:45] i'll try installing chromium instead! [02:46] Why were you trying to install Google Chrome instead of Chromium? [02:46] I was trying to install chrome [02:46] but that didn't work, so i'll try chromium [02:46] But why were you trying for Google Chrome first? I assume you didn't know Chromium existed? [02:47] correct [02:48] I see. [02:49] Be aware that there are some "gotchas" to Chromium; most notably - it won't work with h264 or video DRM out of the box (which may affect services like netflix). Also, some streaming services refuse to work with Linux at all. [02:50] ok, thanks [02:51] This is primarily due to licencing - if it can't be licenced or requires licencing fees, it will not be included by default. There ARE ways of getting these things working. [02:54] Kadigan: I think Ubuntu includes the codecs needed for proprietary media by default. [02:55] Firefox has the same problem as Chromium yet Firefox can play proprietary media formats on Ubuntu just fine. [02:55] Sometimes I've had to install ffmpeg after the fact, but it's in the official Ubuntu repos. [02:55] So I would hope Chromium would work out of the box. [02:57] Had to walk my 70-yo father over Discord on how to install the codecs, so I'll say "nope". But thankfully it's fairly straightforward, even if you need to open the scary "Terminal". :D [02:57] ah [02:58] Though unfortunately, stuff like streaming services not working is a dealbreaker for him. [02:58] So yeah, he's moving back to a Windows licence as soon as I can get it to him. [02:58] I assume Widevine didn't let enough things work for him? [02:58] No, the particular service he's paying for explicitly does not work with Linux at all. [02:59] Which one? [02:59] (It's odd that a service wouldn't allow usage on Linux... I guess unless it's used via an app and not a web browser) [02:59] Gimme a sec, need to find it in my history. [02:59] SkyShowtime [03:00] They even have a specific error code for this (6007), which when looked up, leads to their "OSes/platforms we support" page. [03:01] They explicitly support Android, iOS, ChromeOS, macOS, and Windows. Nothing else. [03:01] (or, well TV stuff) [03:01] blah, and somehow they detect the OS even when the user agent is changed [03:01] Apparently so, yeah. [03:01] Or just their DRM doesn't support Linux openly, and so they can tell when it fails to load. [03:02] that would make sense [03:02] arraybolt3_wc: does disabling javascript help? [03:02] sorta [03:02] gry: I think that would be a question for Kadigan. [03:02] I don't use any streaming services unless you consider YouTube a streaming service. [03:02] Kadigan: does disabling javascript help? [03:02] No, because their entire thing is based on JS. [03:02] I would assume disabling JavaScript would kill the entire page though. [03:02] Disabling it kills the player. [03:03] Kadigan: what is 'their thing' that we are talking about? [03:03] SkyShowtime, a broadcasting/streaming platform. Sorta like Netflix. [03:04] gry: Kadigan's dad uses a streaming service that is somehow able to detect when Linux is being used to view a movie or show and it specifically refuses to play video when it encounters a Linux machine. Changing to proprietary browsers doesn't fix the problem, and neither does user agent spoofing. [03:04] Yeah. Even walked him through installing Chrome (as in Google Chrome). No dice. [03:04] is running reactos in a vm an option? [03:04] One suggested solution was using an Android emulator :P [03:04] or in wine [03:04] install wine, and install firefox on that? [03:04] gry: ReactOS doesn't support any modern browsers. Wine is an interesting potential solution. [03:05] Yeah, I think he's going to pay the requisite $50 for an "almost legal" Windows licence. [03:05] wait Kadigan please try 'wine' first, it is a windows emulator like thingy [03:05] I know, but he's 70. [03:05] This is NOT his thing. [03:05] are you near him [03:05] can you do it for him? [03:05] No. [03:05] remote desktop? [03:05] I mean, I can, but he's not going to accept it. [03:05] I know him well enough to know his approach. [03:06] It either works, or you switch to something that does. [03:06] it's reasonably easy to use so. and you can test it on your linux computer to test whether it'll work first. [03:06] Edge on Ubuntu did not seem to have an issue rendering the previews, perhaps I missed actually trying to play something protected [03:06] Besides, if we're trying to wine the thing (which can be shaky at the best of times, as well you likely know), then just reinstalling to Windows is a no-brainer at that point. [03:07] But eh. Linux isn't for everybody, and if he's not willing to give that service up... I'm not going to force him. [03:07] I'm there with you 100%, my mother finds an iPhone challenging [03:08] I especially don't want to be THAT Linux Guy that makes you want to gag when you hear "Linux" after weeks of having it force-fed down your tube. [03:08] :D [03:08] I was that one guy :P [03:08] aye [03:09] I'm justhappy that he saw that it "mostly" worked, and it didn't because a company is Linux-hostile, not because Linux itself doesn't work. [03:09] Good enough for me. [03:09] Kadigan: Honestly, that sounds best. IMO, use what works best for the role, and for him and his uses...well. [03:09] I'm on Windows as well. It's just that everything else I have runs some flavour of Linux at this point. [03:10] I like to play games, so that's still a must in my view. But for game *servers* - yeah, I'm not about to run that on Windows. :D [03:10] sorry, my point was in doing something that you can to avoid paying more money to MS, especially if there is a workaround :-) I don't know, maybe just not using that hostile website is another option [03:10] For me I have the opposite problem - Windows won't work or would be a pain to make work for most of what I do, so Linux is where I'm at :P [03:10] gry: No, I get it. But his ease-of-use and comfort is worth more to me than moral superiority. :D [03:11] And I would very much prefer to avoid cultivating in him the image that Linux "breaks constantly" and "is a lot of work", when the workarounds (OR WINE... xD) inevitably break. [03:13] I hope one day Microsoft either discontinues Windows so that they can make Linux better and get the entire world working on one perfect OS, or they switch to Linux as the kernel for Windows. Pipe dream, but hey, one can hope :P [03:13] Honestly? When he found out the NUC doesn't come with an OS, when asked if he wants a licence to go with it, his answer was "Nah, I'll go with Ubuntu on this one." - I'm proud. :D It didn't work - so it didn't work, such is life. [03:14] At any rate, /me descends back into developing a utility for Lubuntu [03:14] arraybolt3_wc: "the perfect OS" and that would be... whose build? xD [03:14] Kadigan: Nice :) [03:14] Kadigan: Don't muddy my hopes with facts! [03:14] ;] [03:14] Hey, there's WSL. It's *kinda* happening. [03:15] * arraybolt3_wc says despite the fact that I use and help develop both Ubuntu and Fedora [03:15] Besides, we're moving towards OS commoditisation, so it'll eventually solve itself. [03:16] (though I doubt media companies will relent any time soon, so it'll end up being SOME sort of compromise there) [03:16] my system is booting in legacy mode with gpt scheme. i have /dev/sdb2 with vfat with is supposed to mount to /boot/efi however after the system update i get dropped into rescue mode and mount reports Invalid medica value 0x7d how do i recover from this? More specificically this is the output of systemctl stauts boot-efi.mount http://termbin.com/v6x2 [03:17] ruser: That's concerning. Are you dual-booting by any chance? Something seems to have corrupted the EFI partition. [03:18] (Technically if you're in legacy mode you don't even need that partition... but if it got corrupted, that's worrying, since other things may get corrupted down the line.) [03:18] ruser: Also did you do something like forcibly shut down in the middle of an update or something? [03:18] What does `fdisk -l /dev/sdb` say? [03:18] arraybolt3_wc: no, i'm not running dualboot. i had 20.04 working did a do-dist-upgrade to get onto 22.04 [03:19] ah, so this is a post-release-upgrade failure? [03:19] or was 22.04 working and then spontaneously stopped working? [03:19] botched release upgrade [03:20] Did you at any time have to force a shutdown by pressing and holding the power button during the update? [03:20] nope, standard sudo reboot [03:20] that's really weird [03:21] ok, if you can share the output of `fdisk -l /dev/sdb` like Kadigan suggested, that would be helpful. [03:22] here is gdisk -p /dev/sdb: http://termbin.com/aone and fdisk -l: termbin.com/upi2 [03:23] How old is this HDD? [03:24] about a month old [03:24] So if you do "mkdir testabc; mount /dev/sdb2 ./testabc" it errors out right? [03:24] I'm pretty sure it will but just double-checking. [03:25] correct [03:26] AFAIK an OS upgrade should *not* corrupt a partition's filesystem even if things go horribly wrong, so I would recommend keeping backups of the data on this disk and making new backups frequently in case your disk is suffering premature failure. [03:26] To fix the issue, I would just make the system ignore the EFI partition. [03:26] Can you mount /dev/sdb4? [03:26] As I understand it, the 0xEF02 type denotes a partition that doesn't contain a filesystem. [03:26] (legacy boot, not EFI boot) [03:26] Kadigan: supposed to be bios_boot afaik [03:26] It would be mount-able under EFI, but not under legacy boot. [03:27] according to: https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/218343 [03:27] Kadigan: That would be /dev/sdb1, not /dev/sdb2. [03:28] /dev/sdb1 is the bios_boot partition, and it indeed doesn't have a filesystem. [03:28] /dev/sdb2 is the EFI partition that's not really needed but the installer makes it anyway, and it's the corrupted partition. [03:28] Then why does it say "bad superblock on /dev/sdb1" in that log excerpt? What did I miss? [03:29] so, i was going off on earlier state about the attempt to remount ( arraybolt3_wc ) looks like it it's luks locked [03:29] erm [03:29] Kadigan: Oh... you're right [03:29] It looks like fstab is pointing to the wrong partition? [03:29] ruser: Are you sure you're trying to mount /dev/sdb2 and not /dev/sdb1 when doing a mount test? [03:30] Which... would be fair? Normally the first one WOULD be the EFI boot partition... except on a legacy boot, where it makes that small code repo instead. [03:30] so, i was going off on earlier state about the attempt to remount ( arraybolt3_wc ); before it was erroring with the error shown earlier; now when i try tells me it is crypto_LUKS [03:30] ruser: What partition are you trying to mount that you get told it's crypto_LUKS? [03:30] /dev/sdb2 or /dev/sdb4? [03:30] so sdb2 [03:31] what. on. earth. [03:31] i ran the following: mkdir /tmp/test ; mount /dev/sdb2 /tmp/test [03:31] Just to confirm, can you do `lsblk -f` and share the output? [03:32] Is it possible that you previously added some sort of encryption, and then the new grub (if it was updated) does not have the decrypt component out of the box? [03:32] arraybolt3_wc: termbin.com/ivcc Kadigan yes [03:33] Usually an ESP is *never* encrypted AFAIK, even if the whole rest of /boot is... but then again this is a BIOS system, so... [03:33] so looks like this time around the crypto LUKS didn't work [03:33] ruser: Do you actually care about the contents of that partition? It's just EFI files you don't even need, right? [03:33] ruser: If you don't care about it, I would just make fstab ignore it. [03:34] you think it will boot if i comment fstab entry out? [03:34] I do. [03:34] hang on [03:34] systemd throws a tantrum if it can't find a drive it expects to be present. [03:34] wish i knew this earlier if this is true! [03:34] hm, "GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y" ? [03:35] But hm. [03:35] That sort of sounds like a compile-time configuration option? [03:35] More like a default grub option for then "baking in" with update-grub [03:35] ohhh [03:36] Or, I think. [03:36] Since it's systemd that fails to mount the partition, not GRUB, I don't think that would help, but it's something to keep in mind. [03:36] arraybolt3_wc: well, i'll be damned. commenting out the entry worked [03:36] \o/ [03:36] Oh. I thought it was grub, what with the "after the system update i get dropped into rescue mode and mount reports" [03:36] arraybolt3_wc: didn't even occurr for me try that [03:37] Well, you don't need to look into /boot/* unless you need to mess with things like kernel command-line options and such similar. [03:37] Glad it worked :) (It's not really intuitive that a missing drive can cause that much problems, but after some tangles with systemd I've learned that it wants what it wants and throws a fit if it doesn't get it XD) [03:38] Kadigan: sadly i'll be messing with it soon :) [03:38] arraybolt3_wc: huge thank you. in prior years (before systemd i guess? ) failed to mount, no problem keep going if all the rest is working [03:38] You can add the "nobootwait" option and see if that resolves the "boot stops" issue, I guess. Or "nofail", don't know. [03:39] Now I need to sort out why dropbear auth keys not working :/ [03:39] Alternatively, "optional" might work as well. [03:39] https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/53456/what-is-the-difference-between-nobootwait-and-nofail-in-fstab [03:39] I think nofail would do the trick. [03:41] define GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y in /etc/default/grub and rebuild the grub, it is required to automatically open the encrypted partitions on boot [03:42] my disk is encrypted [03:46] Another question, i'm trying to use ed25519 ssh keys, i run ssh-copy-id -i id_host.pub user@ip, and yet it still prompts me for a password when i try to ssh with the -i is there something I need to change in a config for it to work? I checked the key entry made it into my ~user/.ssh/authorized_keys [03:47] ruser: make sure the privileges on the file and folder are set - that seems to be the most common issue [03:47] it should be accessible to the owner and nobody else IIRC [03:47] make sure your private key is only readable/writable by you, same for the destination authorized_keys [03:48] remote host: 0700 on .ssh and 0600 on authorized_keys, my local host may have incorrect permissions [03:49] I usually do: chmod -R go-rwx ~ [03:49] you're welcome to join #ubuntu-offtopic and #ubuntu-discuss, Kadigan, backdoor for chitchat and helpers coordinations of support [03:49] removes read/write to group & others to my home dir and subdirectories [03:49] local host has -rw-r--r-- on pub key, but only -rw------- for the private [03:50] the .ssh dir and authorized_keys file are the only one that matter [03:50] on the remote host [03:50] those are set correctly [03:50] s/only one/only ones/ [03:52] login to the remote server and stop the sshd daemon, (make sure it will start upon reboot), then start it manually with: /usr/sbin/sshd -Ddd [03:52] then try again from another terminal, and see the server messages [03:52] what is the remote system? [03:53] (don't forget to restart the sshd.service before killing your last session on the server) [03:54] running ` /usr/sbin/sshd -Ddd` reports "Missing privilige separation directory: /run/sshd" [03:54] mkdir /run/sshd as root [03:54] but then why/how it was running and allowed password logins before that? [03:54] what privliges? [03:55] try 700 [03:55] what is your remote server? Ubuntu too? [03:56] WSL ubuntu local -> ubuntu remote [03:56] have a bunch of debug output [03:56] hang on dog needs to go out, brb 5 min [03:57] while i take the dog out (what am i looking for in the output) [03:58] message about your authorized keys having the right access [03:59] also. you could try to use the verbose option for the ssh client: ssh -vv -i user@host [03:59] (you'll need to restart the sshd daemon) [04:03] Naruto Has Ninja Sex with Nuevo Leon Governor Samuel Garcia Naruto Uzumaki visits Monterrey and meets Governor Samuel Garcia and starts a romantic escapade with him. https://tinyurl.com/Narutosass [04:03] !ops | narutoman spam [04:03] narutoman spam: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant [04:04] Channel Emergency! [04:09] intersting thing of note: on client debug1: Will attempt key: id_redhost ED25519 SHA256: explicit where doesn't match the the pub key, is that normal? [04:10] no [04:12] why would it be different when i used ssh-id-copy? also when i try to grep for even a part of the string I don't get any hits in client's ~/.ssh [04:12] the fingerprint must match the one in authorized_keys [04:14] use: ssh-keygen -l and it must match the finger print of the public key in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys [04:15] also make sure PubkeyAuthentication is set to yes in /etc/ssh/sshd_config [04:16] you mean ssh-keygen -l -f [04:16] s/you/do you/ [04:16] must be. [04:16] let me try it here. [04:17] well, damn. turns out auth key was not on :/ [04:17] or rather commented out [04:17] not sure if that matters [04:17] I think yes is the default. [04:18] yep, mine is commented out and allows pub/priv key auth. [04:19] what's the difference between for example xserver-xorg-video-nvidia-535-server and xserver-xorg-video-nvidia-535? What does the -server appended to the end indicate? [04:19] can you doublecheck for me and see when you use the -vv on client, that the fingerprint that shows up in the log is the PRIVATE key [04:20] because ssh-keygen -l -f matches the log entry on the client, but the server should contain my pubkey sig, no? === Vercas8 is now known as Vercas [04:22] nightstrike: what does apt show say about the 2? apt-file can show the contents of packages, whats the differnce there [04:22] the server must have your pub key in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file [04:23] esv: it does [04:23] the priv key finger print that shows in my logs, matches the fingerprint in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file [04:24] rbox: the output of apt show is identicla [04:24] minus hte names [04:24] a) restart the sshd.service in your server and investigate in /var/log/syslog for relevant errors [04:25] esv: for the finger print showing up in the logs, are checking your client logs? [04:25] cause my private finger print shows up in the client logs :/ [04:26] yeah, it shows in the "ssh -vv user@host" command logs [04:27] and it's key.pub contents that goes into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys [04:29] yep [04:29] look for messages in /var/log/auth.log [04:31] I got: "ubuntu22 sshd[1244]: Accepted publickey for xxxxx from port 37424 ssh2: RSA SHA256:..." [04:32] esv: yeah, but when it fallsback to passwd auth i don't believe one can see it in the auth.logs unless correct/incorect pwd is entered [04:33] Nothing out of the ordinary for the auth.log. i'm going to try to gen a default algo key [04:37] well, it's past midnight here [04:37] going to bed [04:38] esv: thanks for your help [04:38] np === TheCaptain3 is now known as TheCaptain [07:28] Hello, I have multiple ips assigned to a NIC and I want to run N processes, each using a different IP. How can I do that? [07:34] ip netns [07:34] how do I then run a process using a specific ns? [07:35] ip netns exec ? [07:35] ip netns help [07:36] but yes. thats how it works [07:37] thank you [07:38] you may also have to check routing and dns in the namespace === Unit193 is now known as Montresor === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom [07:57] Anyone got any particular recommendations on a 22LTS install to a laptop that boots from USB but as soon as you try to do the installer it just goes to a blank cursor and completely locks up, gotta cold-crash. No secure boot, tried the graphical alt install, tried a few command switches [07:58] Even tried removing quiet to see if I could at least get some level of console output visible to see /where/ it's freezing but no success [08:07] synapt: might try nomodset what kind of video card? [08:22] ciao [08:23] ciao a te abitante dei molti mondi [08:25] s0000970449 english? [08:55] Hello to you citizens of multiple countries. :P [08:57] s0000970449: Questo canale è in inglese. Esiste anche un canale di supporto in lingua italiana. [09:00] s0000970449: https://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/GruppoIrc/Canali === zibolo_ is now known as zibolo === TheCaptain2 is now known as TheCaptain [10:03] hi [10:07] welcome Jiffens [10:41] Hi, i want to run multiple apps on nodejs with systemctl each app have his own folder (/home/user/app1 /home/user/app2) right now i have start script for each, what could be best option and there is an option to run all with a single systemd unit ?! [10:46] hi all, I am trying to install Ubuntu alongside Windows 11 on a fairly new desktop PC, but I am having troubles booting my USB drive for both Ubuntu 22.04 and 23.10. I get the errors "ACPI BIOS error (bug): failure creating object AE_ALREADY_EXISTS", "ACPI error: AE_ALREADY_EXISTS, during name lookup/catalog", "hub 8-0:1.0: config failed, hub [10:46] doesn't have any ports!", "nouveau 0000:01:00.0: unknown chipset", "usbhid 1-12:1.2: couldn't find an input interrupt endpoint". then I am brought to a black screen with a blinking cursor. [10:47] Fresh installation of Ubuntu 23.10 on an esxi VM (Bios mode). Black screen after post-boot, thinking it's right after gdm is launched. No mouse keyboard. [10:52] can anybody please help me? === chao is now known as stenno === randomphoenix is now known as scwordsmith [12:12] Read about it! Naruto Has Ninja Sex with Nuevo Leon Governor Samuel Garcia ------ Naruto grinned and formed the seals for a new jutsu he had been working on. "It's called the Ketsuryugan," he explained, "It's like a rasengan, but instead of spinning chakra, it's a concentrated blast of pleasure that stimulates the rectum and prostate." Samuel Garcia's eyebrows shot up in surprise, but he was clearly intrigued. "Sounds interesting. Can you show me [12:12] how it works?" https://justpaste.it/Naruto_Makes_Love_Samuel_Garcia [12:13] ^ what the fuck ? [12:13] not here naruto69 [12:18] Does anyone know the grace period of applying to Canonical? If someone is rejected from a position, how long does he/she have to wait before applying again? [12:19] !discuss | ashafq [12:19] ashafq: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks! [12:20] lotuspsychje: apologies [12:20] Hi all [12:20] Read about it! Naruto Has Ninja Sex with Nuevo Leon Governor Samuel Garcia ------ Naruto grinned and formed the seals for a new jutsu he had been working on. "It's called the Ketsuryugan," he explained, "It's like a rasengan, but instead of spinning chakra, it's a concentrated blast of pleasure that stimulates the rectum and prostate." Samuel Garcia's eyebrows shot up in surprise, but he was clearly intrigued. "Sounds interesting. Can you show me [12:20] how it works?" https://justpaste.it/Naruto_Makes_Love_Samuel_Garcia [12:21] !ops | naruto69 [12:21] naruto69: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant [12:21] ooo A star trek nerd command! booop booop boop [12:21] Channel Emergency! [12:21] Sirens going [12:21] Scotty, how are the thrusters holding? [12:33] Read about it! Naruto Has Ninja Sex with Nuevo Leon Governor Samuel Garcia ------ Naruto grinned and formed the seals for a new jutsu he had been working on. "It's called the Ketsuryugan," he explained, "It's like a rasengan, but instead of spinning chakra, it's a concentrated blast of pleasure that stimulates the rectum and prostate." Samuel Garcia's eyebrows shot up in surprise, but he was clearly intrigued. "Sounds interesting. Can you show me [12:33] how it works?" https://justpaste.it/Naruto_Makes_Love_Samuel_Garcia [12:33] !op | naruto69 [12:33] naruto69: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant [12:34] 10 Haikus about Naruto and Samuel Garcia [12:34] [12:34] 1. [12:34] Secrets in the dark, [12:34] Samuel's rough hands take control, [12:34] Naruto surrenders. [12:44] Read about it! Naruto Has Ninja Sex with Nuevo Leon Governor Samuel Garcia ------ Naruto grinned and formed the seals for a new jutsu he had been working on. "It's called the Ketsuryugan," he explained, "It's like a rasengan, but instead of spinning chakra, it's a concentrated blast of pleasure that stimulates the rectum and prostate." Samuel Garcia's eyebrows shot up in surprise, but he was clearly intrigued. "Sounds interesting. Can you show me [12:44] how it works?" https://justpaste.it/Naruto_Makes_Love_Samuel_Garcia [12:52] Read about it! Naruto Has Ninja Sex with Nuevo Leon Governor Samuel Garcia ------ Naruto grinned and formed the seals for a new jutsu he had been working on. "It's called the Ketsuryugan," he explained, "It's like a rasengan, but instead of spinning chakra, it's a concentrated blast of pleasure that stimulates the rectum and prostate." Samuel Garcia's eyebrows shot up in surprise, but he was clearly intrigued. "Sounds interesting. Can you show me [12:52] how it works?" https://justpaste.it/Naruto_Makes_Love_Samuel_Garcia [12:55] Naruto's heart sank as Samuel Garcia explained that he had promised to impregnate his wife Mariana with Naruto's semen to ensure their child would have green or blue eyes. Naruto was taken aback by this revelation, but Samuel Garcia quickly continued. [12:55] [12:55] "Actually, I have some good news," Samuel Garcia said, a smile creeping across his face. "Your semen did indeed impregnate Mariana, and the ultrasound showed triplets!" === maarten_ is now known as wallby [12:59] Read about it! Naruto Has Ninja Sex with Nuevo Leon Governor Samuel Garcia ------ Naruto grinned and formed the seals for a new jutsu he had been working on. "It's called the Ketsuryugan," he explained, "It's like a rasengan, but instead of spinning chakra, it's a concentrated blast of pleasure that stimulates the rectum and prostate." Samuel Garcia's eyebrows shot up in surprise, but he was clearly intrigued. "Sounds interesting. Can you show me [12:59] how it works?" https://justpaste.it/Naruto_Makes_Love_Samuel_Garcia [13:04] Read about it! Naruto Has Ninja Sex with Nuevo Leon Governor Samuel Garcia ------ Naruto grinned and formed the seals for a new jutsu he had been working on. "It's called the Ketsuryugan," he explained, "It's like a rasengan, but instead of spinning chakra, it's a concentrated blast of pleasure that stimulates the rectum and prostate." Samuel Garcia's eyebrows shot up in surprise, but he was clearly intrigued. "Sounds interesting. Can you show me [13:04] how it works?" https://justpaste.it/Naruto_Makes_Love_Samuel_Garcia [13:14] Naruto smirked and stepped closer to the Governor, pressing his hand against his lower back. He focused his chakra and unleashed the Ketsuryugan, causing Samuel Garcia to gasp in pleasure and spray his milk all inside of his purple Hanes thong. [13:14] [13:14] The Governor's eyes widened in surprise as the jutsu worked its magic, and Naruto couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at his creation. "I think I might have to add this to my repertoire," Samuel Garcia said with a smirk, clearly impressed. [13:14] Sample from: [13:14] https://justpaste.it/Naruto_Makes_Love_Samuel_Garcia [13:14] Nuevo Leon Governor Samuel Garcia has Ninja Sex with Naruto [13:15] hi === j3a0p is now known as jea0p [13:15] a [13:16] exit [15:05] which package is responsible for creating snapshots during apt intallation/changes to the system? [15:05] my system have told me "*** System restart required ***". What program issued this message? [15:05] s/snapshots/zfs snapshots/ [15:05] eqw: did you install/update/remove some packages? [15:06] No. I just loaded it from 6-month old snapshot. [15:08] Sorry i'm not an expert so i'm just stabbing in the dark. Is it possible it's running some anattended security upgrades? (i'm not sure what the behaviour would be) [15:11] eqw: update-notifier-common is the package that provides /usr/lib/update-notifier/update-motd-reboot-required (it's called by /etc/update-motd.d/98-reboot-required) which displays the message. This is usually triggered by installing a new kernel. === sotaover1ide is now known as sotaoverride === fabiomirmar_ is now known as fabiomirmar [16:05] can someone help me with key exchange in ssh? the permissions are set correctly key is added. here is a debug output on the remote host. The way I read it it tries to do KEX succeeds and then drops to password authentication. I can undertand why [16:05] s/help/please help/ [16:07] and who have installed this new kernel without my request? [16:07] ^ leftyfb === _SamSlater_4 is now known as _SamSlater_ === thelounge499 is now known as thelounge49 === realivanjx3 is now known as realivanjx === realivanjx2 is now known as realivanjx === Vercas1 is now known as Vercas [18:24] Hi, should I remove user 'ubuntu' upon creation of admin user? [18:27] sh0ne: you are probably referring to some cloud image based installation? you don't normally have a user "ubuntu" on a default ubuntu desktop or server installation, but set up your own during installation. [18:28] tomreyn, you're absolutely right [18:28] tomreyn, AWS [18:31] sh0ne: and what's this 'admin user' you're referring to? if you're using the AWS image, you may want to just stick with the existing user (because AWS may assume this user exists and it may be needed to apply changes to the system from AWS's end - not sure there), though you don't have to. [18:35] actually, if you prefer to use the other user account and don't plan on using the 'ubuntu' one, it seems safe to remove the "ubuntu" user. but you could as well just keep it, maybe disable remote login capabilities. [18:36] (to the 'ubuntu' user, that is) [19:00] Hello [19:02] :-) [19:03] Does anyone have some optimizations tips for EXT4 on NvMe? [19:05] how's that a bottleneck? [19:06] what's the issue you're seeing / meaning to solve? [19:06] no issue just to gain more performance on heavy routines (like indexing in IntelliJ). I have heard noatime may help [19:07] it could, if that's a compromise you could live with [19:08] depending on what files you have (very large or small ones, many in a directory, or many directories) there may be some optimizations available [19:14] So my video service provider just turned on Widevine 3 on their website and that completely made my Google Chrome unable to play these videos. Is there any way I could get this kind of Widevine 3 working? [19:14] Action between a famous anime star and Governor Samuel Garcia! Read excerpt and then check out the whole story in the link! https://justpaste.it/Naruto_Makes_Love_Samuel_Garcia Without a word, Samuel Garcia dropped to his knees and began to pleasure Naruto with his mouth. Naruto moaned with pleasure as Samuel Garcia expertly worked his tongue over his sensitive flesh, bringing him to the brink of orgasm. But Samuel Garcia wasn't done yet. He [19:14] pulled Naruto into one of the bathroom stalls and began to fist him with a rough, insistent force. Naruto cried out with a mix of pain and pleasure as Samuel Garcia's hand stretched him open, his body shaking with intense sensations. [19:15] no spam please, rahsayngahn [19:15] on whole #libera [19:16] yo [19:24] when memory is full it freezes up? [19:27] I want to fix this issue before replacing with my new hardware, because then I will have 32gb and the freeze will be gone completely, I want to make sure it IS a memory issue [19:30] how do you check if overcommit is enabled? [19:45] carpatu: sudo sysctl vm.overcommit_memory vm.overcommit_ratio && grep ^Commit /proc/meminfo [19:45] what is command to check where phpmyadmin is installed on ubuntu 18.04 [19:46] carpatu: https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/vm/overcommit-accounting [19:46] Northwoods: dpkg -L phpmyadmin [19:46] Northwoods: 18.04 is out of standard support. [19:47] tomreyn, thanks [19:47] yes i know [19:47] thanks [19:48] Northwoods: it will be much more difficult for volunteers to provide support for such releases, so you may want to turn to Canonical for support with those. [19:48] yup , i will upgrade [19:52] 👍️ [19:57] Is there an issue with doing apt update from archive.ubuntu.com or zone0.clouds.archive.ubuntu.com? I've been having issues recently where it randomly times out and now I'm just sitting at 0% [19:57] Code_Bleu, for what ubuntu version? [19:58] 0% [Connecting to zone0.clouds.ubuntu.com [] [19:58] oerheks: 22.04 LTS [20:10] Code_Bleu, no clue there, change to main? [20:11] or maybe you need to reboot first, if /var/run/reboot-required exists [20:24] "zone0.clouds.ubuntu.com" does not resolve for me [20:25] NXDOMAIN [20:26] Code_Bleu: ^ so it looks like you have a special setup at least for your resolver (though that may not be indicative of the root cause here) [20:27] ah [20:27] Code_Bleu does get an IP for it [20:39] it's actually zone0.clouds.archive.ubuntu.com - i guess Code_Bleu was quoting the terminal output incompletely [21:02] which channel/place/site would be best to report bugs/glitches on Ubuntu 23.10 that I can't really find a way to duplicate other than describe the bug? [21:04] currently, we mostly suggest dpaste.com and (though working differently) termbin.com [21:04] there's also paste.ubuntu.com but it requires login to post [21:07] tomreyn, yeah but to share said paste where? [21:07] just in here? [21:09] if you have a bug to report, use the ubuntu-bug application on your ubuntu installation. to get community support, post about issues here, but don't paste more than 1 line at once. [21:09] well it's more of a glitch than a bug, but I'll try describe it in ubuntu-bug [21:09] !bugreport [21:10] gah, I thought there was an Ubottu command like that [21:10] !bug [21:10] If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. [21:10] that's the one [21:10] basically upon having say, 3-5 windows open, the side dock doesn't disappear automatically sometimes, and thus i have to minimise all windows and then reopen them before the dock automatically hides itself [21:11] and yes, i enabled the automatic hide dock in settlings, but it's definitely a bug, just not sure how to exactly replicate it other than how i just described iy [21:14] anyone else facing this annoying bug/glitch? [21:26] ComputerTech: you could keep journalctl -f running in a terminal emulator and see what is logged (if anything) when it happens. if you have any gnome-shell-extensions loaded, i would recommend disabling those first and restarting gnome before you do. [21:27] tomreyn, oh, good idea regarding disabling gnome extensions [21:27] I'll go do that, thanks === k001 is now known as k000 === _enigma9o7_ is now known as enigma9o7 [23:20] Privetings! [23:21] anyone help me? for nasm GLIBC error on Ubuntu? [23:22] http://explorer.net.ru:8080/temp/nasm_glibc_error.png [23:22] on ROSA all build normal http://explorer.net.ru:8080/temp/ROSA_nasm_normal.png [23:37] I see fPIE flag, I try of cose but [23:37] it is not exit I gas === de-facto_ is now known as de-facto