[02:25] hi [03:17] Hello, good evening [06:27] γεια [06:28] hi [06:28] format === Unit193 is now known as Montresor [11:52] Hi hello [11:53] is it possible to install Xfce 4.18 to Ubuntu 20.04 [11:53] ? [11:53] Does anyone have a deb for this purpose? [12:27] xu-irc64w, xubuntu 20.04 was supported until April 2023; refer https://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-20-04-released/ [12:30] fyi: you'll also note your system (focal) doesn't provide the minimum requirements refer https://packages.ubuntu.com/lunar/xfce4-session so you'll need to upgrade more than just Xfce