
mmikowski@MichaelTunnell Word from KDE folks is that 5.27.x will be well supported for a long time.00:42
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
BluesKajHi all13:21
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> \0/ .. its now back working on latest update 5.27.9 + wayland update (re @myfenris: the UI broken (weirdo) on kubuntu wayland, not sure either its scaling related or not but its working fine in Gnome)14:33
IrcsomeBot<MichaelTunnell> This I’m aware of but I was curious if waiting was happening or not (re @IrcsomeBot: <mmikowski> @MichaelTunnell Word from KDE folks is that 5.27.x will be well supported for a long time.)16:33
mamarleyIt seems the build farm is running like molasses in a ULT freezer today.  Heck of a time for it, considering there's both a rebuild and newly-enabled Debian import right now…18:03
arraybolt3Plasma 5.27.9 broke the login screen theme18:51
arraybolt3in 22.04 with the backports-extra repo18:51
arraybolt3Known issue?18:51
arraybolt3I think I saw something about this, someone replaced a PlasmaCore thingy with a Kirigami thingy and forgot to add an import18:51
RikMillsarraybolt3: was fixed with a plasma-workspace new tar19:06
RikMillsor supposed to be19:07
arraybolt3nice, guess I'll just wait19:19
ahoneybunRikMills is IRC the best place still to talk for you?19:50
ahoneybunI'd like to see what we need to get started for 24.04.19:51
valorieNoble Numbat is now open for22:47
valorie" LOL22:47
valorieThe numbat, also known as the noombat or walpurti, is an insectivorous marsupial. It is diurnal and its diet consists almost exclusively of termites. The species was once widespread across southern Australia, but is now restricted to several small colonies in Western Australia. -Wikipedia22:48
EickmeyerMy son wanted it to be Noble Newt.22:48
EickmeyerApparently it got better. </monty-python>22:48
valorieI like newts too22:49
valorieused to find them near the creek22:49
EickmeyerWe find salamanders around here every now and then (are salamanders and newts interchangeable terms?)22:50
EickmeyerThey're not very saucy though.22:50
valoriemy mom got mad when I brought them into the house because they were "slimy"22:50
valorieI think salamanders are reptiles22:50
valorienews are amphibians22:50
EickmeyerNah, they're amphibians.22:50
valoriehmm, dunno then22:51
Eickmeyer ¯\_(ツ)_/¯22:51
EickmeyerI'd look it up but I don't care that much.22:51
EickmeyerI have a workshop to prepare for and other stuff.22:52
valoriegoogle says, The word "salamander" is the name for an entire group, or scientific order, of amphibians that have tails as adults. This includes amphibians commonly known as newts and sirens.22:52
EickmeyerAh, so same diff. No wonder it wasn't Noble Newt, technically we've done that before.22:52
valorienumbats look cool, so I look forward to the artwork22:53
valoriethey are stripey22:53
EickmeyerYeah, I look forward to it too.22:54
EickmeyerI'm going to be bugging my art lead to think about a main wallpaper for this one because we always do a new wallpaper for LTS releases rather than iterating on the one from the previous LTS.22:54
valorieooo, Riga for the Ubuntu Summit next month22:55
valoriecool city22:55
EickmeyerYep, she'll be there. I'll bug her next week.22:56
EickmeyerTechnically Ubuntu Summit is next week. Wife and son are coming too since they're part of the Edubuntu team.22:57
EickmeyerI mean, wife leads Edubuntu, so there's that.22:57

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