[00:34] I think only needs this sequence: ctrl+F2. However, the user only needs to try these two options. One of them will work. (re @rscholar: : Apologies, I meant to type Ctrl+Alt+F2.) === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [10:25] hello, i'm using Kubuntu with a laptop, my question is why kubuntu doesn't have an hibernation option?? i just changed my laptop battery and i don't want to ruin it again [10:54] @odideschi there is a hibernating option, but it requires a bit work to set up. [10:55] Can't remember how it was though [11:14] ok, no problem (re @IrcsomeBot: Can't remember how it was though) === vcxza is now known as faLUKE [13:21] Hi all [14:53] hi all i resized my partition and my OS cant recognize the new size [14:54] https://irc-attachments.kde.org/ae44e0a4/file_69684.jpg [14:54] omarvx21 after changing the partition, one needs to update grub with the correct UUID, it changes. [14:54] https://irc-attachments.kde.org/68255b23/Screenshot_20231026_165429.png [14:54] how? [14:58] with 'sudo blkid' you get the new UUIDs, replace the one in fstab, some info https://serverfault.com/questions/333728/how-to-repair-the-fstab-file-with-current-configuration or https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-finding-using-uuids-to-update-fstab/ === rkratky__ is now known as rkratky [15:08] (problem solved) ✅ (re @odideschi: hello, i'm using Kubuntu with a laptop, my question is why kubuntu doesn't have an hibernation option?? i just changed my laptop battery and i don't want to ruin it again) [15:24] Hello [15:25] Did u find an hilbernation option (re @odideschi: (problem solved) ✅) [16:04] 9I20 [16:05] 9120 [16:05] 9120 [16:05] B8FK [16:05] im new to this can u guide me through it? (re @IrcsomeBot: with 'sudo blkid' you get the new UUIDs, replace the one in fstab, some info https://serverfault.com/questions/333728/how-to-repair-the-fstab-file-with-current-configuration or https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-finding-using-uuids-to-update-fstab/) [16:06] im the same person here (re @Omarvx211: how?) [16:19] and r u sure cuz i saw some stackoverflow questions and they say it doesn’t change after resizing [16:19] yes I found the way to enable it (re @d3vious6: Did u find an hilbernation option) [16:19] how can i check if this is the problem? [16:20] sudo blkid [16:20] it shows the UUIDs, also the changed one. [16:20] ignore that stackoverflow comment, it is not true. [16:21] after editing fstab, run update-grub [16:22] !grub [16:22] GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 [16:23] ok (re @IrcsomeBot: ignore that stackoverflow comment, it is not true.) [16:23] i will provide you with the output [16:25] https://termbin.com/hvmi [16:26] this is blkid (re @omar: https://termbin.com/hvmi) [16:26] kubuntu is ib sda8 [16:32] Pls can you tell me how (re @odideschi: yes I found the way to enable it) [16:32] I need that [16:59] kubuntu it is sda8 [17:00] kubuntu is in sda8 [17:00] this article helped me solve the problem (html page below) [17:00] first of all you have to set a good amount of swap partition, if you don't know how much swap to allocate then you can check this table (image below), this are suggestions referring to the available ram available on your computer (re @d3vious6: Pls can you tell me how) [17:00] https://irc-attachments.kde.org/5966517e/How_to_set_up_suspend_then_hibernate_on_a_KDE_Neon_Laptop_Jay.html [17:00] https://irc-attachments.kde.org/572b2590/Screenshot_20231026_125911.png [17:01] edit fstab, replace with the corect UUID, and run update grub.. [17:02] and i can get it from blkid the line will contain sda8 im i right? (re @IrcsomeBot: edit fstab, replace with the corect UUID, and run update grub..) [17:02] yes, that is what i wrote, why reasking? [17:03] sorry (re @IrcsomeBot: yes, that is what i wrote, why reasking?) [17:03] wait i will try to do it now [17:06] this article helped me solve the problem (html page below) [17:06] first of all you have to set a good amount of swap partition, if you don't know how much swap to allocate then you can check this table (image below), this are suggestions referring to the ram available on your computer (re @d3vious6: Pls can you tell me how) [17:07] i think they r the same already === apos382 is now known as apos [17:13] in blkid [17:13] /dev/sda8: UUID="1e25c45c-bf61-49e8-99ff-0ee3dbd63707" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="1a1294b9-7ed0-46f1-a31b-d6338435a64b" [17:14] and in fstab [17:14] UUID=1e25c45c-bf61-49e8-99ff-0ee3dbd63707 / ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 1 [17:14] 1e25c45c-bf61-49e8-99ff-0ee3dbd63707 [17:14] 1e25c45c-bf61-49e8-99ff-0ee3dbd63707 [17:14] yh the same [17:20] Thank you for this (re @odideschi: this article helped me solve the problem (html page below) [17:20] first of all you have to set a good amount of swap partition, if you don't know how much swap to allocate then you can check this table (image below), this are suggestions referring to the ram available on your computer) [17:21] fixed bro [17:21] thx [17:21] i did sudo resizrfs2 i think [17:45] you are welcome :) (re @d3vious6: Thank you for this) === collin is now known as cotawa [19:17] hi [19:18] Anyone there? === apos382 is now known as apos [21:59] I'm on Kubuntu 23.04 and waiting for 23.10 to happen. When will that be enabled? [22:35] well gosh, people need to have a bit of patience [23:30] I'm not surprised [23:31] >demand latest update [23:31] >gets bug from latest update [23:31] >demand immediate solution [23:31] Rinse and repeat