
=== _enigma9o7_ is now known as enigma9o7
lotuspsychjegood morning02:31
grygood morning lotuspsychje , say hello to ComputerTech , he just joined today04:50
grythis gal keeps saying 'libra'05:01
lotuspsychjeheya gry 05:22
lotuspsychje!cookie | gry 05:27
ubottugry: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!05:27
lotuspsychjerecruit newbies to ubuntu desktop deserves a cookie05:27
gryhey thanks.. yea that is the intent05:54
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
ravagegeneral question: is there any official way to report a bug ina ESM/Pro package? the version of VLC it provides crashes on my 22.04 :)17:08
oerheksagainst 3.0.16-1ubuntu0.1~esm1 ?17:16
oerhekssnap gives 3.0.19 ..17:16
ravageYes I know that the snap exists17:20
ravageIt is about the esm package 17:21
ravageCrashes on skipping forward with enabled hw acceleration on my Intel card17:22
ravageThe snap works but does not support accelerated playback 17:24
arraybolt3_wcravage: AFAIK, that's where a paid support subscription would come into play :)18:09
ravageSo you don't know. That's fine.18:10
arraybolt3_wcI don't know where you would report the bug publicly, but I do know that the community is very fast to push any Ubuntu Pro related questions (other than "how do I get this crummy notice out of apt?") to Canonical's sales and support teams. So I don't *know*, but I have a very good guess.18:12
* arraybolt3_wc decides to switch to plasma wayland, brb18:15
tomreynravage: can't you just use ubuntu-bug / apport there as you would normally?19:28
tomreyn(that's unless you're explicitly looking for commercial support levels)19:29
tomreyni realize that's also not a direct answer to your question, i also don't *know* that's the right way to report bugs against esm package versions. but i don't see why it'd differ.19:30
ravageubuntu-bug refuses to report esm packages19:32
tomreynoh, i didn't know that19:33
EickmeyerI honestly wonder if that' a bug in apport.19:34
tomreynhehe, me, too19:34
Eickmeyer`ubuntu-bug apport` feels meta.19:34
tomreynit's unrelated to all of facebook, instagram and whatsapp19:36
tomreyni hope!19:36
daftykinssomeone get the torture kit19:36
* tomreyn 😇️19:37
daftykinsoh that's right, you're already an #u op ;)19:40
tomreynhah, yes, the weekly torture level is already high enough19:43
EickmeyerI mean, being on the op team is one thing, but being an #u op is another. 19:46

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