
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
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juliank#startmeeting Weekly Ubuntu Foundations team15:02
meetingologyMeeting started at 15:02:22 UTC.  The chair is juliank.  Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology15:02
meetingologyAvailable commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick15:02
juliank#topic Lightning rounds15:02
juliankWe are going to skip this today, as discourse is down15:02
juliank#topic Release incoming bugs15:03
juliank#link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-nn-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs15:03
juliankoh that's not there yet15:03
juliank#link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-mm-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs15:03
juliankbug 203880715:03
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Bug 2038807 in packagekit (Ubuntu) "/usr/libexec/packagekitd:6:g_assertion_message:g_assertion_message_expr:pk_transaction_dispose:pk_transaction_dispose:g_object_unref" [High, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/203880715:03
juliankI'll go tag this and ping some people if they have insight15:04
bdmurrayWe were waiting for you to look at it.15:04
juliankYes and I want to talk to upstream :)15:05
juliankMaybe they fixed it already?15:05
juliank#link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-ll-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs15:05
juliank#link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-jj-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs15:05
vorlonreally nothing else in incoming for mantic? huh15:05
dbungertI had one I wanted to discuss for NN - LP: #204048115:05
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Launchpad bug 2040481 in subiquity "Cannot install Jammy server on machine using pppoe connection to access internet" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204048115:05
bdmurrayWell there is this upgrade bug... ;-)15:06
vorlonyeah but it's not incoming, it just needs sponsorship15:06
juliankbug 203766715:06
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Bug 2037667 in linux (Ubuntu Jammy) "Regression on Jammy's kernel 5.15 when creating ip6gre and vti6 tunnels" [High, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/203766715:06
juliankseems a kernel bug15:06
juliankah no a systemd-networkd bug15:06
slyonjuliank: well.. kernel wants systemd to be investigated15:07
juliankor collision of bugs :)15:07
slyonbasically, kernel increased validation for gre tunnels, which makes (old) systemd-networkd fail. Passes on newer systemd-networkd15:07
slyonthey wanted us (enr0n?) to investigate if the corresponding networkd fix could be backported15:07
juliankSounds reasonable15:07
juliankenr0n: Can you investigate that?15:07
enr0njuliank: sure, can do15:08
slyonI can help with spotting the relevant systemd commits. Didn't have time to do that today15:08
juliank-ff is empty15:09
juliankwe'll be right back here :D15:13
juliank#topic Team proposed-migration report15:14
juliank#link https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#foundations-bugs15:14
juliankthis is weird15:14
vorlonit's correct and based on noble15:15
juliankI guess nothing is late yet :D15:16
vorlonopenjdk-17 is ftbfs on riscv6415:16
vorlonwith no build log because riscv64 is sad15:16
vorlonso I've retried it now15:16
vorlonnothing else here15:16
juliank#topic AOB15:16
dbungertI had one I wanted to discuss for NN - LP: #204048115:16
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Launchpad bug 2040481 in subiquity "Cannot install Jammy server on machine using pppoe connection to access internet" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204048115:16
dbungertI'm wondering if that ppp package should be in the pool15:17
juliankdoes subiquity support setting this up?15:17
dbungertso you could do an offline install, but I'm not sure what the plan would be to eventually get it online15:17
juliankI guess you want to do ubuntu-drivers stuff to auto-install that if modem detected15:17
vorlonhistorically it's in the pool so you have it available offline and worst case can manually install it15:18
julianklike other driver packages?15:18
juliankbut yeah including in the pool for manual bootstrap is enough15:18
juliankgo for it!15:18
juliankreassign to um ubuntu-meta?15:18
dbungertI think that makes sense, thanks15:19
vorlonfwiw my Ubuntu Internet gateway uses pppoe on top of netplan, but I had to do all the pppoe myself :)15:19
juliankvorlon wanted to discuss dpkg misbuilt compiler flags buig15:20
juliank* bug15:20
vorlonyes, LP: #204051815:20
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Launchpad bug 2040518 in dpkg (Ubuntu) "dpkg 1.22.0ubuntu1 breaking changes" [Undecided, Won't Fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204051815:20
vorlonso as I mentioned to juliank, the correct dpkg status is 'wontfix' because we don't want to change dpkg behavior15:20
adrienvorlon: I'm curious as to how you're doing that because I should install a new gateway/server in a few weeks or months15:20
vorlonbut this is something that needs attention for noble15:20
adrien(this is for another time of course :) )15:20
vorlonadrien: networkd-dispatcher!15:20
slyonadrien: see bug #176903415:21
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Bug 1769034 in netplan "Problems configuring pppoe when using netplan" [Wishlist, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176903415:21
vorlonso we need to get this in the queue for noble as a high priority. juliank should I just set the bug back to triaged on dpkg for now?15:21
vorlonor do we want to pull it in as a jira card manually15:21
juliankBetter file a jira epic and add tasks to that15:21
juliankDon't want all packages / the overarching thing in a single jira bug issue15:22
juliank(because then individual bugs would be annoying to handle)15:22
juliankepic to fix regressions, with spike to identify them?15:23
vorlonand since this is off roadmap what am I doing with that epic to make sure it gets prioritized :)15:23
juliankput spike in the next pulse and bug people?15:24
vorlonI'll follow through on that then, thanks15:24
juliankany other business?15:25
adrienI have another topic: for my openssl SRU there's a fix for default encryption parameters in openssl for blowfish ocb15:25
bdrungI like to suggest to look at the top entries on https://errors.ubuntu.com/?release=Ubuntu%2023.10&user=foundations-bugs&period=week15:25
adrienthe issue introduces an incompatibility between everything else and jammy15:26
bdmurraybdrung: on a regular basis ideally15:26
adrienfixing it will however introduce an incompatibility between jammy-before-the-fix and jammy-after-the-fix15:26
juliankadrien: how important is blowfish in practice?15:27
adrienreason to fix: get compat back; reason not to fix: incompat for files created before the update and read after the update15:27
schopinthat'd be bug 199021615:27
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Bug 1990216 in openssl (Ubuntu Jammy) "backport fix for 'OpenSSL 3 cannot decrypt data encrypted with OpenSSL 1.1 with blowfish in OFB or CFB modes' to Jammy" [High, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/199021615:27
juliankI'm more worried about regressions in the release15:27
adrienI think fairly few people use it and people who use it probably shouldn't use it anymore (if only for its low speed)15:27
juliankI agree with schopin's comment I think15:28
juliankBut I feel I don't have full context15:29
adrienand we couldn't find an objective way/metric/whatever to decide whether we should try to include such a change or not15:29
adrienis there anything specific you think you're missing?15:29
juliankI don't grok the bug fully yet15:30
vorlonadrien: is this an SRU that's already in the queue?15:30
vorlonthis is the sort of thing you will certainly need to get feedback specifically from the SRU team on15:31
adrienvorlon: no, ad we dropped that specific change from the upcoming SRU15:32
vorlonmy gut reaction is "oops we broke compatibility with older stuff; but it's been in the stable release for 1.5y so it is what it is"15:32
vorlonwhich seems to be the way you're leaning15:32
slyondiscourse is back up: feel free to paste your weekly status reports: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/foundations-team-updates-thursday-26-oct-2023/3975915:35
schopindamnit, now I'm going to have to write it up!15:35
vorlonoh damn ^^ that15:35
vorlonI thought I was off the hook! :)15:35
meetingologyMeeting ended at 15:44:33 UTC.  Minutes at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2023/ubuntu-meeting.2023-10-26-15.02.moin.txt15:44

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