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=== ken is now known as Guest6916
StudioUser92Good day14:14
StudioUser92I'm hoping someone can help me out with changing the sample rate of jack. I use the Ubuntu Studio Audio Configuration, and changed the buffer and sample rate. But when I restart and open Qjackctl, it still shows the old sample rate (BTW it's greyed out in qjackctl)14:16
StudioUser92I also did "pw-metadata -n settings 0" and this also shows clockrate 48000 (which is what I want to change)14:18
StudioUser92Am I going about this incorrectly? I have an application that needs to be set to 192000 and it seems this needs to be done in JACK/pipewire-jack14:22
StudioUser92I did notice a change in the audio when I set the buffer to 128. I guess the change is working. But where can I check these values?15:08
EickmeyerStudioUser92: So, what you did was change the Pipewire Quantum values, which changes the default sample rate and buffer size for Pipewire. You can check it by typing "echo $PIPEWIRE_QUANTUM" in the terminal.15:33
EickmeyerStudioUser92: Bear in mind, not all sample rates are compatible with all audio interfaces (as stated in Ubuntu Studio Audio Configuration), which is probably why your sample rate is still reporting at 48000. I highly doubt you have an application that *requires* 192000.15:35
EickmeyerStudioUser92: In fact, recording at 192000 is kinda silly, unless you're trying to record bats.15:35
StudioUser92It's an FM broadcast software15:37
StudioUser92which usually requires 19200015:37
EickmeyerIs it in the repositories?15:38
StudioUser92Our current production setup is Focusrite set to 720/192000 on a Windows system.15:39
StudioUser92and the software also configured to 19200015:39
EickmeyerAgain, is the software in the Ubuntu repositories?15:39
StudioUser92Sorry, no.15:39
EickmeyerOk, we've been over this one, but you might have to switch the configuration to the classic "Jack/PulseAudio" setup to achive what you're trying to achieve, which uses Studio Controls for the audio setup. It's a bit less intuitive and less straightforward and doesn't use PipeWire.15:40
EickmeyerOther than that, I can't really help you. With software outside of the Ubuntu repositories, you're really on your own with support unless the developer has a specific solution they've figured out.15:41
StudioUser92Ok, thanks15:42
EickmeyerStudioUser92: Also, Focusrite support has also been very weird with Linux in the past, but they're getting better.15:43
StudioUser92I setup an application specific jack.rule. How do I know this is working?15:44
EickmeyerApplication-specific jack rule? I'm not sure those work with PipeWire.15:44
EickmeyerYou *might* have to just turn off the PipeWire-jack altogether in Ubuntu Studio Audio Configuration and run Jack with qjackctl.15:45
EickmeyerThat will, however, limit your audio to JACK-only applications and a single audio interface.15:45
EickmeyerBut, considering your requirements, that might be what you need in this situation.15:46
EickmeyerYeah, that's definitely over my head. I'd ask in #pipewire on irc.oftc.net15:47
EickmeyerI'm going to be working with some people in-person next week on some stuff for 24.04, but right now what we've got is what we've got.15:49
StudioUser92Thanks again!15:49
StudioUser92appreciate it15:49
EickmeyerYou're welcome.15:49
StudioUser97Hello. I am a computer noob trying to install Ubuntu Studio 22.04.3 LTS on my laptop but have ran into a "hurdle" when booting from USB drive.18:09
=== ken is now known as Guest6095
EickmeyerStudioUser97: Might be specific to your computer for what to do there. Sometimes requires pressing F2 or F12 or some other F-key at boot to get it to boot from USB.18:53
ubottu#ubuntustudio sometimes cannot answer your questions in a timely matter, or simply lacks the capacity. For additional sources of help, try #ubuntu if your issue is of a technical nature, or #lau (Linux Audio Users) or #opensourcemusicians if it has to do with the audio stack.18:54
StudioUser97I was able to select to boot from USB drive. But when I select "Try or Install Ubuntu Studio" it takes me to a black screen with codes that say things like "__common_interrupt: 1.55 No irq handler for vector18:56
StudioUser97filesystem.squashfs failed: Invalid argument18:57
EickmeyerStudioUser97: Did you verify your download? Sounds like either the download was incomplete or your write to the USB drive was bad or your USB drive itself is bad.19:02
EickmeyerUsually happens anytime there's a squashfs error.19:03
StudioUser97I have been trying to verify the ISO file by using the SHA256 sums but every attempt at doing so ends up in failure. I have using ChatGPT to guide me by entering things into command prompt. It wanted me to import the SHA256SUMS.gpg file into a program Kleopatra but kleopatra doesn't import it.19:08
EickmeyerStudioUser97: That's odd. Are you using Ubuntu's official guide as linked from our website?19:25
StudioUser97I actually ended up getting command prompt to output a hash of the ISO file and it does match the 101 byte SHA256SUMS file that is located on Ubuntu Studios' full list of available files19:27
StudioUser97I will look at that guide. Thank you.19:28
EickmeyerYou're welcome. You'd also want to verify the actual USB key too, just in case as sometimes USB drives go bad since the flash memory on those is typically very, very cheap.19:29
StudioUser92Eickmeyer Hello again. Just wanted to write back to let you know what fixed the issue for me.19:54
EickmeyerStudioUser92: Oh, what's up?19:54
StudioUser92There is a setting in pipewire that lists the allowed sample rates19:54
StudioUser92I had to add this config:19:54
StudioUser92context.properties = { default.clock.allowed-rates = [ 48000 192000 ] }19:54
StudioUser92the default only has 4800019:54
StudioUser92I just added 192000 and it works now.19:55
EickmeyerStudioUser92: Awesome. I can't imagine that is needed for everyone, but you have a very unique situation.19:56
EickmeyerVery seldom do we have people coming in here running FM Broadcast. :)19:57
EickmeyerThat said, this is a nice success story!19:57
EickmeyerOh, excellent!20:00
StudioUser92Eickmeyer Our production runs on Windows, but we have some issues with latency and stability, we have to increase latency to achieve stability. So I wanted to test out a linux system to see if it will improve the situation20:00
EickmeyerOh, perfect. Let me know how it goes.20:01
StudioUser92Yes, for sure. We'll be running it for a few months to see how it holds up.20:02
=== ken is now known as Guest6945

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