[00:04] -queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- New binary: libfm [arm64] (noble-proposed/universe) [1.3.2-4] (lubuntu) [00:17] -queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- New binary: libfm [s390x] (noble-proposed/universe) [1.3.2-4] (lubuntu) [00:18] -queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- New binary: libfm [arm64] (noble-proposed/universe) [1.3.2-4] (lubuntu) [00:18] -queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- New binary: libfm [armhf] (noble-proposed/universe) [1.3.2-4] (lubuntu) [00:28] -queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- New binary: libfm [ppc64el] (noble-proposed/universe) [1.3.2-4] (lubuntu) [00:36] Why does it seem like the arm64 libfm-1.3.2-4 has gone through... three times? [00:36] maybe more [01:32] thanks teward (room title update) [02:32] fyi guys I am aware of the Discourse CDN and images and stuff not showing up [02:32] i'm working on it, my IP ranges changed so i'm debugging some kinks in the systems [02:32] so don't poke me about it :P [02:33] also i'm rebuilding the Discourse instance for the sentry.io integrations [02:33] thanks teward [02:56] * lubot [matrix] throws a pincushion at teward [03:31] okay there we go [03:31] yay i'm getting reports now! [03:31] and it gives me additional useful debug data too xD [03:31] CSP reports, internal errors, etc. [03:31] things that I can't get from *users* who have issues xD [03:31] ANYWHO [03:31] [matrix] whoa what did you do? [03:31] discourse is back up, so's the images and stuff [03:31] arraybolt3: ever hear of sentry.io? [03:31] oh cool [03:31] [matrix] I moved to Vivaldi as my web browser :P [03:31] never heard of them [03:32] thanks Matrix lag [03:32] arraybolt3: sentry is designed to integrate for error reporting *and* integration into site performance analytics and codebase stuff [03:33] so when we have applications deployed, we can have those applications have hooks to report to the corresponding sentry system we use [03:33] the downside is: we have to disclose that because privacy / GDPR rules [03:33] BUT that's not new. [03:33] it does cause people to complain/moan/whine because "you're logging error data!" [03:33] but on our *websites* and such there's no issue with it [03:34] because we already disclose we collect information on errors, CSP violations, connection data, etc. [03:34] but nothing directly identifiable to the end users (unless they register on discourse or such in which case hey, PII then.) [03:34] but meh [03:34] this will help catch CSP reports better [03:34] so i can debug issues when people come here and say "i'm trying to link and image and it's not working" [03:34] *sips dosa* [03:35] s/dosa/soda/ [03:35] like here [03:35] let me get an example up [03:37] https://i.imgur.com/oi1DQH2.png [03:37] arraybolt3: that's a lot more useful in debugging the CSP and seeing who's complaining, etc. and figure out if it's browser specific, etc. [03:37] (that's derived from the user-agent string) [03:37] dosa :P [03:38] that looks handy and useful [03:38] dude i've been neck deep in my networking all day since i have to condense from a /28 to a /29 for costs [03:38] but yes sentry.io is useful at tracing things including code runtime errors let me pull up another [03:38] oh grief [03:39] https://i.imgur.com/JFszUNO.png [03:39] this is another good one [03:39] ugh, I have SO MANY passwords to port over, this is going to take forever [03:39] this one actually is integrated into code and shows the exact stack trace [03:39] hah, nice [03:39] and even can point at code level (unless it's a .pyc) of exact source errors [03:39] there's a lot more info than is on that one page [03:39] but it's very useful for debugging [03:40] nice [03:40] are you just using a free plan right now or is that costing? [03:40] that's self-hosted [03:40] (just out of curiosity) [03:40] wait you can do that? [03:40] there's no cost to self-hosting :P [03:40] yep [03:40] wow that's awesome [03:40] there's SOME limitations [03:40] and certain features not enabled [03:40] speaking of which, host my IRC bouncer :P [03:40] arraybolt3: pay me. or use irccloud [03:40] (which i do it's like $12/yr like dirt cheap)_ [03:40] heh, I actually would pay you, if I had some way of transferring money :P [03:41] so you have no credit/debit cards or bank accounts? :P [03:41] that day may come, just not here yet [03:41] Actually, correct. [03:41] *sips the birch beer soda* [03:41] that's not a good thing if you can't pay for things xD [03:41] but ye a while ago I got rid of my IRC bouncer that was self-run on ZNC [03:41] heh, haven't needed to so far [03:41] and shoved everything to irccloud [03:41] like years ago [03:42] (for things online I mean) [03:42] because it's dirt cheap [03:42] makes sense [03:42] I dislike web-based IRC clients :P [03:42] ye this i can understand [03:42] but for *me* the only IRC netowrk i care about special outside of matrix is here [03:42] i matrix my way into Debian chans on OFTC xD [10:01] [telegram] Got it 50% right \o/ (re @RikMills: nutty numbat?) [10:02] that's well done :) [10:21] [telegram] 👍 (re @RikMills: Got it 50% right \o/) [10:22] [telegram] And the numbat lives on bugs! [14:47] [telegram] Working on translations for lxqt from Spanish, Basque and Galician [15:14] [telegram] Nice! [15:15] [telegram] 1.4.0 is near :) [18:51] [matrix] https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/2cd90485/image.png [18:51] [matrix] User interface comparison, is this OK? [18:51] [matrix] Note that one of the combo boxes, I'm implementing as a tab widget. This is because the value of the combo box determines what widgets are and aren't visible to the end user, and that is likely *very* difficult to do (maybe impossible) using Qt Designer. However a tab widget solves the problem nicely. [18:52] [matrix] Alternatively, I could code the UI logic itself in C++ and mimic the old UI more closely, but that would be, well, potentially quite a bit of work and a source of bugs. [18:54] [matrix] Nutty Nuthatch would have been fun :P [19:48] Oh boy. 802.1x security is going to be fun... [19:49] there's probably more options in this one configuration zone than there is in all the other tabs for Ethernet configuration combined (unless you include the Data Center Bridging and Wake-on-LAN settings). [20:53] [matrix] In the absence of objections, the tab-based 802.1x security UI is now designed. [20:53] [matrix] https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/878356bb/image.png [20:54] [matrix] Now I just have to make all 7,142,028 buttons do something XD [22:31] [telegram] XD (re @lubuntu_bot: (matrix) Now I just have to make all 7,142,028 buttons do something XD)