
-ubottu:#ubuntu-ops- jailbreak called the ops in #ubuntu (kokomop3n0r)12:15
-ubottu:#ubuntu-ops- In #ubuntu-bots, lotuspsychje requested: !no next is <reply> Noble Numbat is the codename for Ubuntu 24.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality12:38
-ubottu:#ubuntu-ops- In #ubuntu-bots, Eickmeyer requested: !no ubuntustudio-channels is <reply> #ubuntustudio is the Ubuntu Studio support and creativity discussion channel, #ubuntustudio-devel for discussion regarding development of Ubuntu Studio, and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Thanks!16:06
-ubottu:#ubuntu-ops- Eickmeyer called the ops in #ubuntu (Guest42 Belligerant user, violating code of conduct, refusing help.)21:24
-ubottu:#ubuntu-ops- arraybolt3 called the ops in #ubuntu (Guest42 is causing disruption)21:25
-ubottu:#ubuntu-ops- Eickmeyer called the ops in #ubuntu (Guest42 now with multiple guideline and CoC violations)21:26
MontresorEickmeyer: ...I don't think 3 calls in a row is helpful..22:36
EickmeyerMontresor: Yeah, neither is two.22:36
EickmeyerDude started throwing people on /ignore if he didn't like what they were saying.22:38
MontresorIt happens, we've also had regulars that announced to users when they were too annoying and got /ignored. :/22:39
EickmeyerRight, but you know I don't abuse the !ops trigger. In fact, I avoid it.22:40
MontresorNot saying it's not warranted, but 2+ doesn't usually make people come quicker.  Not saying you're trigger happy or anything. :P22:43
MontresorI'll be around for a bit, hopefully he's done for the day..22:43

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