[00:10] For the record - yes - there is a satanic record within both ubuntu and its record of mechanics. [00:12] I have recorded many of these transparent tenencies and can prove it. inux being the target. [00:12] No, i am not a kook. [00:12] So i am using ubuntu 22.04 and every time I restart the OS creates a bridged network called docker [00:12] I am a retired electronic engineer. [00:13] Please do not do what you think you have to to me. thanks. [00:14] your system, along with ALL systems have it. [00:14] !fud [00:14] Please do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here! Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt [00:14] MuckRaker, is there a support question in there? [00:14] that being said. we the people have no place to go. [00:14] oerheks , hear me out. [00:15] MuckRaker: please, this is a support channel only. if you don't have a support question, please chat elsewhere. [00:15] bray90820, so docker is still active? [00:16] I cant, with all conscience believe you people think im a kook. [00:16] right now i'm mostly thinking you're someone not playing along with the irc guidelines stated in the channel /topic [00:17] MuckRaker: well I'm not sure because when I do a purge of Docker ubuntu tells me it's not installed [00:17] you possibly cant think, with all evidence, think that me, along with other complaints, seem to be obvious. [00:18] ok, I get it - linux is now had, you people are smart, but continue to take the common man as fools.... right ? [00:19] MuckRaker: that's enough. This is a support channel. Take it elsewhere. [00:19] I copied all y data to a disk, so now.. go fuck yourself and call me a liar.. yes, your answer is recorded. [00:20] * leftyfb waves [00:20] leftyfb: Best thing to do is ignore until they leave on their own accord. [00:22] Thank god he's banned [00:43] im 84 years od, my husbamd to whom yo ust banned via wef, isnt happy, we keep logs, and we will, with the help of stephen bannon.. will put you in the dirt.. fuck you.. [00:44] aunt-b, join #ubuntu-ops for that [00:44] ubuntu is windoze with the color of "brown" [00:44] you fuced up as holes [00:45] bring it [00:47] tomreyn sets quiet on *!*@ fuck you -- ubuntu is done you dick licker. === noah336 is now known as noah33 [00:57] Hello [00:57] Rate my new Linux Ricer https://www.bestbuy.com/site/lenovo-ideapad-1-14-0-hd-laptop-celeron-n4020-with-4gb-memory-128gb-emmc-cloud-grey/6549071.p [00:58] !ot | BlueRayz [00:58] BlueRayz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [00:59] *rate my new Ubuntu ricer [01:01] Ricer? [01:02] BlueRayz, aje: not here please [01:02] D-: Dude im just asking peoples opnions here [01:02] its otherwise quiet lol [01:02] !ot | BlueRayz [01:02] BlueRayz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [01:02] Ok. [01:02] omg [01:03] Ricer means a device which is low-spec and a lot of time is spent making it work better [01:03] usually for minor gains [01:03] Q: The Backup application in Xubuntu. Is it possible to have it backup more frequently than weekly? [01:03] BlueRayz: non-support discussions belong in #ubuntu-offtopic. Share your new computer in there [01:03] daily, hourly, incremental? [01:03] I want the backup to run hourly if possible. [01:04] But it only seems to allow running weekly. [01:08] aje: To where are you backing up? USB Drive? Network Share? FTP? Etc....? [01:10] !info grsync [01:10] grsync (1.3.0-1, mantic): GTK+ frontend for rsync. In component universe, is optional. Built by grsync. Size 142 kB / 660 kB [01:12] put that in a systemd timer https://blog.jlcarveth.dev/systemd_timers [01:14] aje: https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/deja-dup/-/issues/111 discusses how to make your existing backup application, Déjà Dup, backup in shorter intervals. [01:14] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 111 in World/deja-dup "Advanced scheduling support" [Opened] [01:23] leftyb and all others - you have no control to be wich your controled by - here is the skinny - they - controll both your content ans as well as your answer - im lucky to be here as i had to re-boot 7 times just to get here. [01:24] That being said - im changing operating machines. [01:24] we call this ban evasion. you can /join #ubuntu-ops or message me directly if you have questions about it [01:25] tomren.. shut the fuk up,, your os sucks ass ass hole. [01:26] this may be a dumb question, but if i'm currently using 23.10 beta, will just constant updates overtime make me eventually on the stable release? or will i need to do a 'do-release-uprade' release again to get to the stable release? [01:29] you will end up with the same released packages, ComputerTech [01:29] okay [01:29] no other steps needed, apt dist-upgrade [01:29] alrighty [01:29] thx oerheks :) [01:35] hey [01:36] i need some help anyone around? [01:36] !ask | spoonCat [01:36] spoonCat: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [01:36] and hello to you, too [01:37] how is it goin? [01:37] ubuntu support is going well [01:37] nice [01:38] glad to read it [01:38] i just upgraaded to 23.10 and some problem rised [01:39] that's unfortunate. got any more details? [01:39] sure [01:40] is that true sources.list https://dpaste.org/Ga7kY [01:40] looks fine to me [01:40] okay first is checked [01:41] my another problem is i connect external monitor to my computer [01:41] i cannot get the view [01:41] before upgrade that have worked fine [01:42] what do you mean by "i cannot get the view"? are you unable to activate the monitor in Settings? does the monitor not seem to work generally? [01:42] is it showing screen artifacts but working otherwise? [01:42] no signal i got [01:42] i connected the hdmi cable [01:43] did you configure it in Settings? [01:43] settings -> disply? [01:44] yes [01:44] that's unless you're using nvidia proprietary driversm then you'd use the nvidia-settings application [01:45] tomreyn: Thank yuo [01:45] you* [01:45] https://ibb.co/7zjVhVz [01:45] rgis is display i see [01:45] aje: you're welcome [01:46] well i have nvidia card [01:46] and your external monitor is connected to the nvidia card? [01:47] https://ibb.co/cTBMhpy [01:47] i just connect my screen ith hdmi [01:47] i dont think it is connected to nvidia [01:49] is this a laptop or desktop computer? [01:50] laptop [01:50] so yes, you are using proprietary drivers, and must use the Nvidia Settings application to manage displays [01:51] nvidia settings does not have much [01:51] if you run lspci -nnd ::0300 in a terminal emulator (such as "Terminal") it should print which nvidia graphics card you have there [01:52] yea 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation GA106M [GeForce RTX 3060 Mobile / Max-Q] [10de:2520] (rev a1) [01:54] you should be able to switch to nvidia driver series 535 (or 530) [01:55] 535 supports "GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU" according to https://www.nvidia.com/Download/driverResults.aspx/211711/en-us/ [01:55] ubuntu provides 535 (but not 530) [01:56] ...in 23.10, that is [01:56] using ubuntu nvidia driver meta packge 535 propery tested [01:56] let me install that [01:57] spoonCat: why you cannot configure the screen in nvidia settings, i do not know, though. it *might* be that version, but more likely it's some other issue [01:57] i'm not very fluent with nvidia proprietary drivers [01:58] https://ibb.co/yPddHZ6 [01:58] application profile is empty [01:58] so i dont know [01:59] hmm this looks as if it's not being used. [02:00] normally this would rather look something like this: https://linuxhint.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/16-14.png [02:01] yeah [02:01] another problem is i have three kernel in system [02:01] in the current kernel wireless didnt work [02:01] in second current i got view on external screen not on my screen [02:02] something peculiar going on here [02:02] which is the current kernel? cat /proc/version [02:02] which kernel images are installed? apt list --installed linux-image* | nc termbin.com 9999 [02:03] there are three kernels [02:04] i guess this is the kernel i use right [02:04] Linux version 5.19.0-45-generic (buildd@lcy02-amd64-063) (x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc-12 (Ubuntu 12.2.0-3ubuntu1) 12.2.0, GNU ld (GNU Binutils for Ubuntu) 2.39) #46-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Wed Jun 7 09:08:58 UTC 2023 [02:05] https://termbin.com/xa8b [02:06] spoonCat: right, 5.19.0-45-generic is not from 23.10 [02:06] it will be a leftover from before your upgrade [02:07] what does not work with the 6.5.0 kernel? [02:08] is there aa problem here btw https://dpaste.org/mdM51 [02:09] wireless [02:09] uh yes, there's a couple problems, i guess [02:10] you seem to play mix'n'mojo with apt repositories for different linux distributions and releases [02:10] i showed my sources.list to you [02:10] wht should i do? [02:11] sources.list contains the main ubuntu package archives. but there is also /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ [02:11] which will conain the other repositories, i assume [02:12] i would recommend a clean install [02:13] i just lost my usb [02:13] i removed file inside sources.list.d [02:14] this doesn't solve the issue that you probably still have packages installed from these repositories. are you saying you removed all of them? [02:16] problematic ones [02:16] if so, you could use https://github.com/tomreyn/scripts#foreign_packages to clean up. but it will take you a while, and finding your usb stick may be faster. [02:17] i coludnt find it so thanks [02:17] also, i'll have to leave it there, sorry, but i should take a rest. [02:18] sure [02:18] pleaase take your time [02:18] i'll try summing up the issue again - you probably have held back package upgades due to having foreign packages (and package versions) installed. [02:19] (as could be seen on https://dpaste.org/mdM51#L ) [02:20] you haveupgraded to 23.10 mantic, and when booting into the default (6.5.0) mantic kernel, currently, possibly due to the apt situation, your wireless is not working. [02:21] you need to either do a fresh install (after backing up), or solve the apt situation first, then do an apt full-upgrade, then try the 6.5.0 kernel again. [02:22] another issue is that your hdmi connected external monitor (to this laptop) did not work on the 6.5.0 kernel with nvidia proprietary drivers. this may as well be due to the apt situation. [02:23] (and/or due to not using nvidia-driver-525 rather than -535) [02:23] maybe someone else can take over and support spoonCat? good luck! === root is now known as Guest6359 [02:27] How do you specify a call to a service with an argument that has a hyphen in it? [02:28] What do you mean by Service? An executable? [02:29] Hi there. I had just had Ubuntu Server 22.04 freeze on me, couldn't ssh, all processes stopped responding. I'm also running it as a VM in Proxmox and the GUI console had lots of "Memory cgroup of memory" lines. I previously already had lots of swap (64GB). There's nothing revealing in /var/log/syslog. How can I investigate what caused the freeze and prevent it from happening again? [02:30] everything worked fine now [02:37] How do I install Firefox without using snap? [02:37] And, more importantly, how do I completely disable snap from searching for, downloading, and installing updates? [02:42] nightstrike: what's wrong with just using snap? [02:42] tons of pages that show a howto; https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2022/04/how-to-install-firefox-deb-apt-ubuntu-22-04 and disabling snaps, hop distro? [02:44] leftyfb: I dislike everything about it. [02:44] oerheks: perfect, thanks [02:47] Well, switch to a different distro isn't an option at the moment. Will happily do so once I can. [03:37] uhm... any of you who are using 23.10 noted that the numlock is in reverse? [03:38] with numlock enabled the keypad works as arrows, with numlock disabled it works as expected where you get digits when typing on the keypad === deepSleep is now known as Guest6557 [03:49] Hello room [03:50] hi === spoonCat is now known as spinningCat [03:58] spinningCat, nice nic change, makes sense :) [03:59] I can't picture a "spooncat" :) === deepSleep is now known as Guest4270 [04:44] Is the new Ubuntu LTS coming out soon?? [04:58] no [04:58] well, sure. if you mean soon in a geological sense [04:58] yes [04:58] Ubuntu new LTS April 25     Final Release [04:59] What are some cool things I can do to secure or enhance my linux experience? Im currently using Ubuntu 22.04 and just have a firewall [05:02] Any modern methods to disable IntelME on a non-coreboot system? [05:17] I read this: https://tails.net/security/argon2id/ and I see I am using LUKS1 currently, I'm wondering, can I upgrade my LUKS version to LUKS2 to use argon2id easily or would I need to reformat or something major? [05:32] BlueStarfish: google? https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/dm-crypt/Device_encryption#Conversion_from_LUKS1_to_LUKS2_and_back [05:55] BlueStarfish: https://9to5linux.com/ubuntu-24-04-lts-noble-numbat-is-slated-for-release-on-april-25th-2024 new LTS planned for 2024-04-25 [06:00] Ok got like 6 months [06:00] almost 7 === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom [07:09] so this is irc or something? [07:10] oh wait, i see it in the description, nvm lol [07:10] anyone using Bodhi linux? [07:12] dorian_: For general chatter you can visit our social channels -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList [07:13] I'm not interested in general chatter, tyvm [07:14] good luck then [07:14] thanks [07:15] dorian_: /topic - this is #ubuntu support. If you want to talk about Bodhi Linux - join #ubuntu-offtopic [07:16] Bodhi is an Ubuntu distro [07:16] Again, see topic. [07:16] It's based on Ubuntu, yes. [07:16] dorian_, Bodhi is Ubuntu based, but not a Ubuntu system (flavors only are Ubuntu products, built on Ubuntu infrastructure from seed files likewise on Ubuntu) [07:17] ^ [07:18] so there's no talking about other Ubuntu flavors in here just Ubuntu proper? [07:18] odd, but okay [07:19] dorian_: Bodhi is not an Ubuntu flavor. [07:19] You can talk about Xubuntu etc if you need *support* but otherwise, #ubuntu-offtopic [07:19] bodhi is based on Ubuntu 24.02 LTS [07:19] Okay? and? [07:20] Ubuntu flavor questions can be asked here, refer to https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/seeds/ for the seed files I mentioned; you'll find no Bodhi mentioned there though as its not a Ubuntu system [07:20] dorian_, do you have a specific tech support question (note this channel is only for tech support, for general ubuntu discussions there is #ubuntu-discuss) [07:24] https://9to5linux.com/gnome-45-1-improves-flatpak-permission-checks-adds-support-for-more-cpus seems like GNOME 45.1 is out, will Mantic get the update or do I have to wait for the next release? [07:26] usually we get the point releases [07:26] (as updates) [07:27] why is there no mantic-updates at https://packages.ubuntu.com ? [07:33] packages.u.c is a community driven site, probably they did not add it yet ... mantic-updates exists on launchpad.net, that is what matters [07:33] ho man ubuntu as a desktop really sucks trying to get onto old stuff lol, or is it just that it really hates installing from USBs? Cause grub REALLY doesn't wanna friggin work in the slightest from it lol [07:34] now it's griping about EFI things even when I try boot-repair, I just can't win with this thing and I so loathe the idea of manually creating a boot config by hand [07:34] ogra: thanks :) === Fisher24459951 is now known as Fisher2445995 [07:35] synapt: efi, can't be that old [07:35] not a big fan of Ubuntu, but I wonder what you're comparing it to [07:36] another question, where do I find a list of updated packages for Mantic? I see "Latest uploads" at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/mantic but when I click "All uploads" the list is empty [07:38] CosmicDJ, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/mantic-changes/ [07:38] ... and for the upcoming LTS that just opened ... https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/noble-changes/ [07:42] matsaman: UEFI has been around almost 20 years now :P [07:42] mind you this laptop isn't quite THAT old, but it was originally a Win8 laptop so fairly old [07:42] ogra: great, is there some mailing list for snap updates, too? Seems like all the snap lists at https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ stopped working years ago [07:44] synapt: chances are you can use it in non-UEFI mode, too [07:45] all the snap discussions moved to forum.snapcraft.io ... there used to be a community driven https://snapstats.org/ page where you could see new uploads, but it looks like it was shut down (they were asking for donations for quite a while and i think not enough money came in to keep it alive) [07:45] lawl, snaps [07:48] matsaman: you don't like snaps? [07:49] lets not go there in this channel ... (fine for #ubuntu-discuss but unless it touches any support issues pr👋con snaps is not for here ) [07:49] *pro / con ... (silly emoji plugn) [07:49] ok [07:57] matsaman: Cause having to go into a legacy mode and completely reinstall again is something one should have to do with a particularly aged and active distro lol. But no pretty sure this is still just part of the one USB installer bug that's been around since like v16 [07:57] I'll just have to try and find an actual DVD that I can still burn to in a box [07:59] synapt: 'legacy' is just a marketing term the UEFI people came up with, you know [07:59] CosmicDJ: nothing to like about'm [08:15] Is it possible to determine if connected hdmi device is powered on? [08:15] m15k: with CEC maybe [08:15] matsaman: I think my device does not support CEC [08:16] m15k, you could write a script around the "read-edid" tool ... if it returns something the endpoint is powered [08:16] m15k: a lot of computers do not, alas [08:19] ogra: I parsed edid information. Does not seem to contain anything about the devices power state. [08:26] hi guys. if i upgrade my ubuntu do i need to update all of my apps? [08:28] loganlee: like from 22.04 to 23.04 or something? [08:29] loganlee, deb package apps will almost always upgrade, snap packaged apps are the ~same for all releases thus won't [08:30] * guiverc was thinking release-upgrade sorry; matsaman was correct with question [08:32] hmmmm ok [08:33] Debian has this hilarious way of using 'upgrade' and 'update' as words that don't mean the same thing =P so you gotta ask [08:33] matsaman, maybe to another LTS release [08:33] loganlee: pretty sure all your software will be automatically updated, yeah [08:33] ok................ [08:33] pretty risky [08:33] well, not all, but lots [08:33] including snaps? [08:33] probably not, snaps are garbage [08:34] ok [08:34] #ubuntu would know [08:34] it's risky to not update, too [08:34] and it's risky to rely on software that can't be updated or can't be safely updated [08:34] will i be left with garbage left over so my hard disk space is much less after upgrade? [08:34] snap packages have benefits, but will not upgrade (with rare exceptions) [08:35] loganlee: I wouldn't think so, not really, not anymore than usual [08:35] guiverc: garbage has benefits, too [08:35] matsaman, cool thx [08:35] anyway, if you can't update your distro, you best find one you can [08:36] my version is 20.04.3 LTS so i'll upgrade when it expires at april 2025 [08:36] sounds like a plan [08:36] loganlee, ensure you've applied all fixes; a correctly upgraded 20.04 system will report as 20.04.6 (not 20.04.3!) [08:36] guiverc, fixes? [08:37] https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2022/02/25/ubuntu-20-04-4-lts-released/ shows the ISO release date of 20.04.4, but all existing 20.04 users upgraded BEFORE that date by applying fixes (sudo apt update to update software lists, and sudo apt upgrade (or apt full-upgrade) to apply software fixes/upgrades found with update command) [08:38] https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2023/03/23/ubuntu-20-04-6-lts-released/ shows the date of 20.04.6 ISO release, again installed systems upgraded to 20.04.6 BEFORE the ISO release. [08:39] ok thx! [08:39] https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/upgrading-ubuntu-desktop#1-before-you-start if using desktop, for servers read https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/upgrade-introduction [08:39] loganlee, ^ [08:39] d [08:39] r [08:39] g [08:40] dg [08:40] trg [08:40] gd [08:40] thx i get it [08:40] m15k, heh, if the monitor is powered off it will usually not return edid info [08:43] hi, i got a question wrt kexec (please point me to better place if this isnt it). i already use signed modules and am wondering if theres a mechanism in kexec-tools to use that same cert i use for module signing (it's already in the kernel) for signing the kernel itself. when using "kexec -l newkernel [...]" it should verify that sig. [08:44] i want to avoid entering the painful world of PKI and keep things simple [08:44] my trust scenario is tuned to that ^ [09:11] jg71, try #ubuntu-kernel ? [09:22] thanks ogra [10:03] Hi all, just have a quick question. Is it possible to have SSH keys placed onto a bootable Ubuntu server live session so that you can log straight into the box when powered on? [10:04] A bit like you would do with a Raspberry Pi? [10:08] you could use persistent storage when setting up the live usb === monoob9 is now known as monoob [12:04] The Gay Pigs and the Mosque -- Sheikh Ramez Mohamed Ali was surprised by this story, but also intrigued. He had never considered the idea of gay animals before. Mrs. Skilton and Jean Pierre explained that if these pigs could show love and compassion, then surely humans could do the same. https://pastebin.com/fW3KNjWM [12:07] Geddy Lee, Edna Skilton, and the Gay Dogs - Mrs. Skilton had always loved dogs, and when she learned that many of them were being abandoned or put down because of their sexuality, she knew she had to do something. She started a shelter for gay dogs in Regina, but she faced a lot of opposition from the local Muslim Iman at Darul Falah Islamic Centre, who believed that homosexuality was a sin and that dogs were impure animals. Read all about it [12:07] here: https://pastebin.com/MDeBRL0Y [12:13] kokomop3n0r: Is it even related to Ubuntu? [12:14] why are you sending this BS here? [12:14] uwu_linux_openbs: just ignore. [12:14] yeah. reacting to spam is really not a good idea [12:14] uwu_linux_openbs Regina doesn't rhyme with vagina; it is pronounced ruh Gina [12:15] !ops | kokomop3n0r [12:15] kokomop3n0r: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant [12:15] you can also just use "/ignore kokomop3n0r" and be done with it [12:16] ravage: thank you for the suggestion. I didn't know how to block someone in IRC [12:16] uwu_linux_openbs: you're welcome. I am here too. [12:17] what "!ops | kokomop3n0r" do? jailbreak [12:17] uwu_linux_openbs: pings the OPS so they can ban kokomop3n0r [12:17] ohh [12:17] jailbreak: Thank you :) [12:18] Could have just waited until they get k-lined as usual, but nooo.. [12:27] after upgrading from 20.04 to 22.04 my bond interface with vlans doesn't exist any more. syslog says it's started, ifdown and ifup don't say any errors, just that the interface doesn't exist [12:27] it's not there in 'ip link' [12:28] I have ifupdown and /etc/network/interfaces like I always had [12:30] in syslog there's: "ifup[1150]: interface bond0.40 does not exist!" probably because that's the vlan on top of the bond that doesn't exist that it's trying to add to a bridge interface [12:33] hmm maybe because the upgrader removed ifenslave [12:33] but now of course there's no network so I have to copy the package to it manually [12:40] whats the url to file bugreports for ubuntu? [12:40] !support [12:40] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [12:41] !bug [12:41] If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. [12:41] bugs.launchpad.net [12:41] tnx [12:41] Apachez: before filings bugs, its reccomended to ask your question here first [12:45] lotuspsychje: already did several hours ago :) [12:45] about 10 hours ago: [12:45] <Apachez> uhm... any of you who are using 23.10 noted that the numlock is in reverse? [12:45] <Apachez> with numlock enabled the keypad works as arrows, with numlock disabled it works as expected where you get digits when typing on the keypad [12:45] jjakob: 22.04 uses netplan ifup ifdown [12:46] toddc: already figured it out, installed ifenslave back and could bring up bond0 [12:46] another bug... after some hours of uptime the dashboard (to the left of the screen) no longer displays new running apps but they are visible through alt+tab... any hints what can be cause for this? using 23.10 [12:46] seems like the upgrade process doesn't care if you have bond interfaces configured [12:50] o [12:50] jjakob: netplan has been the default for years. You really should migrate to it's configs. I know for a fact you can do bonded interfaces with netplan [13:03] Apachez: please apport-collect 2041658 from a terminal to drag in logs into your bug [13:03] Hi all [13:11] lotuspsychje: how do I make sure nothing sensitive gets dragged along? [13:11] Apachez: apport drags in only non sensitive logs, regarding the app you filed against [13:12] developers might need to know more about your system [13:13] Apachez: and you filed your bug against ubuntu, so that will need a change to another package anyway === zaki_fl is now known as zaki [13:42] leftyfb: I know, I just don't want to change if I don't need to, and I don't, because I made it work the way it was :) [13:42] jjakob: that's a good way to make things difficult for yourself down the road [13:43] why? when ifupdown becomes deprecated? "when" [13:43] this is a server with static config, not like it's a laptop [13:49] oh [14:04] bonjour ! [14:04] welcome thy [14:40] <0x01>Hello === gnuself1 is now known as gnuself === zero is now known as yin === sotaoverride is now known as Guest3372 === sotaover1ide is now known as sotaoverride [15:36] lotuspsychje: thanks, I have uploaded logs both when the error existed before reboot and when the error was gone after reboot [15:36] but Im guessing in a day or two of uptime it will return [15:53] Hi everyone! I have desktop machine installed with Windows, Fedora and Ubuntu 16 LTS. I installed with GRUB. Now I want to install Ubuntu Server 22.04. I want to eras everything and just want to install Ubuntu. How can I do that? [15:56] boot to ubuntu server 22.04 during install pick entire disk continue install [15:59] I downloaded "ubuntu-22.04.3-live-server-amd64.iso" I clicked on it and it is asking me to restore the image. is that correct? [16:04] Hi folks, I'm looking to get some help with a very odd system crash I keep experiencing on Ubuntu 22.04 (tried generic and hwe kernels as well, installed quite recently). Hardware is a new-to-me Lenovo miniPC that I'd like to use as a homeserver. I ran memtest86 on it for ~10 days straight for stability testing, no issues there. I'm not sure what [16:04] the exact timing is, but somewhere between 20-24 hours after the server is started, it becomes fully unresponsive and has to be force shutdown via the power button. Interestingly enough, sometimes (but not every time) systemd reports that it has reached the shutdown target. [16:05] I already tried attaching a monitor to it to look at the output during shutdown, but it seems like the video output also gets frozen in this state [16:05] `last` reports no proper shutdown event in these cases [16:06] Any idea what sort of debug logging I could set to further debug this issue? I've considered a thermal protection trip as a potential reason why the server keeps shutting down, so I set the fans to 100% manually, but the shutdown even occurs in this case as well (and the temps seem to stay stable over several hours at a comfortable level) [16:07] vista_df: journalctl can show you log messages of previous boots [16:07] It's a fairly run-of-the-mill i5-6500T miniPC with an Intel Ethernet chipset, nothing else [16:08] journalctl --list-boots [16:08] sudo journalctl -b-1 [16:08] as an example [16:08] ravage: I already took a look at logs from previous boots, but I don't see anything suspect in them [16:09] if there are no logs you have so sit in front of i until it happens i suppose [16:09] Thing is, I have done that before, as I mentioned [16:09] the video output just seems to freeze (i.e. the console cursor no longer blinks) [16:10] if it is not ram or power management settings it seems to be a hardware problem? [16:10] I also disabled power management in the BIOS (only C1 state permitted) to rule the hardware going down to sleep [16:10] you can install any other OS to test that theory [16:11] even the evil windows maybe. thats what the hardware was probably shipped with [16:11] that's the thing... maybe it's a bit too "lightweight", but memtest86 ran for 10 days straight without a hiccup [16:11] stability is my #1 priority for this server, since it'll be part of an NVR setup (and that's why I wanted to go for Ubuntu LTS) [16:12] I have also upgraded to the HWE kernel (5.15 -> 6.2) to see if it's perhaps an issue only affecting a specific kernel release... but no dice [16:15] vista_df: is bios latest? [16:15] swap hdd [16:15] it might be a hardware issue (outside memory) [16:17] toddc: hmmm... I haven't got the slightest idea about that, but I'll give it a check [16:18] vista_df: got any items in /var/crash ? [16:21] I have a brand-new NVMe SSD in the server, so I'm not that concerned about storage issues at the moment [16:22] lotuspsychje: no, but as far as I am aware, coredumps/crash logs are not enabled by default, so I'll go ahead and enable those [16:22] oh you're on a server right [16:23] in the absecence of logs issues trial and error hardware New parts new problems rare but I have had good add pass tests and still be bad [16:24] perhaps share your journal or dmesg logs with the volunteers vista_df ravage idea [16:33] current dmesg: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KzZ75wxxqd/ [16:34] current journalctl: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/95rm7c8KKb/ [16:34] previous boot journalctl: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Sy6jXxzZSc/ [16:37] what is the model name? google does not find anything that exactly matches the DMI string [16:41] vista_df: your logs look rather in sane condition at first sight [16:42] is it this one? https://support.lenovo.com/us/en/downloads/ds120436-flash-bios-update-thinkcentre-m910t-m910s-m910q-m910x-m710q-thinkstation-p320-tiny [16:42] if yes then there is an update available. yours is from 2017 [16:44] ravage: M910q Tiny [16:44] then the first thing you should do is to update the bios [16:47] specialy with mini pcs and nucs, great idea yeah [17:13] hello [17:13] hello [17:13] hello [17:13] hello [18:12] Hi all, I have not been able to create network namespace on ubuntu 22.04; on a newly provisioned box. [18:12] # ip netns add vpn [18:12] Failed to create a new network namespace "vpn": No space left on device [18:12] # mount | grep netns [18:12] tmpfs on /run/netns type tmpfs (rw,relatime,inode64) [18:12] Am I missing something here? [18:12] If I have “automatically check for updates” set to “never”, why is the software updates running and trying to get me to install updates as soon as I go online? [18:14] webchat57: "No space left on device" usually refers to a file system which has run full [18:15] that's an interesting combination of error messages, though [18:15] does df -h or dh -hi list anything at 100%? [18:15] 100% usage, that is [18:16] Read about Governor Samuel Garcia and Naruto's sexual relationship! Check out the exerpt here and click on the link to read the whole thing! [18:16] But Samuel Garcia wasn't done yet. He pulled Naruto into one of the bathroom stalls and began to fist him with a rough, insistent force. Naruto cried out with a mix of pain and pleasure as Samuel Garcia's hand stretched him open, his body shaking with intense sensations. As they continued to explore each other's bodies, Naruto couldn't help but feel a sense of taboo excitement. He knew that what they were doing was dangerous and could r [18:16] uin both of their reputations, but he couldn't resist the intense pleasure that Samuel Garcia brought him.  [18:16] After they finished, Samuel Garcia casually picked the little bits of undigested corn and shrimp tails from the ramen that Naruto had eaten earlier and licked them off his fingers, savoring the flavor. Naruto felt a mix of disgust and arousal as he watched Samuel Garcia, but he knew that he couldn't deny the passion that existed between them. https://justpaste.it/Naruto_Makes_Love_Samuel_Garcia [18:18] Hi folks! I installed the latest Ubuntu updates yesterday, and today one of my drives is read-only. I can't start programs on that drive that require a .lock file. Has this happened to anyone else, and is anyone able kindly help me trouble-shoot? [18:19] @tomreyn 100% sure none of the mount neither have 100% used up space not 100% used up inodes. My / volume has 7.3TB and only 65GB is used up. === tomreyn changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: https://ubottu.com/y/gl | #ubuntu supports Ubuntu and official flavors; versions 20.04, 22.04, 23.04, 23.10. #ubuntu-next for 24.04 | Unofficial derivatives: Use your distro's support channel, not here | IRC info: https://ubottu.com/y/irc | Pastes to https://dpaste.com | Download: https://ubottu.com/y/dl [18:21] Additionally I have another ubuntu 22.04 box which has a bit of different mount options: tmpfs on /run/netns type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,size=26365856k,mode=755,inode64), I have not issues on this box. [18:22] I don't know why this new install is picking up different mount options and wonder what dictates it? [18:22] Webchat57: are you having read-only mount issues also? I ask because I noticed you have a 7.3GB drive. I am having a read-only problem with my 7.3GB drives also, oddly. [18:23] @webchat18  I have a 7.3TB not GB volume and mount options are as follows: tmpfs on /run/netns type tmpfs (rw,relatime,inode64) [18:24] They're Samsung drives, if that helps. I have two of them. One that auto-mounts (and is setting itself read-only as of today), and one that does not auto-mount, which is working fine. webchat57 are you having a read-only problem? I am just curious, not qualified to help here. [18:24] would you two mind picking a different nickname? it's hard to tell you apart. type /nick MyWellChosenNewNickname === webchat18 is now known as read-only-drive- [18:24] Sure, tomreyn sorry about that :) [18:25] thanks! [18:25] @webchat18 I am not having read-only problems [18:25] Okay, apologies, webchat57! [18:25] a filesystem suddenly going read-only usually is because there is a filesystem error, possibly a disk (hardware) issue [18:25] Agree, JanC. [18:26] so see if there is anything about that in your logs [18:26] Check filesystem reports no errors. No messages about that drive in dmesg that I can see. === webchat57 is now known as amit [18:27] Sometimes that can happen on a laptop if it is suddenly jarred and, for instance, an m.2 nvme gets momentarily disconnected. It's rare, but can happen. [18:27] Usually a reboot fixes it. [18:27] that should go away after a reboot though === amit is now known as netns [18:27] a "7.3GB drive" also sounds like you're using virtualization, which can mean that there can be file system or media errors on eitherthe guest system (the ubuntu installation you are inquiring about) or the (main) host system [18:27] Got it, Eick. This is a desktop in an area where it's very secure. Reboot did not, unfortunately, help. [18:28] Found how to change nick mine is +> netns [18:28] thanks, netns [18:28] No virtualization. It's a Samsung drive that is just that size. /dev/sda2 7814009852 604601904 7209407948 8% /media/dom/Fenrir [18:29] So, this is odd. I turned off the auto-mount, then re-mounted it (I've tried this half a dozen times), and now it's not read-only, but it mounted itself in a new location. Ha. [18:29] /dev/sda2 is a partition, not a disk [18:29] I'll delete the old location, reboot, and then manually mount it each time. Looks like the automount options may have changed. I'll look at the source for these changes and submit a bug report. Appreciate everyone's help talking through it. :) [18:29] Right, /dev/sda1 (main partition) is 17MB. [18:30] It's NTFS. [18:30] Thanks all! [18:32] even after remounting: mount -o remount,rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,size=26365856k,mode=755,inode64 /run/netns; I am not able to run ip netns add test === Szadek15988 is now known as Szadek [18:34] netns: sorry if i missed it, did you respond to my suggestion to run "df -h" and "df -hi", and did it return "100% use" anywhere? [18:35] @tomreyn I did: df -h -x lustre: /dev/sda3 7.3T 65G 7.2T 1% / [18:35] df -hi -x lustre /dev/sda3 744M 221K 744M 1% / [18:36] what about /run though, is this full? [18:36] This is a freshly installed system. So no space issues. [18:36] df -h : tmpfs 26G 31M 26G 1% /run [18:36] df -hi:  tmpfs 63M 8.4K 63M 1% /run [18:37] what does cat /proc/version report? [18:37] Linux version 5.15.0-47-generic (buildd@lcy02-amd64-060) (gcc (Ubuntu 11.2.0-19ubuntu1) 11.2.0, GNU ld (GNU Binutils for Ubuntu) 2.38) #51-Ubuntu SMP Thu Aug 11 07:51:15 UTC 2022 [18:38] 2022! [18:39] you should sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt full-upgrade and reboot. [18:39] I can touch a file in /run/netns as root, no complains there [18:41] Will give full upgrade a shot. [18:43] hello [18:43] how to select multiple kernel on boot with grub? [18:47] Hello, I have an easy request, I am trying to use a systemd service, to set a random hostname (pick a random line/word from a .txt file and use hostnamectl set-hostname etc to set the picked word as the current hostname, before the networking service starts), effectively, randomizing my hostname each time my computer starts. In the past, I had all [18:47] the code working, but I lost it, it involved some command that picked a random line or word from a wordlist.txt then set the hostname permanantly with hostnamectl etc. CAn anybody help me re-create this code? [18:49] naxil: you can only boot one kernel at a time [18:49] ok... but i can select it on boot? [18:51] naxil: yes, you can press escape when you see the first on-screen output after powerup, this should replace the vendor logo by textual output. then press escape again when the POST screen is replaced and grub loads. this will bring up the grub boot menu [18:51] from there you can choose (pressing cursor keys up/down) which kernel to boot [18:54] Guest42: we don't do custom code requests here usually. If you're writing a shell script in bash, try #bash for help with individual commands, but read the documentation first (wiki.wooledge.org is also very helpful). you could possibly also do this with the help of cloud-init if you're trying to develop a generic / scalable solution [18:55] "shuf" would be a way to get a random line from a text file [18:58] naxil: did this answer your question? [18:58] yeah I have this so far [18:58] hostnamectl hostname "$(shuf -n 1 hostnames.txt)" [18:59] netns: any luck after full upgrade + reboot? [18:59] yes [19:00] naxil: it's not always easy to hit the second escape at the right time, takes some 'training'. did it work out? you can also configure grub to bring up the menu on every boot, and continue with the default entry after some seconds if no selection is made. [19:00] how to see grub menu alwais? [19:01] how to see grub menu everytime? [19:03] run sudo editor /etc/default/grub and set GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE=menu then save and close it and run sudo update-grub [19:04] by "set" i mean you add this line, maybe below the GRUB_TIMEOUT line. [19:06] actually, let me correc this: by "set" i mean you edit the existing line which starts with "GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE", replacing "hidden" by "menu" [19:06] how to know if i use grub or grub2? [19:07] you are using grub, version 2.x [19:07] idk? [19:08] you do if you are running any supported (see /topic) ubuntu version [19:08] i can use grub-update and grub2-update [19:08] those run the same command [19:08] and all update some [19:08] ah ok [19:10] naxil: you also need to edit the line starting with GRUB_TIMEOUT and replace the "0" by thee number of seconds you want the grub menu to wait for user input, before it boots the default kernel. [19:11] 3 or 5 is probably a good value [19:11] at least for a desktop. on servers, you may want a higher value, such as 30 [19:12] ok [19:12] i set 15 and i do update-grub2 again [19:13] thankyou tomreyn [19:13] Guest42: personally, I use $(petname) to generate random hostnames [19:14] because i have baytrail hw... and vulkan is half nabld [19:14] *enabled [19:16] netns: fwiw, this is a 22.04.3 server VM (KVM) running the latest GA kernel: https://i.imgur.com/UtoblEc.png [19:16] netns: yours seems to be on the HWE kernel track, but it should also work there. [19:18] naxil: i'm not sure i understand the relation between using an intel baytrail family CPU (and iGPU?), "half-enabled" vulkan graphics acceleration, and the need to choose the kernel version from grub. [19:24] Is this a functional .sh script? https://paste.rs/VSCHo.txt [19:27] Guest42: no, that's a broken URL [19:28] It loads when I click it [19:34] leftyfb: It actually works. :O [19:36] https://imgur.com/a/EeP4SLl [19:36] similar issue with firefox [19:42] strange... FF 119.0 here and works... [19:43] Librewolf works... [19:43] https://imgur.com/a/Nurxpyu [19:44] Even Tor browser opens it... [19:45] I'm trying to make a SystemD SErvice and I want it to run before the network interfaces such as WIFI service load. I can't find the proper WantedBy= Command, can anyone provide advice? Something like Before=network-online.target (Meaning it runs the .sh script before the network anything is started) [19:45] leftyfb: Really strange. I've experienced that some time ago too but cannot recall what solved it. [19:49] @tomreyn Did a full upgrade: Linux version 6.2.0-35-generic (buildd@bos03-amd64-016) (x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc-11 (Ubuntu 11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) 11.4.0, GNU ld (GNU Binutils for Ubuntu) 2.38) #35~22.04.1-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Fri Oct 6 10:23:26 UTC 2 ; No Luck: [19:49] # ip netns add test [19:49] Failed to create a new network namespace "test": No space left on device [19:50] Guest42: As your script has only 2 lines paste it here if folks can't access your link. [19:50] https://paste.rs/5i3Ng.txt [19:51] Heres a better pastebin then: https://defuse.ca/b/BpEiSAW5 [19:52] The goal is to run the "set new hostname" code, before any network anything is up/started [19:53] Guest42: Now it is more readable - has even more lines! :P [19:53] So it can set a new hostname, then wifi service starts, using the new hostname [19:53] I can read it just fine [19:53] Guest42: Me too - now. [19:57] So i think I had it as a oneshot service [19:58] https://defuse.ca/b/9qrxz9PV [20:02] Does this code look functional guys? https://defuse.ca/b/9qrxz9PV The goal is to run the .sh script to change my hostname using shuf, to pick a random line in a text file, and set the chosen word/line as my hostname using hostnamectl, and to invoke that script via SystemD, and for it to run before any network interfaces start, so my new hostname is [20:02] set before the network interface loads the hostname. Does my code look right? Should i change the Wantedby/Before setting of the SystemD service to another target etc? [20:06] Before=network-pre.target Wants=network-pre.target https://superuser.com/questions/1267522/changing-hostname-on-boot-on-debian-stretch [20:06] https://systemd.io/NETWORK_ONLINE/#:~:text=Services%20that%20want%20to%20be,avoiding%20an%20unnecessary%20synchronization%20point. [20:11] Yeah Im not sure which to use [20:12] I dont know if I need Requires= to be set? [20:12] I really need an experts help here [20:14] Is this better?  https://defuse.ca/b/cXjjgP7b [20:14] I have no idea how this is supposed to look [20:14] I never use SystemD scripts [20:14] I just want the .sh script to run, at some time before the network interface is started [20:15] "Before=network-pre.target and Wants=network-pre.target" Which is it? [20:15] Do I use one, or the other, or both? [20:17] https://defuse.ca/b/S74Dxlk4 ??? [20:17] Or more like this? https://defuse.ca/b/WcPElxHW [20:36] How am I supposed to write this?? https://defuse.ca/b/tanQEuwZ [20:45] can anyone help me here [20:45] I have no idea how this code should look [20:52] i read a good example on https://superuser.com/questions/1267522/changing-hostname-on-boot-on-debian-stretch [20:52] just edit ExecStart= [20:55] mate [20:55] how should I setup the rest of the script though? [20:56] IDK if I need, or how to setup, the After, Before, Wants [20:56] and where they should go [20:56] etc [20:56] So, #systemd might be a more appropriate channel for in-depth systemd help. [20:57] Guest42: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/FcWSYqDhFx/ this is all you need [20:58] Guest42: if you don't know if you need other options in the service file, you don't [20:59] but thats not.. using the code im trying to use [20:59] I dont know what I need or dont need [21:00] to get it to run [21:00] So should I set it to.... Before=Network.pretarget... or WantedBy.... ? [21:01] no [21:01] leave those out completely [21:01] you don't need them [21:01] Before=network-pre.target etc [21:01] I have to set it.... [21:01] I CANT leave it out [21:01] I literally HAVE TO set it [21:01] to something [21:01] I dont know what term to use... Before.... WantedBy.... etc [21:01] Guest42: no, you don't [21:01] for specifically network-pre.target [21:01] remove the lines completely [21:01] Yeah I do [21:01] no, you don't [21:01] I NEED to set the time its supposed to run [21:01] yes [21:01] I do [21:02] I HAVE to speficy the EXACT place it should run [21:02] ok, good luck. You apparently don't need help [21:02] so it runs before the network starts, which is what network-pre.target [21:02] is for [21:02] Your not helping me [21:03] Does anybody else, know how my code SHOULD look, in order to run? [21:05] Ok leftyfb, if I DONT speficy when the code should run... HOW do I speficy when the code should run??? [21:05] Your statements dont make ANY sense [21:06] Guest42, if you'd like help from anybody else, i suggest you stop being rude to the one person that did try to help [21:06] im NOT being rude [21:06] Im questioning his logic [21:06] And he can't even justify himself [21:07] people offering help for free are not required to justify themselves, especially if somebody is being like this [21:08] * Eickmeyer also suggested that there there might be even better help in #systemd [21:08] anyway, two things: (1) if you're unsure your unit file does what you want, try it. See what happens. Then you can ask questions like "this doesn't appear to be exactly right because i see this instead of that" [21:08] (2) Wants+Before makes sense to me here [21:08] also what Eickmeyer said, yes [21:08] I am asking for his EXPLANATION because what he was saying DIDNT MAKE SENSE [21:08] I can justify EVERYTHING I say [21:08] Guest42, stop SHOUTING [21:09] systemd .service files aren't a unique thing to Ubuntu. [21:09] it's weird that Description= mentions Hostname but ExecStart calls macrandomize, not, say, hostnamerandomize [21:10] oh right [21:10] just a simple typo [21:10] move on [21:10] Guest42: explain in detail what your script does [21:10] to the actual code please [21:10] the .sh script, is this [21:10] Guest42, i see you refuse to stop being rude. as leftyfb said, good luck [21:11] #!/bin/bash [21:11] hostnamectl hostname "$(shuf -n 1 /path/hostnames.txt)" [21:11] How am I being rude [21:11] I dont want us to get caught up mentioning irrelevant typos when what I need help with, is the actual code itself [21:11] you do not get to dictate the form in which you receive support [21:11] Im saying I dont want to waste time talking about  nonissues [21:11] and want to talk about the actual code itself [21:11] !guidelines | Guest42 please read this and come back. [21:11] Guest42 please read this and come back.: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines [21:12] Guest42: ok, then just set Before=network-online.target in the Unit section and Requires=network-online.target in the Install section [21:12] Omg ignoring you [21:12] But it doesnt require the network to be online [21:12] I want it to run Before the network interface starts [21:12] Guest42: then explain what you want [21:12] so I don't agree with this: "Requires=network-online.target" [21:13] Im trying to change my hostname Before any network interface starts [21:13] Hence, the Before=network-pre.target [21:13] ok, then what's the issue? [21:13] What do I put in the [install] section. [21:13] The issue with your suggestion is requiring network to be online... when I dont require the network to be online for this code to run [21:14] Guest42: WantedBy=multi-user.target should be fine [21:14] which is what is in my example I gave you [21:14] No [21:15] Thats not good enough [21:15] I want it to run before the network services start [21:15] which is what network.pre-target does [21:15] https://defuse.ca/b/kXz7IRvy [21:15] then.. do that? [21:15] sounds like a lot of work [21:15] yeah, Im trying too, but IDK how this code is supposed to look, Does Before= go in Unit, or Install section, etc? [21:15] Its really, really easy, if you understand SystemD [21:15] the systemd.unit manpage is very good [21:16] what exactly is it all intended to achieve? [21:16] read the description [21:16] I dont want to read 1000 lines of code [21:16] right now [21:16] Guest42: Please ask in #systemd if you can't have patience with the help you're being given here. [21:16] i'm not sure #systemd would enjoy that [21:17] They arn't responding [21:17] Probably not. [21:17] So does this code look right? https://defuse.ca/b/kXz7IRvy [21:17] Im sorry asking a basic question, is so painful you for [21:17] asking in two places is rude too, btw [21:17] Guest42: That was rude. [21:17] Its two seperate places, its not rude at all [21:17] !coc | Guest42 [21:17] Guest42: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is the document that spells out etiquette in the Ubuntu community | http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/conduct | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct | Watch http://static.screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/2010/12/22/004-SigningCoC.ogv [21:17] No its not rude [21:17] Guest42: the install section is to setup dependencies of other services. It will not tell you service to run before the network interface is up. That's what Before= is for [21:17] it is [21:17] This is a basic question [21:17] It shouldnt be so hard [21:17] for people who understand systemd, which I dont, which is why Im asking [21:18] Guest42: You're being rather demanding for volunteer helpers. [21:18] Guest42: and not listening [21:18] Im specifcying the goals of the code [21:18] Guest42: the install section of your service will not affect your service starting before the network interface is up. That's what the Before section is for [21:18] There is NO before section [21:19] The only 3 sections are Unit, Service, and Install [21:19] sorry, Before statement in the Unit section [21:19] Guest42: If you think it's a simple question, and no fewer than three people are having trouble answering it, it may not be as simple as you think. You may also be misunderstanding advice you're being given. [21:19] you know what I meant [21:19] No, I didnt [21:19] Section is different than code within a section [21:19] go try it [21:19] IDK what do put here: [Install] [21:19] WantedBy=network-pre.target [21:20] that's it [21:20] wait [21:20] So is saying it twice redundancy? [21:20] https://defuse.ca/b/kXz7IRvy [21:20] did you try it? [21:20] No [21:20] I haven't gotten ANY confirmation that this code will work [21:20] go try it [21:20] so Im not going to run it [21:20] until somebody, independantly anlizes it any verifies it looks right and will run correctly [21:21] again, you don't get to demand the exact shape of the support you are getting [21:21] ok, so you refuse to try different configurations to figure out which one works for your needs. Good luck not making any progress [21:21] Guest42: you want it analysed and verified correct? [21:21] Yes [21:21] Guest42: then get to it! [21:21] let us know how you get on [21:22] Guest42: we're not going to test things for you. That's your job [21:22] Get to it? [21:22] go test it [21:22] Im asking for help to see if the code is formatted correctly [21:22] go test it [21:22] and that the correct syntax is being used [21:22] Guest42: Not our job. [21:23] Guest42: systemd is a surprisingly good automated analyzer for its own unit files. It's not difficult to set up a VM to try this in, and even highly seasoned systemd devs will ask people to try running things themselves since that's the only way to know for sure it will work. [21:23] No, Im not going to blindly run code, that I dont even know is formatted right [21:23] Yeah Its nobodys job thats why Im asking here for HELP [21:23] Guest42: We aren't even paid to be here. [21:23] Neither am I [21:23] Guest42: you want verification that it won't break your computer? [21:23] omfg [21:23] !language | Guest42 [21:23] Guest42: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList [21:23] I want someone to read the code, and tell me if it looks syntactically formatted correctly [21:24] *ignore Eickmeyer [21:24] !coc | Guest42 [21:24] Guest42: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is the document that spells out etiquette in the Ubuntu community | http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/conduct | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct | Watch http://static.screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/2010/12/22/004-SigningCoC.ogv [21:24] .. only one way to find out .. "if hostnamectl hostname "$(shuf -n 1 /path/hostnames.txt)" ## is /path/hostnames.txt the correct path? === synapt is now known as nate [21:24] Guest42: you want verification that it won't break your computer? [21:24] I'm assuming your intentionally wasting my time [21:24] good luck there.. [21:24] So im ging to ignore you now [21:24] !ops | Guest42 Belligerant user, violating code of conduct, refusing help. [21:24] oke [21:24] Guest42 Belligerant user, violating code of conduct, refusing help.: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant [21:24] oerheks [21:25] I never typed that code === nate is now known as Guest2233 [21:25] so why are you suggesting it [21:25] oh [21:25] yes you did. [21:25] !ops | Guest42 is causing disruption [21:25] Guest42 is causing disruption: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant [21:25] Guest42: ok, we're done here then. You have zero interest in listening to anyone here or testing anything yourself. This is as unproductive as it gets [21:25] test [21:25]  the /path was just a test [21:25] Im not disrupting anything Im asking a basic question [21:25] Guest42: I can test it for you, if you like, but that's... not cheap [21:25] Screw off I dont have any money [21:26] oh well, looks like you get to invest time then [21:26]  the /path/ was just a filler for examples sake [21:26] !ops | Guest42 now with multiple guideline and CoC violations [21:26] Guest42 now with multiple guideline and CoC violations: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant [21:26] the .sh file is right, I just need verification of the SystemD service file [21:28] https://defuse.ca/b/kXz7IRvy [21:31] Hello? [21:31] Guest42: try it and see, it'll either work or not [21:31] Guest42: what are you actually trying to achieve anyway? === webchat57 is now known as netns [21:52] tomreyn any other ideas? [22:19] where do I download kegafusion from? [22:20] not on our repos > kegafusion Proprietary blob [22:37] is there any shortcut to cycle between opened windows? [22:39] between apps: alt-tab. within one app: try alt-` === bitchin is now known as XeroKelvin === XeroKelvin is now known as bitchin [22:52] thxs Habbie! [22:58] loswedseded, np :) [23:17] don't call me an idiot: I forgot how to extract tar.gz's [23:18] how do I extract a tar.gz? [23:18] xz [23:29] loswedseded: gui right click extract here