[16:31] hi there, i been testing edubuntu, and wanted to ask if there is possible to add wine as a preinstalled package, also maybe bottles too? here is the thing, is pretty common in schools to use windows based software, [16:47] cjdg: So, if we were to add wine, it would make the image gigantic beyond 6.0GiB. Bottles isn't in the repos, so that's a no-go. [16:48] wine is easily installable via the repos. I would have a hard time justifying it to the higher-ups. [16:50] We are held accountable for the size of the preinstallation .iso image size, and every time it goes above the limit I'm asked two things: either to bring it back down or to have the release team increase the limit. [16:50] Increasing the limit has risks: 1) people are more reluctant to download due to the size, and 2) the infrastructure becomes more burdened. [17:25] ohhh [17:25] i see [17:25] thanks [17:27] i was thinking something [17:27] in countries like mexico, there are places which internet is impossible [17:28] and most people are non tech [17:29] can we make a gui like system to make a portable installer, using apt-cache or similars, and include it to edubuntu? [17:30] 🤔 [17:31] We have ways of seeding packages for offline installation, but, again, that increases the .iso image size. [17:32] Anything we include in Edubuntu increases the .iso image size, so it all comes back to the same problem. [17:32] i mean, not seeding the iso [17:33] like a gui based tool for filling a folder [17:33] in a hdd or usb, and move it to [17:33] where is needed [17:33] I see what you're saying. [17:33] i used apt-mirror and similars [17:34] so making this "portable gui repo maker" [17:34] for using on edubuntu [17:34] even maybe available in the live cd, [17:35] now that ubuntu has raspberry support, is more easy to have the repos for almost any architecture [17:36] i can try to make it [17:37] just one question, does there is any gui guideline you would like it will follow? [17:37] also if you want in any particular programming language..? [17:38] So, typically GTK is what we'd want to use on GNOME, and I've typically used bash with the frontend being zenity because I'm simple and that's what I know. But if you want to write it in another language, that's up to you. [17:39] We just don't want to break any policies, that's my only concern here (meaning, packaging policies or others) [17:39] I can do the packaging if you can write it. [17:39] ok [17:40] and here is the important thing [17:40] how we call it? [17:40] This is the perfect time to do something since it's the beginning of the cycle. Feature Freeze is end of February. [17:41] great! [17:41] local-repo-maker or something to that effect seems reasonable. [17:44] ok im making the repo on github, which licence would you like it to have? [17:44] cjdg: One could, in theory, take edubuntu's .iso image and respin it using cubic if they wanted to add wine. [17:44] cjdg: Something not too permissive but still compatible, such as GPL-3 is fine. [17:44] Er, GPL-3+ (meaning GPL 3 or later) [17:45] https://github.com/cjdg/local-repo-maker [17:45] Cool. [18:02] have to go man, see you later, have a nice weekend! [18:02] cjdg: You too! I'll probably be low on communication this next week as I'm heading to Latvia, but I'll catch you as much as possible.