=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [06:42] hi all [06:42] win10 partitions are mounted as read only i wanna edit them is there a way to. mount the as 700 by default when they are mounted by dolphin? [06:42] and how can i rename them in the Devices section [07:37] ircsomebothttps://superuser.com/questions/1394263/ntfs-file-system-read-only-by-ubuntu-remount-doesnt-work [07:38] :( IrcsomeBot https://superuser.com/questions/1394263/ntfs-file-system-read-only-by-ubuntu-remount-doesnt-work === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom [07:46] To mount with permission, need to use umask gamsk in /etc/fstab https://askubuntu.com/questions/44542/what-is-umask-and-how-does-it-work https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/204641/automatically-mount-a-drive-using-etc-fstab-and-limiting-access-to-all-users-o https://askubuntu.com/questions/18139/how-to-write-an-fstab-line-for-full-access-to-an-ntfs-drive https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/396904/fstab-mount-options-for-umask-fmask-dmask-f [07:46] -ntfs-with-noexec [07:47] https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/396904/fstab-mount-options-for-umask-fmask-dmask-for-ntfs-with-noexec === apos382 is now known as apos === warmana1 is now known as warmana === apos382 is now known as apos === warmana1 is now known as warmana === nexa is now known as nexa_ === nexa_ is now known as nexa__ [12:44] Hi all === warmana1 is now known as warmana [16:44] hi all [16:44] how is gamig in kubuntu? [16:44] i wanna try it out i can use an advice [17:58] i wanna try it out and i can use an advice [17:59] qnd also i wanna ask what dose kubuntu 23.10 that kubuntu 22.04 LTS doesn't if i have 6.2 kernel and kde plasma 5.27.9 [17:59] qnd also i wanna ask what dose kubuntu 23.10 that kubuntu 22.04 LTS doesn't since i have 6.2 kernel and kde plasma 5.27.9 [18:09] and also i wanna ask what dose kubuntu 23.10 that kubuntu 22.04 LTS doesn't since i have 6.2 kernel and kde plasma 5.27.9 [21:26] Kubuntu and Nvidia don't like each other very much. You should be okay with AMD GPUs (re @omar: how is gamig in kubuntu?) [21:27] What is this critical bug everyone is talking about? [21:41] Anyone using full disk encryption kubuntu provided during installation? Does it use hardware encryption available on the SSD or does it do it's own thing? [21:47] hey guys can smbdy help how i can try use Tronlink [21:47] i have only these info [21:47] they uphold about trouble slight weapon below umbrella gesture tragic achieve milk [21:47] and [21:47] TAjrmcdAwtSNZqTX5SMbztLTBNgAYNkMCb [21:47] what i need to do with it i dont understand