
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
fmedinahey guys, good morning, I see mainline kernel has not compiled for 6.5.8 and 6.5.9, are they coming, i don't even see the folders on the mainline ppa15:40
fmedinaI had seen the failures compiling before, but the folders were there...at least, I think I remember that...15:41
Eickmeyermainline builds are broken atm due to internal infrastructure moves. no eta for a fix yet.15:44
Eickmeyer(per earlier chats I saw in here)15:44
fmedinaOk, thanks.. was just wondering... thanks!15:44
fmedinaalright, alright, time to compile my own kernel... been a couple of years, let's see how it goes :-)15:52
fmedinaIs there a place where .config files are shared for specific machine types?  16:19
EickmeyerNothing for specific machines, no.16:27
jeremy31Why the need for a 6.5 kernel?16:38

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