
TatewakiHackhello, i found this article https://www.linuxcapable.com/install-waterfox-browser-on-ubuntu-linux/00:02
TatewakiHackI hope this help you. bye.00:03
MontresorGives a PPA, flatpak, etc options.  That'd work, except unfortunately the user is gone.00:03
xu-irc41whi, i was wondering if there was a way to reconfigure rhythmbox to sync playlists as an m3u file with a windows end of line and relative file paths?  as it is right now i have to do that manually and it's getting tiresome.13:43
=== pbui is now known as pnutzh4x0r
nox_hello 19:37
nox_guys what happen19:37
xubuntu43dpysolfc still isn't working on jammy jellyfish?20:21
xubuntu43dit is still giving the formatter error.20:23
tomreynxubuntu43d: the pysolfc package version that's been packaged for debian is rather outdated and depends on outdated python versions23:09
tomreynthat's why the package was actually removed off debian testing23:09
tomreynthe previous package maintainer has retired https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=105028023:11
-ubottu:#xubuntu- Debian bug 1050280 in src:pysolfc "Updating the pysolfc Uploaders list" [Minor, Open]23:11
tomreynupstream pysolvc is actually as v2.21.0 https://pysolfc.sourceforge.io/23:12

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