
arraybolt3barlow: o/04:06
arraybolt3Sheesh. I try to warn someone about a security issue and get berated for comparing distros that have a different way they are maintained internally.08:07
arraybolt3Sometimes people just don't make sense to me :P08:07
arraybolt3am I the only one who feels like matsaman was rather aggressive without an apparent reason just now?08:08
ravageHe never really adds anything useful 09:11
ravageI ignore him09:11
NewtonPumpkinrepost from #ubuntu: "What if we set up an Ubuntu business platform, where Ubuntu sets up profitable businesses using its userbase but the profit goes back into Ubuntu and making software open source? Like, you can test a business model in funded but anyone can see what your logic was."17:18
arraybolt3I'm not sure I understand how that would work?17:28
arraybolt3There are people who have businesses that are Ubuntu-centric and who put some of that money back into open-source.17:29
NewtonPumpkinthats very cool, i mean like ubuntu isnt a monoply, whats stopping them doing everything arguments might get in the way, but essentially why not have an ubnutu cola and an ubuntu clothing, or any business model open. essentially an open source project to run a profitable business17:45
NewtonPumpkinor many17:45
ravagethe ubuntu trademark is owned by Canonical17:52
ravageso you cant just sell something under the name Ubuntu17:53
arraybolt3you could get Canonical's permission to use it though... I'm not sure if they'd want an Ubuntu Cola floating around but hey, if you were going to give them a cut of the profits they might let you :P17:55
jeremy31Ubuntu cola would likely be fine as long as no Ubuntu logo's were used17:58
NewtonPumpkinhmm im seemingly getting a couple of different responses to this so far 1)whats the difference between this and the way companies are run now 2) whats the point of making money we already have an identity18:02
JanCUbuntu Cola predates Ubuntu linux...18:03
=== PowaBanga_ is now known as PowaBanga
=== luke_ is now known as Zoob
NewtonPumpkinI've written this up: https://circuspam.coffee/profitable-ubuntu-idea-0-coding-a-community-of-wealth-for-everyone/19:01

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