[01:14] the link on X.Org appearing is irking me, we could always use " [X.Org]() " which would still show, but have no link [01:18] guiverc: ack - X.org appears in 2 places - try the fix in the header and in the summary ? [01:19] it was a suggestion, it'll work in that it prevents link from being opened BUT it'll look identical.. HOWEVER it may create more crud though for ML & scripts that pull from discourse - so just suggestion [01:22] guiverc: X.org as a link that completes does not bother me - in fact I rather like the effect. [01:23] yeah, it stands out b/c it's red (my browser setup anyway) & that draws attention, the []() won't remove red highlight.... [01:25] my read thru complete; looks good Bashing-om, with X.Org only thing that grabbed me. [01:29] guiverc: Great - after the initial completion I did find 3 oops that I corrected. stanfding at 32 edits this issue :) [01:30] * guiverc smiles, the more edits, the more bumps to top of the list for those going to discourse :) [01:32] Ubuntu Summit & inclusion in uwn .. https://ubuntu.com/blog/ubuntu-summit-2023 is a link but not this week [01:33] easy way to include is listed under UPCOMING MEETINGS AND EVENTS [01:34] sorry already tehre. [01:34] with link I used in fact (though extra "/") [01:37] * guiverc is thinking about how to 'move up' or promote, coming up blank though [01:40] Ubuntu Summit is mentioned first link in Press section (thankfully) [01:41] we could include https://events.canonical.com/event/31/ in Canonical News maybe, or somewhere [01:44] (finding various links, but I'm out of ideas; https://ubuntu.com/blog/tag/ubuntu-summit https://events.canonical.com/event/31/program but hardly 'news') [01:44] I'm happy with what we have.. it's listed (thanks again Bashing-om) see only the extra "/" we could remove but it works with it there anyway [01:54] guiverc: Ubunttu Summit is mentioned 9 times in the issue - mighht e rerall good if we made up a summary in the "General News" section from https://events.canonical.com/event/31/ -- want to ? [01:58] i think lifting up is worth it.. (in general also means listing in 'in this issue' ) [01:58] * guiverc thinking about summary.. [01:59] guiverc: Making the addition. [02:02] "Ubuntu Summit is an event focused on the Linux and Open Source ecosystem, beyond Ubuntu itself". The "annual celebration" which is Ubuntu Summit is being held 3-5 November at Riga, Latvia, with registrations still open for remote participation. [02:03] 3-5 November 2023 (I didn't type year) [02:06] guiverc: doing ^ . [02:07] * guiverc grabbed a little from https://ubuntu.com/blog/ubuntu-summit-2023 in summary [02:08] (ie. annual celebration) [02:14] thanks Bashing-om , looks good [02:14] UWN: issue811 bumped up again :D [02:14] :) [11:12] https://meta.discourse.org/t/prevent-hyperlink/44482 - so apparently doing this on proper names like "X.Org" as in this (repeated) case isn't possible without a) adding HTML tags around it or b) affecting the rendered result (font style) - and the previously suggested workaround won't gain us anything here as noted, since the name would still be rendered as link but just not work. [12:46] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: Linux 6.6 Kernel Released with Major New Features @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/10/linux-kernel-6-6-new-features [13:46] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: Mozilla’s New Repo Brings Firefox Nightly Deb Builds to Ubuntu @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/10/firefox-nightly-deb-packages-mozilla-apt-repostiory [20:14] UWN: Pulling "WIP" log checked and no further edits are known - will start the push soonest. [20:28] UWN: M/L is away - doing the Forums posting next. [20:57] UWN: Forums post done - doing the Re-directs next. [20:59] What does the latter one really entail now though since the wiki is gone? [21:18] https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2023/10/30/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-811/ [21:24] krytarik: So true ^ with the demise of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/ there is nothing to link to discourse. [21:25] pushed 811 to twitter, telegram, (mewe) [21:48] Blog on Mastodon done. [22:28] We do issue812 :D [23:39] Bashing-om, can you make 812 a wiki... or you don't think it's worth it (remove wiki status when it reaches review my suggestion).. I wonder if it'll get more attention, interest maybe (finger crossed; maybe I'm dreaming) [23:40] I have no idea how many will be allowed to edit it (it would be all [site] members if lubuntu discourse, but permissions I believe differ on hub to lubuntu's.. you'll get notified [i believe] on any edit (being creator & mod in area) [23:42] There's a way for you all to get set-up to have special category access to be able to list/unlist in that category so your "secret sauce" doesn't go shown, so you can collaborate. Then you can change unlisted -> listed on day of publication. [23:42] https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/blog-netplan-developer-diaries/35932/8 maybe first addition (new post on existing thread); I won't add due to ^ request [23:42] I'm not sure what that all entails, but I don't quite have that level of access. [23:43] Eickmeyer, I think we have that access already in "Ubuntu Weekly News" area... I'm no expert though on discourse (fumbling my way through; mainly ensuring I don't blow sites up) [23:44] Meh, the worst you can do is say "Eickmeyer, I did something now it's doing yadda" and I can fix it. [23:44] :) [23:45] I had to do similar for the release team. [23:46] thanks Eickmeyer , you may get a ping if/when a mistake/stuff-up occurs [23:48] I once made the mistake of converting a thread into a message thread and had to convert it back and make sure to place it in the right category. I know what button to never push now. 😂 [23:49] many of things done on discourse are done so rarely (for me at least) I [mostly?] forget it when needed; often ~9 months or so later...