[01:23] arraybolt3: Wouldn't be the first time we've seen that behavior from matasaman. Looking... [01:24] Thanks :) [01:40] arraybolt3: I couldn't find anything extraordinarily CoC breaking, but I wouldn't mind seeing you quote it. That said, he toes the line a lot, but the other thing I'm objecting to is that he seems to be clearly steering people away from using Ubuntu while in an Ubuntu support channel, which IMO should be added to !guidelines. [01:43] I mean, if it's not that big a deal, I can just let it go, but the number of times he insulted my intelligence for pointing out a difference in security maintenance was a bit... demotivating? [01:43] dpaste.com doesn't want to let me make a paste :P [01:44] I know, he's done the same to me. [01:44] Anyway, this is the main part: https://termbin.com/kc37 [01:45] I wouldn't think it was that big of a deal if this wasn't a recurring thing. [01:45] It's recurring, for sure. [01:45] Highly opinionated individual that seems to think everyone else's opinion is "silly". [01:48] Anyway, that's all the info I have, and you know my opinion on it, so I guess I can consider this handled now. Thanks for taking the time to check :) [01:48] (well that and I did tell him to google DARVO when he told me that saying he was unfriendly, was itself unfriendly :P) [01:48] (but that was in a private message) [01:49] That's fine. Honestly, his behavior is more offtopic and unfriendly, but not overtly CoC violating. He's been a known problem for a while. [01:50] He's antagonistic for sure. [01:50] +1, that makes sense to me. [01:50] kk, I should probably go before getting kicked :P Thanks again! [01:51] arraybolt3: Nah, it's OK, your situ... nvm. [01:51] His situation isn't yet dealt with. [14:19] hey we need assistance in #ubuntu-offtopic [14:20] this troll dude is going crazy and pinging me nonstop [14:30] -ubottu:#ubuntu-ops- Eickmeyer called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic () [14:36] -ubottu:#ubuntu-ops- Eickmeyer called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (Guest38 consitent trolling) [14:47] -ubottu:#ubuntu-ops- Eickmeyer called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (jailedIn / user9d CoC violations / rule violations / coarse language) [14:50] Sorry about the multiple calls, it was really bad. Was hoping to catch somebody. [15:34] -ubottu:#ubuntu-ops- Eickmeyer called the ops in #ubuntu-server (Guest73 trolling in -server too) === Guest5725 is now known as ogra