
=== luke_ is now known as zoob
=== zoob is now known as Zoob
daftykinswell this is the first i've learned of this bombshell22:30
daftykinsPop Master... over...!?22:30
zxmpiwho knew that the audience would follow the dj they liked?!22:39
daftykinsi wonder if he can still do pop master or if there's a twist22:40
daftykinsoh yes this piece says he does22:40
daftykinsso it's possibly the unveiling of more crApple tat @ midnight, possibly including the M3 chips22:46
daftykinsare you excited!?22:47
daftykinswhere's my regular viewing party...22:47
zxmpiyesteray i installed a shareware version of mahjongg that i last played 30+ years ago in my dos emulator on my linux systems :-)22:48
zxmpihave put together quite a little dos system on both of my linux systems22:48
daftykinsoh wow22:48
daftykinsi can picture playing with one - i wonder what it was22:48
zxmpiit was a great version of mahjongg. no nagware or limitations. 22:49
zxmpiplaying with a mouse feels like cheating22:49
daftykinsoh yeah i think the one i am partially recalling was cursor keys22:49
daftykinsin fact nope can't be sure22:50
zxmpithis one you typed the position of tiles like h722:50
daftykinsyes that looks like what i remember!22:52
zxmpiand that is the best indication of my interest in shiny new apple stuff :-)22:52
daftykinsbut i feel like i had mouse control22:52
zxmpiit works with a mouse but 30 years ago in early dos days most people didn't have a mouse22:53
daftykinswell even though their devices and policies are evil, OS is overrated and so on... what they're doing to prove Arm's value is kinda interesting22:53
daftykinsooh yes i'm just about old enough to remember22:54
zxmpirisc was always the future, just sheer inertia and intels control of the market and ms's inability to rewrite their software for other processors has stalled it to this point22:54
daftykinsloved the little Apricot (4)? x86s we had early on, after the Apple II22:54
zxmpilistening to retro computing podcasts and it seems that acorn computers who gave us the arm chip also gave us the networking tech chips that qualcom now sells as their own22:55
daftykinshmm, i wonder if licenses are in place22:56
zxmpiwas a great line where they were demoing the bbc to bill gates and he went to show him the builtin networking and bill said 'what's a network?'22:57
daftykinsi mean i doubt they do the same job in anything like the same way, more like super vague at a monumentally high level22:57
daftykinshaha yeah i remember hearing of that one22:57
zxmpiwas the mid 80s. having 2 computers in a room was a rareity22:58
daftykinsused to be my Dad's retirement dream to network his old apricot 486s from work days - he's retired now but i don't see any sign ;)23:00
zxmpii worry though that as the market moves to custom silicon that generalised computing will be curtailed23:01
zxmpihere's a device with an os. you won't be able to run any other os23:02
daftykinsyeah their implementation is not a nice one23:02
zxmpiwe'll have to make the eu break some fingers to loosed their grip23:02
daftykinsit will be interesting to me to see if they have been able to push the single-threaded performance more, since the M2 basically didn't change that over M123:03
daftykinsjust need a similarly successful design to make it into production with a conventional motherboard that has slots etc23:03
daftykinsi wonder if it's as simple as Qualcomm being mostly geared toward mobile only that they can't make a good design desktop part23:04
zxmpii think qualcomm doesn't want to compete against their customers23:04
daftykinsi can't quite think of who would fit as a customer of theirs that a viable desktop Arm CPU would threaten23:06
penguin42zxmpi: Hmm where does the idea that Acorn did anything for networking come from?23:12
zxmpithe bbc micro had networking builtin. it had everything builtin. was why it was so expensive. when the company folded. the arm chips and networking tech was sold off23:13
penguin42zxmpi: The networking stuff in the beeb (which was optional) was pretty basic, it was a stanard hdlc part23:13
penguin42daftykins: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2023/10/qualcomm-snapdragon-x-elite-looks-like-the-windows-worlds-answer-to-apple-silicon/23:14
zxmpiwill be interesting to see more arm laptops around23:14
zxmpias long as i can bung on linux that is23:15
zxmpiotherwise they're as useful as windows rt laptops23:17
penguin42full Windows 11 on ARM these days as far as I understood it23:46
daftykinspenguin42: i did vaguely see a bit about that one but i always gather qualcomm's chips are weak23:47
penguin42daftykins: Why?23:47
daftykinsseen devs always say they're potatoes for performance23:48
penguin42hmm, I'd thought they were pretty good23:49
daftykinscertain'y not first-hand comments on my part23:50
daftykinsheh not sure how l became '23:50
zxmpiperformance can be very subjective. i get by 90% of the time in a text editor and a browser. i never edit video or audio or play games needing an expensive gpu23:59

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