[14:05] great service ya got there snapshot.ubuntu.com [14:52] What is it supposed to be? [14:52] I am unfamiliar with all of the crap that Canonical is letting die on the vine [15:32] its new. [15:32] supposed to be some new "ubuntu snapshot service" MSFT is even using it and promoting it on azure. [15:43] Um, OK. :) [15:44] Looking forward to forgetting all about it [15:50] :) [15:50] I was trying to find out just waht this new hting was... can't find any info. [16:09] holy shit... I just had an epiphany. [16:09] https://projectbluefin.io jorge is working on this. Canonical is HQ in the bluefin biulding in London. Did he name it as a bonus middle finger to Canonical? [16:10] :D [16:48] I think he did [16:49] He mentioned as much [16:52] lol. i had no idea. [16:52] that is graet. [17:59] Friendly PSA: Be careful writing automated scripts that try to resolve a link via readlink and then use that as the target in cp/rm/rsync etc., especially when the failure case resolves to /. [18:02] Also, make sure you have backups. ;-) [18:03] LOL [18:15] Found that out the hard way with a find script that moved ctime +90 files into .Trash [18:15] oof