
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
form76wait so creating a startup disk (flash drive) from an ISO just writes the ISO to the flash drive without extracting it?00:31
form76I mean it writes a cdfs filesystem to the flash drive?00:32
form76I tried to modify a file on the flash drive and was confused about it being read-only, then I noticed the filesystem type00:32
leftyfbthe iso is basically an image of a cd/flash drive. Writing the iso to the flash drive just re-images that image back onto the flash drive00:34
leftyfbit does not copy the .iso file to the existing filesystem of the flash drive00:34
form76right, I've never seen iso9660 filesystem on a flash drive before00:36
form76figured it would be fat3200:36
leftyfbit's not something you edit00:37
form76you mean it's not something most people edit00:37
leftyfbit's not supported in any way00:38
rboxform76: people have been dd'ing iso images to flash drives since they have been big enough to fit a cd, lol00:38
rboxfor all eternity essentially00:38
form76rbox well now I know that, thanks. Not sure why you needed to add "lol" to the end of that.00:41
form76Most of my background is Windows00:41
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
ruserHello. I'm on ubuntu 22.04 with zfs, currently off live cd trying to fix my boot issue but i can't seem to get  update-initramfs to work. It fails with  udev rules for some reason, it's trying to call rules I don't have..  e.g. cp: cannot stat '/lib/udev/rules.d/56-dm-parts.rules': No such file or directory  https://bpa.st/Z7WQ02:28
LnxGnomeruser: just throwing ideas here, but can you see your zfs pool?02:51
ruserLnxGnome: yeah, i'm mounted and can see files, infact i'm chrooted into the root pool02:52
LnxGnomeruser: are you doing the update-initramfs from the chroot? are /proc /dev /sys all mounted in there too?02:54
ruserthere is potentially an earlier issue  with cryptsetup earlier on, which i'm researching right now  https://bpa.st/YRLA     LnxGnome: yes, i am  /dev /proc /sys02:55
rusermaybe i should post the whole verbose log02:56
ruserBut like, why is it trying to run rules that don't exist on my system?02:59
Beladonawhats the USP of ubuntu? Why debian was not enough?03:00
LnxGnomeBeladona: USP?03:01
Beladonaunque thing about it03:01
Beladonaunique selling proposition03:01
ravageBeladona: we dont sell anything here. if you want to discuss Ubuntu please use #ubuntu-discuss . This is a support channel.03:01
Beladonaravage: that was a metaphor03:01
LnxGnomeBeladona: Canonical (paid support)03:02
BeladonaI mean, what does ubuntu offer that debian does not and what was the reason behind making ubuntu03:02
BeladonaLnxGnome: debian don't have paid support?03:02
BeladonaLnxGnome:  is the the only thing ubuntu came into existance or were there any other reasons as well ?03:02
BeladonaI mean, why should one choose ubuntu over debian?03:02
ravageBeladona: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XLBo_OhUN0 and now please keep this channel free for support03:04
ruserLnxGnome: side note, for some reason initramfs was also running lvm2 hook, even though i don't have that installed either03:04
Beladonaravage: what do you mean by keep chanle free for support? I didn't understood03:04
ravage!ot | Beladona03:05
ubottuBeladona: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:05
ravageor the discuss channel as already mentioned03:05
ruserso, I got an error with intiramfs-tools hooks  (more specifically lvm2 which i resolved by removing the exec bit from lvm2), and cryptosetup,  complaining about cyphers and udev rules.  But another thing of note looking into my snapshots at the total number of hooks is different. I havne't found the exact point in snapshot when they were added yet.  but03:12
ruser/usr/.zfs/snapshot/autozsys_dkrq29/share/initramfs-tools/hooks# ls -l|wc -l returns 30, vs current 3803:12
ruseridk, if this quetsion makes any sence, but  what package is responsible for udev rules? and how would i find out?   update-initramfs is failing with  trying to execute non-exisiting rules03:35
ahkdigitalDoes anyone else have an Ideapad Slim 7 14? I don't have it current only here but when I installed 23.10 previously (and even with a Live USB just trying), my touchpad doesn't work (no click, no movement). It works fine on 22.04. It's an Elantech one in this model of computer03:35
rboxany package can install files03:35
ruserWhat might be  telling initramfs it should call a udev rule?03:37
rboxthe update-initramfs code...03:38
ruserrbox: i'm not so sure, maybe something down the chain but when i grep recursevly for a non-existant rule in /etc/initramfs-tools/ it returns 0 matches03:40
ruserI guess i am mistaken in where i'm looking and should look at the script itself03:41
rusersilly me03:41
ruseron the other hand,  grep dev   /usr/sbin/update-initramfs returns nothing03:42
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ruserok. so looks like it's kpartx hook that is failing when trying to copy the rules.  i assume it isn't a hook i can disable?04:05
ruserLooks like `apt-get install --reinstall kpartx` solved my udev rules issue04:08
ruserand this solves my update-initramfs issue04:10
bray90820So back on 22.04 if I installed Pule audio volume  control I was able to record my internal audio but it doesn't work on anymore on 23.1006:40
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c0ld5n4ptrying to figure out why the "locate" command is not finding files i know are there or why the results differ from the "find" command i tried using the updatedb command but does not fix my issue06:47
arraybolt3bray90820: By "able to record", do you mean you were able to adjust your mic volume and turn on your mic before, or do you mean you had a sound recorder app before?06:48
arraybolt3If the former, how did you install Ubuntu? If the latter, try Audacity, it works well.06:48
bray90820arraybolt3: What I meant was I was able to use audacity to record audio from a stream such as youtube or whatever06:49
arraybolt3ohhh. One thing that changed after 22.04 was Pipewire became the audio server in Ubuntu, replacing Pulseaudio.06:50
arraybolt3That may be your problem.06:50
bray90820Yeah but I could record on 22.10 and 23.04 it's just 23.10 it seems like06:50
arraybolt3One solution you might have is to install a Pipewire audio connection tool - then you could attach an audio output from, say, Firefox, and connect it to Audacity.potentially.06:51
bray90820Do you know of an audio tool I could use for that?06:51
arraybolt3is qpwgraph available?06:55
arraybolt3I'm still on 22.04 and it's not in the repos there, but it might be in your repos.06:56
arraybolt3*in the repos for 23.1006:56
fdanneed some help fixing a disk06:56
fdani have configured raid and now when i do sudo mdadm --examine /dev/md006:57
fdanmdadm: No md superblock detected on /dev/md0.06:57
fdani get this. is there a way to fix this?06:57
bray90820arraybolt3: yes it is avalable06:59
uwu_linux_openbsAlacritty crashes on Ubuntu07:36
uwu_linux_openbsI have installed it from snap store07:36
fwehtwhen im in vscode and i press cmd+o (to open a file), the the dialogue appears *behind* the active window...  i installed vscode via snap, anybody else experiencing this?08:24
doosbooxI’m on 23.04 and still have no release path to 23.10. When can I expect one?09:30
Habbiedoosboox, i think usually that comes with 23.10.1?09:33
doosbooxHabbie: well... when is that? :D09:34
Habbiei don't know :)09:34
Habbiethe ubuntu:rolling tag on docker hub, will that move to noble as soon as it exists, or only when 24.04 actually comes out?09:38
BarnabasDKI may be rememering wrong, but isn't the PREEMT_DYNAMIC relatively new as a build parameter for the linux kernel used in Ubuntu?09:50
BarnabasDKIt used the be just SMP09:50
BarnabasDKwell at least as far as I can remember09:54
i-Areosi can't update my machine10:03
i-Areoseven i can't install package actiona10:03
Gryi-Areos: that is because kinetic version is too old10:06
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade10:06
Grysee what ubottu wrote above10:06
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i-AreosGry ubottu no other solutions to install a package? actiona package10:08
i-Areosok thanks10:08
i-Areoshttps://i.imgur.com/zLM8fB1.png this is apt get update10:09
Gryi-Areos: depends on package. installing an older version manually would be insecure because both ubuntu and the package would both be obsoleted.10:10
Gryi-Areos: I guess the update doesn't take you to the next ubuntu release, there is another procedure.10:10
i-AreosGry i downloaded .deb file & installed and didn't work10:11
Gry"didn't wirk10:11
Gryis too vague and is also unsupported here i believe10:11
Gryso you may need to follow the procedure to upgrade to a newer version of ubuntu10:12
i-Areosok done .. thanks guys10:12
Grydone what?10:12
i-AreosGry done I'm reading links by ubottu10:14
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Guest71Hey, is anyone here a frequent user of chkrootkit ? I've had a hit on BPFDoor and wondering if anyone knows of an example (default) process that would use packet_recvmsg?11:06
BluesKajHi all12:33
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julolivHi. I'm using gnome-console on Ubuntu. I've set my desktop theme to Adwaita but gnome-console still has a purple / orange theme. Any idea what decides its colours?13:58
paul424Hello, hello, what to do when Ubuntu asks for lost keyring ( or something like that )  when starting Ubuntu ?14:29
paul424when starting Skype*14:33
ruserI have raidZ1 across 3 drives,  each drive has a BIOS grub partition#1 (bios_grub falg) and  gparted reports  "grub2 core.img" as FS.   Yet when I go to boot, or grub-install it says "unknown filesystem" no matter which of the hdds i use. can anyone help me understand this, or troubleshoot this?  This is the grub-install verbose output https://nopaste.net/qaBcuA72Jm   If i'm reading this correctly it looks14:37
ruserlike it only is really choking on the 3rd drive [/dev/sde]? but i'm not seeing  anything else out of the ordinary14:38
ruseroh, it's in GPT/Legacy mode14:38
ravageubuntu comes with a patched grub that supports ZFS. do you run it with that version?14:39
ruser22.04 i'm currently chrooted into the env, how do I check?  apt show grub2 shows the following:   Version: 2.06-2ubuntu7.214:40
ravagethat should support zfs14:40
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impermanenceIf an ubuntu desktop server sleeps will I still be able to ssh to it? Haha it sounds stupidly obvious when I ask outloud. I have to install a little ubuntu desktop server in a store that is very remote from me and I always need to be able to connect to it.16:24
ravageyou may have to disable power management stuff16:24
ruserimpermanence:  look for wake up on lan option in bios, and check other power management settings16:24
Habbieor find a way to Wake On LAN16:24
Habbiewhich may be hard from outside16:25
leftyfbimpossible from the outside, unless you have access to another machine onsite16:25
impermanenceI have the box with me now16:25
impermanenceno issues there16:25
leftyfbimpermanence: servers shouldn't sleep16:25
impermanence^ right...16:25
impermanenceI'll do some googlin'16:25
ruser^^^^ 100%16:25
ruser@servers shouldn't sleep16:25
=== runelind_ is now known as runelind
Square2I'm confused by microphone configuration in ubuntu/linux. I tried a video editing program KDenlive and noticed my sound was horrible. I found a guide that told me it was probably due to sampling frequeny. So I changed the frequency setting in daemon.conf. KDenlive sounded great. But then people i talk to over discord started complaining about noise. Is there a right way to do this?16:57
Square2i guess the daemon.conf file is associated to pulse audio.16:57
gmachine24Hi runny Jammy 22.04.03 Ubuntu server doing an update I get the following errors: https://pastebin.com/LrsBHnBL17:09
ravagegmachine24: try "sudo apt clean"17:10
gmachine24and then rerun the same command?17:10
leftyfband apt update17:10
ravagethat is always a good idea yes :)17:10
gmachine24That worked. You're a genius! Thanks.17:11
jebladSeems like I have a boot problem on one of my machines. It hasn't been restarted, but an update was made a few days ago. Now it can't find the boot directory.17:17
jebladIts an Ubu 23.1017:20
=== Rahoul8 is now known as Rahoul
tt_1Hello everyone, I've got an old X41 laptop with lubuntu on it. I did start with 14.04 years ago, and decided for whatever reason to use the i686 port for it. Now, with 18.04 I seemingly don't have any upgrade path left with the dicontinued port. Is there a beginner friendly way to reinstall the x86_64 port and keep all my settings, and upgrade from there?18:28
oerheksX41  is 32 bit?18:29
tt_1I believe the cpu is 64bit capable, let me check18:30
oerheksif you want to change to 64, reinstall. and one could backup settings, not sure they are usefull and compatible.18:31
tt_1I have to boot the machine and cat cpu/proc18:31
oerheksor lscpu18:32
=== VoidWalker is now known as Guest8154
tt_1I prefere proc :)18:33
Guest8154I have no idea what I'm looking at18:33
tt_1also the CMOS battery is dead, I need to reenter current date18:34
Guest8154I was lookin for Chromium cus Firefox is doing a where's Waldo with Discord18:34
tt_1but bios says its an intel core2 duo cpu L750018:34
oerheksthat should be 64 bit, AFAIK18:34
oerheksreinstall, to change to 64 bit in a reliable way18:35
tt_1it takes a few minutes to boot18:36
leftyfbtt_1: install ubuntu 22.04 from scratch and restore your files from backup18:38
tt_1not sure if I'm able to tell the installer to not delete /home?18:41
oerheksif it has its own partition, es18:41
tt_122.04 uses firefox as snap18:42
tt_1any disadvantages?18:42
oerhekssnap is fine.18:42
tt_1I know next to nothing about it18:42
jailbreaktt_1: it's much slower, that's for sure.18:43
tt_1is it a container?18:43
leftyfbjailbreak: only on first boot18:43
oerheksany browser is slower on first boot.18:44
tt_1firefox is a special one in this case18:44
leftyfbtt_1: you'll be fine18:44
tt_1I'll download the iso and boot from usb stick to see if I like it18:44
oerheksone need just 4gb minimum.18:45
tt_1for lubuntu?18:46
oerhekslubuntu does not take much, firefox with every page in a jail.18:47
=== justache is now known as justHaunted
tt_1oerheks: what do you mean by firefox being in fail for every page?19:07
oerheksno, i did not write fail19:08
oerheksas in a protected environment19:09
oerheksso, specs say 512 mb will do.. good luck!19:09
tt_1yeah, I read the specs for lubuntu19:10
tt_1firefox does use a container for every tab it has open, with snap?19:10
jailbreakDon't want to use snap? Don't use ubuntu = problem avoided.19:10
oerheksdeb version too19:10
linuxhi i have a 10yaers old pc with i3 2gen and 6gb ram i useit mostly for browsing and streaming and in special occasion for office i want to replace with a raspberry 5 8ram its gonna do the trick its gonna be worse19:18
mybalzitchspecifically which model of i319:20
mybalzitchit probably won't be any slower, and probably use 1/3rd the electricity.19:20
oerhekslet us know, rasp pi is only out for early adopters19:20
oerheks5 *19:20
tt_1core i3 will be more stable for sure19:22
linuxCPU: Intel i3-2105 (4) @ 3.100GHz19:23
tt_1rpi has a lot of problems with upstream kernel, needs special firmware, my money is on the i319:24
linuxi read about the problems with netflix and some wrok aroound19:25
linuxbut is that bad19:25
tt_1propably worse19:26
mybalzitchnetflix HD under linux I think is always gonna be questionable no matter what19:27
tt_1you should keep that i3, and buy an rpi5 only if you want to go on a real adventure19:27
linuxthx all for the answers19:27
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tt_1didn't like the new lubuntu port, lets try xubuntu instead19:43
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bray90820how would I figure out what my microphne is in lsmod22:48
bray90820U'm using 23.10 on a laptop if it matters22:48
simaInstalled Apache and works I don't know how to put my .html in the www folder?23:10
armadefuego1There is a directory "/var/www/html". Place your file there.23:11
oerhekssima tons of guides out there, basicly make the user part of the www-data group, and put it in  var/www/html23:12
armadefuego1the directory is not, most likely, writable by your user, so you have to do this as a user that has write permissions.23:12
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simaons of guides out there, basicly make the user part of the www-data group, and put it in  var/www/html ?23:15
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simaopensuse  has root and ubuntu don't know how to work 'link'23:19
leftyfbsima: what?23:20
simaI have no privileges for www23:25
leftyfbsima: use sudo23:25
leftyfbsima: https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/command-line-for-beginners#1-overview23:26
=== Guest5725 is now known as ogra
cluelesspersonSo is ubuntu putting ads in the apt update banner now?23:57
oerheksgood for you.23:59
leftyfbcluelessperson: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1434512/how-to-get-rid-of-ubuntu-pro-advertisement-when-updating-apt23:59
leftyfbseveral ways of disabling the messages23:59

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