
daftykinsit has begun00:00
zxmpiany apples or nuts? :-)00:00
daftykinshave to get past the intro self-congratulation ;)00:00
daftykinsyep new generation silicon confirmed00:04
daftykinsHW accelerated raytracing at last, so they've joined the club00:08
daftykinshmm, barely worthwhile boost in single core performance on the 'P' cores00:09
daftykinsAV1 decode added, huh that's quite late00:10
zxmpideath of the touch bar. didn't know it still existed00:35
daftykinssame here!00:37
daftykinsmy client pal has a faulty keyboard ~2017 model, so he's in the market now00:37
daftykinsi said i'd keep him apprised of developments00:37
zxmpia million vim users celebrate the return of the esc key :-P00:40
daftykins8GB RAM on the vanilla model though in this day and age, yeesh00:40
* zxmpi whistles nonchantly on my 4gb pc :-)00:40
daftykinsyeah but you already confirmed your minimal uses :P00:41
daftykinsor use-cases should i say00:41
zxmpii'm a cheapskate :-)00:41
daftykinsbig ol' storm is causing things to close up and panic buying at supermarkets over here on the rock :O19:28
daftykinsi better pop down the road and get some more emergency hob nobs in19:28
zxmpidark choccie ones? :-P19:53
daftykinsnope i don't even go milk, the recently opened nearby shop now has just plain ones19:58
zxmpii usually get the generic plain aldi or lidl ones20:06
zxmpibut an occasional pack of milk or dark is very nice20:07
* penguin42 always ads a pack of asda brand milk oatiethings21:20
* penguin42 should figure out how to do spin coating21:50
zxmpia good dunking biccie21:52
* penguin42 isn't a dunker, but there again, one could argue that the layer of semi-viscous coating delays the dissolution of the biscuit due to the sugar bonds in the substrate dissolving21:53
daftykinsa true engineer's deduction :D21:53
zxmpiadds stuctural integrity22:20

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