
oerheksi want expanding with more info.00:00
cluelesspersonleftyfb, maybe don't insert advertisements in the first place.00:00
leftyfbcluelessperson: I didn't write it00:00
oerheksThere is choice.00:00
cluelesspersonleftyfb, Thank you for your help.   You are often here and I am appreciative for it.00:01
leftyfbcluelessperson: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-advantage-tools/+bug/199202600:02
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1992026 in ubuntu-advantage-tools (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu Pro APT integration is a bit much" [Critical, In Progress]00:02
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ruserCan someone confirm my understanding that I'm reading the output correctly. I run grub-install  -v /dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDCxxx  -> /dev/sdb  output https://termbin.com/8dq1  suggests that something is wrong with /dev/sde?   My system is running a RaidZ1 on sdb/sdc/sde.   If i try to boot I get dumped into grub  with error: unknown filesystem.  Does this mean my grub config is incorrect?01:48
rusersgdisk -Op /dev/sdb https://termbin.com/sa7o and sgdisk -Op /dev/sde  https://termbin.com/zrts01:49
ruserI forgot to mention Legacy mode01:50
ruser[I was booting fine prior to an update]01:51
ruserMainly right now I just want to know i'm looking in the right direction, which i suspect i'm not :/01:55
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webchat53hello, excuse me, how I find about ubuntu18.04 system network driver? My nic version is ' Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Device 15f3 (rev 03)'06:01
ravageUbuntu 18.04 is not supported here.06:02
webchat53could you tell me where supported?06:03
ravageyou can buy commercial support from Canonical06:03
ravagebut try "lspci -v"06:04
Patrick_does anyone else on gnome get this useless notification every time you login to your desktop session of "software update installed" and every time it's something about "friendly-recovery"?06:04
ravageit should display your driver. that works on 18.04 too06:04
Patrick_I've been getting this for probably more than a year06:04
webchat53ravage thank you , i lspci -v itell me driver is 'igc' but haven't the packages name06:05
ravageit is a kernel driver probably06:06
webchat53what some method can repair it? when i lost network driver 'igc'06:07
ravagereinstall your kernel06:08
webchat53i try unzip iso,but not found driver packages06:08
ravageor even better update to an Ubuntu release that is still supported06:08
webchat53but i have not network connection, reinstall and update maybe not able06:09
ravageUbuntu usually also keeps 2 kernels06:09
ravageso you should be able to boot the previous thorugh grub06:10
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webchat53if i use live-usb boot and reinstall, is it ok?06:10
ravageif you dont need any data or have a backup then sure06:11
ravagethe liveusb should also offer network connection. so you can backup files from there06:12
ravagei suggest the latest LTS release 22.0406:12
webchat53 thank you very much, but i need data. yes, but we need ubuntu18.04 OS, because some app test depend it06:13
ravagethen update your apps or at least get Ubuntu Pro06:14
ravage!pro | webchat5306:14
ubottuwebchat53: Ubuntu Pro is a service offered by Canonical for expanded CVE patching, ten-years security maintenance and optional support. Anyone can use Ubuntu Pro for free for personal use on up to 5 machines. For details please see https://ubuntu.com/pro and https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-pro-faq06:14
ravageit is not safe to use Ubuntu 18.0406:14
webchat53yes, but some customer not update.06:15
ravagegood luck06:15
webchat53thank you06:15
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Patrick_does anyone else on gnome get this useless notification every time you login to your desktop session of "software update installed" and every time it's something about "friendly-recovery"?06:40
BeladonaCan I have any version of raid while installing debian or ubuntu?06:48
tahusyad05How to make java run as default on java files if you click the file in search?06:54
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ztanebiweekly "log in to all services" on snap firefox on ubuntu 22.04 because it *again* decided to break session/localstorage. I wonder how bad does Canonical want to rid of their desktop users. :/08:26
ztaneBeladona: you certainly can have but depending on versions you'd need to hack stuff in the command line to build an mdraid even in the graphical install.08:28
ztanethat is of course if you intend to install in the raid device. Otherwise you can create them afterwards...08:30
Beladonaztane:  so there is no builtin option?11:30
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jjakobI'm running ubuntu inside a libvirt vm and have a black screen with virtio or vga graphics12:02
jjakobusually changing to vga fixed it but not this time?12:02
jjakobmiraculously works after I removed "quiet splash" from cmdline12:08
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uglyi find U12:45
ugly한국인 없나12:45
ubottuThe main Ubuntu IRC channels are English only.  For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList12:46
uglyoh sorry12:46
BluesKaj'morning all12:46
uglygood morning12:47
uglybut, i'm in the night12:47
uglyin korea12:47
uglythx spk12:50
_spk_ugly: heh, sorry it's afternoon here in my corner of the world :)12:52
uglynonoononoo just12:53
uglyi just wanna talk to u12:54
uglynever mind12:54
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taylanHiya, is there a way to upgrade packages without having my services restarted?  I would restart them manually at a different time so I have better control over downtime.13:42
lenswipeGot a weird issue here with Ubuntu 22.04 and AnyConnect client. I'm having repeated dropouts of the VPN service and it looks like AnyConnect is repeatedly droping and re-building the routing table.14:09
leftyfblenswipe: over wifi or wired?14:10
lenswipeover wifi14:11
lenswipebut my wifi signal isn't dropping14:11
leftyfblenswipe: does your wifi drop at the same rate regardless of the VPN connection?14:11
lenswipeit does not14:11
lenswipeI'm also right next to the AP14:11
leftyfblenswipe: ok, then I would contact Cisco for support with their client14:11
lenswipeI'm an end user - I doubt they're going to assist14:12
leftyfblenswipe: they do. But also, work with your IT department14:12
lenswipeYeah - already been there14:12
leftyfbit's more than likely not an OS problem14:12
lenswipeI contacted my company's IT department and they resolved the ticket saying they have an ubuntu machine that sustained a connection for 15 hours yesterday14:12
lenswipeI'm not sure that what amounts to "it works on my machine" is an acceptable way to resolve a ticket but hey ho14:13
lenswipeI wondered if someone here might have some insight to lend14:13
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jea0panyone has play minecraft in ubuntu 18?15:22
elias_aDoes anyone have experiences on using labpower-wt on Ubuntu? https://github.com/crapp/labpowerqt15:25
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elias_aSorry - labpower-qt...15:36
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zorworks but  I don't know like I'm transferred .html u www15:59
zorapache2 !;(15:59
zorI as a user I have no right?16:01
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zorI am a beginner for Ubuntu16:02
zorI've never managed to master her? ubuntu16:04
toddc!details | zor16:07
ubottuzor: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.16:07
toddczor: I assume it is a local website? does a pop up asking for a keyring? permissions to write to the site? ect16:10
zorI know what you are telling you. I'm using  opensuse. Ubuntu I never learned to end? I am an amateur16:29
zorMy problem on Ubuntu is privileges?16:30
zorThe opensuse is so simply everything when I use root16:33
zorI don't know how to use the right to privileges 'root'  for ubuntu16:35
zorI'm familiar with commands sudo apt install  sudo aptitude16:37
zorBut I don't know commands to get more rights For example as suse ¨root'16:39
toddczor working as root is considerd a bad idea in general16:39
toddcsudo -su to get as root user   tho sudo before each command will get you temporary root access16:40
toddcsudo su16:41
nelsinchiYes, working directly on root access is a bad idea16:41
zorthat I know it and works16:42
zorBut I still don't know how to pass my .htm in www16:43
nelsinchiSorry, I came late to this chat. What are you trying to do then?16:44
zorthank you16:44
zorBut I still don't know how to pass my .htm in?16:45
zorI apologize16:46
* zor I would like to play with Ubuntu I will still have to forget it for a higher use16:48
zorAs an ordinary user I can use ubuntu16:49
juanyou want to copy a .htm file to the www directory?16:50
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zorBut I don't know my rights of privileges to use16:50
zorsudo apt install sudo aptitude install x.16:52
zorI apologize thanks16:52
juanyou can either use mv with sudo (sudo mv myfile.htm /var/www) or you can add yourself to www-data, this way you will have the necessary permissions to write there (sudo useradd -g www-data zor)16:53
juannote that adding yourself to www-dates requires you to log out and log in so that change applies16:54
juanwww-data, i mean16:54
zorthank you16:55
juanyou're welcome16:56
raub1wget question: are --recursive and --timestamping mutually exclusive once you have downloaded  files?16:59
webchat25545I ran to an issue, where my server is boot looping and I'm not quite sure what's causing it. I can boot to "Live CD recovery", mount and chroot into the main server partition. But looking at the var/log, they aren't even updated/created. Any hints where should I look next for the cause?17:03
nelsinchiHave you tried to run the previous kernel by chossing the option from the Grub Menu?17:06
juanwebchat25545: is there anything on the kernel logs? (journalctl -t kernel)17:06
nelsinchiDo you know how to get the Grub Menu before booting the kernel?17:07
nelsinchiIf the OS was installed under MBR, you need to use the SHIFT key once you turn the server on before the kernel messages comes, but if the OS was installed under UEFI, the key would be ESC17:09
webchat25545I'm very good with linux in gerenal. But I don't. I'll also mention this is Ubuntu Server 22.04.17:09
nelsinchiTry launching a previous kernel from the Grub Menu to see how it goes17:11
webchat25545juan no there isn't. it hasn't been updated ever since I encountered the boot loop17:12
akiknelsinchi: you just need to fix /etc/default/grub for some settings and run update-grub17:19
akiknelsinchi: distros want to hide that menu for some reason17:19
Muligananybody else using 22.04 and hosting an Ookla speedtest server?17:19
toddcubunutu server keeps at least 2 older kernals in grub then deletes and older ones as newer ones are added so their is a bigger issue you might boot a live to chroot  or ubuntu boot repair disk17:20
Muliganhaving issues w/creating the service/startup17:20
nelsinchiI don't want to unhide my Grub Menu, I know how to reach it when I need it17:21
nelsinchiI know how to configure the /etc/default/groub for all my needs17:22
akiknelsinchi: ok you're good then17:23
nelsinchiYes, I am a experenced Linux user for so long17:23
juani'm confused17:24
nelsinchiwebchat25545: have you got anything, or making some progress with your error?17:24
webchat25545I'm not sure how to change the kernel via grub.17:24
webchat25545The only uncommented lines are these:17:24
webchat25545GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`17:24
nelsinchiChange hidden to menu like this17:27
nelsinchithen run "grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg" to recreate the Grub entries17:27
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webchat25545I don't have physical access the the server. Would changing that line even help me17:28
nelsinchibefore recreating the entries, you need to add some seconds too to the GRUB_TIMEOUT=17:28
nelsinchi"GRUB_TIMEOUT=3" or "GRUB_TIMEOUT=5" would be okay for you to see the Grub Menu17:29
nelsinchiBut, are you able to reach the server remotely?17:30
webchat25545Yeah, the server provider offers Live rescue images, basically LIve CD recovery image that I can ssh into17:31
nelsinchiIs the server perhaps on a datacenter with an iLOM or iDRAC for you to reach the server remotely?17:31
nelsinchiOkay, so connect to the failing Linux via chroot (here you need to mount the resources), when you are connected, go to the /etc/default/grub file and edit it with the previous changes that I mentoned previously to enable the Grub Menu, then re-create the Grub entries and reboot the server17:33
webchat25545I think I can request access for IDRAC17:34
webchat25545Not sure how that will though, never done it17:34
nelsinchiIf it is iDRAC, the server should be a DELL PowerEdge server17:35
nelsinchiIf you have access to the iDRAC, from there you could reach the server like if you would are front to it17:37
webchat25545Well, I guess I'll try requesting access to it17:38
CrtxReavriLO is the HP brand for RAC, CIMC is the Cisco UCS flavor.17:39
nelsinchiSee this for more details17:39
nelsinchiOnce you can see the current state of the server from the iDRAC, you could confirm what is the exact error from the Linux boot17:40
nelsinchiThen, you need to restart the server from the iDRAC console, and once the server start to run, and exactly before received the Kernel messages, you need to press SHIFT key if the OS was installed under MBR or ESC if the OS was installed as UEFI, by this way you could get the Grub Menu before the kernel messages appears17:43
nelsinchiOnce you see the Grub Menu, go to "Advance options for Ubuntu", then, choose a previous kernel version, and try booting the Linux OS with it17:46
nelsinchiIf everything goes fine with the previous kernel version, patch the system with a simple "sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y" and reboot the server to see if this one runs as normally it should do. Or even before patching the server dig a little bit on it to detect on what point the system failed and never rebooted normal17:50
webchat25545Okay, that's gonna take a while to figure everything out. Since I needed to open a ticket for idrac, is there anything else I can try? running those command you gave me, didn't work.18:05
nelsinchiThe thing is that the server apparently is off, since it got stuck on a Kernel Panic on boot18:11
nelsinchiNothing you could do if the server is on that state18:12
nelsinchiI mean, remotely18:13
webchat25545oh hmmm. alright. thanks18:13
nelsinchiWith the iDRAC access you could recover the server for sure18:15
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ash_worksiI opened a .deb by double clicking on it and I am presented with a Software manager window which has no (significant) actionable buttons other than to delete the software.19:04
ash_worksiHow does one actually install an update this way?19:04
toddcash_worksi: It may have been already installed so the only option at that point would be removal19:05
PeGaSuSsudo dpkg -i file_name.deb19:05
PeGaSuSit'll just reinstall without data loss if the update is already installed19:06
ash_worksiwell I know it having already been installed is not the case since Discord is still prompting me to update it.19:08
ash_worksibut I'll try what PeGaSuS said19:08
ash_worksiusing dpkg worked. So why didn't "Ubuntu Software"?19:13
nelsinchi"sudo dpkg -i file_name.deb" is an option, but is better using "sudo apt install ./file_name.deb",  apt will look/install the dependencies, also will create the repo for future upgrades with that command19:25
oerheks future upgrades?19:26
oerheksonly if the deb is from our repositories. not from foreign ones.19:27
nelsinchiyes, future upgrades of the file_name.deb package installed with that command19:27
oerheksas we have no clue what deb, one cannot say it gets updates.19:27
nelsinchifor example if you install Opera, or Teamviewer, or something else with a .deb package available on the third-party vendor wepsite, apt will create the repository of it locally for checking the new versions of the package19:28
oerheksoke, true, then the deb is just the source line, and key19:29
nelsinchiThe repo will be created into /etc/apt/sources.list.d/19:30
nelsinchiWhen the .deb package required is not existing on the Official Ubuntu Repos, but it does on the third-party vendor website, you could installed via "sudo apt install ./file_name.deb" and this will create a new repo at /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ for future upgrades19:32
goddardi need help with a bug - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/201138519:39
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2011385 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "[950XED, Realtek ALC298, Speaker, Internal] No sound at all" [Undecided, Confirmed]19:39
goddardcan anyone elaborate on the status and if i can help in some way19:40
goddardI've been working on getting a qemu vm setup and it is setup, but not getting any pci trace data19:40
goddardThis bug appears to be causing issues for many people on newer laptops.19:42
goddardanyone familiar with getting pci trace data from a windows vm?19:43
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Square2Is screen recording in capped at 2m30s in ubuntu 22.04? If so, is it possible to extend it?21:01
KadiganSquare2: not sure if this is in any way related to your issue, but I've had issues getting Discord screen sharing to work at all; I had to switch from Wayland to x11 for it to work21:30
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Square2Kadigan, i found a solution. It was a matter of switching programss21:38
KadiganI see. Can you tell us which program failed to work, and which program works?21:39
Square2Kadigan, The program that failed was the gnome extension "easyscreencast". When I switched to SimpleScreenRecorder things seems to work better21:54
KadiganI see. Thanks for sharing the intel.21:55
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