
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
=== tomreyn_ is now known as tomreyn
SakaraHi folks. I've experience an incident on my Ubuntu desktop that I'm keen to hear folks opinion on. I use the discord application on my Ubuntu 20.04 LTS desktop system. When my system is locked anyone is able to use my mouse bind and they can still use the voice communications in the application that is opened in my session.08:15
SakaraIs this an Ubuntu security bug, discord bug, or neither?08:16
Habbiewhat's a mouse bind?08:20
SakaraI've bound push to talk in the discord application to a button on the side of my mouse.08:21
Habbiei have a semi related data point, on my (debian) desktop, the media keys on my keyboard (play/pause, next, etc.) also work on the lock screen08:21
SakaraThis is basically the same class of issue.08:22
Habbiewhere did you configure the bind?08:22
SakaraThe bind is inside the discord application.08:22
SakaraInside the application settings you select which button unmutes the chosen sound input device to transmit to people int he call.08:22
SakaraFor me I use a button my mouse to unmute microphone to talk to everyone in the call.08:23
SakaraI lock my workstation but anyone is able to use my mouse to talk inside my call while I'm away from the desk.08:23
SakaraNot ideal.08:23
JanCHabbie: I think some people want their music to keep on playing while the screen is locked, and then it makes sense if you can also stop or mute it or change the volume, I guess...11:03
Habbieit's not a complaint from my side11:04
Habbiebut i see how Sakara is unhappy with a similar outcome11:04
JanCwell, in other cases it's obviously more of a problem11:04
JanCI think applications can detect when the lock screen is enabled11:04
JanCprobably should do that in case of discord as Sakara sees11:06
amurraythis feels more like a bug in gnome-shell or whatever implements the lock screen - when locked, input events should not be getting sent to applications (although if say discord has directly opened the input device rather than say using Gdk/Gtk to get input events then all bets are off)11:08
JanCamurray: it's a bit complicated as e.g. you might still want the volume/media keys to work in some cases, so gnome-shell blocking everything might not be the best solution either...  :-/11:13
amurrayI think gnome-shell handles media-keys so then it should then be able to handle volume up/down (or perhaps it's gnome-settings-daemon - I forget which)11:19
JanCbut I agree that gnome should probably have some sort of way to block everything11:21
JanCand in the mean time, sensitive applications should probably detect when the lock screen is enabled...11:22
JanCso filing bugs against all of them makes sense probably  :)11:23
SakaraI'll see what I can do about seeing how to discuss this issue with the discord folks. I feel they will palm it off to the folks looking after the framework.11:26

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