
BluesKajHi all10:54
IrcsomeBot_<mackruize> Is there anyway to cast entire desktop screen to smart TV in kubuntu?12:24
=== azy is now known as I-azy-I
=== azy is now known as I-azy-I
IrcsomeBot_<Cirjsk> Maybe you need a smart box where you will put your Kubuntu environment, I guess. But share more information about what do you want. (re @mackruize: Is there anyway to cast entire desktop screen to smart TV in kubuntu?)16:46
IrcsomeBot_<mahmoudasleyd> Snap-installed app (notion-snap-reborn) doesn't show the icon in the panel in the task manager icons and show xorg icone/kubuntu 23.10 on wayland. : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/1890c6d0/file_70067.jpg19:00
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IrcsomeBot_<VEN_824> I just updated to Ubuntu 23.10 and am getting a busybox screen (initramfs)22:11
IrcsomeBot_<VEN_824> When i hit exit i get22:11
IrcsomeBot_<VEN_824> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/99bc2aea/file_70068.jpg22:11
IrcsomeBot_<VEN_824> ALERT UUID does not exist. Dropping to shell22:12
IrcsomeBot_<VEN_824> When i attempt to reinstall ubuntu from usb it says there is mo memory22:12
IrcsomeBot_<VEN_824> It doesnt recognize my ssd, so i cannot install22:12
IrcsomeBot_<VEN_824> I have tinkered eith bios to ACHI and no luck22:13
IrcsomeBot_<VEN_824> Any suggestions?22:15
IrcsomeBot_<Arang> is it safe to upgrade a 23.10?23:13
IrcsomeBot_<Arang> i have seen a few of these23:13

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