[09:18] hey Montresor (aka Unit193, yes?!) .. can I quiz you about the barrier ubuntu packages?! [09:19] Sure, though I was just going to bed. [09:20] fairly quickly then .. I was wondering how easy/hard/impossible it might be to build barrier 2.4 for ubuntu bionic (18) it seems that there are some out-of-band packages for 2.4 for 20/focal .. [09:20] I don't know off the top of my head what the dep-tree looks like.. whether a build-from-source is feasible or no.. [09:21] I see we're looking at a new fork going forward (shymega is a semi-RL friend of mine) [09:22] I know there've been many issues.. and perhaps input-leap is a good thing [09:25] I haven't tried it but I don't see right away why it wouldn't work out, if one lowers DH compat and anything that might adjust. [09:26] hmm build failure on zak-k's repo at https://launchpadlibrarian.net/583718038/buildlog_ubuntu-focal-amd64.barrier_2.4.0+dfsg-2~ubuntu20.04.1~ppa1_BUILDING.txt.gz [09:26] not sure whether thats just because of tests or more .. but Illl do a bit of digging. When do you return to consciousness/worky-time?! :P [09:28] Don't remember by name, but those might be the ones that sometimes fail. [09:28] hmm yeah looks like some issue with tests, not build, so that's vaguely hopeful (on a focal 20 build) [09:28] I can't seem to find the deb on zak#s PPA for 2.4 to update my client .. the server (bionic) will be another matter, but I can give it a go :D [09:29] Either retry or disable tests and hope for the best. :P [09:29] heh yeah sounds good [09:29] Tomorrow is a busy day so not until late. [09:30] not an issue .. what kinda time, based around UTC preferably?! :P [09:30] or does zak hang around IRC.. [09:32] No idea who that is. [09:33] ok no worries. Have a good rest mate :D tomrrow is another day. Will probably be about Sat/Sun if that's any way better ..