
vandelsoncleitosyep, i had some problems with sonic mania specifically, of course, i am using extremelly old hardware, but it should run00:00
vandelsoncleitosI was using a 2010 laptop, and it overheated,despite the fact that i cleaned it an changed the termal paste00:01
oerheksno diea, depends on GPU i guess00:01
oerheksmaybe a more recent version solve things?00:01
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rodrigohi drone!01:27
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arraybolt3oerheks: ?02:16
ravisankarji installed ubuntu 22.04 lts alongwith windows 11, while installing using live usb it detected my ethernet network, but after installation of Ubunutu it is not showing ethernet connection, but I am able to successfully connect to internet using wireless Lan adapter02:49
ravisankarjcould anyone help me to resolve the issue?02:49
ravisankarjHi, I installed ubuntu 22.04 lts alongwith windows 11, while installing using live usb it detected my ethernet network, but after installation of Ubunutu it is not showing ethernet connection, but I am able to successfully connect to internet using wireless Lan adapter, could anyone help me to resolve this issue?02:56
arraybolt3ravisankarj: Boot into Windows 11 and disable Fast Startup.03:04
ravisankarj@arraybolt3 I already disabled it before installing ubuntu03:05
arraybolt3oh. Uh... ok that's weird.03:05
arraybolt3Can you run `sudo dmesg | nc termbin.com 9999` and share the link that spits out? That will let us see your kernel log and hopefully diagnose what's gone wrong. (Please don't paste kernel log output directly into the chat.)03:06
Menzadorarraybolt3: Mind explaining why disabling Fast Startup is helpful in this situation?03:06
oerheksfastboot can capture devices, sata, network, usb03:07
arraybolt3Menzador: If it hadn't already been disabled, it would have been likely that Fast Startup was causing the Ethernet device to not be properly initialized by Linux (this happens frequently with lots of devices, for reasons I don't understand).03:07
MenzadorAh, gotcha03:07
arraybolt3A lot of times people will complain of WiFi not working in a dual-boot setup, and turning off Windows Fast Startup usually fixes it.03:08
arraybolt3(Sadly it doesn't appear to be the problem this time.)03:08
oerhekswhat laptop and what network adapter?03:08
oerheksmaybe there is already an answer03:08
ravisankarj@arraybolt3: https://termbin.com/nu80k03:08
oerheks* if 2 ports, choose the other one03:08
oerheksravisankarj, last bios update F18c20.36 MBSep 20, 202303:10
arraybolt3ravisankarj: Can you also do `sudo lspci | nc termbin.com 9999` and share that link?03:10
oerhekssee changelog what fixes are in it03:11
arraybolt3that will let us see your system's PCI hardware, which will hopefully include the Ethernet adapter03:11
arraybolt3I don't see any errors in the kernel log.03:11
oerheksno network at all03:12
MenzadorI don't see anything there either03:12
arraybolt3I literally do not see any network devices in there03:12
arraybolt3No Ethernet, no WiFi, nothing.03:12
oerheksreset bios, and boot again03:12
arraybolt3Are you using a USB WiFi adapter by any chance?03:12
arraybolt3That might explain why WiFi isn't showing up, but doesn't explain why Ethernet isn't here.03:13
Menzador(That would explain why there isn't an icon in the top right, anyway)03:13
Menzadorhey you, stop reading my mind :P03:13
ravisankarj@arraybolt3: yes, i am using usb wifi adapter, since my ethernet is not working03:13
arraybolt3ah ok03:13
arraybolt3so we've not collectively lost our minds or vision :D03:13
Menzadorhow about `sudo lsusb | nc termbin.com 9999` ?03:14
MenzadorWe could at least get that working in the meantime if a BIOS reset doesn't work03:14
oerheksis it worth it, without proper bios update?03:14
arraybolt3Menzador: I think he said WiFi works already.03:14
MenzadorOh right03:15
MenzadorI missed that03:15
arraybolt3oerheks: I personally don't run BIOS updates if I can avoid it. Too risky :P That being said, if this isn't a simple misconfiguration issue, a BIOS update might help.03:15
MenzadorI don't think oersaid anything about updating* the BIOS, just resetting it to its defaults03:18
ravisankarj@arraybolt3: do i need to update the bios or reset?03:19
arraybolt3Reset to default settings.03:19
Menzadorravisankarj: Load the optimized defaults first03:19
arraybolt3Usually your BIOS will have some "Restore Defaults" button somewhere in there.03:19
arraybolt3(If you had to tweak the settings before for some reason, bear in mind you'll lose those tweaks doing this)03:20
arraybolt3(but those tweaks may have been what caused the issue in the first place)03:20
ravisankarjok I am going to start ping from mobile using IRC cloud using the name ravisankarj03:25
ravisankarjsorry using libre chat03:27
Menzadornot a problem03:27
=== ravisankarj_ is now known as ravisankarj
ravisankarj88hi, i did reset bios03:36
ravisankarj88@arraybolt3, @Menzador: I did reset bios03:39
arraybolt3any luck?03:39
ajeI said moo03:39
ravisankarj88@arraybolt3: nope, still no ethernet interface03:40
arraybolt3aje: moo back03:40
arraybolt3ravisankarj: Does your Ethernet device happen to be a PCIe card?03:47
arraybolt3Does Windows see it?03:47
ravisankarjJust now checked it, in windows too it is not working03:48
arraybolt3Hrm. Sounds like hardware failure.03:48
arraybolt3Might try updating the BIOS just in case it might help.03:49
ravisankarjI replaced ethernet cable with a new one, but no luck, all this happened after the installation of Ubuntu03:49
Menzador(Assuming you looked in Windows' Device Manager too)03:49
arraybolt3Another possible trick would be to remove the BIOS battery, leave it out for a while, then put it back in and reboot.03:50
arraybolt3That trick has rectified crazy hardware issues for me more than once.03:50
ravisankarjIn windows device manager it shows wireless lan, wan mini ports03:50
arraybolt3So no Ethernet device?03:51
arraybolt3That's definitely hardware-related if so. (Unless the Linux kernel somehow fried the device, which is exceedingly unlikely.)03:51
arraybolt3I'd start with the BIOS battery trick and see if that fixes it.03:52
ravisankarjDo I need to remove and place the CMOS battery?03:52
arraybolt3Well... are you using BitLocker with Windiws?03:53
arraybolt3If not, then yeah, I'd remove and replace the BIOS battery. If you are using BitLocker, though, doing that could make Windows ask for a recovery key.03:54
arraybolt3Ah, good, then yeah, try removing and replacing the BIOS battery.03:54
arraybolt3(I've had systems that were entirely dead start working again after this, so it's worth a shot.)03:54
ravisankarjI removed and placed the battery again, now windows is able to detect ethernet, but Ubuntu is keep on restarting04:04
arraybolt3like Ubuntu can't boot up now?04:06
arraybolt3Or it tries to connect to Ethernet but fails?04:06
ravisankarjUbuntu can't boot04:07
arraybolt3What error does it fail with, if any?04:08
arraybolt3Are you still getting a GRUB menu at bootup?04:08
Bashing-omravisankarj: Windows now in Hybernation mode ?04:09
ravisankarjI can't see any error, just trying to boot and then restarts, sometimes after logging in, sometimes before logging in04:09
arraybolt3oh weird, like it boots but then randomly resets?04:10
arraybolt3This is going to sound weird, but if that's what's happening, can you try plugging your computer into some outlet other than the one it's plugged into right now? Preferably plug it into an entirely different circuit in your house.04:11
arraybolt3This sounds a bit like power supply issues, which could be the PSU's fault, or it could be that the computer isn't getting enough power (perhaps because of something using up a lot of power on the same circuit, like a coffee maker or some such)04:11
ravisankarjBut windows working properly04:12
arraybolt3I'd try it anyway just in case.04:12
arraybolt3I mean these sorts of things don't sound like any kernel issue I've ever heard of before.04:13
JeffHapt-get upgrade shows that gitlab has an update.  I install the update and during installation I get an error "No space left on device". None of my disks are anywhere close to being full.  Any ideas?04:13
arraybolt3JeffH: Perhaps your /boot partition is out of space?04:14
arraybolt3ravisankarj: Another possible problem could be a malfunctioning RAM stick. See https://serverfault.com/questions/1035618/my-ubuntu-20-04-1-lts-pc-restarts-randomly04:15
arraybolt3Windows appeared to work but Linux spontaneously rebooted for no apparent reason for that guy.04:15
JeffH"/boot" shows 1.6G available.04:15
arraybolt3JeffH: Are you using BTRFS by any chance?04:16
JeffHarraybolt3: not that I know of.  I did just notice that "/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv" shows 100% full.  Not quite sure what that is.04:17
arraybolt3Sounds like you're using LVM and one of your logical volumes filled up, maybe?04:18
JeffHI'm running a VM04:18
arraybolt3I mean, I don't think I'll be much help except to just keep suggesting things that might be out of space. If it's a VM, make sure the host isn't out of space, make sure the guest isn't out of space, check volumes, partitions, etc., all that sort of stuff.04:19
JeffHI should google and see if I can dynamically increase a UTM VM04:19
arraybolt3You can run `df` to quickly see what drives have how much space.04:19
ravisankarj@arraybolt3: if I switched off the system and leave it for few seconds, then I am able to login in ubuntu successfully, and ethernet is detected. If I restart it or if I restart it after logging in windows Ubuntu is not working, keeps in restarting, ethernet is not working04:40
arraybolt3yeah that's really weird. Intermittent weirdness like this can oftentimes be intermittent RAM failure. Try running https://www.memtest86.com on your system for several hours and see if it turns anything up (leaving it to run overnight would be a good idea).04:41
arraybolt3you could also use https://www.memtest.org if you'd prefer using an open-source tool, either one should work04:42
ravisankarjOk I will try, but this is a new PC04:43
arraybolt3That makes it even more likely that hardware failure is the problem. Hardware is most prone to fail very early on, or after a long life. Usually if it works for a while it should keep working, but when it's brand new there's the potential for the hardware to be defective.04:46
ravisankarjAlso during those times my usb devices are not working properly like keyboard, mouse etc, only the serially connected keyboard working04:51
ravisankarjI will run the memtest04:51
ravisankarjBut this is all after the installation of Ubuntu, windows is working properly for a week04:52
arraybolt3ravisankarj: RAM issues can be weird like that. The person on Stack Exchange I sent you a link to had Windows working perfectly, even through stress tests, yet Linux was rebooting randomly. Ended up being a RAM problem.05:10
matsamanLinux is better at exploiting RAM05:11
arraybolt3If it is a RAM issue, you'll be glad to know even if you end up using Windows, since RAM issues can end up causing very strange problems with any OS (Windows included). Perhaps the issues don't show up on Windows as easily, but they can still show up and potentially cause major problems (data loss for instance).05:11
KadiganI have a 5700G in my server running Debian. I'm normally at multi-user, since I'm running headless.05:18
KadiganHowever, I've recently found myself needing a GUI for some stuff.05:18
KadiganHere's the funny thing: if I boot into graphical, the system *shuts off* after a few minutes.05:19
guivercKadigan, this is a Ubuntu support room, not Debian05:19
KadiganYeah, I know, but since this guy's CPU is a 5600G,05:19
Kadiganit's possible that the issue is the iGPU.05:19
KadiganAt the very least, I wanted to mention that this started happening as soon as I started switching to graphical.target,05:20
Kadiganand it STOPPED as soon as I went back to multi-user.05:20
guivercsorry Kadigan, i thought you were asking a question, not responding.. but yes GPU heat can cause hardware to reach threshold & cause shutdown; if server the machine logs should provide details05:20
ravisankarj@arraybolt3: okay I will run the test after sometime, thank you all for your support05:21
Kadiganguiverc: Yeah, nothing in the logs. It just... ends. :)05:21
KadiganBut yeah, I just wanted to mention, to provide a second google query option.05:21
guivercserver hardware (enterprise grade) often have their own logs which can provide more beyond what OS logs can (esp. on kernel panic or emergency triggered shutdown events)05:22
en1gmaim on ubuntu 22.04.3 and im trying to flash my router over lan. when router is off the lan is disconnected. can i force it to stay on somehow? i only have a short time from when i turn router on to when the flashing starts the tftp server over the manual ip address i set for lan05:22
KadiganNot server-grade hardware. Gigabyte B550 board + 5700G.05:23
en1gmawindows can do it but i dont want to boot to windows and set tftp32 server up there05:23
Kadiganen1gma: you can set it to a static configuration, yes05:23
en1gmai already did that. im talking about forcing the lan to stay on even when no power is going to lan cable. as it turns the lan off05:24
KadiganIt should stay on with a static configuration, it's the autoconfiguration doing that. Or, it should be. If it's doing signal detection, I'm not sure you can influence that. Huh...05:24
en1gmaon the router i have to have it powered off then i hold the reset button in and power on and i have 10 seconds until it starts flashing. when ubuntu detects the connection the flashing is over and never completes05:25
KadiganPossible that the hardware is now trying to be too smart for its own good... I recall TFTPing fw with no issues a few years back...05:26
en1gmadang. i have it already and just set up tftp-hpa server and its ready. crap05:26
KadiganIt's over IP, right?05:27
KadiganHave you tried using a switch in the middle?05:28
KadiganWould at least keep the link negotiated.05:29
en1gmadont have a switch05:30
KadiganHub? Second router?05:30
KadiganSome other device that won't break the link when the target router is depowered.05:30
clawclaw> Can you share with me how real CloudStack is? I tried reviewing with Ubuntu pro services in architecture call and they were not aware of CloudStack as a supported offering under the Ubuntu open source library support. Everything is ostack, micro, sunbeam, etc.05:32
KadiganIs there some sort of !tell here?05:34
KadiganWell, I have to go, but one more idea for en1gma is https://superuser.com/a/1639793 using ethtool to force the link, but AFAICT the driver needs to support it05:37
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neil__Ok,now what?07:17
toddc!support | neil__07:19
ubottuneil__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:19
toddcask your questions07:20
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kotgcHello, anyone know some good CD to mp3 programs? My old list shows Asunder or Lame?08:21
CosmicDJkotgc: I have used rip many many years ago...08:31
kotgcCosmicDJ, thank, but no results in Ubuntu?08:33
CosmicDJkotgc: ripit seems similar https://packages.ubuntu.com/mantic/ripit08:38
kotgcCosmicDJ, sorry, no results.08:39
centComming from RHEL I'm implementing cgroups at Ubuntu 20.04 (cannot use a higher distro release).09:22
centI am finding out there is no systemd service prepared for cgroups as there is for RHEL/CentOS.09:22
centAm I missing a package that deliver an appropriate config for the service?09:22
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Yoshowhats going on??10:32
Yoshoim new on ubuntu10:32
TomyWorkI'm on kubuntu desktop, I use NetworkManager and strongswan to connect to an ipsec/ikev2 VPN. its routes are on table 220 instead of the default table. The VPN doesn't have routes that fit my specific needs, so I want to set custom routes. NetworkManager allows setting custom routes, but the GUI doesnt have a way to select the table to place those routes into. nmcli does, but they get overwritten every time I connect, for some reason. So I was going to10:44
TomyWorkset those routes statically instead.10:44
TomyWorkHow do I best set static routes on ubuntu desktop?10:44
TomyWorkdo I do that via netplan or via NetworkManager?10:45
BluesKajHi all10:54
uwu_linux_openbsBluesKaj: hello10:57
BluesKajhi uwu_linux_openbs11:08
TomyWorkhttps://ubuntu.com/core/docs/networkmanager/networkmanager-and-netplan so netplan generates NM config and vice-versa? eww11:27
TomyWorkalso what is /etc/Netplan? I only have /etc/netplan and /etc/NetworkManager11:28
TomyWorkis ubuntu core something else than ubuntu desktop/server?11:28
TomyWorkoh, "Ubuntu Core is a secure, application-centric IoT OS for embedded devices", so I'm looking at the wrong docs :D11:29
Sonitrying to figure out why distcc cannot find the c++ (cross-)compiler...11:51
Sonilike what, if anything, is wrong here? https://github.com/SoniEx2/wasm2kotlin/actions/runs/6732001710/job/18297815055#step:8:95211:55
Soniit'll find the c (cross-)compiler just fine...11:56
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rastysI have problems with keypad on my netbook, I'm using 20.04 lts13:30
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rastyskeypad remain as scroll page instead move cursor13:35
zorPlease command for Ubuntu?  'Link'14:22
leftyfbzor: what?14:23
zorI only know two commands14:23
zorsudo apt install14:24
zorsudo aptitude install ..14:24
leftyfbah, you're "sima" from the other day14:24
leftyfbzor: what do you need help with exactly?14:24
zorapache2 I installed and working14:25
zori don't know how to have access www ?14:27
leftyfbzor: define access14:27
leftyfbzor: what do your logs say? Is the apache2 service running?14:28
zorIt is no longer necessary to me  I just wanted to do that but I didn't make it14:30
zorThe Spring Spring Server is no longer interested in Ubuntu14:32
leftyfbzor: ok, good luck14:32
zorThe problem I don't know to use Ubuntu ?14:33
leftyfbzor: this is the same link I gave you 2 days ago: https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/command-line-for-beginners#1-overview14:33
zorI use opensuse of 9.214:34
leftyfbzor: let us know when you need help with ubuntu14:34
zorThanks I was on all these sites I am an amateur ;)14:35
zorAll Linux I only tried ubuntu doesn't suit me ;(14:38
zorleftyfb:  thank you :)14:39
zorI installed Ubuntu 23.1014:43
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impermanenceKadigan: turns out I may be able to assign a public IP by giving verizon more $.15:19
impermanenceI'm on hold with them right now for tier 2 support haha15:19
impermanenceso...it *can* be done, but it might be the case that only business accounts can receive this feature. It may also take a month lol, which would totally negate the need for it.15:20
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adrian02993should i use kubuntu instead of lubuntu??16:56
rboxadrian02993: flip a coin16:59
CosmicDJadrian02993: dual boot both?16:59
adrian02993i'm serious!! i don't want to distrohop!! besides, kubuntu has native dark mode support and lubuntu doesn't17:00
leftyfbadrian02993: it's called a personal preference. Try them each and choose the one you prefer. Or ask take a poll in #ubuntu-offtopic and go with the one that has the most users on IRC at that time17:00
adrian02993alright thank you17:01
toddclubuntu is a bit faster on older hardware but it really comes down to try it and find the one you like   most guides are based on Gnome it all depends on needs likes what you use it for17:05
Soninvm figured things out17:41
mateibahamat hi!!!!18:14
mateiand b0b to!!!18:14
leftyfbmatei: can we help you with something?18:15
mateithancks but no!!18:15
leftyfb!chat | matei18:15
ubottumatei: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:15
mateiwat the hell???18:16
mateihi bayangan!!!!18:16
mateihello B113!!!!18:17
mateiand others!!18:17
leftyfbmatei: this is a support channel. Feel free to chat in #ubuntu-offtopic18:18
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tanja_I'm sorry to ask but is there anything for me to do. I'm not sure why but after I ran apt upgrade on my ubuntu 22.04 server at home today then it looks something has fucked up systemd ( based on what I see as traces from journalctl ). There were no issues at all prior but after apt upgrade it has now started literally exiting the process when I use20:01
tanja_Tab to autocomplete like when want to autocomplete in /var or /etc etc20:01
tanja_at first I thought it was disconnecting me so tried then to run it in tmux and that were where I noticed it then exited tmux ( so killed the process ) and when I then also tried to update rkhunter ( installed it to look if the server were infected ) and there it then also killed the process.20:08
tanja_I see also that the log says that it has started saying "dbus-daemon[PIDXXXX]: [session uid=1000 pid=XXXXX] AppArmor D-Bus mediation is enabled" wich is weird since apparmor is removed since I dont useĀ  it20:08
JanCwhat command(s) are you trying to autocomplete? and is it options or filenames or something else being autocompleted?20:09
tanja_just sudo cat /var/log/syslog and it does it allready at cat /va<tab> then it kills20:10
CosmicDJwhat is killed? your shell?20:11
tanja_and faced it also with cat /et<tab> then the process is dying20:11
tanja_if im in tmux then tmux exits and if I'm just in bash then logged out20:11
tanja_so looks like the process that its called in20:12
tanja_so yes you could say the shell20:12
CosmicDJyou mentioned related journal entries, what do they say?20:15
tanja_just tried to do it with ls /ho<tab> for autocomplete /home and the shell does also die20:15
tanja_actually just noticed this one "systemd[1]: /lib/systemd/system/ramdisk-sync.service:5: Failed to parse service type, ignoring: oneshoot"20:17
tanja_and that is the only think there sticks out except it also says that systemd said it ran with apparmor even that apparmor is removed20:21
JanCapparmor is in the kernel20:22
tanja_ufff ohh and yeah one of the upgrades were kernel :/20:25
JanCalso, it should be 'oneshot', not 'oneshoot' in that service file20:26
tanja_how do I then install a prior version?20:26
tanja_well copy pasted directly from the log since I have the ssh open with the log20:27
JanCwhat I mean is that there is probably a typo in that ramdisk-sync.service file20:27
JanCyou should fix it & see if the problems persist then20:28
tanja_well I have not changed anything there and the only thing there has been done is the apt update and apt upgrade here today there broke everything :(((20:28
JanCyou probably did reboot after?20:29
JanCmaybe it only breaks things on boot...20:30
tanja_and where is that file then and would I risk it completely not starting up after20:30
tanja_Well I didnt do first since it were automated, but when I saw it had updated yeah I did reboot sincec I saw there were kernel in there20:30
tanja_and I have it like that when kernel and grub things are upgraded then I always reboot20:31
JanCyour error message says where the file is20:31
JanCand as far as I can tell that file is not part of Ubuntu20:35
JanCso either you created it yourself, or something 3rd-party you installed did?20:35
tanja_but how do I recover the server :(Ā :( :(20:35
tanja_Like just noticed that file is 3 years old and has always worked thats the service to save my ramdisk at reboot ( totally forgot that one ) thats for the ramdisk to plex to not wear to much out on ssd for transcoding20:35
tanja_that one were mine but that one is not the issue since it has always worked :( guess the server is dead then and all data lost20:36
JanCwhy would it be dead?20:36
tanja_it kill sessions on purpose so unuseable20:37
JanCkernels are tested extensively before they are released20:37
JanCdo you mean "Plex" as in the server management thing?20:38
JanCthat's not officially supported, AFAIK20:38
JanCbut in any case, what you described doesn't really stop you from moving data off the server20:39
tanja_SO YES ITS DEAD20:39
CosmicDJRIP server20:39
JanCit's just scared because you keep yelling at it so loudly20:39
JanCI would kick you out too if I was your server20:40
CosmicDJI had some unpleasant moments with a tanja from .dk in #freebsd, wonder if they were the same person...20:41
en1gmai have ubuntu 22.04.03 updated as of today. when i use wxhexeditor i cant scroll down with mouse or even drag the scroll bar and it move the data. im new to wxhexeditor but i not sure where the problem is20:43
en1gmais it ubuntu or is it wxhexeditor or is it me20:43
en1gmaim following a guide and thats what hes using to examine a .bin file. i could try another hexeditor but i dont want to install 799MB for binwalk20:46
CosmicDJen1gma: do you use vscode? https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-vscode.hexeditor20:47
en1gmaah. im in ubuntu. does it work for linux too?20:47
CosmicDJen1gma: snap or deb, see https://snapcraft.io/code / https://code.visualstudio.com/#alt-downloads20:48
en1gmaCosmicDJ it looks nice20:48
en1gmalet me try it. it looks similar to wxhexeditor as far as ui20:48
CosmicDJen1gma: well it's from an evil corp, so donĀ“t build your life on it20:48
tanja_even running sudo dpkg ā€“list|grep linux-image does also kills the shell actually everythhing with sudo kills it20:48
tanja_so yes it is dead after that faulty ubuntu kernel20:49
JanCthere is also ghex & a number of other hex editors, but they might all have different features20:49
CosmicDJtanja_: you know, you could just boot an older kernel20:49
tanja_its a headless I have no access to grub exept from inside20:50
JanCyou said it has Plex?20:50
tanja_so when it even kills all sudo commands even also sudo -i then I cant change grub kernel yes installed from their apt repo last updated weeks ago20:51
CosmicDJtanja_: man grub-reboot20:51
CosmicDJguess you have to use a serial console/hook up a screen/keyboard then20:52
tanja_CosmicDJ changing grub does require sudo again I cant change in reboot since its a headless pc20:52
tanja_the only access I have is ssh20:53
JanCand the web, I presume?20:53
tanja_JanC its a home server its not a vps its at home, but there is no posibility to get keyboard on it at this time20:54
tanja_but I am trying now to see if there is a way to format it without sudu20:55
tanja_and then find my unatended usb20:55
JanCif you can format it you can also fix it instead...20:55
tanja_well it depend because I have no sudo access sunce it kills the shell / process so it require a I find a way without sudo access20:57
JanCen1gma: I don't seem to have a problem scrolling in wxHexEditor?20:57
en1gmai cant even grab the drag bar and pull down20:58
tanja_bbl gonna try to reboot it again again and then my dns goes down ( so could lose connection )20:59
CosmicDJen1gma: wild guess here: Xorg or Wayland?21:00
BardonHello, I would like to upgrade my laptop's internal SSD. I have a SATA to USB device. Could I boot on a liveUSB, then copy the whole old SSD into the new one, then swap them, and boot fine?21:01
JanC(I am on Xorg, and here it works)21:01
BardonI mean, boot in a liveusb, with the old SSD in place, and the new one plugged in via USB21:01
JanCBardon: an image copy of the whole disk should work if the new disk is at least as big as the old one, maybe expanding the partitions & filesystem afterwards if the new disk is larger21:03
BardonIt is larger (2 To vs 100 Go)21:03
BardonJanC: What tools would you use? cp/rsync?21:04
BardonI think I'd like to copy partition per partition instead of the whole disk as I'd like to set up a LVM21:05
BardonSo, for each partition: mount both the old one and the new one, rsync? Is that it?21:05
toddcBardon: clonezilla21:07
JanCis there a reason why you can't do a new install?21:07
JanCand then copy your data over from the old disk?21:08
BardonJanC: It's not my laptop and I thought it was easier to copy the whole thing as if I reinstall, there will be missing packages, and I'll get messages for days asking me to install that package or why such icon moved21:10
Bardonbut maybe I'm wrong21:10
BardonOr should I just mount the old partition, the new one and then just dd the old one into the new one?21:11
Bardontoddc: Can I set up a LVM from clonezilla?21:12
JanCyou might also need some configuration (e.g. fstab & grub) changes related to adding LVM etc.21:13
toddcyes easy if the old drive is lvm but there is a option to partition by partition sio I think it can but that is a optiion I have not tried myself21:14
JanCand you can export a list of installed packages & re-install them all (might have to do that for each of APT, Snap, etc. whatever is used)21:14
Bardontoddc: The old drive isn't LVM sadly21:14
BardonOk, I'll just partition the new drive, then copy partition per partition with either clonezille or dd21:15
BardonThen I'll see what breaks :)21:15
toddcBardon: to safe I would set the drive lvm then copy the contents from partitions to the lvm partition  and cross your fingers but it should work21:17
JanCmake sure to always copy from the old disk to the new one  :)21:18
JanC(having a back-up would be best too)21:18
toddcservers I like lvm and zfs but desktops/laptops I reccomend ext4 + a backup solution  (simplicity)21:19
tanja_okay got in as root now ( got it to sudo but still fails with autocomplete etc as the user with sudo permissions )21:27
tanja_how do I from within ubuntu tell grub to use the lower version just so I dont make it worse21:34
CosmicDJ21:51 < CosmicDJ> tanja_: man grub-reboot21:36
tanja_CosmicDJ thank you exept looks like it didnt boot the prior version ( checked with uname -a ) gonna try again21:45
loswedsededafter upgrading I got:  Canonical released microcode updates for both Intel (CVE-2022-40982) and AMD21:49
loswedseded# (CVE-2023-20593). ā€˜Unattended upgradesā€™ provide security updates by default. # Ensure it remains enabled to always get all updates as they become available.21:49
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Information exposure through microarchitectural state after transient execution in certain vector execution units for some Intel(R) Processors may allow an authenticated user to potentially enable information disclosure via local access. <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2022-40982>21:49
-ubottu:#ubuntu- An issue in &#8220;Zen 2&#8221; CPUs, under specific microarchitectural circumstances, may allow an attacker to potentially access sensitive information. <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2023-20593>21:49
loswedsededI don't know how to proceed. What do I install?21:49
oerheksnothing, you got the latest.21:49
loswedsededhow do you know?21:50
loswedsedednotice that I didn't upgrade to 23.10, simply upgraded the system21:50
-ubottu:#ubuntu- An issue in &#8220;Zen 2&#8221; CPUs, under specific microarchitectural circumstances, may allow an attacker to potentially access sensitive information. <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2023-20593>21:51
loswedsededi see21:52
oerheksand for microcode update version https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2022-4098221:52
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Information exposure through microarchitectural state after transient execution in certain vector execution units for some Intel(R) Processors may allow an authenticated user to potentially enable information disclosure via local access. <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2022-40982>21:52
loswedsededdo-release-upgrade returns: Checking for a new Ubuntu release... Please install all available updates for your release before upgrading. I've updated (apt) and upgraded (apt as well) and I still get that message. what do I need to update? snap?21:53
tanja_CosmicDJ unfortunately I have tried what it say in the man page to boot two other versions dpkg say are installed but every time the uname -a still says its running on the newest21:53
tanja_so looks like it doesnt choose the others at boot21:53
tanja_CosmicDJ so I'm starting to think it cant write to the environment block ( what ever that isĀ  )21:58
tanja_"NOTE: In cases where GRUB cannot write to the environment block, such as when it is stored on an MDRAID or LVM device, the chosen boot menu entry will remain the default even after reboot."21:58
tanja_btw I have narrowed it down now to actually maybe something I havnt spotted in the logs only affecting my account ( maybe from the past ) because created a extra account and also added that to sudo and that does not have the issue22:04
tanja_for my case the issue / reason is found and temporary deactivated until I can get it fixed tomorrow22:13
loswedsededhow can it be that sudo apt update + sudo apt upgrade gives me a different list of packages to install than sudo synaptic? Synaptic tells me I need em, command line suggests I don't need em. what gives?22:14
ubottuSince Ubuntu 21.04, APT may hold back some updates on some systems while they are being phased in. This is called "phased updates". See https://ubottu.com/y/phased and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PhasedUpdates for more info.22:15
tanja_and apoligize everyone in here it were a issue there never would pop up in the logs an never given it a thought22:15
loswedsededdo you guys default upgrade or smart upgrade?22:16
bodomHi there! Is there a way to disable fake snap packages in apt? I see this issue is getting worse on every release and now it is starting to become annoying22:19
rboxif you're unahppy with the packages in ubuntu, you can use another dist...22:20
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oerheksthere are no fake snap packages in apt, there are apt packages that pull in a snap version.22:21
tanja_CosmicDJ and JanC the issue were actually a corrupt script file for my bash functions and for some reason even it didnt exit on loading of .bashrc it still were the cause ( having a bad habbit to use set -e for scripts to end at error and by habbit also putted that in the functions files )22:21
bodomrbox: well, that's a solution indeed22:22
bodomoerheks: yup, i mean those packages22:22
anaruGood Afternoon23:02
yingood morning23:10
anarugood morning yin or afternoonm23:11
anaruwhat you upto23:12
anaruKia Ora kotou katoa23:21
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