
gary441to be honest....first time here...first post13:16
gary441first time using hexchat13:16
gary441what's a good lightweight browser?13:17
pleasehelpxubuntu seems incredibly unfriendly everywhere I look and everything I do.  For instance I just wanted to open up a file in a GUI application.  I had the path on the clipboard but it took over 60 seconds instead of just paste/enter which might be 1 second.  This is a 60x waste of my time.  The filename is15:13
pleasehelp/x/y/z/a/b/c/this/is/the/path/to/a/file/that/I/need/to/access/file_999999_of_100million_in_directory.ext  Why does xubuntu want me to waste my time?  Is there a switch I can flip to make it user friendly instead of "user friendly"?  Is there another distribution which doesn't cock-block every possible productive route for every possible action?15:13
pleasehelpTo open my file I had to click then scroll then click then scroll then click then scroll .... literally ... until finally I reached the destination directory where the system couldn't properly handle the number of files.  Why can't I just paste the damn thing?  Why is this necessary in xubuntu?15:15
diogenes_Vx15pleasehelp, give a concrete example.15:17
pleasehelpclick "other location"15:17
pleasehelpclick "computer"15:17
pleasehelpclick "x15:17
pleasehelpclick y15:17
pleasehelpclick z15:17
pleasehelpclick a15:17
pleasehelpclick b15:17
pleasehelpclick c15:17
pleasehelpit won't allow me to finish my example because it thinks all the typing is spam but you get the idea.  I should just be able to paste and hit enter to open the file.15:19
diogenes_Vx15well isn't that the normal way to navigate you the desired location?15:19
pleasehelpNO! this is abnormal and entirely inconvenient.  The normal and productive way to navigate to a deep directory with a file that is one of millions is to paste the entire qualified name.  This is normal.  xubuntu is abnormal and doesn't work well.15:20
pleasehelpIf I want to navigate to /x/file.txt then xubuntu is fine but for real work it isn't fine.15:21
pleasehelpI don't want a toy.  I want a professional environment for real work that is productive.15:21
diogenes_Vx15pleasehelp, and how do you do this on other systems?15:21
pleasehelpThere is a box with the qualified path that you can paste into.  Then you hit enter and it is as-if you clicked the file icon.15:22
pleasehelpAs you navigate the qualified path in the box changes.  It is editable.15:22
pleasehelpdiogenes_Vx15 it is good to see you again as you were the only one who engaged me.  I don't know if you saw my last post "There is a box with the qualified path that you can paste into.  Then you hit enter and it is as-if you clicked the file icon."  This box is generally immediately above or below the widget which displays the list of icons in16:15
pleasehelpthe file picker box.16:15
helppleaseHere is an example within an application that xubuntu can emulate: https://wordpress.org/documentation/article/using-filezilla/16:16
helppleaseAs you see in this freeware application life is very easy, quick, and efficient compared to xubuntu which makes things slow and difficult.16:17
diogenes_Vx15pleasehelp, oh you mean a tree directory.16:17
helppleaseI mean the box above it.  Something you can paste into.  This way you don't have to navigate when navigation is impossible such as millions of files or very deep directories which are possible but slow.16:18
helppleaseAlso pasting is less error prone.  For instance there could be something like /1/I/l/0/O/unicode-O-looking-thing/etc16:19
diogenes_Vx15helpplease, so you have a path copied to clipboard and you want to paste it into the address bar and hit enter and the file manager to switch to it instead of clicking on every directory and subdirectory? Sorry i really don't get what you are trying to achieve.16:21
helppleaseIn xubuntu when an application asks the operating system file picker to appear I want to be able to paste the path to select the file.  Otherwise xubuntu becomes unusable with these applications.  I literally have to create a hardlink to the file I want to select and open it with the picker instead.  Sometimes it is impossible to open the actual16:23
helppleasefile because the picker cannot handle reality.16:23
diogenes_Vx15helpplease, you can browse the dconf-editor file-chooser options and see if there is anything you can adjust, another way that comes to mind is why don't you just run ./appname pathname and it should open your file.16:26
helppleasedconf-editor I will check out at once.  However ./appname pathname is often not an option.  As an example (and in my case) imagine the file open dialog box is from a plugin for the application and the main application doesn't know what to do with this file.16:30
diogenes_Vx15this file-chooser is not Xubuntu specific, it is used in XFCE and other desktop environments as well, some applications have their own file choosers, others use the default one, afaik in some cases you can ever change the file chooser.16:33
helppleaseIn this case the application uses the file system chooser.  I do not dispute that xubuntu inherits the file chooser from xfce if you say so but still I wish they would change it or maybe change xfce if that is somehow more beneficial to everyone.  I am checking out dconf-editor now.16:39
pleasehelpI posted a message and it said I was disconnected.  My apologies if I post this twice.  "I have found a property in dconf-editor "/org/gtk/settings/file-choose/location-mode" which I changed to from "path-bar" to "filename-entry" and hit apply.  However when I close dconf-editor and enter it again the property value appears to have reverted back17:00
pleasehelpto the original of "path-bar".  Do I have to do something special to make this property "stick"?  Do I need to run as root?  There is no error message displayed.  Thank you btw."17:00
pleasehelpI found a bug filed "org.gtk.setting.file-chooser.location-mode setting is not respected and is reset to path-bar" https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/meta-gnome3/+bug/183097917:05
-ubottu:#xubuntu- Launchpad bug 1830979 in meta-gnome3 (Ubuntu) "org.gtk.setting.file-chooser.location-mode setting is not respected and is reset to path-bar" [Undecided, Confirmed]17:05
diogenes_Vx15pleasehelp, so it turns out the funcion is there but it's buggy.17:06
diogenes_Vx15and no, you don't need root to change the settings.17:07
pleasehelpI have never seen it work properly but assuming that it does work properly once this bug is fixed how do I get "them" to change the default?  I know this will only bother a certain percent of users but for those that need to access a file such as myself using the GUI this is a real problem.  Not everyone will be willing or able to go through all17:12
pleasehelpof this to open a file.  Even if individuals were willing to because they have to open their files I don't think we want them to suffer.17:12
diogenes_Vx15pleasehelp, you can file a bug yourself too, not to duplicate the already opened one but more like a suggestion.17:14
pleasehelpIs this an xubuntu bug because they determine which xfce settings are used in xubuntu or is this an xfce bug because ubuntu inherits all settings from xfce without their own level of customization?17:15
diogenes_Vx15pleasehelp, Ubuntu uses gnome, Xubuntu uses XFCE.17:17
pleasehelpIs this an xubuntu bug because they determine which xfce settings are used in xubuntu or is this an xfce bug because xubuntu inherits all settings from xfce without their own level of customization?17:17
diogenes_Vx15it looks like they use the same file chooser.17:17
pleasehelpI have filed a bug.17:51
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