=== yxt_ is now known as yxt === Guest4742 is now known as EriC^^ [00:46] E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1). How do I upgrade/update/autoremove? [00:47] theres more on the screen than just that 1 line... [00:48] true: Errors were encountered while processing: install-info [00:48] there's more on the screen t han just those 2 lines... [00:49] no === JanC is now known as Guest1775 === JanC_ is now known as JanC [01:21] any suggestions to deal with error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/libsgutils2-1.46-2_1.46-3 ubuntu2_amd64.deb (--unpack): trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libsgutils2-1.46.so.2.0.0', which is also in package libsgutils2-2:amd64 1.46-1ubuntu0.23.04.1 [01:21] Errors were encountered while processing: /var/cache/apt/archives/libsgutils2-1.46-2_1.46-3ubuntu2_amd64.deb E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)? sudo apt --fix-broken install doesn't fix it [01:22] I deleted the first package, then the second, I still get prompted to --fix-broken install === maxtim1 is now known as maxtim [01:54] hi [01:55] lostbeard, this sounds like your issue too https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sg3-utils/+bug/2039279 [01:55] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2039279 in sg3-utils (Ubuntu Noble) "file conflict when installing libsgutils-2-1.46-2 when upgrading from lunar to mantic" [Undecided, In Progress] [01:55] err loswedseded [02:11] whats the topic? [02:14] !support | goddard [02:14] goddard: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [02:16] opps left [02:19] could i use launchpad's git for non-ubuntu work, such as windows mandatory integrity labels, or routeros scripting? [02:20] gtlwuc, guess yourself? [02:21] one could use git, but launchpad is not suitable for your needs [02:23] so i should clear out of launchpad asap if I have non-ubuntu-work there then? [02:36] or is there another channel more suitable for these questions? [02:37] ah, there's #launchpad [02:44] gtlwuc: can't you package your stuff for ubuntu, perhaps it would be within scope? === maxtim1 is now known as maxtim === GenericPlayer1 is now known as GenericPlayer === maxtim1 is now known as maxtim === akik is now known as AKIK === maxtim1 is now known as maxtim === maxtim1 is now known as maxtim [05:00] gry: say, one utility would remove the mandatory integrity label, given a path. another would create an appcontainer and then run an exe within the said container---these are specific to windows. the reason i asked is that launchpad is _not_ hosted in usa, who might sanction my country and hence render my code inaccessible in the event of war. === maxtim1 is now known as maxtim === maxtim1 is now known as maxtim === Montresor is now known as Unit193 [06:53] looks like the latest nvidia driver update on mantic breaks steam proton games :( "kernel: python3[20837]: segfault at 88 ip 00007f87585586c5 sp 00007ffebe522d60 error 4 in libnvidia-glcore.so.535.129.03[7f87572f9000+269d000] likely on CPU 5 (core 1, socket 0)" [08:22] Guys, how do I configure a reverse zone in bind9. [08:23] elordenador, there is a template how they are configured here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIND9ServerHowto#Reverse_Zone_File [08:25] tanja_, I put this file: [08:25] ; [08:25] ; BIND reverse data file for local loopback interface [08:25] ; [08:25] $TTL 604800 [08:25] @ IN SOA ns.ventas.minegocio. admin.ventas.minegocio. ( [08:27] elordenador: don't paste multi-line content here, use a pastebin service [08:27] tanja_, https://dpaste.com/8T7ECGBEF I just changed to 35 in line 13, doing "nslookup" gives me " name = ns.ventas.minegocio." [08:31] elordenador, gonna take a look and comparing to how I have it internally [08:32] CosmicDJ, just to be sure did you see me apology from this night after I found my issue [08:38] elordenador, tbh I unfortunately have no real idea sorry. Even though that I do notice that in the "@ IN NS" i'm actually using the full qualified dns name for the dns server and not just ns [08:47] tanja_: you were mostly cursing at JanC and the ubuntu kernel/packagers... so yes I saw it but I didn't feel offended by your words/shouting in the first place; so it wasn't up to me to accept your apology [08:48] elordenador: what's your problem exactly? looking at your nslookup output it seems like reverse DNS is working?! [08:48] I don't know if it's working the reverse DNS [08:49] If it's working then ok. [08:50] CosmicDJ, thank you very much I just felt since both of you were responding the least I could do were to apologize to both of you and ofc also state what I found out [08:54] elordenador, one of the ways I always test if its set up correct is "dig -x IP @dns-server" where IP is the IP to check and dns-server is the bind server. [08:54] Just in case something like systemd uses its own dns server [08:59] I still have problems with an upgrade. whole issue here: https://linux.community/post/187669 [09:00] Good tool to read online articles with voice? [09:01] https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/read-aloud/ - this sucks badly, I'm afraid [09:02] https://dev.to/tylerlwsmith/read-selected-text-out-loud-on-ubuntu-linux-45lj maybe this [09:04] Yea similarly bad quality of speach synth [09:04] Darn [09:07] https://askubuntu.com/questions/53896/natural-sounding-text-to-speech [09:07] Better, pico2speach === deepSleep is now known as Guest1410 [09:22] Or just festival I guess === AKIK is now known as akik [10:58] hello , good morning [11:00] testing [11:00] normal [11:00] ++++ [11:00] ++++ [11:00] %) [11:01] %) [11:01] ping === EriC^^ is now known as Guest741 [12:16] Hi to everyone. Do you know a way to block a website? I have a trouble with chess and I cant stop playing in lichess [12:28] nftables/iptables is your friend [12:28] or dpi on the tls sni / http host header and block. === KingKeA1 is now known as KingKeA === Guest741 is now known as EriC^^ [13:36] reprepro was fixed for lp:2008508 in lunar. However, this patch was dropped when reprepro was synced from Debian, which has caused the package to regress. Should a new issue be filed? [13:36] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2008508 in reprepro (Ubuntu) "reprepro feeds bad data to unzstd with libarchive 3.6.2 on s390x" [High, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2008508 [13:58] HAHAHHA "Stream unavailable - Stream suspended for policy violations" [13:59] Apachez: can we help you with something? [13:59] thats why we cant have nice things... the creator gets suspended for copyright infrightment over their own work... good work youtube [13:59] SE [13:59] Skip navigation [13:59] Search [13:59] Sign in [13:59] LIVE [13:59] LIVE! [14:00] Apachez: this is a support channel [14:00] Apachez has a (short) history of not understanding that concept - this is at least the second time this week [14:02] Habbie as a (long) history of talking trash about others - not the first time this week [14:03] Apachez: lets stay on topic please [14:03] leftyfb: I guess Habbie was already ontopic then? === ghostwheel is now known as ghostwheel_away [14:37] Hi all, Happy Friday! === iconoclasthero is now known as iconoclast_hero === sotaoverride is now known as Guest8643 === sotaover1ide is now known as sotaoverride === iconoclast_hero is now known as iconoclasthero [14:46] I updated to 23.10 from 23.04 and the Super+ behavior has changed; is there any way to revert it? It now prompts to place another window in the remaining space and prohibits moving a half-sized window to another workspace with Super+Shift+ [15:07] Good day, [15:07] I read this article about LUKS1 being weak to modern brute-force. [15:07] https://tails.net/security/argon2id/ [15:07] And now I am trying to upgrade my OS to LUKS2 so I can use Aargon2id, so I have a stronger defense against brute-force attacks on my password. [15:07] How can I do this? Can I just do some Terminal magik and change it, or would I need to use a different OS, or re-install my OS, etc? [15:15] GrapeJuice9000: https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man8/cryptsetup-convert.8.html ; make sure you have a fresh and tested backup and try this in a VM first if you still have some second thoughts [15:17] Will switching to LUKS2 automatically make me use the Argon2id? [15:17] Or do I need to do two thing, switch to LUKS2, and set the Argon2id to be used? [15:18] And to do this, I'd have to use a Live USB right? because I cant change my LUKS mode from within my Linux OS, right? [15:23] GrapeJuice9000: depends on what's luks encrypted... everything? you have to boot from somewhere else, just /home? boot into single-user or use a user who has his homedir somewhere else and unmount /home; and I doubt converting to luks2 will change your key pbkdf, you can just add a new argon2id hashed key and delete the old one though https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man8/cryptsetup-luksAddKey.8.html [15:24] I only have my one main user account [15:24] This seems risky [15:25] I just selected "Encrypt install" on the Lubuntu installer [15:25] Im not sure what exactly it encrypt [15:25] encrypts [15:27] what's yout threat model here? do you think some state actor will try to brute-force your laptop encryption? [15:39] well cosmicdj, i want to be secure from any adversary [15:42] GrapeJuice9000: that's not possible and even luks2/argon2id will not save you when you have a short/shitty passphrase [15:43] GrapeJuice9000: https://xkcd.com/538/ [15:46] "adversary" [15:46] rofl [15:47] that was helpful, thank you rbox [15:52] my passphrase is good... [15:54] JoeBk [15:54] oops [16:01] GreenRiot: quoting your tails.net link: "If your current passphrase has 6 random words or more: Your encryption is secure with LUKS1, even against a very powerful adversary." [16:05] GreenRiot: sorry, this was not meant for you === ghostwheel_away is now known as ghostwheel [16:49] Hello, when I use Tails OS , it doesn't detect my wifi card and thus i can't use Wi-Fi. Ubuntu however does support my Wi-Fi card. Is there any way i can load the wifi driver into tails and get my wifi working? [16:51] what does tails have to do with ubuntu [16:54] dude come on i just need an answer [16:55] lol [17:03] SameSong221: it's not that easy, why don't you take your ubuntu lscpi -v output to Tails and ask there if support for your wifi device can be added? [17:03] tails chat is abandoned [17:04] true i should submit an official bug report [17:04] Where should i go to ask for a driver support? [17:04] SameSong221: https://tails.net/support/index.en.html [17:05] ty [17:08] hopefully they can add the driver for the next release [17:22] "Senpai, I am about to serve you your order of Chicken Tikka Masala... I can't hold it back!!!" *HGNNNN* *BLASTS CURRY all over your plate* [17:23] "Desu! I'm being impregnated with flavor!!!! it's so good  the spices, the turmeric, the cardamom!!!" [17:23] !ot | WaterCat001 [17:23] WaterCat001: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [18:30] I am attempting to ssh to a remote server. When I put this box on my local network ssh works fine. When I move it to the remote network I get `connection reset by $IP port $PORT [preauth]` [18:30] here is /var/log/auth for sshd at level DEBUG3: [18:30] https://bpa.st/F7QQ [18:31] and here's my sshd config file: [18:31] https://bpa.st/3A2A [18:32] I've tinkered with a couple settings in this file, but nothing heavy [18:32] originally I was attempting to authenticate via an ssh-rsa which has apparently been deprecated [18:32] so I switched to ed25519 [18:34] here's triple v from my macos client attempting to hit the server on the remote network: [18:34] https://bpa.st/SU2Q === _erhard_1 is now known as _erhard_ === _erhard_1 is now known as _erhard_ [19:51] Is there a tool for editing `/etc/nsswitch.conf` conveniently (and safely, automically) akin to `pam-auth-update`? [19:58] i assume you've seen https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/140378/editing-nsswitch-conf-file-safely [19:59] i dunno what augeas is [20:01] https://github.com/authselect/authselect [20:01] also this maybe? [20:02] looks like redhat stuff tho [20:02] sorry, just got here, this is #ubuntu [20:36] what is the correct /run/sshd setting for sshd? [20:36] erm, privilige settings [20:36] can I `force install` an a lib from 22.04 on 23.04? [20:38] ruser: I have 755 on `stat -c %a /run/sshd` [20:39] ruser: stat /run/sshd -> "Access: (0755/drwxr-xr-x) Uid: ( 0/ root) Gid: ( 0/ root)" [20:40] Exterminador: thank you. for your question i believe you can install a .deb pkg and you can freeze it from upgrading [20:40] damn. I didn't think about the .deb thing. good call [20:40] I wonder Why is it not created by default? I did 22.04 install with a do-release-upgrade 22.04 [20:41] 20.04 -> 22.04** [20:42] Also for anyone who is following along with my installation saga, I didn't realize grub doesn't play well with zstd upgraded pools. [20:42] so the boot pool had to be lz4, or uncompressed. [20:43] either way, lessons learned [21:08] What's the best way to change umask for everyone to make files not group readable? [21:09] A little while ago there was a whole new convenient toolset that came out, but i missed it, and i can't remember what it was [21:09] to admin the system [21:10] like a whole toolsuite [21:15] am I supposed to have to configure network interfaces for ubuntu desktop 16? [21:15] surely not [21:15] I mean it's installed, but it doesn't recognized either my wireless network or my ethernet [21:16] impermanence: Ubuntu 16.04 and 16.10 aer both EOL by multiple years and therefore unsupported. Time for you to upgrade [21:16] leftyfb: that wasn't what I asked chief. [21:16] or rather *duh* [21:16] "ubuntu desktop 16" is unsupported [21:17] (CosmicDJ: thank you as well) [21:18] is there a way for me to see all the image files on my hard drive (not counting browser cache. [21:18] 22.04 [21:19] impermanance, fyi ubuntu 18.x is not very good. Go hard or go home (that's my joke not not official advice) [21:20] morgan-u2: find / -type f -exec file --mime-type {} \; | awk '{if ($NF == "image/jpeg") print $0 }' [21:20] I understand there is something called peppermint that is ubuntu light mode - for older computers. (and now that my 8G RAM is looking old, like me sigh) I am thinking of using it. [21:21] morgan-u2: Peppermint OS isn't supported here either [21:21] it's based on Debian, not Ubuntu [21:22] leftyfb, that is more than I understand... so I will trust you. OTOH it's just jpegs -- I have seen the photo I am looking for "recently = last few months" and I didnt find it in my google photos nor my apple photos. soooo... [21:22] leftyfb, what's the"lite" flavor based on ubuntu? [21:22] !flavors [21:22] Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours [21:23] morgan-u2: you mean xubuntu(XFCE) or Lubuntu(LXDE)? [21:23] and where can I look to figure out if I need the lite or if something less than gnome would do? (so I dont have to ask you here.) [21:23] Lxqt* [21:23] morgan-u2: try them and decide if you like them [21:23] google photos are in their cache folder, not named .jpg i guess [21:24] google photos dont have what i want and I looked in the google photos app on mobile. [21:24] I took it in portland so the photo will be gps portland [21:25] leftyfb, <3 try it and see if you like it. - My goal is faster. [21:27] uhm... why doens't my umask in /etc/login.defs seem to apply i've relogged in, and there is nothing in the rc files [21:28] eh, nvm [21:29] weird [21:33] lefty WHAT I COPIED: find / -type f -exec file --mime-type {} \; | awk '{if ($NF == "image/jpeg") print $0 --- only gave me a > (that's not a prompt. [21:35] morgan-u2: copy the rest of it === Langley is now known as Xeeber [21:48] Hello, I have just installed Ubuntu 20.04 on my laptop (it needs nvidia-390 which seems impossible to install on newer versions), but I seem unable to play any Steam proton games. They just don't start, and there is nothing in the steam console output, or proton log. The games worked under pop_os 20.04. Any ideas? [22:13] does this web chat not work? [22:16] Xeeber: Seemingly not as you are supposed to ask a support question. ;-) [22:21] Weird, I did ask one [22:21] was it not received? [22:38] Xeeber: Oh - sorry. You did ask a question. I have no clue. Stand by and wait for possible answers. [22:38] Friday night and late... [22:43] I was just about to set up a real irc client, thinking this web thing doesnt work. I thought this was prime time for americans. When I was on irc regularly back in the day there was activity 24/7 [22:46] Xeeber: I have no clue about Steam compatibility with graphics drivers [22:47] Xeeber: Times they are a changing.... === maxtim1 is now known as maxtim [22:47] maybe one needs HWE .. [22:47] !hwe [22:47] The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack [22:51] Xeeber: Just a stupid question: did you install updates after installation? [22:52] yes [22:53] I can't make much sense of that HWE page. It says "All Ubuntu Desktop 20.04 LTS will ship with an updated kernel by default." and there is no instructions on how to enable it [22:56] !info linux-generic-hwe-20.04 focal [22:56] linux-generic-hwe-20.04 (, focal): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Built by linux-meta-hwe-5.15. Size 2 kB / 20 kB. (Only available for amd64, armhf, arm64, powerpc, ppc64el, s390x.) [22:57] It is running [22:58] and as far as I know nvidia-390 does not work with 6.x [22:59] Tricky and interesting problem you got there... [23:00] a test with drivers ppa perhaps.. [23:00] https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa?field.series_filter=focal [23:01] no, they are equal https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-390 [23:06] Xeeber: 390 is *ancient* [23:06] Xeeber: what chipset does your laptop use? [23:06] Kepler [23:07] Xeeber: mmm, you'd be better using Nouveau for that [23:08] is that like a Geforce 700 or something [23:08] Quadro K1100M. Surely the performance must be worse with nouveau? [23:08] not massively [23:08] like, for gaming I didn't see a difference, but Nouveau doesn't support CUDA [23:09] so I'm using the proprietary drivers, because I need that [23:09] 470.223.02 (x86_64) - GKxxx “Kepler” GPUs ?? [23:09] I suspect you're not editing video on a 12-year-old laptop though, so you might get away with it [23:10] GK107 I think [23:10] okay so as oerheks says 470 ought to work [23:11] 470 confirmed here [23:11] https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/driver-installation-fails-on-ubuntu-20-04-for-quadro-k1100m/242479/3 [23:11] https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/driver-installation-fails-on-ubuntu-20-04-for-quadro-k1100m/242479/6 [23:12] sudo ubuntu-drivers list [23:12] or go wild with autoinstall [23:13] what the hell... then why dont they list it as a supported card [23:15] ubuntu-drivers doesnt have it === maxtim1 is now known as maxtim [23:24] I don't think 470 is the answer. I have to log off now. Where is the best place to post for help these days? reddit? [23:25] ubuntuforums.org askubuntu.com anything but reddit [23:27] Alright, thanks for the help everyone