
Guest52i just installed kubuntu on an old laptop, my system sometimes freezes and idk why, can anyone help?00:32
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
user|17I have installed kubuntu 23.10  twice now. In both cases from the net and from a download disk. both times the desktop for firefox in totally un:] readable and pixulated. Is there a fix for this coming.02:31
tomreynuser|17: the entire desktop is showing badly, or just firefox?04:30
tomreyncan you show a screenshot? (upload it to imgur.com or a similar site and link it here)04:31
tomreynalso, what does this print?   lspci -nnd ::030004:32
user|63Hello, I still cannot play most video files - speifically.mp4. but also some other types. I have installed Kubuntu Extras and other recommended updates, but still cannot play those files.07:48
user|63What do you recoomend?07:48
user|63I meant to write retsricted-extras07:49
user|63restricted extras07:49
Guest15Hello... I am still cannot play most video files (like .mp4) in Kubuntu 23.04, even after installing Kubuntu-restriced-extras. Any ideas?08:15
diogenes_Vx15Guest15, what player?08:16
Guest15Any of the players - VLC, Mplayer...08:17
diogenes_Vx15Guest15, was it playing before?08:17
Guest15tried Dragon Player, haruna, celluloid, mpv - nothing08:19
Guest15Previous version of Kubuntu - yes, it was playing... but with 23.04 - nothing08:19
diogenes_Vx15Guest15, is this a new install/upgrade or what?08:20
Guest15I should mention that some older videos I have .mkv, play08:20
Guest15Kubuntu 23.04 is a new install08:20
diogenes_Vx15Guest15, after installing Kubuntu did you do: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade08:23
Guest15I did sudo apt update, but not sudo apt upgrade08:23
diogenes_Vx15then first upgrade, reboot and come back.08:24
Guest15Do I need to do upgrade? It is a brand new install of 23.0408:24
diogenes_Vx15if there are any updates then of course you have to upgrade.08:24
Guest15Hmmm... did not know that... OK. I will do the sudo apt upgrade...08:25
Guest15I am going to do the upgrade command now... since it is the machine on which I am chatting here, I will lose you guys for a while... I hope the machine still boots OK after that08:27
diogenes_Vx15Guest15, you can join us from your phone.08:29
Guest15OK, I ran the command diogenes recommended. I should mention that it did a lot of stuff, but also returnedan error code of 1 - I think it has to do with the bluetooth process which is not working08:32
Guest15So now I will reboot and see if things have improved. I will wait a minute in case any of you guys have additional comments08:33
diogenes_Vx15Guest15, don't reboot.08:33
diogenes_Vx15it should not return any errors.08:33
diogenes_Vx15pastebin the error and let's see what is going on.08:34
Guest15It has to do with bluetooth...08:34
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:34
diogenes_Vx15doesn't matter bluetooth or something else, there must not be any errors.08:34
Guest15Hold on... trying to give you the error ... here is what it gave at the end:08:37
Guest15 bluez08:37
Guest15 pulseaudio-module-bluetooth08:37
Guest15 bluedevil08:37
Guest15 bluetooth08:37
Guest15 blueman08:37
diogenes_Vx15Guest15, don't paste the output in the chat.08:38
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:38
Guest15I am not sure what I am doing wrong08:40
Guest15I used dpaste...08:40
diogenes_Vx15then share the link the url.08:40
diogenes_Vx15paste the url in the chat here.08:40
Guest15Like this?08:41
Guest15There was all the stuff from the original command, but it was OK - no error08:42
diogenes_Vx15ok like that but run: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade08:43
diogenes_Vx15pne more time and paste the entire output.08:43
Guest15OK... hang on08:44
diogenes_Vx15run: sudo apt purge bluez08:53
Guest15Done, here is the output: https://dpaste.com/GRH2EEBCJ08:56
diogenes_Vx15nasty errors, let's see your sources, run: apt-cache policy | nc termbin.com 999908:58
diogenes_Vx15you will get an url in the terminal, paste it here.08:58
diogenes_Vx15Guest15, run: sudo systemctl restart bluetooth09:04
diogenes_Vx15and see if you get any errors.09:04
diogenes_Vx15Guest15, ok let's hope the reboot can fix this, if not then we will see.09:08
Guest15And I ran the command it recommends and got this: https://dpaste.com/5Q5YLRWT609:09
Guest15So, reboot now?09:09
diogenes_Vx15yes reboot.09:09
Guest15I am back...09:13
diogenes_Vx15let's see again: systemctl status bluetooth09:15
diogenes_Vx15Guest15, ok run: sudo dpkg -r --force-all bluez09:20
Guest15Diogenes - did that command. Here is the output: https://dpaste.com/8M56A97GR09:23
diogenes_Vx15Guest15, run: snap list bluez09:32
diogenes_Vx15does it show anything?09:32
Guest15greg@HTPC-Kata:~$ snap list bluez09:33
Guest15Name   Version  Rev  Tracking   Publisher   Notes09:34
Guest15bluez  5.64-4   356  22/stable  canonical✓  -09:34
diogenes_Vx15oh damn09:34
diogenes_Vx15run: sudo snap remove bluez09:34
Guest15Oh-oh... does not sound good09:35
diogenes_Vx15this snap madness is just crazy.09:35
Guest15Here is the result:09:36
Guest15bluez removed09:36
diogenes_Vx15now: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade09:36
Guest15This time no errors. You want to see the whole output?09:37
diogenes_Vx15no no, if no errors then fine.09:38
Guest15OK, so now reboot again?09:38
diogenes_Vx15now run: snap list | nc termbin.com 999909:38
diogenes_Vx15share the url.09:38
Guest15Here is the output:09:39
diogenes_Vx15now run: dpkg -l | grep -i extras | nc termbin.com 999909:41
diogenes_Vx15run: sudo apt purge kubuntu-restricted-extras09:43
Guest15It said it removed the restricted-extras.09:45
Guest15I should mention that in my attempts to get this working, I may have installed Ubuntu-restricted-extras as well...Should that be removed also?09:45
diogenes_Vx15that is not installed.09:46
diogenes_Vx15now run: sudo apt autoremove ubuntu-restricted-extras --purge09:46
diogenes_Vx15after that: sudo apt autoremove kubuntu-restricted-extras --purge09:46
Guest15Ah... you saw that from one of the outputs..09:47
Guest15OK done both commands09:48
utkojhamelaI was thinking it was simething about releated to snap the whole time but wasn't sure :|09:48
Guest15First I heard of snap in the latest release09:49
diogenes_Vx15Guest15, ok now run: sudo apt autoremove && sudo apt autoclean09:50
diogenes_Vx15let's reboot.09:51
Guest15I am back....09:53
diogenes_Vx15try to open some files in VLC.09:54
Guest15Not playiing...09:56
Guest15But don't I need to now install restricted-extras?09:56
diogenes_Vx15yes now run: sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras09:56
Guest15Not Kubuntu?09:57
diogenes_Vx15yes ubuntu.09:58
Guest15Done... no errors09:59
diogenes_Vx15no, try to open with MPV.10:00
Guest15Tried, but I think mpv crashes... no message... just nothing happens10:01
Guest15Shall I try another player?10:01
Guest15... or reboot?10:02
diogenes_Vx15no, try in termina: mpv /path/to/file.mp410:03
diogenes_Vx15and let's see what error it shows.10:03
diogenes_Vx15Guest15, btw is this a virtual machine by any chance?10:05
Guest15Failed to recognize file format.10:07
Guest15Exiting... (Errors when loading file)10:07
Guest15Not virtual machine...10:08
diogenes_Vx15Guest15, open this in the browser and see if those videos play: https://samplelib.com/sample-mp4.html10:12
Guest15At least the first 3 videos play... Shall I try more of the videos on the page?10:14
diogenes_Vx15Guest15, no, download any sample video from here and play it with mpv: https://file-examples.com/index.php/sample-video-files/sample-mp4-files/10:16
Guest15Did... mpvv plays it locally10:20
diogenes_Vx15Guest15, voilla, everything works, those files that don't play are just corrupted and that's why they don't play.10:21
Guest15I was afraid you were going to say that... when I saw it work, I thought that too10:22
Guest15Is there any way to fix the files10:22
Guest15And Thank you very much Diogenes and your coworkers who helped10:23
diogenes_Vx15Guest15, maybe try to open them in a video editor and see if it opens them and allows you to do any manipulations, try first Kdenlive.10:24
Guest15Thanks again Diogenes10:24
diogenes_Vx15no problem.10:25
Guest15Thank you. thank you, Thank you10:25
diogenes_Vx15:) you're very welcome.10:25
stuffandthingsOn 23.10, is anyone else having dolphin crash just about every time you copy a file to overwrite another?, happens to me on install/live dvd/vmware? 23.04 works just fine.11:58
BluesKajHi all12:03
stuffandthingsWhats up with whats going down?12:05
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:08
stuffandthingsright, right12:09
stuffandthingsare you on 23.10?12:09
BluesKajjust ask your question if you have an issue12:10
stuffandthingsI just did but it was right before you came on and no one else seems to be active. Every time I copy a file to overwrite another, it crashes dolphin, weather kubuntu is installed/running off live iso/running on vmware. 23.04 works fine.12:11
stuffandthingsconfirmed that the iso hash is fine12:12
BluesKajyou can't overwrite a file on a live session12:14
stuffandthingsyou can if its something you just downloaded onto a user folder like the desktop12:14
stuffandthingsits running in memory, its not read only12:14
stuffandthingsbut besides that, it happens when installed too12:15
BluesKajit'll be temporary afaik12:15
BluesKajpw protected maybe12:15
stuffandthingsbut forgetting for a sec the live session, when running on an installed 23.10, even, i cannot overwrite on copy12:16
stuffandthingsonly move12:16
stuffandthingscopy crashes dolphin12:16
BluesKajwhat kind of file?12:16
stuffandthingsmake a new text file, make another somewhere else, copy it over the first one, crash12:17
BluesKajhave you updated and upgraded lately? I have to ask12:17
stuffandthingsyep, its current12:18
stuffandthingsi apt update more that i should, lol12:18
BluesKajchecked your logs for errors?12:18
ElliriaHey there. Does anyone know why Konqueror Gestures are enabled in System Settings --> Shortcuts --> Custom Shortcuts since Konqueror isn't installed by default?12:18
stuffandthingswhich log would i check, btw, its only dolphin and the desktop, i installed pcmanfm-qt and it works fine when using that12:19
BluesKaj /var/log12:20
stuffandthingswhich file in /var/log?12:24
stuffandthingsfwiw, only the instance of dolphin that im copying to dies, not any others that are open12:26
stuffandthingswow, i just caused another crash, right after the minute turned over to 8:30 and there is a lot of stuff for that minute there...12:31
stuffandthingsok found it12:32
stuffandthingsits a decent amount of lines, where should i paste it?12:33
stuffandthingsi wont want to paste a huge dump here12:34
stuffandthingsatleast 25 lines12:34
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:41
stuffandthingsthanks a lot for taking the time to help, by the way12:45
stuffandthings"Did the X11 server die?"  it says. No, it did not. just the Dolphin window died.12:49
BluesKajthe transition to wayland on KDE is more complex than gnome so we have to wait a bit longer til KDE is ready for wayland12:54
stuffandthingswait, was i on wayland? i never thought of checking, one sec...12:55
stuffandthingsive just been using the default display server12:55
stuffandthingsnope, its x1112:56
stuffandthingsmight as well try on wayland and see if that works though12:56
stuffandthingsits no different, crashes all the same12:57
stuffandthingsi dont think this is a display serve bug at all12:58
BluesKajthat's beyond my scope ... I'm no expert on these strange errors. I try to help when I caqn but this one is beyond me13:01
stuffandthingsits cool, thanks for taking the time13:02
ElliriaHey there. Does anyone know why Konqueror Gestures are enabled in System Settings --> Shortcuts --> Custom Shortcuts since Konqueror isn't installed by default in Kubuntu 22.04 LTS?13:04
stuffandthingsElliria: did you ever have konqueror installed?13:09
ElliriaAnd I was just poking around in settings just now to try to change the sound effect of my caps-lock key and happened to notice those Konqueror gestures and wondered why they're enabled.13:10
stuffandthingsi dont have 22.04 handy at the moment, its not there on 23.10, i wonder if its possible you installed something that depends on a konqueror item perhaps?13:10
ElliriaMaybe, but you'd think I'd have Konqueror installed as a result, wouldn't I?13:10
stuffandthingsnot certain, but i figure something could depend on a lib or something like that, without needing to install the whole konqueror13:11
ElliriaAh, I suppose that's possible.13:12
stuffandthingseither that or you stumbled on a 22.04 bug13:12
stuffandthingsis libkf5konq6 installed?13:13
ElliriaI also did a search for konq in Muon and none of the packages that show up are installed.14:38
stuffandthingshuh, i wonder if its a bug in 20.0414:44
stuffandthingsim gonna get 20.04 and see if its like that off the bat15:06
stuffandthingsElliria: is your 22.04 up to date?15:14
stuffandthingsok, ill spin it up on a vm and see if its like that on my end.15:15
ElliriaGood idea. I've got a VM, too. I'll look there as well.15:16
ElliriaYep. It's that way in my VM, too, and I haven't installed any software on that. It's a vanilla Kubuntu 22.04 LTS installation.15:17
ElliriaThat's just strange.15:17
stuffandthingsim going to still try here15:18
ElliriaThanks. I appreciate it.15:18
stuffandthingssay, what vm are you using?15:18
ElliriaAll I can think is that they put it there in case you install Konqueror.15:18
stuffandthingsthat sounds plausible15:19
stuffandthingsah ok, im on vmw ws and have been experiencing some bugs15:19
stuffandthingsi was going to ask if you did too, on the off chance you were using vmw15:19
ElliriaBut no other software is like that. If you install something, you often have to configure it, so you'd think they'd leave it to us to configure it if we were to install it instead of having that stuff enabled by default.15:19
ElliriaThe only VM software I've ever used is VirtualBox, because when I first discovered that software like that existed, it was the only one I could figure out. Heh.15:20
stuffandthingstrue, but once appon a time, konqueror was the default file/web prog15:20
stuffandthingsvmw vs is very similar to set up15:21
ElliriaYeah, but that's been many years ago, hasn't it? Dolphin has been in use for years now.15:21
ElliriaI may have to give that a try some time.15:21
stuffandthingsyeahm dolphin came with kde 415:21
stuffandthingsbetween vmw and vb, both have strengths and weaknesses15:21
ElliriaAs is probably true of everything. Heh.15:22
stuffandthingsthe nice thing is that with both, its now possible to get 3d accel on win9815:22
ElliriaMy one irritation with VB is that you have to get it directly from them instead of from the Ubuntu repositories.15:22
ElliriaInteresting. I don't have a copy of Win98, but I've got WinXP, WinME, and Windows10. I've never tried to run them in a VM, though.15:23
stuffandthingsxp can do 3d on both but i think vb might not do it on the current version15:24
stuffandthingsfor 98, you need a 3rd party driver15:24
stuffandthingsfrom https://github.com/JHRobotics15:24
ElliriaI mainly use the VM for trying out stuff in Kubuntu 22.04 LTS before using it in my production machine. I'll also use it for trying out things like Debian or Ubuntu, etc.15:24
stuffandthingsi use them all the time to try stuff15:24
stuffandthingssnapshots are the best15:25
ElliriaThat is a seriously cute avatar. Heh.15:25
ElliriaI ran into some trouble with a snapshot recently and may not use those any more.15:25
stuffandthingslol yeah15:25
stuffandthingswhat happened?15:26
ElliriaWhen the GRUB boot loader's unique identifier changes, which it has to in order to create a snapshot, because "there can be only one", then GRUB gets upset when it tries to update.15:27
ElliriaI got this error when I did a recent update on the VM: "Error while installing package: installed grub-efi-amd64-signed package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 32"15:27
ElliriaAccording to someone on the internet, you can ignore the error message, because the update really is being installed and you can verify that by using the dpkg -l | less command. He was right that it seems like it's true when it's examined in that way, but it isn't actually properly installed, so you really can't ignore the message.15:28
stuffandthingsi think that might be avoidable with vmw15:28
ElliriaMy VM's GRUB is currently messed up and I'm waiting for some help with it from a friend, but he hasn't gotten around to it yet.15:28
ElliriaIt is, but I didn't avoid it and avoiding it seems like more work than it's worth. Here, I'll paste the document I created about it into a pastebin.15:29
stuffandthingsits been a while, so i forget exactly if vbox had this, but in vmw if you snapshot and make some kind of move or copy, it asks you if you moved or copied it, it should take care of things like that15:29
ElliriaYou'll likely encounter it if you use snapshots and get GRUB updates.15:30
ElliriaI think the only thing I get asked when I make a snapshot is if I want to use the existing drive or have it create a new one and I always opt for the new one because shared devices can get you in trouble if you forget that that's what you're doing.15:31
stuffandthingsbefore it dive in, i just launched 20.04 and realised that im dense...15:31
stuffandthingsthe konqueror shortcuts are in custom shortcuts right?15:32
ElliriaThat paste has some links I found useful that had some advice for what causes the issue and what can be done to deal with it and/or prevent it.15:32
stuffandthingsheh, theyre there on my main system (23.04) too.15:32
ElliriaSystem Settings --> Shortcuts --> Custom Shortcuts15:32
ElliriaIsn't that strange?15:32
ElliriaAre they enabled on your 23.04 system?15:33
ElliriaThey're enabled on mine.15:33
ElliriaAnd in the VM.15:33
stuffandthingsyep, enabled15:33
ElliriaI'm tempted to disable them to see what will happen, but the sky might fall. Heh.15:33
stuffandthingscreating a new drive might be why15:33
stuffandthingsi do snapshots on my main system too, (via timeshift) so ill mess with it and try15:34
ElliriaYou'll only get that error if you happen to get a GRUB update. I suppose you could cause one by grabbing an old ISO and snapshotting it before updating it.15:35
ElliriaBut you should be able to make a completely-independent snapshot without issue, so this is probably going to end up being a bug that needs to be reported.15:36
stuffandthingsto quote homestarrunner, "everything is fine, nothing is ruined"15:36
stuffandthingswith regards to disabling the konq shortcuts, that is15:36
stuffandthingsdidnt change anything, dolphin still works, so its not used for that15:37
ElliriaThe sky may still fall later, though. I tried to use the first one (Back) that says: "Press, move left, release." Nothing happened when I tried to do that in Dolphin.15:40
stuffandthingsthat never did work on dolphin though, did it?15:41
stuffandthingsthe action is alt+left and that still worked the same15:42
ElliriaNo idea. I just saw it today and figured I'd try it to see if perhaps they had it enabled because Dolphin uses it, but it obviously doesn't.15:42
ElliriaOh, that one is cool. I didn't know about it.15:42
ElliriaKubuntu is ASTOUNDING in all the little things it can do to make your llife better.15:42
stuffandthingskde is so great15:43
ElliriaI have no idea why Ubuntu is so popular when it can't do most of what Kubuntu can.15:43
stuffandthingsand then there are the addons15:43
ElliriaYou can use it for years and still discover new stuff in it.15:43
stuffandthingsive been using it since 2.something and it always seems head and shoulders above the other DEs15:44
ElliriaYeah, and the Desktop Effects, OMG, the Desktop Effects...15:44
stuffandthingsthough i like lxqt on super lite systems15:44
stuffandthingsbtw i just saw, like 10 min ago, that the cube is coming back15:45
ElliriaI've used it since KDE 3 and loved it and then I abandoned it when KDE 4 came out. I switched to Ubuntu MATE as the closest possible replacement, but was never happy, so I came back with Kubuntu 22.04 LTS.15:45
ElliriaOh. I thought it was still here. I don't use it, but it's very cool.15:46
stuffandthingsit was in 415:46
stuffandthings4.0 was very... lacking15:46
ElliriaWayland? Is Kubuntu 23.04 using Wayland?15:46
stuffandthingsbut by 4.7 or so it was getting good again15:46
stuffandthingsnot by default15:46
stuffandthings23.10 isnt yet either15:47
ElliriaIt was slow and laggy for me, so I ran away. Then MATE started a new thing where they refuse to allow users to customize their own desktop themes and only give them a few hideous ones to choose from, so I ran away scrreaming.15:47
stuffandthingsits available on the login screen but its still defaulted to x1115:47
ElliriaDoes it actually work?15:47
stuffandthingsit does, there a few minor bugs here and there but its getting close15:47
ElliriaSo far, I've heard that there are lots of issues that people are having with Wayland, so I'm waiting.15:48
stuffandthingsgnome is completely going themless15:48
stuffandthingsmate did too?15:48
stuffandthingswhat a bummer, by the name gnome2 became mate, it was pretty decent15:48
stuffandthings*by the time15:49
ElliriaYeah, it's horrible. I've got a bookmark of a page where the developers talk about it and it's all about them and not us. It makes it easier for them to not allow us to decide how things look. This is not my planet.15:49
stuffandthingsi miss a bit of skeuomorphism15:50
stuffandthingseverything is too flat now15:50
ElliriaOh, yeah. With MATE, you have a choice of like 5 default themes. The end. There is no customization. If you happen to be incredible at the configuration files that create the themes and can figure out all the CSS classes that you need to know to make the magic happen, then you might be able to DIY, but it's so much work to figure out which classes control what that it's not worth the bother.15:50
ElliriaSame here. I hate the flat icons. It's hideous.15:50
stuffandthingseverything flat makes it take longer to spot things like buttons and scrollbars15:50
ElliriaI get that they're trying to create a universally-understood set of icons that anyone anywhere in the world would recognize, but I need prettiness.15:50
stuffandthingsdrives me nuts15:51
stuffandthingsyou know what was always crazy about the theming in kde?15:51
stuffandthingsits not just simple replacement of graphics, the themes do things15:52
stuffandthingslike the beos theme, you can actually do the tab thing like beos15:52
stuffandthingsit sucks that that theme got deleted, it was getting glitchy since kde4 because no one maintained it to work with newer kde versions15:53
ElliriaLike, for instance, this is a small part of my current desktop that shows part of our chat here and my panel with its icons. Beware, I like magenta, so this will be quite overpoweringly PINK: https://imgur.com/a/HZ0C1IO15:53
stuffandthingsvery constrasty15:54
ElliriaI had to download and manually use an icon set for the tray because all the default tray icons are flat.15:54
ElliriaI haven't tried the tab thing. Is that sort of like those snap-to-grid desktops?15:54
stuffandthingsthe problem with kde5 is that that theming for the taskbar is stored in plasma themes, which dont follow the icon theme15:54
stuffandthingson 6 they changed it for the better15:54
stuffandthingsnot exactly, if you google beos, youll see that the titlebar on a window is smaller than the window itself15:55
ElliriaOh, good. Anything they can do to make it easier at our end is always welcome. I had to wrestle with this one.15:55
stuffandthingsif you maximized multiple windows, the tabs would go beside eachother15:55
stuffandthingsor even if you just overlapped windows a bit15:56
stuffandthingsi read nates blog about the changes they make to kde a lot, really feels like they are not working against the average user, most of the time15:57
stuffandthingsmuch, much better than the gnome decs15:57
ElliriaInteresting. I kind of like the look of the tabs, but where are all the window menus?15:57
stuffandthingsbeos didnt have many menus but on kde the menus were still there as normal15:57
ElliriaOh, I'm not surprised. It would be hard to convince me that the devs code for us. I'm certain they code for themselves first and if we happen to like what they do, great. Heh.15:57
ElliriaWell, I mean like File --> Save or Edit --> Preferences, etc.15:58
stuffandthingsyeah, on kde theyre still there, but i remember beos having not many menus, i forget exactly how it was15:58
stuffandthingslast time i used beos, had to be around 22 years ago15:58
ElliriaA friend got me to try a desktop that only gives you access to menus by right-clicking the desktop. That drove me nuts, but some people love it.15:58
ElliriaBeos might be fun to mess around with in a VM.15:59
ElliriaI might even lasso my friend in on it since he likes trying stuff, too.15:59
stuffandthingsits interesting its so different15:59
stuffandthingsyeah, i dont like just rightclick on desktop15:59
stuffandthingsfor menu15:59
ElliriaYeah. I often have programs fully open, so it would be two clicks to get to the desktop and then do the right-click.16:00
ElliriaI'm fond of the little K in the bottom left corner.16:00
stuffandthingseven that is customizable, its so nice16:01
ElliriaThat's another thing Kubuntu got right. They offer you tiled desktops, etc., in case you don't like the default.16:01
ElliriaI know, right?16:01
stuffandthingsive got a number of desktop tile addons that make it even better16:01
stuffandthingskde4 had one awesome feature thats missing16:01
ElliriaI still need to figure out how to replace my trash icons on this. I currently have the ugly flat ones for that.16:01
stuffandthingsyou could tab any set of windows from any app16:01
ElliriaWhat's that?16:01
ElliriaAre you sure you can't in KDE 5?16:02
stuffandthingslike how browser tabs work, but for every app16:02
stuffandthingspretty sure, like 95%16:02
stuffandthingsi hope im wrong16:02
ElliriaDid it have a name so we can look it up?16:02
ElliriaNope. It's gone: https://www.reddit.com/r/kde/comments/ph4het/tabbed_windows_in_plasma_5/16:03
stuffandthingsi think they just called it windows tabbing16:03
stuffandthingscame in kde4.416:03
stuffandthingsthat and the cube are the only missing kde4 features i can think of16:03
ElliriaI just worry that they'll get rid of the two desktop effects I can't live without. Heh.16:04
stuffandthingssome grouping stuff with the taskbar too16:04
stuffandthingswhich ones?16:04
stuffandthingsim pretty sure 6 isnt cutting any of those out16:04
ElliriaI believe they're called Shatter and Magic Lamp. I've got to look.16:04
stuffandthingsmagic lamp, one of the only things that i like from apple :P16:05
ElliriaIf you've never used Shatter, buckle your seatbelt. You'll LOVE it!16:05
stuffandthingsi have16:05
ElliriaI need it. It's a sanity thing. Heh.16:05
stuffandthingshave you heard of the burn-my-windows addons?16:05
ElliriaNo, but it sounds awesome already.16:05
ElliriaNVIDIA drivers broke Shatter and Magic Lamp for many months on this computer, although they worked fine on my little laptop that didn't have an NVIDIA card. I was so sad. I have a relative who works at NVIDIA, so I filed a personal complaint. Heh. Not long afterwards, the devs fixed it. YAY!16:06
stuffandthingsluuucky you16:06
ElliriaOMG, so cool!16:06
stuffandthingsive got so many addons on here16:07
ElliriaOh, my, the Energize one!16:07
stuffandthingsand i archive everything i get so i can use it in the future, if im net-less or something16:07
ElliriaIt would be absolutely awesome if it also made the Energize sound effect.16:07
stuffandthingsyeah, energize looks nice16:07
ElliriaYes, same! And take screenshots or make text files or whatever with the names of the goodies.16:08
stuffandthingsyou could add the sound effect in the sound settings, i think16:08
stuffandthingslike the sounds for minimize, maximize etc16:08
stuffandthingsthough kde5 cut back on those a bit, maybe16:08
ElliriaI am so bookmarking that page. Thanks so much!16:08
stuffandthingsim a data hoarder -_-16:08
stuffandthingsno prob16:09
ElliriaSame. Heh,16:09
stuffandthingsive lately bin on a old windows kick, trying to fill in all the versions ive been missing16:09
ElliriaI think I'll leave Shatter on here and get Energize for my laptop.16:10
ElliriaDo you have Windows 3.1?16:10
ElliriaI remember that one, but don't think we still have a copy around here.16:10
stuffandthingsah, for 3.1, i not only have, i still have the original 5.25in disks too :P16:10
ElliriaAlthough I've got a copy of DOS, though.16:10
stuffandthingsmy first pc, dos5+win3.116:10
stuffandthingsthe disks, my 5.25% drive and my serial mouse are all thats left of that one16:11
stuffandthings*in drive16:11
ElliriaI don't know which DOS we had, but my first computer was a KAYPRO4 (we called her the KAYPRO4-us-rex) that had two 5 1/4 inch disks - one to hold the OS and the other to hold your data. Very cool.16:11
stuffandthingsoh man, that sounds like an ibm at almost16:12
stuffandthingsno mouse?16:12
stuffandthingsif no mouse, im guessing dos316:12
ElliriaNo mouse.16:13
stuffandthingslikely dos3 than16:13
ElliriaIt was very cool, though. It was portable and it even came with a modem in it.16:13
stuffandthingsoh wow, maybe 1 or 2 for that16:13
stuffandthingsi knew a guy who had something like that when i had my 38616:14
ElliriaThat keyboard clamps onto the front of it to protect the monitor and disk slots while traveling.16:14
ElliriaIt's HEAVY.16:14
stuffandthingsmaybe that was 8088 cpu or something16:14
ElliriaIt was so cool. And that's a serious clicker-keyboard, so I've always preferred those.16:14
stuffandthingsoh a z80 cpu16:14
ElliriaNo idea. I no longer have it.16:14
stuffandthingsmy freind with the ibm at had a kb like that, those kb are now worth a dollar!16:15
ElliriaIt was a gift from a family member to tide me over while I was getting my first IBM computer.16:15
stuffandthingserm, i mean many dollars16:15
stuffandthingsi wonder if that is emulated16:17
ElliriaYeah. I love the old IBM keyboards, but they no longer make them. Unicomp bought the IBM machines and makes keyboards from them, but made some changes to them. Apparently, my typing style is violent enough that I can destroy one of their keyboards in less than a year and at over $100 each, I decided they aren't worth it. My current keyboard, that handles my abuse really well, is a Razer Blackwidow.16:17
stuffandthingshear good things about that kb16:17
stuffandthingsthe razer16:17
ElliriaI highly recommend it if you're a powerful typist who destroys keyboards. These last me for years.16:18
stuffandthingsmy currently dead desktop is some generic membrane kb, otherwise im on a laptop16:19
ElliriaHopefully you can resurrect the desktop.16:19
stuffandthingsi need a new motherboard16:20
stuffandthingsthats seems to be what died16:20
stuffandthingskinda ruled out the rest16:20
stuffandthingsmy 20tb stash is still on there but ive nowhere to put those drives right now16:20
stuffandthingsthat point in the video talks about how the tabs work16:23
ElliriaAh, often when we need a new motherboard, it's not worth it, and you'd be better off doing a complete rebuild.16:24
ElliriaI'll take those 20TB off your hands. Heh. OMG...16:24
stuffandthingsit died like 3year ago, if it didnt, i would have had atleast 30 by now16:25
stuffandthingsi wanted to keep it long term, its an ivybridge system16:25
stuffandthingsso just about the fastest winxp machine16:25
ElliriaAw, I'm sorry.16:25
ElliriaStill, it would be good to either replace that one part or rebuild it.16:26
stuffandthingsaround that time i also got p3 parts to build a win9x system16:26
ElliriaChecking out your video.16:26
ElliriaGosh, this brings back so many memories. Back in those days, everything was changing so FAST and they were really dramatic differences. Nowadays, the changes seem to drag on and be quite small.16:28
stuffandthingsfor sure16:28
stuffandthingsa ten year old system still works out fine16:28
stuffandthingsunless you want to play a new aaa game or something16:28
stuffandthingsback then, a 1995 computer felt old compared to a 1997 one16:29
ElliriaAh, I see. The menu is beneath the tab.16:30
stuffandthingsyeah, so it is16:31
ElliriaYes! Exactly! Nowadays it's not like that.16:31
stuffandthingscouldnt remember for sure16:31
stuffandthingsi also cant remember if beos did this, but older kde versions with the beos theme, would auto move the tabs when you over lap them16:31
stuffandthingsif you combine all that with a maximize button and a menu on the top right corner, it just kind fits together really well16:32
ElliriaHeh. I like how the guy is playing all those sound files at once.16:33
stuffandthingsgiven that the tabs occupy the left and the "deskbar" occupies the right16:33
stuffandthingslol yeah16:33
ElliriaAh, you mean like combining various applications into one if you put the tabs near each other the way you can combine two instances of Firefox by dragging one tab onto the other?16:34
stuffandthingsbut the windows are still separate16:35
stuffandthingsif you move a window to where the tabs over lap, the tab just autoslides to the side on one of them16:35
stuffandthingsso if you maximize 2 windows, you have size by side tabs plus the "deskbar" all on one row16:36
ElliriaSo although they're separate windows, they look like they're part of the same application, right?16:36
ElliriaThat could be interesting.16:36
stuffandthingsbut if they arent maximized, they take up less space than a taskbar, since there isnt one16:36
stuffandthingskinda, the kde4 tabs made it like it was one app16:37
stuffandthingsthe kde3.x beos theme did it like beaos16:37
ElliriaIt's a shame they don't still offer it. One of the people on that Reddit page mentioned a very good point. LibreOffice doesn't offer good tab management, so having the option to forcibly tab it would be wonderful. It's so annoying to have to take a jaunt through the menu system to get at other windows when you have more than one document open.16:39
stuffandthingsall this talk got me to start downing beos again16:39
stuffandthingsyou could still do it if you run compiz ontop of kde16:40
stuffandthingscompiz has tabbing like that16:40
ElliriaI might have to try that. Could I just use it for that or would it also change other things on my desktop?16:41
stuffandthingsalso there something on windows that does it too but i forge the name16:41
stuffandthingscompiz is a window manager so it would have to be run in place of kwin16:41
stuffandthingsso all your windows would be either kwin or compiz16:42
stuffandthingsnowadays, compiz plays best with mate or unity16:42
stuffandthingsit was decent under kde3, so running trinity might be an option16:43
ElliriaI think everything that I use on Windows has tabs already, but it's been a while. I use it for work and have been out of work for a while, so my work machine is collecting dust at the moment.16:43
stuffandthingstrinity is a fork of kde316:43
stuffandthingsi gave up on windows after 816:43
ElliriaYeah, but Trinity isn't offered by Ubuntu as one of its flavors, so I decided not to go for that.16:43
ElliriaI have to use the latest and greatest Windows on the work machine because that's what companies want you to have [sigh]. It's just a money-sink, in my opinion.16:44
stuffandthingstheres a fork of kde4 also16:44
stuffandthingsyeah, i hear that16:44
stuffandthingsnice, trinity was still update, current ver from last sunday16:45
ElliriaInteresting. My next exploration in VirtualBox will be OMV.16:46
stuffandthings(my grammar might be fading due to sleep deprivation :P )16:46
ElliriaOh, I'm sorry! I don't mean to keep you awake! Go get your rest!16:46
stuffandthingsaw yeah, there is a ppa for it16:47
stuffandthingsits ok, im just gonna skip out on sleep today16:47
ElliriaThat's never a good idea!16:47
ElliriaAlthough if it makes you feel any better, I only got 4 hours of sleep last night, so I feel your pain.16:48
stuffandthingsi get mega bouts of insomnia sometimes, i just roll with it16:48
stuffandthingsfor months at a time its pretty normal sleep, then for months at a time, i could juts lay awake for 5h16:49
ElliriaSame here lately, but hopefully it will be temporary.16:49
stuffandthingsat some point that got really boring16:49
ElliriaYeah, I can't handle that. If I'm awake and thinking, I get out of bed. May as well do the day. Heh.16:49
ElliriaDolly Parton gets up earlier than most people and she says that as a result, she has always gotten a lot done.16:50
stuffandthingsi might spin up an ubuntu build with trinity16:56
ElliriaInteresting, although they don't come together, so you'd have to cobble it.16:56
stuffandthingsi miss the ubuntu minimal isos they used to put out16:57
stuffandthingsthough i should be able to run the last one through cubic and make updated ones16:58
ElliriaThey've got them again in the development version.16:58
stuffandthingsguess ill finally update my server if this one makes it to the release17:02
ElliriaIt's got high RAM requirements, though. High enough that someone in one of the Ubuntu mailing lists wasn't happy with it.17:02
stuffandthingsthank you for bringing this to light!17:02
stuffandthingsi wonder why17:03
ElliriaAny time. It just got discussed at length in one of the mailing lists. Let me see if I can find the thread.17:03
ElliriaIt starts here: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2023-November/311430.html17:05
stuffandthingscool, thanks17:05
ElliriaIf you keep clicking the next messages, you'll get to the part where they talk about the requirements.17:05
ElliriaI think he's trying to do the installation on a pretty low-end machine.17:06
stuffandthingsah, i see17:07
stuffandthingsi forget where the repos are for no longer supported versions17:08
stuffandthingsi used to know17:08
ElliriaMaybe herre? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases17:09
ElliriaI'm not sure if you can grab them from there, though.17:10
ElliriaAha! https://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/17:11
stuffandthingsfor the isos, but there was a way to modify the apt repo addresses so you could still pull stuff off of unsuported versions with apt17:14
ElliriaI think you have to change sources.list to accomplish that, don't you?17:15
stuffandthingsyep, just found out to what17:16
stuffandthingsdeb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ CODENAME main restricted universe multiverse17:16
stuffandthingsand CODENAME-updates main and such17:17
ElliriaInteresting. Does that downgrade your system or just add the repo?17:17
stuffandthingsi had to do it for someone once, to get them to be able to get deps for an unsupported version17:19
stuffandthingsit just basically makes apt work again the same as if it were supported17:19
stuffandthingsup to the last packages that were available for that version17:19
stuffandthingsgot disconnected there17:20
stuffandthingswhat is the last thing i sent, that went through?17:20
Elliria"and CODENAME-updates main and such"17:22
ElliriaSo, I think you're good, because you answered my question. Heh.17:22
stuffandthingsoh, that was a bit back17:28
stuffandthings[13:17:58] <stuffandthings> i had to do it for someone once, to get them to be able to get deps for an unsupported version17:28
stuffandthings[13:18:14] <stuffandthings> it just basically makes apt work again the same as if it were supported17:28
stuffandthings[13:18:29] <stuffandthings> up to the last packages that were available for that version17:28
stuffandthings[13:19:23] <stuffandthings> i with at eol, ubuntu would release isos that were patched up to the final versions for that version17:28
stuffandthings[13:19:36] <stuffandthings> *wish17:28
ElliriaYou immediately answered it, though. Yep, I've seen those, too.17:29
ElliriaI'm bouncing back and forth between this window and another one, so your vanishing act was seamless. Heh.17:29
stuffandthingsheh nice17:29
stuffandthingsim tempted to get an hdd to save repos for old versions17:30
stuffandthingsthats one thing that i dont like about rolling release stuff, (not that ubuntu is rolling)17:31
stuffandthingsbut they share this problem, though ubuntu to a much lesser extent17:31
stuffandthingswith an old os like windows </=7, you could have the install disc and the installer for a prog and you were good, if the netpocalypse happened17:32
stuffandthingsnow windows has multiple versions for 10/11 etc and something like ubuntu, well you go and install a deb you save, and it has so many other debs to get from the repo17:33
ElliriaYeah, and I think alll the installers (not just Windows) suffer from the after-the-fact updates that you need, so if you wanted to archive them, you'd want to grab it all and then make an archive.17:36
stuffandthingsits kind of a nightmare for preservation17:36
ElliriaYeah. We've definitely gone downhill on that over the years. It was nicer to have things on diskett or CD or DVD back in the day.17:40
stuffandthingsbut even if its over the net, i wonder if there is some better way to package it17:48
stuffandthingsappimage gives me some hope17:48
stuffandthingsflatpak feels like a bust to me, because most people just give you a flatpak link which triggers an install17:48
ElliriaI think you can disassemble an ISO, add files to it, and reassemble it.17:49
stuffandthingsif there is a way to save a .flatpak file from a flatpak ref, i dont know how17:49
ElliriaApparently this still works: https://askubuntu.com/questions/48535/how-to-customize-the-ubuntu-live-cd/49679#4967917:49
stuffandthingsoh you can and cubic really helps with doing that17:49
stuffandthingsthough that still seems a trifle more impractical that just saving an iso and an exe from somewhere17:50
ElliriaThanks for reminding me about preservation. The only copy I have of the installation ISO is on my computer. I really ought to get another USB stick and pop it onto there.17:51
stuffandthingsyeah, definitely a good idea17:52
stuffandthingsoh yeah, do you know about ventoy?18:03
ElliriaYep. It sounds good.18:05
ElliriaApparently you grab it, put it onto a USB stick, copy ISO files onto the USB stick with it, then boot with it and pick an ISO and press Enter. Boom!18:06
stuffandthingsits awesome18:06
stuffandthingsyou dont need to use it to actually copy the isos after the fact18:06
ElliriaI haven't tried it, but should use that on the USB stick when it comes.18:06
stuffandthingsyou just copy the isos via drag and drop like normally storing them on a usb18:06
ElliriaVery cool.18:08
stuffandthingsand upgrading it doesnt require recopying the isos18:09
ElliriaHow do you upgrade it?18:09
stuffandthingsso theres a basic gui, (even on the linux one!) that has a few simple options to format the usb, it makes a boot partition and a storage partition.18:12
stuffandthingsthe storage one remains hidden on most things18:12
stuffandthingsso you just copy isos to the storage one18:13
ElliriaCool. I found this for upgrading it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNwAOvZS3js18:13
stuffandthingswhen theres a new ventoy, you run the gui again, hit upgrade, it modifies the boot partition and its done18:13
stuffandthingsyeah, thats pretty much it18:14
stuffandthingsthat same little gui is on linux too, no different18:14
stuffandthingsyou dont have to install anything to run it18:15
stuffandthingsjust dl the linux  one, unzip it and run the executable18:15
ElliriaI added it to the notes in my personal wiki where I had the Ventoy stuff. Thanks!18:16
stuffandthingsno prob18:16
ElliriaWould that work on an SSD just as well as it would on a USB stick? I like to buy external drives to back up my computer and it occurs to me that those are much bigger, so maybe that would be a better place to keep ISOs.18:17
stuffandthingspretty sure it works on an ssd/hdd too18:18
stuffandthingsill try on a vm18:18
ElliriaTheir FAQ says you can. Yay! when theres a new ventoy, you run the gui again, hit upgrade, it modifies the boot partition and its done18:19
stuffandthingsthat about it18:19
ElliriaOops. Heh, that's your words. Hang on. Yes !    You can install Ventoy to USB drive, Removable HD, SD Card, SATA HDD, SSD, NVMe ...18:19
ElliriaStrange that it didn't copy.18:19
stuffandthingsyou can boot vhd files oto18:20
stuffandthingsthough that takes a bit more work18:20
ElliriaAdded that to my notes, too. Heh.18:20
ElliriaWhat are vhd files?18:21
stuffandthingsmore or less microsofts virtual hard drive image18:21
ElliriaInteresting. I had never heard of those.18:21
stuffandthingslike when you make a vm on vbox, in the vm dir, theres a virtual hard disk image18:21
stuffandthingsvhd is what microsoft virtual pc makes18:22
ElliriaAlthough nowadays everyone is offering ISO files.18:22
stuffandthingsbut vhds are not read only18:22
stuffandthingsi think vbox can make them too18:22
ElliriaInteresting. So you can edit them?18:22
stuffandthingsyeah, so if you had a win7 vhd, you could boot it and make changes that last18:22
ElliriaYep, it looks like it can.18:23
ElliriaMy VMs are .vdi format.18:23
stuffandthingsim pretty sure you could wip up a vbox vm right now and select vhd as the hdd format18:23
stuffandthingsyep, you can18:25
stuffandthingsso if you make a vbox vm, make the hdd in vhd mode, install windows on it, that vhd should be bootable18:25
stuffandthingsas long as you clean the drivers18:26
stuffandthingsbecause back in the day, atleast with xp, if you took an hdd out and put it in another computer, it would crash on boot18:26
stuffandthingsunless its the same chipset18:26
stuffandthingsyou had to take all the drivers off18:27
ElliriaIt offers to make a Virtual Hard Disk and I always accept that, but it creates those .vdi files.18:27
stuffandthingstheres a button like "expert mode" or something at the bottom18:28
ElliriaAh, that would probably be it. I'm far from expert. Heh.18:28
ElliriaI just bumble along in VirtualBox.18:28
stuffandthingswhat vbox version are you on?18:29
stuffandthingsok, one sec, ill install that on a vm18:29
stuffandthingsits been a while since i 'vm-cepted'18:30
stuffandthingsi once took a w7 vm, saved state, put that saved state setup in a vm, repeat, then every time i launched the vm, there was another waiting and ready inside of it18:32
ElliriaYep. In expert mode, you can do it.18:32
stuffandthingskeep an eye out for that button, its in some other places in vbox18:33
ElliriaIt's at the beginning when you create a new VM. It offers VDI, VHD, VMDK, HDD, QCOW, and QED in the hardware section.18:37
stuffandthingsqcow, why does that ring a bell18:37
stuffandthingsqemu v-disk18:38
ElliriaIt says" (QEMU Copy-On-Write)" next to that.18:38
stuffandthingsunless i was thinking of unicows18:38
ElliriaAnd QED says "(Qemu enhanced disk)" next to it.18:39
stuffandthingsoh yeah, i just had to get unicows the other day18:39
stuffandthingsms also has an enhanced version of theirs vhdx, xvhd, or something18:39
stuffandthingsi forget, but i assume its for hyper-v18:40
ElliriaWhich will surely be added to the list at some point.18:40
stuffandthingsmaybem ms made the spec available18:41
stuffandthings"VHDX was added in Hyper-V in Windows Server 2012 to add larger storage capacity, data corruption protection, and optimizations to prevent performance degradation on large-sector physical disks"18:41
ElliriaThat sounds like a niche use-case, so maybe they won't add it.18:42
ElliriaWell, it's been a blast chatting with you, but I've got to go. The piper needs to be paid after all. Maybe we'll bump into each other again some time.18:45
* Elliria hugs stuffandthings18:45
stuffandthingsgreat talking, ill pop up on here again soon18:46
ElliriaOkay. I will, too. See you then!18:46

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