
oerheksno, i love snaps.00:27
webchat36hello, on a folder I see an icon. A green circle with 3 white circles connected by two  lines. I suppose it looks like the share icon you'd see in android. Does anyone know what this means?01:56
webchat36Here is a picture of the icon02:06
webchat36Let me try to re-word that.. In this image: https://ubuntucommunity.s3.dualstack.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/original/2X/0/0de2d284f1ea4a25a9fc73d15e55a79bab025c3e.png  There is a green icon over the test folder. What does this green icon mean?02:11
natewrenchwebchat36, its a shared folder over the network02:12
webchat36ah thank you02:13
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pickanickHow do I install the man pages for packagekit and packagekitd ?06:07
rboxpickanick: you don't06:13
pickanickbecause it's best to just remove them from the system?=06:19
pickanickI was wondering why it seems on bootup packagekitd sits on the lock for far longer than it takes apt update to run.06:20
pickanickAre you saying that there are no man pages for packagekit and packagekitd, or there is no point to reading them?06:21
rboxthere are no man pages06:22
pickanickLet me guess, a .CHM file06:23
pickanick(please disregard that)06:24
pickanickI was wondering why on boot it seems packagekitd sits on the lock for far longer than it takes apt update to run.  What is it doing?06:32
pickanickAsking because it blocks the use of apt for an unpredictable time.06:35
Bashing-om!info packagekitd06:35
ubottuPackage packagekitd does not exist in mantic06:35
Bashing-ompickanick: it's packagekit as the package .. ' apt show packagekit ' for info.06:39
pickanickhttps://www.freedesktop.org/software/PackageKit/gtk-doc/PackageKit-Offline-Updates.html  says "Functions for perform offline updates"06:39
* pickanick runs 'apt install packagekit-docs'06:40
pickanickThank you Bashing-om and rbox06:40
pickanickWhere to find in the logs if offline updates were being run?06:41
tomreynsomewhere in /var/log/apt/ most likely06:42
tomreynthat's if you mean "unattended"06:43
pickanicklooked there in /var/log/apt/  w/o success; history.log gives interactive apt invocations, term.log seems to be terminal output of the same, eipp.log.xz seems to be a list of packages, everything else is old06:45
tomreyni think term.log should have everything06:46
tomreynyou could also check journalctl, there may be logs there from packagekit specifically06:47
tomreyn(which you could filter for)06:47
pickanickPackageKit[]: refresh-cache transaction /6306_baacbcdc from uid 1000 finished with success after 2862100ms06:51
tomreynso packagekit has two backends, apt and aptcc, i assume the latter would not log to term.log, but not sure.06:53
tomreynand i don't know which one is default on ubuntu (debian wiki says it defaults to aptcc)06:53
tomreynmaking a choice not to use packagekit is an option, and IMO a reasonable one.06:54
pickanickthere is nothing in term.log that didn't get echo'ed to screen, except some control codes.06:54
pickanickThat's ~48 minutes to refresh-cache, would it be using the same sources.list as apt ?06:54
tomreyni would think so, yes, but i know too little about packagekit to comment, please refer to the documentation you identified.06:55
tomreyn(and sorry, i missed the link you posted for "offline updates" earlier)06:56
pickanickthat's why I called them "offline updates" instead of "unattended" :)06:57
tomreynyes, i just realized this, nd that made me say "sorry"06:57
tomreynwhat's your goal in using packagekit?06:58
pickanickIt came installed by default, seemed to be unintrusive, unattended security upgrades seemed like a good thing.07:00
pickanickRecently getting annoying07:01
tomreynyes, unattended upgrades is a good thing. personally, i prefer unattended-upgrades for this.07:01
tomreyni think those boot-time upgrades are a packagekit thing only.07:02
tomreynbut then i'd prefer those upgrades to happen *before* reboot07:02
pickanickyes or at least have the choice of "shutdown now" vs "upgrade and shutdown"07:03
pickanickThing is that I like to defer desktop updates until I'm not in the middle of working on something, because they have the capacity to make my graphical session unusable.07:03
tomreynunattended-upgrades can be configured to run before shutdown/reboot07:04
tomreynit will increase the reboot time, of course07:04
pickanickunattended-upgrades is [installed,automatic]07:08
pickanicktomreyn : how does one configure it?07:09
tomreynpickanick: in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/07:09
tomreyn+ there is a systemd .unit and .timer07:10
pickanickI see /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades but no .unit nor .timer files07:19
tomreynsystemctl list-units unattended-upgrades.service07:22
pickanick"systemctl status unattended-upgrades.service" reports "active (running)"07:22
tomreynapparently i was wrong about the timer07:23
pickanickso now it's not clear to me whether the checkbox in [KDE] "Software Update" for "Use offline updates" uses unattended-upgrades.service or packagekit-offline-update.service (which is currently inactive (dead))07:26
pickanickor whether these two services contend for the lock07:27
pickanickunattended-upgrades.service seems to write to journalctl only the following: "systemd[1]: unattended-upgrades.service: Deactivated successfully."  & "systemd[1]: Started Unattended Upgrades Shutdown."07:32
pickanickI wish things were more transparent07:34
pickanicktomreyn: so do you erase PackageKit and just use unattended-upgrades.service ?07:34
tomreynpickanick: personally i would, yes. but i'm a special snowflake, not the average desktop user, so your mileage may vary.07:55
veegeegot that five-O double up niggaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa08:04
veegee(niggaz wit attitude lyrics)08:05
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tomreyn!ot > veegee08:21
ubottuveegee: Please see my private message08:21
webchat36Hello everyone! I would like to install gcc-13 (well... build-essential) on Ubuntu mantic. I can install gcc 9, 10 or 11 OK. 12 and 13 fail like this:08:57
webchat36Preparing to unpack .../gcc-13_13.2.0-4ubuntu3_amd64.deb ...08:57
webchat36Unpacking gcc-13 (13.2.0-4ubuntu3) ...08:57
webchat36dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/gcc-13_13.2.0-4ubuntu3_amd64.deb (--unpack):08:57
webchat36 unable to open '/usr/libexec/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/13/liblto_plugin.so.dpkg-new': No such file or directory08:57
webchat36Errors were encountered while processing:08:57
webchat36Hello everyone! I would like to install gcc-13 (well... build-essential) on Ubuntu mantic. I can install gcc 9, 10 or 11 OK. 12 and 13 fail like this: https://dpaste.com/52ESA966K08:59
tomreyn^ much better! :)09:00
webchat36Thanks! Sorry about that. Somehow I read what to do and failed to comprehend it09:00
tomreynwhich of these files do you have there?  ls /usr/libexec/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/13/liblto_plugin.so*09:02
tomreynplease use a pastebin if >1 line again09:02
webchat36Nothing matching that glob. The directory contains 49 regular files and 3 directories (https://dpaste.com/A8P86BVV6) but not that09:04
tomreynwebchat36: can you show output of    sudo apt update && sudo apt -f install09:06
webchat36Thanks for your patience, tomreyn - something like this: https://dpaste.com/ARUQPXBKD09:23
tomreynwebchat36: have you checked that all of these repositories provide packages compatible with mantic? i'm not sure that's the case. the nvidia cuda one looks like it's specifically not the case there.09:29
tomreynFWIW: the microsoft teams repository hasn't received updates for a good while now09:30
tomreyn(there seems to be no microsoft support for teams on linux at this time)09:31
tomreynwebchat36: other than that, try installing gcc-13 again and show the full command you rand and output it produced09:36
tomreyn* you ran09:37
tomreynif the error message persists, i suggest filing a bug report.09:37
paul424Hello I have an asus x555L laptop ...09:37
paul424and cannot get soundworking neither on windows 10 nor on ubuntu 22 LTS09:38
paul424it is worth mentioning htat it is the "try me " mode09:38
paul424but ... how I am supposed to use that https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure ?09:39
paul424most of the steps are download , install and reboot09:39
paul424which of course here does not make sense09:39
webchat36Regarding Teams: Oh man, I hadn't noticed lol. The client seems to still work, so I guess I don't need the repository right now .... Regarding nvidia: They dont' seem to create a new repo for every Ubuntu release... The 2204 has not let me down yet afaik, and doesn't have any gcc stuff in it (though lots that depends on it)... packages are09:39
paul424Is there any hope that the installed on the hard drive installation should behave more sanely ?09:40
tomreynpaul424: so you're running the 22.04 LTS live system right now? if so, run this: wget -O alsa-info.sh https://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh09:42
tomreynpaul424: this should offer you to upload information on your audio chipset and configuration to a website. share the link once that's done09:43
paul424./alsa-info.sh: line 659: tree: command not found09:45
paul424ftw  ?09:45
paul424I try to install tree but that doesn't work either ...09:45
tomreynpaul424: sudo apt update && sudo apt install tree09:46
tomreynyou might need to   sudo apt-add-repository universe      and re-run the above09:47
webchat36i will return in a bit, good luck paul424 :-)09:47
tomreynwebchat36: i tell whether any of these payckages would or would not get in the way.09:48
tomreynwebchat36: on a side note, there is also teams-for.linux, and open source project, which does get updates (and i would not recommend running the outdated and most likely vulnerable original ms teams packages anymore)09:49
paul424tomreyn and do you see something .... suspicious ?09:53
tomreynpaul424: give me a minute09:58
tomreynso you have three audio devices. one for onboard hdmi, from intel, one for classic audio output (probably what you want) from intel, and one for gpu hdmi from nvidia10:01
tomreynpaul424: which audio are you trying to make work? built-in, like, the internal speaker?10:01
spinningCati cannot find my hot spot connection when i turned on phone10:02
spinningCatubuntu doesnt see thaat it seems10:02
spinningCatin per ver ubuntu can see it10:02
spinningCatwhat is going on?10:03
tomreynspinningCat: could be 2.4 vs 5 GHz?10:03
paul424tomreyn the internal speaker10:05
spinningCathmm how can i check if my phone hotspot is either one of those?10:06
tomreynpaul424: if you scroll towards the end of your alsa-info output, you'll see a "!!ALSA/HDA dmesg" section, which has two lines saying "no codecs found!".10:06
tomreynpaul424: i assume you would need to install the sof-audio codec package which is a separate download10:06
paul424aha, how shell I install those codecs ...10:06
paul424aha ... why this isn't done out-of the box10:06
pickanickI see that software-properties-qt constructs a sources.list file based on the options chosen. Is there an option for "jammy-backports" ?10:08
spinningCatsorry i disconnected10:08
paul424again, what package do I need to install  , tomreyn ?10:09
tomreynpaul424: if your bios has secureboot enabled and you want to keep it enabled you'll need to install packages firmware-sof-signed10:09
tomreynpaul424: it's possible you will also need this package if you're not booting with secureboot enabled10:10
tomreynspinningCat: hopefully your phone can tell10:11
spinningCatubuntu dont see my hot spot connection10:11
pickanickand why are these mutually exclusive alternatives: "Install security updates without confirmation" and "download all updates in the background" ?10:11
tomreynpickanick: i think the "extra sources" (or similar name) tab let's you choose "backports"10:12
paul424firmware-sof-signed is already the newest version (2.0-1ubuntu4.1).10:13
paul424so ...  ?10:14
irgendwer4711hi, there was an nvidia driver update: http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/restricted/n/nvidia-graphics-drivers-525/nvidia-graphics-drivers-525_525.147.05-0ubuntu0.23.04.1/changelog10:26
irgendwer4711that changelog points to on bug 2038514, but this does not exists...?!10:27
CoOlGhOsTAnyone managed to move from macos on an older (2017) Mac to Ubuntu successfully? I am contemplating this as it has gotten too old for Apple to support. I have read that internal sound needs to have an external library built for it to work.10:27
tomreynirgendwer4711: bugs which are shown as non-existent either don't exist or you lack access to see them. the latter usually applies for embargoes security vulnerabilities10:29
tomreyn* embargoeD10:29
irgendwer4711tomreyn: strange...10:30
tomreynirgendwer4711: why so?10:30
irgendwer4711tomreyn: changelog points to an upstream update. no notice for a security problem10:31
tomreynirgendwer4711: this doesn'T seem to rule out a security patch to me10:34
irgendwer4711tomreyn: sadly I cant find the maintainer on irc...10:36
tomreynirgendwer4711: they'll be extra busy these days anyways. which ubuntu release are you on?10:38
irgendwer4711I have Xubuntu 23.0410:39
tomreynirgendwer4711: it may be a good time to upgrade to 23.10 then10:40
tomreynand maybe to a newer nvidia-driver series10:41
irgendwer4711tomreyn: no, not yet. I had some trouble with maybe nvidia or. xorg. So maybe this nvidia update would fix this. X crashed and I lost my session and get back to login...10:41
irgendwer4711tomreyn: this was often after use of gthumb or mpv10:42
tomreyni could not comment on this10:42
webchat36I think 525.147.05's a fix for a denial of service for R545, R535, R525 and R470 caused by a null pointer dereference. Just a guess after an internet search though10:42
tomreyni would suggest remaining on LTS while you use out of tree modules10:43
irgendwer4711tomreyn: so I am keen now about changelog. btw 23.04 is not LTS ;-P10:43
akikCoOlGhOsT: i put ubuntu mate on my 2011 imac. works fine10:43
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irgendwer4711tomreyn: thx so far...10:56
webchat36tomreyn: I don't know how dpkg unpacks things internally, so this is a bit wonky for me, but... What I think is harming my ability to install gcc-13 is...https://dpaste.com/HEV4PP2YJ - the file complained about should end up as a link TARGET. The symbolic link NAME is stored directly in the archive and not in some file handled by dh_link. MAYBE it10:58
webchat36is relevant that I have each of /, /usr and /var on their own partitions. The link and its target should both be on the same partition, so.... I dunno. Anyway, gcc-11 doesn't have this linking happening =#10:58
webchat36Here's the full result of trying to install gcc-13 https://dpaste.com/4TLC4PY8Z (for simplicity: This is the bit that fails when I try to install build-essential. I've left the other packages out, but the failure is the same). It's nothing new though10:58
CoOlGhOsTakik: cool, but it seems that Apple put in a Cirrus board in 2016/2017 macbooks and imacs which is not supported by the Linux kernel11:00
tomreynwebchat36: symbolic links dont need to be on the same file system (or partition), just hard links (which packages won't ship)11:11
webchat36oh, indeed. well, then.... anyway, hey you seem very popular right now and i appreciate the help and advice you've given11:15
CosmicDJshould I be worried when I see "Nov 04 11:57:00 ubuntu kernel: UBSAN: array-index-out-of-bounds in build/nvidia/535.129.03/build/nvidia-uvm/uvm_pmm_gpu.c:2364:28" journal entries?11:16
tomreynwebchat36: hehe, i would not call myself popular, no. but you're welcome. i have a friend here next to me so i may be a bit distracted,11:16
tomreynwebchat36: to me, this does look like a packaging bug really.11:18
tomreynwhile installing, the package installation script seems to try to access a non-existent file.11:18
tomreynand this file would only exist if it had been previously created by these package installation scripts11:19
tomreynso i'd say you want to    ubuntu-bug gcc-1311:20
tomreynand copy + paste https://dpaste.com/4TLC4PY8Z11:20
webchat36marvellous. i will have a go at that!11:22
pickanick[How] can list packages available in backports?11:27
tomreynpickanick: https://packages.ubuntu.com/jammy-backports/allpackages is one way (note i chose "jammy" for you, but you may want a different ubuntu release codename)11:32
tomreynCosmicDJ: not strictly worried, but this is a malfacuntion that should not be happening11:32
pickanickthanks, jammy is perfect.  I'm wondering whether backports versions should show up in apt search11:33
CosmicDJtomreyn: the latest nvidia-driver-535 driver on mantic seems to be quite unstable :(11:38
tomreynpickanick: i'm not sure if it works, but try this (it starts with a dot):    . /etc/os-release && apt-cache policy '*' | egrep '^([^ ].*|.* '$VERSION_CODENAME'/backports .*)' | egrep -B1 ' ' | egrep '^[^ ]' | sed 's/:$//' | sort | uniq11:45
tomreynpickanick: i'm not sure if it works, but try this (it starts with a dot):    . /etc/os-release && apt-cache policy '*' | egrep '^([^ ].*|.* '$VERSION_CODENAME'/backports .*)' | egrep -B1 '^ ' | egrep '^[^ ]' | sed 's/:$//' | sort | uniq11:46
tomreynhasd a typo there11:46
tomreynCosmicDJ: sorry to hear this. maybe there's a newer series?11:48
tomreynCosmicDJ: there's also a the graphics-drivers ppa which may have a package version not yet available in your releases' "restricted" component11:49
CosmicDJtomreyn: the GPU is working fine as far as I can tell...11:51
tomreynthat's nice11:52
BluesKajHi all12:03
_erhard_hi blueskaj12:50
BluesKajhi _erhard_12:53
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sibyllamantic live boots so slow is it checking integrity or something16:08
lotuspsychjesibylla: most recent ubuntu iso's got integrity checker automatic16:08
lotuspsychjesibylla: should give you the ctrl + warning to skip16:09
sibyllathanks thought so16:10
lotuspsychjesibylla: on a classic spinner HD, this can take a while16:11
tomreynon a classic spinner cd-rom, too16:12
BardonHello, I have a unit file that starts x11vnc on startup. It worked fine on 23.04 but since I upgraded to 23.10, it doesn't work anymore17:04
BardonThe command I use is "/usr/bin/x11vnc -display :0 -rfbauth /home/user/.vnc/passwd -forever -auth /home/user/.Xauthority"17:04
BardonAnd I get "Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key"17:04
rboxthats the only output it says?17:06
BardonNo, I can paste the whole output somewhere, give me a sec17:07
rboxwell there's an idea...17:07
Bardonrbox: https://termbin.com/56vv17:08
rboxand where is this unit file?17:09
rboxi suggest you actually read the output of the program...17:10
rboxnot just stop at the first error17:11
BardonHmm is the solution that obvious17:11
BardonI'll re read it then ,sorry17:11
BardonAdding "-display :0" doesn't solve it17:12
BardonSomeone is logged in17:13
BardonI run this command as root17:13
BardonReally, I'm sorry, I can't find the solution, I need help17:16
Bardonwhat works is running that command while logged in as the user whose screen I wish to see17:17
BardonBut I'd like to run that command as root so I can automate it though a unit file17:17
BardonAnd I see it's "x11vnc version: 0.9.16 lastmod: 2019-01-05", so it isn't because of a change on x11vnc's side17:21
Bombotrying to compile vlc from git on ubuntu focal: 'checking for QT... no' 'configure: error: No package 'Qt5Quick' found' with 'apt search Qt5Quick' i found 'libqt5quick5' but no -dev packages, how come?17:30
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oerhekssudo apt-get build-dep vlc # might be a help?17:32
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Bombooerheks: did that, but configure doesn't find qt17:33
BardonFor anyone who might get the same issue, the command runuser seems to fix it17:34
rboxBombo: it looks like the dev package might be qtdeclarative5-dev17:38
oerheksrbox, yes17:38
oerheksthat should be pulled in, i guess17:38
Bomborbox: not confusing at all, thx :)17:51
Bomboand qtquickcontrols2-5-dev i found for "No package 'Qt5QuickControls2' found"17:52
Bomboseems to compile now17:52
* Bombo waits17:52
ash_worksi12:05 < cryptonector> see POSIX and your OS's docs on strftime() and strptime()18:08
ash_worksiwhere are those docs for Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS ?18:08
ravageash_worksi: man strftime18:09
ash_worksioh; for some reason I didn't think it would be that simple18:10
ash_worksiravage: the question was about how jq parses `%z`; it seems to work with a format -05:00, although `man strftime` doesn't say what would/should happen if a colon were to appear; I could just say, "well, it works" and move on, but might that behavior be described somewhere?18:14
rboxin the source code18:16
leftyfbash_worksi: you could always ask in #jq18:17
rootdoktor yok mu ?18:18
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ash_worksileftyfb: I pasted the response I got from #jq here.18:19
ash_worksirbox: how would I go about doing that?18:19
sneakyimpcan someone tell me where the ubuntu PHP-FPM/Apache2 packages write PHP errors? I've checked the apache error log and the php-fpm log and these do not contain errors that happen when i access a php script via apache18:20
rboxash_worksi: step 1 get the source, step 2 read it18:21
ash_worksisneakyimp: you may need to check your php.ini and fpm settings to make sure they are being logged; you're better off in ##php I think though18:21
sneakyimpash_worksi: thanks for tip, the settings are the defaults for the ubuntu apt installers18:21
ash_worksirbox: ah. I thought it might be shipped somewhere18:22
ash_worksisneakyimp: I don't remember where they are by default, I would guess in `/var/log/php/{version}` somewhere18:22
ash_worksirbox: sorry, I mean I thought the source might already be on my computer, shipped with the distro18:23
rboximagine how much wasted space there would be if the source for everyting was always installed everywhere18:23
ash_worksirbox: well, I didn't think _all_ source code came with the distro; but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask anyway18:24
sneakyimpash_worksi: there is a php log, /var/log/php8.2-fpm.log, but the errors do not appear there. the php.ini sets error_log to an empty value ('no value') and this would default to the apache log in prefork, but php-fpm appears to behave differently.18:24
rboxso you jsut want random amounts of source?18:24
ash_worksirbox: no, I just thought perhaps that library was small enough to be included for some reason; I didn't give it too much thought though18:25
ash_worksisneakyimp: it is also possible for it to be sent to where ever you have your log destination set for apache; the particular vhost may have a location within the root of the project you're serving18:26
ash_worksisneakyimp: you'll have to look at the config for the site in question under /etc/apache2/sites-enabled18:28
sneakyimpash_worksi: the apache conf sets ErrorLog to /var/log/apache2/error.log but the PHP errors do not appear there, either. i suspect apache behaves differently in mpm_event mode, using a PHP-FPM pool to handle php requests18:32
ash_worksisneakyimp: you should confirm that your php ini settings are set to log errors (even if they are the defaults)18:39
sneakyimpash_worksi: log_errors => On => On18:43
ash_worksisneaky: the best way to ensure that is actually to make a page containing only the line `<?php phpinfo();` and visiting it18:49
ash_worksioh well18:49
Bombodid anyone know a fix to the vlc crashing yet? it crashes when seeking: https://pastebin.com/Upvd9cHg tried the vlc git master 4.0.x, same, vlc git 3.0.x same, crashes on focal + jammy with intel gpu and amd onboard gpu, but not on a nvidia19:02
JanCBombo: for problems with upstream versions you probably best ask them?19:05
oerhekstry the snap package, it gives 3.0.20 ?19:06
BomboJanC: it's the same prob with ubuntu repo vlc, then i compiled vlc from git, same19:06
Bombooerheks: snap is prob not newer than official vlc git i suppose19:07
JanCBombo: do other mediaplayers (e.g. mpv and something GStreamer-based) have the same problems?19:11
BomboJanC: no mpv works fine19:11
JanCso there is no bug in the hardware acceleration layer, and the bug is in VLC probably19:12
Bomboanyone able to reproduce it? anyone using intel or amd gpu, playing a h264.mkv file with vlc and getting crashes?19:12
JanCI see they use VAAPI through a VDPAU emulation layer; the bug might be there also19:13
BomboJanC: vlc worked until the last upgrade of ubuntu19:13
gordonjcpwow, vlc is still a thing19:13
oerheksgmpv is my choice19:14
gordonjcpI need to work out what the default video player in Ubuntu is, and how to make it play back .mp4 files19:14
JanCBombo: it crashes indeed19:14
oerheksBombo, maybe try a higher version than focal?19:14
JanCit crashes in jammy too19:14
gordonjcpwhatever ubuntu ships with fails to play back .mp4 files with "application/smil decoder is required to play the file, but it is not installed."19:15
gordonjcpwhich is a bit annoying19:15
Bombooerheks: what JanC said19:15
JanCgordonjcp: did you install the appropriate GStreamer codecs?19:15
oerheksgstreamer1.0-vaapi ?19:16
gordonjcpJanC: not sure what that would be19:16
gordonjcpJanC: I don't want it to play a smil file, I haven't used smil for 20 years19:16
JanCmaybe your mp4 contains SMIL...?  or maybe you messed your MIME types up  :)19:17
gordonjcpJanC: there's a .smi file in the same directory19:19
gordonjcpJanC: it's used for ~~~magic Sony stuff~~~, hell knows what19:19
JanCBombo: I suppose you should file a bug report19:20
BomboJanC: vlc or ubuntu?19:21
JanChard to say, maybe both...?19:22
oerheksif you have build it yourself, not to the ubuntu deb or snap19:22
JanCyou can link the Ubuntu bug to an upstream bug & vice versa19:22
grygordonjcp: mpv is a lovely player.19:23
JanCoerheks: the problem is the same with all VLC19:23
oerheksto file a proper report, you need to install the repo version to file a bugreport against that package19:23
JanCyes, obviously19:23
JanCif anybody has a non-Ubuntu system ready to test it on, that would be interesting too...19:25
gordonjcpgry: mostly I use ffplay19:27
gordonjcpgry: it can output to my TV over HDMI using the proper video IO card19:28
oerheks!info gmpv19:29
ubottuPackage gmpv does not exist in mantic19:29
oerheks!info gnome-mpv19:29
ubottugnome-mpv (0.25-2, mantic): transitional package. In component universe, is optional. Built by celluloid. Size 8 kB / 30 kB19:29
oerhekscheck out the difference in controls and such19:30
JanCBombo: might be useful to run VLC with the -vvv option for verbose output; seems to me like the codec complains VLC is using a deprecated VAAPI function19:36
BomboJanC: hm oh snap i hear now that vlc snap DOES work19:58
Bombois there a way to find out why? who builds the snap and how?19:59
oerheksask the team?20:00
JanCif the snap works & other versions don't, then there is still a bug somewhere   :)20:00
oerheksalso their channel #videolan on #libera20:00
Bombooerheks: i'm in it, but silence for hours20:01
Bomboso vlc team does the snap20:01
Bombo(idk how snap works)20:02
Bomboi thought ubuntu/canonical does them20:02
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PeGaSuSif I'm on a machine that has IPv4 and IPv6, how do I force any command that fetch stuff from the outside to binf to IPv4, but only for that command?20:40
ravageusually your tool has an option for that. wget -4 for example20:45
rfmPeGaSuS, if the command doesn't have the option, try using a numeric IP address instead of a name20:46
PeGaSuSI was hoping I could use something like `BIND_ADDRESS=IP ./command`.. but the IP works too20:47
JanCthere might exist an LD_PRELOAD wrapper that can hide IPv6 addresses...21:07
JanCanother option is to use some sort of a container/namespace21:09
JanCe.g. with firejail21:10
JanCPeGaSuS: ^21:13
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PeGaSuSnah.. I just need to do that for a specific command like once a month.. I'll use destination IP instead hostame21:31
JanCPeGaSuS: that would typically not work when multiple domains are hosted on the same server (although you could work around that with a hosts file or similar)21:34
loswedsededis this the right channel to ask about how to install lemmy?21:43
ravageloswedseded: https://join-lemmy.org/docs/administration/from_scratch.html21:45
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SquareI'm thinking of installing a Sound Blaster Audigy Soundcard from early 2000's in my machine. Is there some database where one could check if it's working "on paper"?21:59
Square(running ubuntu 22.04)22:00
ravageit will probably just work22:01
grySquare: h-node.org could help22:04
en1gmawhere do i get 23.04 (lunar lobster) dailys for a live usb?22:15
en1gmai can only find release from 04-18-2023 or 04-20-202322:16
ravageget 23.1022:16
en1gmayou think?22:16
en1gmait dont have a long cycle22:17
jwarren /set plugins.var.lua.colorize_nicks.enable22:17
ravageless for 23.0422:17
ravageif you want an LTS release get 22.0422:17
en1gmai have my desktop with 23.04 full install to nvme m.2 and i want to use a windows laptop with the matching distro i have on my desktop22:17
en1gmai had 22.04.3 and did a dist-upgrade22:17
en1gmait upgraded me to 23.0422:17
ravagethen you left the long term support path now22:17
ravageand you need to update every 9 months latest22:18
en1gmaohhh ok. so i just change that and it will do 23.10?22:18
ravageyou 23.04 install should already offer the upgrade to 23.1022:18
en1gmanot yet. let me check as im on that box now22:19
ravageinstall all available package updates first22:19
en1gmayou are correct. doing it now. thanks22:19
en1gmai did last night with update but i just clicked the upgrade now option and its on its way22:20
en1gmashould i cancel i have an option right now to do it22:20
ravageit is a good idea to update now22:21
ravageyou have to do it soon anyway22:21
en1gmai canceled and did a 'sudo apt update' and it said all packages up to date22:21
jwarren /join #weechat22:22
jeremy31jwarren: why?22:24
jwarrensorry i keep doing that lol22:24
sakioushello people23:21
toddcwelcome all please ask if you have question23:31
webchat36After (badly) upgrading to mantic, I'm in a situation where certain packages (gcc-12 and gcc-13) with symlinks won't install correctly. Last night we decided that it was a packaging bug and I'm probably going to try reporting it. But with a fresh install in a virtual machine I can't reproduce the problem. Ugh. I'm trying reinstalling allllllll my23:34
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oerheksdoes 12 and 13 show up with: update-alternatives --config gcc23:37
webchat36No, oerheks ... dpkg bails out during installation claiming that it can't find /usr/libexec/x86_64-linux-gnu/13/liblto.so.new (not necessarily the actual filename), which is in the package. So the gcc executable is never installed and never reaches the lsit of alternatives23:40
oerheksehm why using dpkg.. foreign package from somewhere?23:40
webchat36No, because that's what's complaining when I type something like apt install whateverpackage23:41
oerhekshttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-13/13.2.0-4ubuntu3 it is in our repos.23:42
webchat36eg https://dpaste.com/4TLC4PY8Z23:42
oerheksweird, as mantic gives gcc 13 as default?23:47
oerheksyes, GCC was updated to the 13.2.0 release, binutils to 2.41, and glibc to 2.38.23:48
webchat36For package gcc, yeah "Depends: cpp (= 4:13.2.0-1ubuntu1), gcc-13 (>= 13.2.0-2~)"23:48
oerheksis this an distro upgrade?23:49
oerheksmaybe just "  sudo apt-get install --reinstall build-essentials " fixes things23:55
oerhekselse file a bugreprot indeed23:55
webchat36thanks oerheks (y)23:58

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