
=== teward changed the topic of #lubuntu-devel to: Lubuntu Development | Current dev version: Noble Numbat (24.04) | Schedule: https://ubottu.com/y/mm | Testing: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker | Support: #lubuntu | Offtopic: #lubuntu-offtopic | Telegram: https://telegram.lubuntu.me/development | Discourse offline for maintenance, updates, etc. No ETA on return.
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> I just received in-person permission from vorlon to immediately start that transition13:25
tsimonq2Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuulllllllllllllllllllll speeeeeeed aheadddddd!13:51
tsimonq2lxqt-build-tools build running locally. All hands on deck :D13:51
tsimonq2Okay, so now we're waiting on a member of the Archive Team to accept lxqt-menu-data. It's completely Lintian-clean.15:40
tsimonq2I'm still in Riga (for my last night), so I'll nag people until someone agrees ;)15:40
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> XD15:41
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> I got out of the closing plenary first and waited until I spotted an archive admin XD16:01
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Colin took care of the source, just wondering if lxmenu-data and lxqt-menu-data have conflicting files16:02
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> If anyone can confirm or deny, cool, if not I'll look in a bit16:02
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> The packaging is in Gitea, fully up to date, just need mirroring to LP and GH16:02
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Seems like they shouldn't conflict if I am reading this correctly. https://github.com/lxqt/lxqt/pull/2423 (re @tsimonq2: Colin took care of the source, just wondering if lxmenu-data and lxqt-menu-data have conflicting files)16:37
-ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Pull 2423 in lxqt/lxqt "Replace lxmenu-data with lxqt-menu-data" [Merged]16:37
arraybolt3Grief, I only just woke up :P16:50
tsimonq2arraybolt3: Hey! Huge issue for you to help with >>D16:50
tsimonq2arraybolt3: So, here's the thing...16:50
arraybolt3Nice, wassup?16:50
tsimonq2arraybolt3: Some packages have LGPL-2.1 longtext, in fact I think all of LXQt does. As far as I'm aware, LGPL-2.1+ is not compatible.16:51
arraybolt3? I thought they were, lemme check16:51
tsimonq2arraybolt3: The longtext license is indentical, I *think*. Which means, anything which doesn't have a copyright header is defauling to LGPL-2.116:52
tsimonq2Anyway, that's an issue I have to fix on the next upload of lxqt-menu-data, but in general I think as a team we need to review all the packages and ensure compatibility :)16:52
tsimonq2Ah, the confusion of a single +16:52
tsimonq2Thanks for your help, if you don't get to it, I will when I'm home :)16:53
arraybolt3They're ckppompatible 16:53
arraybolt3Wow, thanks chromeos16:53
tsimonq2Also, maybe give me a package or two to sponsor and I can add you back to ~lubuntu-dev if you're interested :)16:54
tsimonq2hah :D16:54
arraybolt3K, I'll see what I can make happen16:54
arraybolt3We're packaging LXQt 1..4.0 wholesale right?16:55
tsimonq2I generally trust your judgement, this just came up irl and I had a 10 minute convo with Mattia about licensing ;D16:55
tsimonq2Yeah :)16:55
arraybolt3Could not erase that extra period for the life of me...16:55
* arraybolt3 goes to a real computer16:55
tsimonq2Anyway, I'm headed to the afterparty, but I know it's quite earlier there. :)16:55
arraybolt3ok how many things have we already packaged?16:56
arraybolt3anything yet?16:56
tsimonq2Anything you can do is appreciated / if you can't/there's nothing actionable that's cool too I'll take care of it :)16:56
tsimonq2Well, lxqt-build-tools and lxqt-themes did not get a version bump.16:56
tsimonq2libqtxdg is already in Noble and Backports Staging, lxqt-menu-data is kinda the blocker for the next step16:56
tsimonq2Also TODO add to scripts16:57
arraybolt3kk, yeah according to the FSF themselves LGPL2.1 and LGPL2.1+ are compatible, but you can't upgrade the whole combo to LGPL3.0+ thereafter.16:57
arraybolt3so no big deal for the time being16:57
arraybolt3alright, lemme pop open some things16:57
arraybolt3lxqt-menu-data is a brand new package yes?16:59
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Yes16:59
arraybolt3For some reason I can't make a Noble sbuild env17:01
arraybolt3E: Failed getting release file http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/noble/Release17:01
arraybolt3But I can wget that file or open it in Vivaldi just fine17:01
arraybolt3I can even curl it so it's not having any redirect weirdness17:02
arraybolt3I wonder if somehow squid-deb-proxy is in the way...17:02
arraybolt3nope, archive.ubuntu.com is allowed17:06
arraybolt3so what on earth?!17:06
arraybolt3Rogue proxy issue, fixed.17:18
arraybolt3Still not sure where it was picking up my proxy from but I finally just modded the mk-sbuild script directly and removed the part that handed a proxy to debootstrap XD17:19
arraybolt3really I ought to figure out what I've misconfigured so I don't have to do that nonsense17:19
arraybolt3yep, it's squid-deb-proxy after all.17:23
arraybolt3alright, just going to make the sbuild env proxyless and then wire in the proxy after the fact17:24
arraybolt3tsimonq2: One complication with adding me back to lubuntu-dev... I expired from lubuntu-members too.17:52
arraybolt3guiverc tried to warn me about that but I wasn't able to get it corrected in time.17:53
lubot[matrix] <kc2bez> arraybolt3 @arraybolt3:matrix.org: shoot the council an email for posterity sake.17:55
arraybolt3but first packaging17:58
arraybolt3anyway, yeah tsimonq2: LGPL-2.1 and LGPL-2.1+ can be mixed, it just has to be understood that the combo as a whole is treated as LGPL-2.1 but the individual 2.1+ files can be horked by other things and be used as 2.1+ (assuming I'm reading the compatibility guidelines correctly).18:08
arraybolt3In the mean time, I guess I'll package liblxqt.18:08
arraybolt3tsimonq2: Also good news, the AUTHORS files in some of the lxqt packages (at least liblxqt) specifically says the repository-wide license is LGPL-2.1+.18:33
arraybolt3So we can use that as an escape hatch for probably most of the packages :)18:34
arraybolt3we still have downstream symbols files yes?18:38
arraybolt3I mean, obviously we do, so nvm18:38
lubot[telegram] <teward001> i would be careful assuming repo-wide.  it can still be overridden with files that have specific other licensing - blanket licensing isnt a guarantre18:39
lubot[telegram] <teward001> guarantee*18:40
arraybolt3I know, but I mean as far as the default license goes.18:40
arraybolt3Sure individual files can override, but files with no license header default to LGPL-2.1+ if the AUTHORS file says so.18:40
arraybolt3(See backlog for why this is important)18:40
arraybolt3Ah, my old nemesis, RISC-V.19:06
arraybolt3sigh. libqtxdg-3.12.0-0ubuntu1 is built *and published*, yet my noble schroot can't see it.19:18
arraybolt3now I have libqtxdg in a PPA waiting to publish, and until one of those finishes I can't test-build liblxqt.19:18
arraybolt3So I guess then I'm taking an impromptu break :P19:19
arraybolt3gah, it still doesn't want to work19:51
arraybolt3It keeps telling me that it either can't find lxqt-build-tools >= 0.13.0 (if I try using my PPA), or that it can't find libqt5xdg-dev >= 3.11.0 if I try without my PPA. What's creepy is that both packages (with sufficient versions) can be seen in my noble schroot.19:52
arraybolt3And can be installed via apt manually together.19:52
arraybolt3Maybe my shm settings are messing with things19:53
arraybolt3huh, actually yep that was it19:53
arraybolt3I hate these sorts of weird bugs.19:56
arraybolt3Anyways, guess now I know what to debug next.19:56
arraybolt3tsimonq2: https://git.lubuntu.me/Lubuntu/liblxqt-packaging ready for your review :)20:02
lubot[telegram] <teward001> tell me about it.  Discourse Docker kind of lit itself aflame due to an unreproducible bug. (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <arraybolt3> I hate these sorts of weird bugs.)20:59
lubot[telegram] <teward001> one that has happened before and requires a complete clean/reset of Docker to make it work again, including a container rebuild20:59
lubot[telegram] <teward001> *hisses in annoyed-sysadmin*20:59
arraybolt3Found my bug - I had accidentally configured my noble-amd64-shm chroot to point to my jammy-amd64 root. 🤦21:40
arraybolt3So now that I'm building for the development release instead of the release from one and a half years ago, things are working a bit smoother :D21:41
arraybolt3tsimonq2: https://git.lubuntu.me/Lubuntu/qtxdg-tools-packaging ready for review also21:43
arraybolt3also if anyone else wants in on the packaging fun, I threw up a PPA at https://launchpad.net/~arraybolt3/+archive/ubuntu/lxqt-dev-noble21:46
tsimonq2arraybolt3: thanks for your work, might be a day or two before I sponsor (wxl kc2bez teward feel free) but I *deeply* appreciate it :)21:53
kc2bezI need to get my noble dev box going. It was on my weekend list but I didn't get to it yet. 22:15
arraybolt3kc2bez: Email to council sent.22:46
arraybolt3I see Simon was anxious to move forward a bit quicker than I was moving though :P so there's a slight time discrepancy between when I was added back to ~lubuntu-members and when I sent the reapplication email XD22:47
tsimonq2"Leadership occasionally requires bold decisions that will not be widely understood, consensual or popular. We value the courage to take such decisions, because they enable the project as a whole to move forward faster than we could if we required complete consensus. Nevertheless, boldness demands considerateness; take bold decisions, but do so mindful of the challenges they present for others, 22:51
tsimonq2and work to soften the impact of those decisions on them. Communicating changes and their reasoning clearly and early on is as important as the implementation of the change itself."22:51
tsimonq2If the LC decides to -1 arraybolt3's Lubuntu Membership, I respect that fully, but for the record, I am +1.22:51
arraybolt3Thanks :)22:52
arraybolt3Gotta do some work to make food, then coming back to assault libfm-qt.22:52
tsimonq2And to be clear, I'm very strict on development rights, I'm less strict on pure membership rights, particularly with the deep impact you have had on this project. Let me make this clear: even if it's emeritus, you are always welcome as a Lubuntu Member.22:53
tsimonq2arraybolt3: enjoy :)22:53
arraybolt3hmm... wrap-and-sort wants to do interesting things to the control file for libfm-qt :P23:41
arraybolt3"Replaces: libfm-qt12, libfm-qt11, libfm-qt9"   -->   "Replaces: libfm-qt11, libfm-qt12, libfm-qt9"23:42
arraybolt3yeah no23:42
tsimonq2wtf o_o23:44
arraybolt3numeric sort vs. alphabetic sort23:44
tsimonq2Please file a bug against that package if you get the chance23:44
arraybolt3sure thing23:44
tsimonq2thanks :)23:44
arraybolt3also have an upstream bug to file in LXQt (they forgot to mention that lxqt-menu-data is a build dep of libfm-qt now)23:45
arraybolt3so anywho, bug filing while package builds23:46
tsimonq2I don't know if I'm going to sleep, since the afterparty ended at 11 and the travel agency decided to give the vast majority of us morning flights, but once I get home around 4 PM Central tomorrow, I am *hard* crashing for maybe a day or two, heh23:46
tsimonq2arraybolt3: ooooooooh good catch23:46
arraybolt3oh man23:46
tsimonq2and thanks :)23:46
tsimonq2(I guess I should say closing party, since it was official)23:47
tsimonq2Side note, because I know I'm going to forget... this should be addressed in lxqt-build-tools:23:50
tsimonq2  Compatibility with CMake < 3.5 will be removed from a future version of23:50
tsimonq2  CMake.23:50
arraybolt3ah, good to know23:50
arraybolt3oooh, soname bump23:53
arraybolt3this is gonna be fun23:53
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/071bd31d/noo_god_no.mp423:54
tsimonq2jk XD23:54
arraybolt3like symbols files, but worse? :P23:55
tsimonq2nah one level worse compared to symbols files is converting runit units to systemd :P23:57
tsimonq2or copyright... yeah, copyright :P23:57
arraybolt3oof, systemd transition sounds painful23:58
arraybolt3here's hoping we're finally using the last of the great init systems23:59
arraybolt3of course some day it'll probably be replaced by systemd2 and then we'll all go and cry in the corner and then mass-rebuild the world23:59
tsimonq2many people would argue that systemd is a great init system... I do agree tho ;)23:59
tsimonq2I was joking about X12 today... :P23:59

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