
gryhi ComputerTech-00:17
lotuspsychjegood morning03:40
lunadebianhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIGxKyekvBQ time for the last day of Ubuntu Summit 2023 for non canonical employees06:55
lunadebianas Canonical people have a 1 long week Hackaton week in Riga next week06:57
=== luke__ is now known as Zoob
lotuspsychjewelcome marc|gonzalez 15:36
marc|gonzalezHeya :)15:36
marc|gonzalezAnyone familiar with debuginfod?15:37
marc|gonzalezIt seems gdb is not finding symbols for /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libavcodec.so.5815:37
marc|gonzalezThus I can't debug this issue, unless I compile the whole thing myself15:37
marc|gonzalezAnd I'm not ready to dive into that project15:38

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