
Kenny63Hi guys, I am having some issues with a local mirror in Saudi Arabia, have already sent an email already to mirrors@ubuntu.com08:29
Kenny63Long story short, the mirror is unstable. I have been told to "host your own mirror" and to "stop hogging our bandwidth".08:30
Kenny63What is the best way forward here? I don't feel like this country mirror is really fulfilling the requirements that everyone else plays by...08:33
ravageKenny63: the only mirror listed in saudi arabia already has has a status of " Last update unknown "11:06
ravageso choose another mirror11:06
Kenny63ravage Hmm ok12:42
Kenny63What kind of governance is there with the mirrors listed?12:43
Kenny63I have been trying to work with the maintainers of this mirror in solving an issue with random TCP timeouts for about 1 month.12:44
Kenny63Usually I would just change to someone else (or configure a local mirror).12:46
Kenny63But in this case being effectively told to pound sand after reporting stability issues is a little strange12:47
Kenny63But no worries, I won't clutter this IRC channel up with this. I have already sent an email!12:48

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