[00:22] Discourse: My Saturday updates done - pening yet is the completion of "Ubuntu Summit 2023" events >> Monday. [00:29] thanks Bashing-om [02:54] * guiverc notices I forgot to return to summary for ML upgrades post.. oh well [02:56] Bashing-om, the Loco News section; first sentence reads awkwardly I think; missing fullstop after "Santana" on line 1 would help I suspect. [02:59] guiverc: Yeah I goofed bad on my 1st take - a bad redo ? -- I see what I can do to make amends :D [03:20] guiverc: Loco News section - I am writer blocked ? Good enough now ? and made 4 other minor edits while re-reading the issue through. [03:21] yep good.. : & added line helps. [03:22] * guiverc if altered otherwise, reads okay & i can't recall what it was now [03:22] guiverc: Just doing what I can to promote a LoCo :P [03:23] yep looks good, thanks Bashing-om [03:25] * guiverc hadn't noticed nvidia issue; double thanks there. [03:25] guiverc: Community news - Brian Murray. You had stated that you might prefer a summary here rather than my direct quote. New thoughts ? [03:26] yeah I think I would prefer summary; I forgot to return to it.. give me a few mins & I'll give it a go [03:26] ack [03:27] earlier today I was trying to write up a part 1 explanation for summit; then didn't do anything with it as wondered if legal issues could be created (thus no mention as to why..) - abandoned it. [03:28] Brian Murray writes that early upgraders of Ubuntu 23.10 will not have received the firmware-updater snap. This post provides the command that will add it to their system. [03:29] (post?? that word seems too big for the ML note.. but; reads okay Bashing-om ? [03:35] guiverc: Yup - well done -- is a "post" to the mailing list :D [03:36] are you going to add, or me.? [03:36] guiverc: I add :D formatting in my editor :D [03:39] UWN: Other edits before I save and exit ? [03:47] sorry.. if you were waiting for me I missed it being a quesiton, not that I'm aware of [03:52] guiverc: saving and exiting - pending still is Ubuntu Summit 2023 - another chance for a read through :P [03:54] ack on Ubuntu Summit extra detail (Ubuntu Core etc) .. refreshing page & looking now [03:56] should that have been "early upgraders to Ubuntu 23.10" instead of "early upgraders of Ubuntu 23.10" ?? (new installs of 23.10 may see it as relating to them)... that is only change I see to doc on scan of changes [03:56] Bashing-om, ^ [03:58] guiverc: Agreed "to" is the more apt :D Making it so. [04:03] thanks Bashing-om , looks good [04:06] :D [16:29] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: See Weather Conditions in Ubuntu’s Top Panel with this Extension @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/11/weather-or-not-gnome-extension [20:55] * Bashing-om Accessing Discourse - do the stats/reports :D [23:56] UWN: Issue812 up for review and the final edits - pending yet is "Ubuntu Summit" conclusion and that resulting cleanups - https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-812/39856 :D