
ChmEarlcat /etc/os-release -> PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu Noble Numbat (development branch)"02:49
ChmEarlbuilding the last rc of xen-4.1802:49
mybalzitchlol numbat, cute02:50
ChmEarltrace of the build in noble03:23
ChmEarldistro has xen-4.17.203:24
lunadebianhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIGxKyekvBQ time for the last day of Ubuntu Summit 2023 for non canonical employees06:55
lunadebianas Canonical people have a 1 long week Hackaton week in Riga next week06:57
=== voeid4 is now known as voeid
=== voeid2 is now known as voeid
PeGaSuSI'm a bit lost with this: Warning: convosptirc name differs from owner UNKNOWN!11:21
PeGaSuSthis appeared after installing systemd-cron 11:22
tewardhas anyone ever run into this kind of error when working with LXD managed VMs?  > Config parsing error: Failed to start device "eth6": Failed setting up device "eth6": Failed adding NIC device: Bus 'qemu_pcie10' not found21:08
tewardtrying to add a 7th network interface to the LXD managed VM and getting that hard error21:08
=== CandidSparrow0 is now known as CandidSparrow

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