
webchat36nah. No dice from that. I'm trying  reinstalling *everything* (with dpkg --get-selections and apt-get install --reinstall) as a last ditch00:04
infogulchI'm trying to compile an application that requires valgrind/cachegrind.h, but it's not present in /usr/include/valgrind/ even though the valgrind package is installed. I'm on 22.0401:41
arraybolt3infogulch: It doesn't appear there's any package in Ubuntu that provides that file.01:51
oerheksoh just a test, ignore01:52
arraybolt3*any package in Ubuntu 22.04 I mean01:53
arraybolt3Based on the description of the package KCacheGrind, I'm guessing cachegrind was replaced by callgrind.01:53
arraybolt3In which case the code you're trying to compile probably needs to be compiled with older dependencies or needs updated.01:53
arraybolt3I could be wrong about that though.01:54
infogulchthanks, yeah I'll have to talk to contact the devs on that one01:55
oerheksyes, that missing package dates back to 16.0401:55
arraybolt3I can't find any official statements that cachegrind was ever obsoleted or anything but it does seem to be rather old and I can't find any up-to-date info about it in my initial searches.01:57
oerheksmany valgrind.h bugfixes https://fossies.org/linux/valgrind/NEWS01:58
oerheks31 okt 202301:58
arraybolt3It seems to still exist in upstream Valgrind...01:58
arraybolt3including cachegrind.h01:58
arraybolt3infogulch: Perhaps you can build Valgrind from source?01:58
oerheksand if building fixes things, file an SRU ?01:59
infogulchI'm using a library that uses cachegrind.h directly; so maybe just copying the header into /etc/include/valgrind will be enough02:00
oerheks.. there is #valgrind-dev here on #libera02:00
infogulchI wonder why it's not included in the valgrind apt package02:02
oerheksi cannot find the reason too02:02
infogulchoh cachegrind.h may be extremely new ... "Cachegrind Client Request Interface available since Valgrind 3.22" ... which was released days ago xD02:10
oerheksbut no, there are bugfixes in 3.22 ..02:11
oerheksno mention why that module was not available..02:11
infogulchit was added on sept 9th, and 3.22 was released on oct 31... 5 days ago. https://sourceware.org/git/?p=valgrind.git;a=history;f=cachegrind/cachegrind.h;h=ddc10abe597f1346ea9b57f5849e2d0ac7b42523;hb=HEAD02:14
infogulchcurrent valgrind packaged by ubuntu is valgrind-3.18.102:14
oerheksand LTS does not want to change to newer versions because features, but for this i suggest do file for SRU02:15
ubottuStable Release Update information is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates02:15
oerheksthere is a part if you feel all of us need this version due to bugfixes02:15
oerheks.. which it seems, imho02:16
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en1gmai just put ubuntu 23.10 amd64 desktop (daily build) on my 128GB usb stick using startup disk creator from a running 23.10 box. does it create a persistent partition where it saves your work automatically? i see it created a 119GB ext4 writable partition. is that the persistence partition?05:36
oerheksgood question05:40
oerhekspersistence as just data/driver storage, or added programms too05:40
en1gmaadded programs too05:41
en1gmamostly all my custom settings i do the desktop and firefox and power but packages i install too would be nice05:41
en1gmaprograms is not 100% needed as i can just grab those05:42
en1gmai get my m.2 tomorrow so i took mine out tonight so i guess its not really a big deal at all. just being picky05:44
en1gmaguess i will see on my next boot up05:44
en1gmathanks though05:44
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paul424hello, again I amon the very same laptop as yesterday -- broken sound asus x555lj09:23
paul424problem is when I do sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras09:23
paul424it proposes very few codecs09:24
paul424what DO I do wrong /09:24
paul424and to be exact --- last time I installed large bunch of codecs -- the entire machine hanged09:24
paul424again what codecs do I need to install ?09:39
paul424for my asus x555lj ?09:40
paul424hopefully nothing hangs this time , cause I use a separate irc program -- hexchat ...09:40
lotuspsychjepaul424: before installing packages, try to find the root cause of why your sound doesnt work09:40
lotuspsychjepaul424: a good start is sharing your dmesg with the volunteers09:41
lotuspsychjeand your details09:41
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.09:41
Lion-Ocommand line diagnostic tool to understand why ubuntu is slow...09:41
elias_aLion-O: Are you asking for such a tool?09:42
lotuspsychjedefine slow Lion-O09:42
elias_aLion-O: If you are asking, first step would be using command top in CLI.09:43
Lion-Oelias_a, yes09:43
paul424I did that yesterday, and we end up in noticing that there are no codecs for the device which serves the internal speaker09:43
Lion-Olotuspsychje - You try to unlock after screen locked and it doesn't respond for ~5 minutes09:43
elias_aLion-O: Check the memory and cpu consumption of processes with top.09:43
paul424lotuspsychje, this alsa-debug shell script ... I cannot get to it cause I am on U live version and dont have accessto what was before09:43
lotuspsychjepaul424: the volunteers dont know what happened yesterday, try to restate where you left, and steps already tryed too09:44
paul424so this alsa debug script is ...09:44
Lion-OI need a monitoring tool that will sample all important PC resources in real time because CPU load and RAM load are constantly changing09:45
Lion-OIt's not slow all the time. Just after some time09:45
Lion-OIf I will not find such tool maybe I will create one09:46
Lion-OBut before I create such tool I want to know if such exists09:46
paul424why top is bad for you  /09:46
Lion-Otop might be good if I could check what were the values after a reboot09:47
Lion-OSometimes the PC is slow to a halt09:47
Lion-OThen I don't even got the chance to run top09:47
Lion-OThats why09:47
paul424http://alsa-project.org/db/?f=c2e0c083b9fbac447399bfee54ab93aef99e594c here's my link , lotuspsychje09:51
paul424should installing Ubuuntu on hard disc change something ? In the way it should have a woking sound .............10:10
webchat36welcome back, paul424. i'm NOT an expert in this subject but here are some thoughts. First, the dmesg output is missing today - your earlier report at https://alsa-project.org/db/?f=b7a31ef4df8c0b1bcb8f1abaeabc1896ff49525a has it.  The current alsa report says that you have pulseaudio and stuff available. Might help later. I remember you said that10:11
webchat36the sound was also a problem in Windows? Maybe try this sequence of diagnostics: First, in a terminal, type `aplay /dev/urandom` to generate noise. Keep that running. Next, install `pavucontrol` and have a look at your sinks/streams/whatever - is an application called `aplay` making noise? Can you shunt it over to the onboard soundcard? Are all10:11
webchat36devices unmuted, and do the VU meters on both program and soundcard fill up? Can you push the sound out through the HDMI device or some other device? When trying to push it out through the correct soundcard, does plugging in a set of external speakers (or headphones) help? Sorry if these are braindead suggestions.Pulse has been the way for the last10:11
webchat36ten years or so and will hopefully confirm the nature of the problem. I don't know whether to move back to alsa or forward to pipewire diagnostically if my assumption is incorrect10:11
paul424webchat36, thanks, lets try onething at a tmie10:12
paul424a time10:12
elias_aLion-O: What is wrong opening CLI and running top right after (re)boot?10:12
paul424aplay /dev/urandom does not work at all.10:12
elias_aLion-O: Easy way to save the data top shows you: screenshot.10:13
paul424hmm  pavucontrol does not has the peek up of sinks/streams/whatever10:16
webchat36paul424: that's a good (or not so good) start. how does it not work? if it's not installed... i believe it's in `alsa-utils`. so you'd say something like `sudo apt install alsa-utils` and then invoke aplay10:16
paul424are you sure it should have / webchat3610:16
webchat36let me try this myself >.<10:16
paul424webchat36, in the way it is present but I dont here any sound.10:16
paul424the cmd is valid10:16
paul424webchat36, ???10:18
webchat36yeah definitely.... on my system, in the playback tab i have a program called "PipeWire ALSA [aplay] : ALSA Playback" SCREAMING with 100% noise... In output devices I have "Built-in Analog Stero" through "Line Out (plugged in)" port also at 100% noise. That's what I'd expect. Verily, if that's not happening for you then something is probably rather10:18
Lion-Oelias_a , What would be the point of that after a reboot? Whatever caused the PC to reach the slow state is already gone after a reboot10:19
paul424I don't even have playback tab10:19
paul424ahh there IS !10:20
paul424but it shows 100% ....10:20
paul424what makes me worried the worst , is that there is this "Dummy Output" as output device10:22
paul424Can you push the sound out through the HDMI device or some other device?10:23
paul424hmm should headphones do the job?10:23
webchat36so, on the playback tab, IF you have a list entry for the aplay noise and it's controllable through pulse, THEN you SHOULD have a little dropdown box on the right hand side of the list entry which says something like "on 'Built-in Audio Analog Stereo'" or "on 'Dummy Output'" and you should be able to pick somewhere else to send it.10:25
webchat36Sure though, if it's being sent to the correct device already then try throwing some good old headphones in10:26
elias_aLion-O: Well... you said it gets slow after some time. I presumed it is faster after reboot. My bad.10:29
paul424naah plugging external headphones does not help at all, they are good btw ---Ive just tested them on another computer10:33
webchat36;( that's me out of ideas for now. i guess that codec thing was the right track. it's great that you're thorough with this =D10:35
paul424so what do I do to have alll necesserily codecs?10:36
paul424webchat36, ?10:38
paul424sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras proposes only few ....10:38
paul424and I know it should be a lots of them ....10:38
webchat36i dunno, sorry. tomreyn seemed like the guy with big ideas here; i'm just some random internet guy who's never had big problems with sound10:41
paul424tomreyn, then ? :)10:43
elias_aLion-O: There seems to be some misunderstanding here. My suggestion: reboot and start top in CLI. Take screenshots. When the computer slows down, compare the present values seen with top with the values right after reboot.10:46
elias_aLion-O: In my case the reason is almost always Firefox or other FF derivative browser reserving but not freeing memory.10:47
tomreynin case paul424 returns: they should just do a proper installation, install all pending updates and reboot and see if that helps.11:21
Lion-OThanks elias_a but I am looking for a diagnostic tool that might be able to figure out these reasons for its own. Of-course I can do what you suggested - thanks11:25
BluesKajHi all13:24
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marc|gonzalezHello, I recently upgraded to Ubuntu 22.04, and seeking is broken in the multimedia player VLC (the program aborts and dumps core)15:25
marc|gonzalezI went to the #videolan channel, and they told me they need a backtrace.15:25
lotuspsychjemarc|gonzalez: wich vlc version is that15:26
marc|gonzalezI found https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/service-debuginfod and export DEBUGINFOD_URLS="https://debuginfod.ubuntu.com"15:26
marc|gonzalezlotuspsychje: VLC media player 3.0.16 Vetinari (revision 3.0.13-8-g41878ff4f2)15:26
ravagemarc|gonzalez: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vlc/+bug/204274315:26
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2042743 in vlc (Ubuntu) "Assertion !p->parent->stash_hwaccel failed at src/libavcodec/pthread_frame.c:671" [Undecided, Confirmed]15:26
marc|gonzalezravage: yes that bug15:27
marc|gonzalezI was gonna post the same link :)15:27
leftyfbmarc|gonzalez: sudo apt remove vlc ; sudo snap install vlc15:27
marc|gonzalezIs VLC no longer natively supported? :(15:27
respawni am on 3.0.2015:27
leftyfbsnaps are native to ubuntu15:27
marc|gonzalezContainerization is not quite native15:28
marc|gonzalezI had several issues with firefox snap, I went back to the PPA15:28
ravageso wait for someone to fix the bug, compile it yourself or use the snap15:28
leftyfbmarc|gonzalez: oh, sorry, I was under the impression you were interested in maybe trying a newer version of vlc which might resolve your issue15:28
marc|gonzalezravage: this is what I'm doing15:28
marc|gonzalezI started vlc under gdb and "Enable debuginfod for this session? (y or [n]) y"15:29
leftyfbmarc|gonzalez: try the snap15:29
JanCravage: people tried to compile themselves & that didn't fix it15:29
ravagethe snap works15:29
JanCso something else must be different in the snap...15:30
marc|gonzalezEven though debuginfod is enabled, it's not downloading the symbols for /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libavcodec.so.5815:30
ravagewell. it does not usw hw accelleration. at least not on my nvidia card15:30
JanCthat would also explain why it doesn't crash, LOL15:30
leftyfbmarc|gonzalez: the snap version does not have the bug15:30
marc|gonzalezIt downloaded 330 debug symbol files, but apparently libavcodec.so.58 is missing15:31
marc|gonzalezleftyfb: thanks I'll consider this work around15:31
marc|gonzalezBut I'd like to solve the debug lib issue15:31
JanCthe snap version probably has the same bug, it's just that hwaccel probably doesn't work inside the snap15:32
ravageI can't prove it but that is my assumption too15:32
ravageBut I also disabled acceleration on the Deb version15:33
ravageStill crashes15:33
ravageWith X11 Output selected15:33
ravageFirst I blamed the ESM package15:34
ravageBut exists in the non esm package too15:34
marc|gonzalezIs there a channel to discuss debuginfod issues? :(15:35
ubottuWant to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!15:35
marc|gonzalezMaybe I can try disabling HW acceleration on the command line15:38
ZoobI'm unable to install cisco packet tracer on Ubuntu 23.10 because the Dependency "libgl1-mesa-glx" is not satisfiable15:38
leftyfbZoob: I would recommend reaching out to Cisco for support with their 3rd party application15:40
ZoobAlright, thanks15:40
JanCthat package has been deprecated for many years15:41
JanCCisco aren't the only 3rd party company that were too lazy to update their package dependencies for that one...15:42
marc|gonzalezJanC: ravage: leftyfb: disabling HW accel does work around the issue `vlc --avcodec-hw=none`15:46
JanCto me it looked like VLC is trying to use hardware acceleration incorrectly & that's why it crashes15:47
JanC(but I'm not an expert on that)15:48
lotuspsychjemarc|gonzalez: maybe you can add that test as comment on the bug ID15:49
marc|gonzalezThe VLC devs have asked me for a backtrace, but I can't generate one because I can't download the lib symbols15:49
marc|gonzalezlotuspsychje: I will, yes!15:49
lotuspsychjeyou filed this upstream too marc|gonzalez ?15:50
lotuspsychjeor just talking with the devs in chat?15:50
marc|gonzalezlotuspsychje: depends what you mean by "filed". I've been discussing the abort in #videolan and #ffmpeg15:50
lotuspsychjeah ok nvm then15:51
JanCZoob: Cisco need to use 'libglx0' instead of or as an alternative dependency to 'libgl1-mesa-glx'15:51
JanCdoes ffmpeg have that bug too?  mpv doesn't have it (for me)15:53
Guest42hello. I am attempting to boot the latest Ubuntu LTS installer on an old computer with UEFI. I have been able to get Knoppix to boot. however, the machine's BIOS doesn't recogize my flash drive as containing anything it can boot when I image the Ubuntu installer to it.16:05
Guest42 I meant to write: old computer WITHOUT UEFI16:06
LnxGnomeGuest42: did you boot Knoppix with the same flash drive?  have you tried a smaller flash drive?16:16
Guest42LnxGnome: I used the same flash drive for Knoppix, yes. I imaged it the same way as well. the drive'16:18
Guest42drive's capacity is 32GB.16:18
JanCGuest42: does that computer even support 64-bits?16:18
Guest42JanC: yes, it does. it's not that old16:19
JanCit must be pretty old if it has no UEFI16:20
Guest42maybe 15 years?16:20
Guest42it's old but it still works, so I am (trying to) put it to work16:20
JanCmust have been one of the last computers without UEFI...16:20
Guest42I actually don't know for sure that it doesn't have it. could I check from within windows 10?16:21
Guest42I just assumed16:21
JanCI assume you can see it in Windows but I don't know how  :)16:22
Guest42time for Google then16:22
JanCit might have UEFI running in BIOS emulation mode also (that's something you can change in the firmware setup)16:22
Guest42I saw nothing in the firmware setup menus about UEFI, BIOS or Legacy16:23
Guest42I guess that's why I assumed no UEFI.16:23
LnxGnomeGuest42: what kind of CPU does it have? Model#?16:24
JanCit might be called "CSM" in the firmware setup also16:24
JanCI suppose 15yo can be BIOS-only16:25
Guest42I saw nothing about that. also, looking through what I assume is a windows installer log, suggests BIOS as well16:25
JanC12-15y ago is when the switch-over happened16:25
Guest42"Callback_BootEnvironmentDetect: Detected boot environment: BIOS"16:25
Guest42this is also a cheaper machine. probably not any fancy new features on here. no bluetooth16:26
JanCit might be possible to boot an old-style USB boot stick that works, and then use that one to boot the Ubuntu one16:29
marc|gonzalezlotuspsychje: I've updated https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vlc/+bug/204274316:29
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2042743 in vlc (Ubuntu) "Assertion !p->parent->stash_hwaccel failed at src/libavcodec/pthread_frame.c:671" [Undecided, Confirmed]16:29
JanCI mean boot into the bootloader, and then load from the other one16:29
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Guest42_I was disconnected and didn't see any messages for the last five minutes16:32
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Guest42there is an option in the program I'm using to image my flash drives, to use its own version of GRUB, not what's in the disk image. I wonder if that would get ubuntu's installer to boot...?16:41
Guest42I'm going to try that option with the linux mint installer, and see what happens16:42
AngryTomHow can I enable animations for Mission Control on Ubuntu 23.10?16:43
AngryTomCannot find it in settings and googled also.16:44
Guest63should I have a separate user for each service I want to host on my machine?16:56
rboxGuest63: most are already set up like that...17:01
Guest63rbox: i mean, should i do it for the server scripts i want to run too17:01
Guest63with adduser -r myscript17:02
rbox"the server scripts"?17:03
Guest63i have an irc bot running on the server17:03
Guest63is it good practice to run it as a separate user from my regular sudo account17:03
rboxif the bot gets hacked, the person would have access to your files and if they know your password root17:04
rboxwould you be okay with that?17:04
rboxwell then i guess you just answered your own question17:04
Guest42is there a known way to get the ubuntu installer to run on machines which predate UEFI? if not, could anyone suggest another distribution I could use?17:06
Guest42machine is ~15 years old. x6417:06
rboxi'm not seeing anytihng that says they dropped bios support17:08
Guest42I can boot knoppix, but Mint and Ubuntu installers aren't seen as bootable when put on a flash drive17:09
Guest42I don't know for sure that uefi/bios is the cause17:09
Guest42yeah, I read that one rbox17:09
rboxthen do what it says17:09
Guest42I did17:09
Guest42doesn't help. doesn't work17:10
Guest42I did google this before coming here.17:10
Guest42it's been a long time since I used a computer this old. I'm not even familiar with this computer at all. I'm not sure why knoppix works and Mint and Ubuntu don't want to boot. I'm certain I'm doing everything the same, just using different disk image files for the different disributions17:12
Guest42it was easier for me to put linux on my macbook than this.17:12
rboxyou can't be doing everythign the same... you ahve to follow those insturctions17:12
Guest42I followed them exactly. like I said, I found that page before17:13
Guest42do you have experience with this particular problem, and found those instructions worked?17:14
Guest42if not, it's a bit condescending to just tell someone to do what the first hit on google suggests and then assume they're not following instructions if they still have issues17:15
Guest42what worked for one person on stackoverflow won't necessarily work for others with similar issues17:15
JanCwhat error do you see when you try to boot the Ubuntu one?17:15
Guest42if I take away the machine's internal hard disk as a boot option, I get a standard message about no bootable media17:17
JanCsome BIOS firmwares are picky/buggy about what disks they want to boot...17:17
Guest42I never even see GRUB or anything17:17
lotuspsychjewitch tool did you burn your ubuntu usb Guest4217:17
Guest42yeah. I am thinking of trying a bios update17:17
Guest42manufacturer website is down right now though17:17
Guest42lotuspsychje: Rufus. I have to do this from windows.17:18
JanCe.g. some only want to boot ISO images (no matter if it's on a CD or flash), others don't want to boot ISO images from flash (but only FAT), etc.17:18
Guest42also tried unetbootin17:18
Guest42I am going to try ventoy as well17:18
lotuspsychjeventoy is great17:18
Guest42going to try it right now. brb while I try17:19
Guest42ventoy did not work. I think my only hope is updating the bios to the latest version17:23
Guest42or using knoppix17:23
Guest42i'm not sure what kind of black magic knoppix uses so that it works on this machine when others don't17:24
lotuspsychjeGuest42: im not sure a biosupdate will fix a non booting ubuntu usb, i think theres another root cause17:27
Guest42I thought maybe the manufacturer would've tweaked something to support booting from different OSes. but Windows 10 installed and runs just fine, so maybe not.17:28
Guest42this machine is so ancient that it has a dvd burner, but if some Linux live media work and others don't, I'm skeptical that buying some blank DVDs wouldn't be a waste of money17:30
Guest42as a sanity check, I'm going to try knoppix again, and verify that it still works17:31
oerheksif knoppix does not boot too, it could be windows 10 + fastboot issue17:33
Guest42not sure: if I disable the internal hard disk in the firmware settings, I get told there's no bootable media17:34
Guest42and I got the boot menu with the internal hard disk listed as top priority, with the knoppix live medium inserted17:35
Guest42if I recall correctly17:35
jeremy31Is grub on the internal hard disk or is it Windows only?17:36
Guest42windows only. I haven't had a chance to run anything but the windows 10 installer, or knoppix live medium, so there's no way I could have even installed grub.17:37
Guest42the knoppix image is done writing to my flash drive. I'll try it now. be right back17:38
Guest42knoppix didn't work. I will try with fast startup disabled. thanks for suggesting that.17:49
Guest42fastboot, or whatever it's called, was the issue! I think knoppix booting was a fluke, and windows had fully shut down because it was installing an update17:57
Guest42thank you thank you thank you for suggesting that this might be the issue.17:58
ubottuGlad you made it! :-)17:58
Guest42I've made a sacrifice to Microsoft of hours of my weekend, now let us pray that the tech gods are appeased and allow me to install ubuntu18:01
BlackNoirHi guys just want to ask if you guys also experiencing some snap application sudden not responding? I'm trying to run Lutris but most of the time it suddenly no responding i'm using ubuntu 23.1018:10
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tomreynBlackNoir: you could possibly get help with this in #lutris18:42
ravagedo they build the snap?18:44
ravagethe store link says to report to https://bugs.launchpad.net/lutris-snap18:45
ravage"The Snap Is In Testing Phase Currently"18:45
tomreynhttps://launchpad.net/~capecrusader-121 is where Contact points to18:45
tomreyni mean it's the snap developer18:46
ravagei only use the deb releases18:46
tomreyni can't tell whether sameer is part of the lutris team18:46
ravagethere used to be a repo but somehow that vansihed18:46
tomreyni used to use that, too, but it was no longer maintained at some point18:47
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toddcBlackNoir: lutris snap ver did not even install on 22.04.3 Gnome19:19
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webchat52anyone here who can help me on a steam snap error message?19:41
webchat52nobody? :(19:43
EriC^^!ask | webchat5219:44
ubottuwebchat52: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:44
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:46
webchat52When I try to start Counter Strike 2 in steam, I get this error message: AppSystemDict: Error in Init () of interface "RenderDeviceMgr001"!19:46
qfivewebchat52: have you tried anything so far?19:47
webchat52what to you mean with "anything"?19:47
EriC^^webchat52: try to Set launch options => -dx1119:48
webchat52tried it...does not work19:49
qfivestill the same error after trying that?19:49
webchat52I didnt had this error a week ago or so...19:49
webchat52must be an update19:49
webchat52any other ideas how to fix this error?19:51
CosmicDJwebchat52: did you try the latest/candidate channel for the steam snap?19:52
webchat52how do I try that and is this stable/secure? I installed the snap on my Ubuntu 22.04.03 just through the software center19:53
CosmicDJwebchat52: open a terminal and run: snap refresh steam --channel=latest/candidate19:54
webchat52is the latest/candidate a beta or something like that? because Im not really interested in unstable betas...19:55
CosmicDJthat would be the edge channel19:56
webchat52can't install the latest version through steam by going to "Steam>Check for steam client updates" ?19:59
ravagenot if you use the snap version20:00
webchat52but then at least it should be possible to get the latest steam version through the software center where I installed it?20:02
CosmicDJwebchat52: steam auto-updates, so you have the latest stable steam release; the snap is how steam is playing along with ubuntu20:03
ravageor you use the .deb that steam provides20:03
webchat52software center shows that I have steam version I already have the latest version20:05
webchat52must be something else then20:05
CosmicDJmaybe, I had some proton games which didn't launch anymore a few days ago, updating the steam snap to candidate fixed it20:07
webchat52I dont use Proton since counter strike 2 is native on linux20:07
webchat52btw this error message I get when using my nvidia graphic card....when I use my Intel iGPU I can start the game but only get like 4-8 fps and almost everything crashes....when I close steam...everything else runs fine again20:09
webchat52a week ago I had about 80-100 fps on my intel IGPU in counterstrike 220:10
webchat52an update killed both graphic cards you could say20:11
CosmicDJmaybe a kernel update? boot the old and find out...20:12
=== Maik6 is now known as Maik
webchat52first I dont know how to boot the old kernel and second....doesnt the new kernel has security fixes and stuff like that...so I would make my system vulnerable by booting an old kernel?20:14
ahcJust tried using  unetbootin  to create bootable USB with 22.04 Ubuntu Studio, didn't boot. USB is FAT formatted (I guess). Said "file does not fit into a 512-byte sector". I'll try with the native Create Start Disk next. Some say reformat the USB as ext4 or exFAT. Can anyone please comment?20:22
ravageThe Ubuntu tool works20:23
ravageOn other systems we usually get good results with etcher20:24
webchat52I good the best results always with etcher20:24
webchat52*I got20:24
Maikahc Unetbootin isn't the recommended way to flash usb with anymore for a long time20:25
ahcOK. Should I reformat USB before trying again using etcher or Create Startup Disk? The Ubuntu Studio page says use unetbootin, so I may drop them a note.20:27
RockericyVentoy works very well for me20:28
webchat52although I'm no expert....you can reformat but I think at least etcher does the formatting already20:29
qfiveVentoy works very well in my experience too20:29
ahcwebchat52 Thenks20:30
Maikso does Create Startup Disk webchat52 :)20:30
Maikahc what are you using now as os?20:30
webchat52is there a IRC channel for snaps or the steam snap specifically?20:31
ahcAm on 20.04  here20:32
ahcYes. The USB is for a guy to try Studio on a Windows laptop.20:33
Maikyou could also uses Disks and simply select Restore Disk Image20:34
ahcOK. Leave it with me. Thanks folks. I'll try Create Startup Disk next. See how we go.20:34
RockericyI have a question:20:37
RockericyMy Ubuntu don't want to update. Im currently on Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS. I also get a message that there is new version on. But when i click on Update it just disappear. Have somone an idea what to do?20:37
webchat52Ubuntu doesnt seem really stable if a week or so ago I had no problems with starting counter strike 2 with my normal graphic card or my IGPU and now....only about a week later....nothing really works lol20:37
CosmicDJwebchat52: well it seems like you don´t want to do anything about it, so I guess you have to wait unless the problem disappears again20:38
Maikprobably more of a PEBCAK CosmicDJ20:39
Maikmaybe his computer just isn't made for gaming on linux20:39
webchat52well what should I do? and of course I dont want to experiment on my system so in the end I got more problems later20:39
CosmicDJswitching a snap channel is no big deal, you can easily switch back... rebooting an older kernel will also not open pandoras box20:40
Maikstick with Windows for gaming and use ubuntu in dual boot i guess is the best option :)20:41
CosmicDJif you still don´t want to, try your luck there -> https://forum.snapcraft.io/20:41
webchat52no hate, but suggesting to use windows for gaming in an ubuntu channel...seems kinda wrong lol20:44
Maikno it isn't, it's just good advice ;)20:45
ravageInstall the steam Deb version to rule out a problem with snap20:45
ravageI never tried the snap version at all20:45
WhereDItGoGreetings! I've recently had a rather bizarre upgrade experience from 23.04 to 23.10. I freshly installed 23.04 & had just finished configuring the system Settings when it detected 23.10 available - I knew better than to click upgrade, until I didn't. I waited as it downloaded/removed "unnecessary"/whatever & reboot. Well, first thing I noticed (that was NOT mentioned might happen & indeed WAS a NEEDED package) was that the20:46
WhereDItGosystem provided wallpaper in 23.04 I liked had gone to a solid black. tl;dr I figured out why & the fix. But then I realized that the Software Center (as touted to be one of the biggest upgrades)...didn't get upgraded. Not installed. Nada. The old Ubuntu Software Center is still here, complaining about an update to itself/the new Software Center. Where do I start to try & figure out what happened, why it happened, & what the20:46
WhereDItGofix is?20:46
MaikWhereDItGo : snap refresh snap-store --channel=latest/stable/ubuntu-23.1020:49
Maiktell me if that works20:50
WhereDItGoStill here; didn't work, but starting to think it's because I have to kill a (rogue?) process. Ubuntu Software is closed, and I previously had issued the snap refresh command, completing with no errors20:54
=== marcopolo1_ is now known as marcopolo1
Maikwhat did the output show?20:55
WhereDItGo~$ snap refresh snap-store --channel=latest/stable/ubuntu-23.1020:55
WhereDItGoerror: cannot refresh "snap-store": snap "snap-store" has running apps20:55
WhereDItGo       (ubuntu-software), pids: 276520:55
Maiksudo kill -9 276520:56
Maikand then run the previous command i gave20:56
WhereDItGoUpon killing the process, a notification came in saying the Snap Store was sucessfully refreshed (didn't see this previously) & now the Ubuntu Software icon pinned to the bar at the bottom disappeared. On a hunch, looked for new icon in Application drawer; found "App Center". Seems to have launched successfully without needing to re-run the command you gave (either it was stuck because of that process & was waiting to21:00
WhereDItGo"switch", or when I ran it the first time, it put it in the first scenario state)21:00
Maikat least it's now updated21:01
Maikproblem solved i guess :)21:02
WhereDItGoThank you very much for your help Maik! Any idea how (log, something else) I could see /why/ this happened; /what/ caused this? A fresh install failing to "install" a major part of an upgrade seems like a huge issue. Figuring out how to connect (correctly) to IRC drained me enough; is this a bug? Is it a long process to [setup an account] & report this?21:03
Maikno problem, glad i could help. Why it's happening i don't know to be honest.21:05
WhereDItGoThe wallpaper going black because the previous versions "wallpaper package" was uninstalled as "unnecessary"; is that I known thing from version to version?21:07
WhereDItGo*a known21:07
webchat52If I switch from stable to candidate release for the steam snap...do I lose any data like my games or my settings for steam?21:08
CosmicDJwebchat52: no you don't21:08
MaikWhereDItGo iirc it should change to the new default wallpaper of that ubuntu release21:12
webchat52So I tried the release candiate of the steam snap and counter strike 2 starts with no error message21:14
webchat52only kinda laggy21:14
CosmicDJwebchat52: are you sure it's using your nvidia GPU?21:15
webchat52in my nvidia setting I'm on "performance mode"21:15
CosmicDJwebchat52: install nvidia-utils-535 (if you're using the nvidia-535 driver) and run nvidia-smi in Terminal, it should show which apps are running on your nvidia gpu21:17
webchat52I got a old nvidia card....the highest version is the nvidia-driver-47021:18
webchat52problem with nvidia is one thing...but a week ago I had 80-100 fps with my Intel processor graphic card....and with the stable release now only 4-8 fps and everything freezes and crashes...my Intel processor is from 202121:21
CosmicDJare you sure it's using your intel gpu? install intel-gpu-tools and run intel_gpu_top as root in Terminal to find out21:23
furkanHi all, ever since updating to Ubuntu 23.10, when I launch TexWorks I get the gear icon that shows up instead of the TexWorks icons. I tried reinstalling TexWorks and the Yaru theme packages with apt install --reinstall. Does anybody have any suggestions?21:23
webchat52If I chose "nvidia on demand" and not "Performance mode" in my nvidia settings then its always on the intel processor graphics21:24
webchat52but I need to do restart now an try intel card with the release candidate of the steam snap21:25
webchat52will be back in minutes21:25
webchat52I am back21:30
webchat52my intel processor graphics card now also work better21:30
webchat52but also a little bit laggy21:31
webchat52not as much as on my nvidia graphic card though21:31
webchat52somehow the steam snap stable release ruins everything for me21:32
webchat52candidate release for the steam snap at least somehow works21:32
ravagewebchat52: https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/client/installer/steam.deb21:33
ravagetry the non-snap version and see if that solves things21:33
ravageif that works better use the snap forum to report your bugs21:33
ravagethere is not much we can do here really21:33
webchat52again...a week or so ago everything was fine....then something broke both, my normal graphic card and my intel processor graphic card.....so Ubuntu doesnt seem that stable21:37
ravagefeel free to try other distributions21:37
webchat52and I actually want the snap version because of the (allegedly) secure design21:37
ravageblaming ubuntu for not running closed source software perfectly is still strange21:37
webchat52true, but the steam snap is made by canonical right?21:38
ravagei guess someone packages it yes21:38
JanCCanonical or Valve, dunno21:38
ravagebut canonical is not the Ubuntu community. and this is a community help channel21:39
ravagenot canonical support21:39
JanCyou can always try to create your own container to run a non-Snap Steam21:39
JanC(if you care about security)21:39
oerhekssteam and intel, .. must be the latest gen21:40
webchat52processor is from 2021 so not the newest21:41
JanCnot all games on Steam are high-end21:41
oerheksmaybe !hwe is the solution, only if you are on LTS21:42
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack21:42
ravageit is 23.1021:43
ravageoh sorry21:44
ravagemixed users up. i guess it is 22.0421:44
ravageno idea about the kernel version21:44
webchat52strange, I just switched again to the stable release and everything works and does not crash like before21:45
webchat52really strange....maybe I need a new/fresher install of the steam snap to fix my problems21:50
webchat52will be back in minutes...will try a restart of my computer and see21:51
webchat52I am back21:54
webchat52I dont know what the problem was, but switching from steam snap stable release to steam snap candidate solved all the problems....the problems all are gone even now although I switched back to the stable release of the steam snap21:56
webchat52*solved all the previous problems, but was now laggy with canditate release...now switching back to steam stable release really solved every problem21:57
webchat52btw do you use x11 or wayland?22:00
webchat52oh and of course thanks to maik and the other guy for the help22:05
WhereDItGowebchat52 If you 'Logout', when you select the desired account from the Login screen, before inputting the password there will be a cogwheel in the lower right corner - you can toggle it there =)22:10
Icecreamhi, does anyone know how to find out if my nvidia card gets any driver updates in the future? I heard of driver version 525 for nvidia, but mine goes only up to version 47022:31
rboxsounds like a question for nvidia22:31
ravagebut the realistic answer here is n22:32
Icecreamwell yes and no....I want to know if maybe the open source driver is newer than my nvidia proprietary driver22:32
toddc!nvidia | Icecream22:33
ubottuIcecream: Drivers for Nvidia graphics cards: (A) No gaming/CAD/CUDA needed or legacy hardware? Use "nouveau" (open source, lacks many features). (B) Otherwise, "nvidia" (proprietary driver, fully featured). Install using "ubuntu-drivers" CLI or apt - not from nvidia.com. Driver series, hardware support (release notes): https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/drivers/unix/ - Latest drivers !PPA: https://pad.lv/ppa/graphics-drivers22:33
ravageso check the matrix. try nouveau if it looks like it could work22:34
Icecreamnouveau got no news updates since january 2021....is the project dead?22:35
ravageno idea. never used it22:37
ravageas a general rule i would use the driver provided by nvidia if there is one22:39
rboxIcecream: what problem are you having?22:40
Icecreamthe reason I ask is, that I read recently somewhere that there is a nvidia vulnerability and you should update your driver to 525 in linux....my driver version only goes up to 47022:41
toddcwaiting on nvidia?22:42
Icecreamwell what else can I do?22:42
Icecreamif you give me couple of hundred dollars I will buy amd22:42
Icecreamso I thought if nvidia doesnt delivers than mybe nouevou22:43
toddcstill in testing22:43
rboxIcecream: okay, so disable the nvidia driver22:44
Icecreamyeah but now I saw that the nouevou project seems dead22:44
Icecreamno news from them since 2021 january22:45
rboxit doesnt need to have news22:45
rbox"still working"22:45
rboxdo you want them t o post that every month?22:45
Icecreamwell every 2 years at least22:46
Icecreamits now almost 3 years22:46
ravagethat is all nice but OT here22:46
ravageyour choices are the provided driver by nvidia or try nouveau22:46
ravagethere is really nothing in between22:47
Icecreamthing is I only want the new driver for security reasons and how do I know if nouveau fixed everything?22:47
rboxIcecream: do you want every driver in the kernel to post updates every month saying "still working"?22:47
rboxIcecream: its part of the kernel, if there is an unfixed vulernatiblity, it will be removed22:48
rboxIcecream: a bug in the nvidia crap has nothing to do with bugs in the kernel22:48
Icecreamoh really? I didnt know that22:48
ravagethey share 0 lines of code22:49
rboxwell im sure they both have some lines that are the same22:50
rboxlike #include <randomkernelinclude.h>22:50
Icecreamso everything what is in the kernel has to fix every vulnerability?22:50
Icecreamor linus torvalds kicks them out?22:50
rboxevery  bug in the kernel is fixed22:51
ravageyou have to find it first and there needs to be a bug report22:51
gryI assume if someone is maintaining a kernel module for, for example, intel wifi, and it has many vulnerabilities, then it's impractical to keep it, yes22:51
grywhether to kick out or to have some procedure to get someone else to take over the maintaining - no idea22:51
grythere was ##kerneldev channel for that before22:51
Icecreamany website out there I can read something about that?22:52
rboxabout what22:52
grynow all i can see is #ubuntu-kernel and #kernelnewbies :-)22:52
grytheir channel topics may have relevant reading links22:52
Icecreamthat everything in the kernel has always to fix vulnerabilities if any found22:52
gryright, please click here >>>> #ubuntu-kernel <<<< and click here >>>> #kernelnewbies <<<22:53
ravagealso there is no "law" that forces anyone to fix anything. bad code may be removed22:53
ravagethat happened a few times in the past22:54
Icecreamthx for the info22:57
Icecream16since nouveau is part of the kernel....can anyone tell me how to look up the latest change of nouveau in the kernel?23:02
rboxIcecream16: download the source code and look at the git log23:03
Icecream16maybe a little more explaining for newbies and possibly idiots?23:04
Icecream16I mean I only want to look up the latest change of nouveau and not look through every kernel news23:05
Icecream16thx, according to their archives this project is still alive23:11
Icecream16still strange that no news from them since january 202123:11
Icecream16not everyone has time to dive into all this stuff : D23:12
rboxmost people dont care...23:12
Icecream16even of those that care....most of them dont have the time23:12
oerheksit just works..23:12
rboxcan't say i've ever worried about the last time any random kernel driver was updated23:13
Icecream16thing is if I go for the nouveau driver, how can I choose my processor graphics?23:14
rboxwhat do you mean "choose"23:14
Icecream16my nvidia card is acutally just a backup for my intel processor graphics23:14
Icecream16I want to use the intel card23:15
Icecream16well not really a card23:15
rboxthat depends on your hardware, and how its configured at the hardware level23:15
Icecream16I even game on my intel processor graphics..so how can I choose that it stays this way after choosing nouveau23:16
rboxwhat do you mean "choosing nouveau"23:16
JanCdo you actually want to use the Nvidia?23:16
Icecream16well now I chose the proprietary nvidia driver and not nouveau23:16
rboxyou installed the proprietary driver23:16
rboxyou dint "choose" anything23:17
Icecream16well in ubuntu its just clicking....23:17
leftyfbthen why bother with nouveau?23:17
Icecream16because its more secure I guess23:17
leftyfbin what way?23:17
leftyfbit's a graphics driver23:17
JanCrbox: I think there is an option in the installer & Software store where you can choose with checkboxes23:17
rboxyou can enable propreitary drivers23:18
Icecream16I already have23:18
Icecream16but I want nouveau and still have my intel processor graphics running as the first23:18
Icecream16as main23:18
oerheksfor what card?"23:18
JanCis this a desktop or laptop?23:18
Icecream16its an old one23:18
oerheks9200 ?23:19
Icecream16nah 66023:19
Icecream16: )23:19
oerheksthat one used to be supported with 340, now nouveau23:19
Icecream16but the newest drive is 525 or something with all the security fixes23:20
leftyfbIcecream16: your system is working exactly the way you want but you prefer to change it and use the drivers with less features and less updates which does not give you the one main function you're looking for because .... ?23:20
oerheks525 starts with 750i ?23:21
Icecream16I dont think you get what I mean....the nvidia card is only for backup and maybe browsing, so the focus is more on stability and security and not performance for gaming....on the other hand is my inter processor graphics for gaming and what I want to use daily23:22
JanCthat Nvidia has a separate monitor attached?23:23
Icecream16no, why?23:23
leftyfbIcecream16: what makes you think the drivers made by reverse-engineering the proprietary drivers, with less features and hasn't been updated in 2 years is going to be more stable and secure?23:23
Icecream16someone said that nouveau is part of the kernel and gets security updates23:24
leftyfbIcecream16: it's not more "secure"23:25
leftyfbnor is it more stable23:25
Icecream16why exactly?23:25
leftyfbwhy what?23:25
Icecream16why not more secure?23:26
leftyfbIcecream16: you're asking me to prove a negative?23:26
oerheksbe happy with nouveau and 30 fps youtube23:26
Icecream16well I thought that the kernel gets regularily updates and nvidia is just....well nividia23:26
leftyfbIcecream16: you're going though a lot of effort based on false assumptions for no benefit23:27
leftyfbdon't fix wasn't isn't broke23:27
oerhekslegacy cards are covered with nouveau, pretty good23:27
oerheksand newest also with open drivers23:27
Icecream16see what oerheks said23:27
leftyfbhe's naming features. Not benefits over the proprietary drivers23:28
leftyfbyou're works fine at the moment23:28
oerheks660 is legacy, AFAIK23:28
Icecream16it works yes, but does it get security updates from nvidia?23:28
oerheksno updates from nouveau, if any23:29
leftyfbIcecream16: yes23:29
leftyfbbut also, it's a graphics driver23:29
leftyfbthere's not really security issues with graphics drivers23:29
Icecream16where can I get the news, that it still gets security updates?23:30
Icecream16havent read it anywhere23:30
oerheksadd yourself to the mailing lists?23:31
leftyfbIcecream16: apt changelog nvidia-driver-XXX23:31
Icecream16here from nvidia driver release: "NVIDIA has released a software security update for NVIDIA GPU Display Driver. This update addresses issues that may lead to code execution, denial of service, escalation of privileges, information disclosure, and data tampering."23:32
Icecream16"only graphic drivers" huh?23:32
SlartibartHi. When I login to my kubuntu now I get a message that it's time to upgrade to 23.10. However, when I click on it to start the updater I instead get a window with 'Upgrade failed with the following output'(translated), but the output area is empty! Can I somehow run software updater and get some output?23:33
leftyfbSlartibart: there is not supported upgrade path to 23.10 released yet23:33
Slartibartw00t? But why do I get a message about it then?23:34
leftyfboh, heh. Maybe it did just get released :)23:34
leftyfbsorry, I only run LTS's23:35
SlartibartThat was scary.23:35
leftyfboerheks: not the same thing. That was for the iso's23:35
oerheksjust wait, do not use -d23:36
Icecream16so nobody really knows here if nouveau or the nividia driver is more secure?23:37
oerheksmore secure, no, no info on that.23:37
JanCIcecream16: you can try fuzzing both & see which one crashes more often  :)23:37
oerheksnouveau got pretty good lately23:37
leftyfbIcecream16: it's not really a concern23:38
Icecream16JanC secure in secure against hacking23:38
oerheksi bet there is no nvia for 660?23:38
leftyfbnobody is "hacking" your video driver23:38
Icecream16leftyfb why then from nvidia driver release: "NVIDIA has released a software security update for NVIDIA GPU Display Driver. This update addresses issues that may lead to code execution, denial of service, escalation of privileges, information disclosure, and data tampering."23:39
oerheksit does not say what driver.23:39
leftyfbIcecream16: https://ubuntu.com/security/cves23:39
leftyfbIcecream16: feel free to go through every open CVE for ubuntu and remove every package with an open cve. I guarantee your system will no longer run23:40
leftyfbIcecream16: there's a term: pick your battles23:41
Icecream16one of those two, nvidia driver or nouveau, has to be more secure than the other....I didnt say perfect security23:41
acuis there good GUI app installer that is available both for Ubuntu and Debian (except sysnaptic-package-manager) ?23:43
xanguaGnome install? Whatever is called23:43
JanCwhat do you mean by "good"?23:43
Icecream16leftyfb apparently you just dont know, which is fine, but then just say so23:43
xanguaKDE install, the same23:43
leftyfbIcecream16: no, I don't know. And most people aren't going to. Because it doesn't really matter23:44
JanCthere is Gnome Software, Apper, PackageKit Gnome, and probably a couple others23:44
oerheksgood luck finding out, no worries about legacy 660 and nouveau23:44
acuOK - I am trying to see how to install Gnome Software --- what is the app I neet to do apt install gnome-software ?23:45
oerhekscryptominers avoid those, i guess23:45
Icecream16leftyfb only people that can say that it doesnt matter are experts that definetely know the answer I am searching for....and you are not of them, which like I said is fine with me23:45
Icecream16*not one of them23:46
acuI need to install educationa apps for a 12 year old - mathematics etc... and want to use some gui that explains about app23:51
ravageacu: open Ubuntu Software. click "Education"23:52
oerheksonly if the app is supported in our repos23:52
ravageeverything else is not supported here anyway23:52
acuI wonder if the ubuntu-software can be installed in Debian12 ?23:53
leftyfbacu: not supported here23:53
oerheksgnome-software perhaps?23:53
acuwhat is the name of the ubuntu software appe23:53
oerheksin # debian23:53
oerhekssynaptic would be your best choice23:54

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