[19:27] hi every one [19:28] I have a question about the ubuntu studio installer, and what it is good for? [19:29] If I understand it correctly, I can have any ubuntu-distribution (I have Lubuntu), and what ubuntu-studio installer does is turning it into a "ubuntu studio"? [19:30] So substituting a low-latency kernel etc. setting every thing up as needed. This way I could use any ubuntu and turn it into an ubuntu studio? [19:30] Is this correct? [19:31] That's pretty much it, yes. [19:32] The Ubuntu Studio Installer should work just fine on Lubuntu, and that will add a bunch of audio and video software , low-latency kernel, etc. to it. [19:32] Then That is a miracle! [19:33] It's pretty nifty :) [19:33] Does it work on other debian-detivatives? [19:33] Probably not. [19:33] It relies on the Ubuntu Studio packages in the Ubuntu archives. [19:33] So it should work on any official Ubuntu flavor. [19:33] It *might* work on unofficial Ubuntu derivatives like Mint but those are strictly unsupported. [19:33] Non-Ubuntu derivatives are almost certainly not going to work. [21:47] Why does the new Ubuntu Studio installer not have the option to automatically resize windows partitions for dual boot? The only automatic option for this is installing alongside windows, which I do not want to do. If I dual boot, I can have encription on each system seperatly. [21:47] boot in live mode and adjust? [21:47] not really an normal issue here [21:47] I can manually adjust, but I was hoping for the automatic feature [21:48] no, , how would we know *( as installer) [21:48] installing side by .. is enough [21:48] No. It is not. it is very different [21:48] technically [21:49] Its enough for normal people, not for people who are tech savy and have requiremnts like I give myself [21:49] Maybe I need to move ayaw from beginenr distros. But I like Ubuntu Studio. [21:50] why would tech savy dual boot ubuntu-studio? [21:50] Because my workplace in on a windows domain, and some of the software that I have to use will only function fully in Windows OS [22:55] What is the live-session password? The screen locked and asks for a password