
frankoHello to all!14:35
frankoI can't mount an NTFS-formatted external drive on Ubuntu 23.10.14:37
frankoI already have ntfs-3g installaed... I can't seem to find any useful information about it on the web...14:37
frankoAny ideas?14:37
mcgiwerhello. Where can I report bugs in Xbuntu 23.10 ?19:04
rfmmcgiwer, use ubuntu-bug.  you could search bugs.launchpad.net to see if it's already reported19:57
xu-irc41wthis probably isn't a simple question, but i was wondering if it was possible to make custom install media that included chicago95 globally?22:39
xu-irc41wi recently discovered that chicago95 is installed per user so that's a problem.22:39
torvxu-irc41w: Ideas, not tested: A) Pre-seed server install incl. `xubuntu-desktop`. B) Customize ISO with e.g. Cubic (https://launchpad.net/cubic).23:27
torvxu-irc41w: Chicago95 would be available system-wide via repo but is also possible with manual install: https://github.com/grassmunk/Chicago95/blob/master/INSTALL.md#-system-wide-manual-install--optional23:32
xu-irc41wthanks i'll take a look23:38

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