[00:29] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: System Cleaner BleachBit Sees First Release in 2 Years @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/11/beachbit-4-6-0-system-cleaner-update [02:24] looks good Bashing-om (ignoring two $$ lines) [02:27] guiverc: Thanks - still awaiting what we work up for Ubuntu Summit. [02:28] yep. when/if something comes I'll help [02:29] guiverc: Good deal as I have no audio to do justice for the pod cast :( [03:24] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Ross Gammon: Ubuntu Summit 2023 @ https://rossgammon68.wordpress.com/2023/11/05/ubuntu-summit-2023/ [04:23] Bashing-om, the Ross Gammon one would best fit a list in my opinion ('Some early posts written about Ubuntu Summit 2023' maybe) [04:29] guiverc: Agreed - we see what works out - we got a few hours yet to see what else comes up. [04:31] :) [13:37] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: GSConnect Now Supports GNOME 45 & Ubuntu 23.10 @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/11/gsconnect-gnome-45-support [19:45] jose: Anything IRT Ubuntu Summit ?- Preparing now to close the issue out; this is still pending. [20:24] guiverc: Working now on Ubuntu Summit // Will so advise when I have something to show :D [21:29] UWN: Ubuntu Summit preped - "WIP" removed - WIKI removed - Comments ? Ready now to release ? [21:40] yep Bashing-om (quick scan of diffs on uwn812) [21:46] https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2023/11/06/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-812/ [21:50] UWN: Publishing :D [21:51] uwn 812 : tweeted, telegram, (mewe) [21:56] M/L is away - Forums post next. [21:57] guiverc: apologies - I was traveling. nothing urgent from the summit. Chatted with Mauro and ended up with the conclusion that anything from the summit will come next week as speakers travel back home and have the chance to write stuff [21:57] yep & thanks jose, suspected that maybe the case [22:02] jose: Me thinks we did "Ubuntu Summit" well as is :D [22:02] totally - it's a great peek into what will be coming next week [22:23] jose: We'll jump through the hoops and make it happen :D [22:24] UWN: Forums post done - making the Mastodon blog up next. [22:45] UWN: Mastodon blogged - 812 in the history book. [22:46] guiverc: Shall I now start 813 ? [22:47] yep... scrubbing now a thing of the past... [22:47] guiverc: Uh huh - the easy life :P [22:47] (my link check of fridge also easy; single link) [23:04] * guiverc just noticed I hadn't added 'planet' category to fridge post; added now [23:07] guiverc: ^ Good man :D // issue813 off and running :) [23:10] date not yet present (helpful for readers even at this early WIP stage) [23:10] thanks Bashing-om [23:19] guiverc: Ouch ! Fixing - and set to as a WIKI while at that :D [23:19] :) I'd not thought of/noticed the wiki [23:23] guiverc: WIKI: As you did say - for those who might offer suggestions. [23:25] :) [23:52] Bashing-om, the discourse link on UF post of uwn 812 does not open; https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2492294 where https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-812/39856|here]] will need edit [23:53] guiverc: Yukkie - 1st time ever I did not check the link - fixing ~ [23:54] thanks Bashing-om :)