
Tm_Thello hello06:49
Tm_TI was wondering where and how much I'm supposed to have rights still06:50
Tm_Tand if the current status is a problem by some pov06:50
Unit193Well, in theory you should have ops where you're on the LP team, if not then hollar of course.06:51
Tm_TUnit193: can you please be my second pair of eyes and check my lp profile? it might be beneficial to continue in PM after that if you like to06:53
Tm_TI have forgotten too much to be short and concise06:53
Tm_Tcontext is I get lot of hilights from bot messages calling ops06:55
Unit193Looks like you most likely expired off whatever team you were on.  IIRC you had at least #u and #u-ot, I imagine since you're a K person you had #k and #k-ot too.06:56
Unit193"Expired on 2021-02-27" I was right about #k!06:57
Tm_Tyeah, I'm ok not having op rights (:06:57
Tm_Tatleast for now06:57
Unit193I wouldn't mind if you did, more people that have a good head on their shoulders, aren't quick to jump the gun, and have a little of an idea about IRC commands (or scripts) sure is good.  But if you don't want to, that works too.06:58
Tm_TI haven't done any opping for 5 years? or how long time ago it was06:58
Tm_Tso I don't remember any commands, I prolly still have aliases though06:59
Unit193Maybe it's like riding a bike? :>07:01
Unit193...If you fall off hard enough you don't have to worry about trying again. :D07:02
Tm_Tcould be, do I have bits in place, should group memberships be handled with some specific manner?07:02
Unit193You can poke me, I'll check to see you simply expired and re-add you.  Or I can just ACK when you hit join, same deal.07:03
Tm_TUnit193: poke poke, I can't find things in launchpad right now07:10
Unit193https://launchpad.net/~irc-kubuntu-ops - https://launchpad.net/~irc-kubuntu-offtopic-ops - https://launchpad.net/~irc-ubuntu-ops - https://launchpad.net/~irc-ubuntu-offtopic-ops07:11
Unit193Sure thing!07:11
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