
davefI had an eventful day00:01
davefhad to evacuate my apartment complex as the building was on fire00:01
daveffor most of the afternoon I was wondering if I were going to have a home tonight. Thankfully the fire service responded quickly and got it under control. 00:02
davefmy apartment still smells like smoke, but there's no damage, structural or otherwise.00:03
penguin42davef: Was this one other apartment on fire?00:10
davefIt started on the 1st floor, I'm on the 8th. 00:12
davefbut it was an apartment that lines up with mine00:12
davefso all the smoke was coming up into my apartment. so when I left I got a face full of smoke00:12
davefmy apartment complex is weird, the corridors are exposed to the elements 00:13
penguin42many of the other apartments damaged?00:19
davefat least 2, maybe 3.00:19
daftykins:S holy moly, glad they sorted it00:19
davefI didn't go rubbernecking 00:19
penguin42yeh, well, glad you didn't get roasted00:20
daftykinsis it taking much effort to clear the smoke smell out of yours then?00:20
davefIt's not so bad now. I had the foresight to close all doors and windows before I vacated.00:21
daftykinsah har00:21
daftykinsa client of mine was just telling me that a painter he had in had left all his windows wide open ahead of the storm that passed over here00:21
daftykinstwice in a row, too :S00:22
penguin42...and it now needs redecorating...00:22
daftykinsyeah lots of water came in apparently00:23
davefthis was the start of it .. https://imgur.com/a/KcCRX3300:38
daftykinsyeah that's pretty ominous00:43
penguin42looks like it's made out of good solid concrete exterior01:01
davefIt is01:01
davefBut stuff can still get hot and start fires in other apartments 01:01
daftykinslucky none o' that famous cladding was in use01:01
davefthis building is mostly concrete. there's no asbestos, nothing that could really do damage 01:02
zxmpiglad your stuff wasn't damaged and you still have a roof over your head :-/07:05
daftykinszxmpi: do you not?16:32
daftykinshave a roof over your head following the storm :o16:35
zxmpinah, storm missed ireland barring a tonne of rain. just glad that penguin42 still has a roof is all16:37
daftykinsah, well davef had the (nearby) fire! 16:38
penguin42zxmpi: It's wet here, but not too windy16:38
zxmpimind if the rain had of kept going as it was we'd be looking for estimates from noah16:39
davefNearby? It was downstairs16:39
daftykinsyeah that's near16:39
daftykinsat least in my definition of the word o016:39
penguin42zxmpi: the garden is a bit like a moat; but the rivers seem to be coping OK  https://check-for-flooding.service.gov.uk/station/509516:40
penguin42unusually I haven't been out today, not been able to spot a gap in the announced rain16:42
zxmpiyou don't have a home made rasp pi rain radar in the window? :-P16:46
penguin42it would get pretty depressed in Manchester16:46
zxmpicall it marvin so16:47
penguin42I was watching the Metoffices predictions and rain radar and predictions on that and hmm there was a promising window that disappeared16:49

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