
xu-irc41whmm it looks like most of the chicago95 install process is just changing configs04:40
xu-irc41wthat's a REALLY versatile system04:40
xu-irc41wi don't understand why grassmunk hasn't produced a series of automated scripts for these different options04:41
xu-irc41wi mean he had time to make the theme after all04:41
xu-help97wHello there17:04
xu-help97wCan anyone tell me why I get weird symbols when I start my laptop17:05
=== tomreyn_ is now known as tomreyn
xu-irc69wanyone around?20:06
acollignhi everyone ;-), I a looking for hel. I am facin a lock screen issue with a fresh install of xubuntu 23.10. After some idle time, the desktop becomes unresponsive only the mouse can move. I've disabled the lock feature in the screensaver much which seems to have temporarly solved the problem. Anyone facing the same issue?20:48
acollignthere is this old bug which was marked as solved in 2019 https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1532520:52
tomreynacollign: usually such issues are related to one or more of: suspend/resume and buggy bios, buggy bios (by other means), nvidia graphics with hardware-incompatible proprietary driver series, more recent nvidia graphics with nouveau open source drivers20:54
tomreynjournalctl -p4 -b     may hint on what's going wrong.20:55
acollignthanks tomreyn. I am actually using an old macbook pro from 2013... so I am guessing that is all wrong in terms of supported hardware. I don't have the issue with gnome and its locking feature (with gdm) though.20:56
tomreynthis (not happening on gnome) doesn't have to mean much - screen locking works quite a bit differently there.20:58
acollignthat is what I was assuming, thanks for the confirmation.20:58
tomreynyou're welcome 21:01
tomreynif i had to guess, i'd say it has to do with the mac-ness of this system, i.e. no attempts made to make an OS agnostic bios. but that's pure speculation, the logs might help you analyze this further.21:03
acollignyep, I just reproduce the issue. I am looking into the logs now21:04
acollignnothing to report unfortunately.21:08
tomreynyou can keep a    journalctl -f    running and lock then unlock the screen, hoping it will hint on an error but not break your screen output.21:10
tomreynor run it in an ssh shell from another computer, if you can21:11
acollignthanks for the help so far tomreyn. I will need to dig into this another day. cheers21:42
tomreynsee you, good luck21:42

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