[01:28] I cannot upgrade to Mantic on one of my machines. It appears this may be due to dhpcd-base being held back. I could try to force update this but will this leave me without an internet connection (id it removes it first) and therefore not able to upgrade?? [01:32] I cannot upgrade to Mantic on one of my machines. It appears this may be due to dhpcd-base being held back. I could try to force update this but will this leave me without an internet connection (if it removes it first) and therefore not able to upgrade?? [07:44] Black Screen After Waking Up From Suspend [07:44] Any fix? [07:48] depends on your system maybe [09:04] hey, anyone worked on initramfs scripts? === yan is now known as yan_ === yan_ is now known as yan__ [09:20] Does anybody knows if the 23.10 Kubuntu installer supports TPM2 full disk encryption? The one for Ubuntu 23.10 does. I just don't know if the kubuntu installer is different... [09:35] I 'm trying to actually get hardware disk encryption done instead of LUKS. That one has quite an impact on CPU usage === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [11:04] and a good morning! [11:38] Is there any fix? (re @IrcsomeBot: depends on your system maybe) [13:37] Hi all [14:25] ok, my colleague tried the "new" full disk encryption and it did not work at all (TPM2 module supported)... So I guess this needs another 2 releases until it works somehow. [14:26] Also there a nice new tickets popping up, about ppl which can not access their system after fw updates... [15:14] Greetings, after updating to 23.10,my grub is screwed. I can't even run grub-mkconfig without this error: "/etc/grub.d/proxifiedScripts/linux: 1: version_find_latest: not found" === barnabywalters is now known as barnaby [16:23] greetings, how to I change the kubuntu screen when the system is booting? [16:23] is anyone else having trouble switching power profiles in the battery and brightness widget after updating to 23.10? my laptop is stuck on power saving mode, and when I try to click on the other options it flicks back to power save === DoctorN is now known as Guizwi