
jj_Has anyone successfully enabled lock screen functionality when using Fractional Scaling? I set mine to 125% so that my display is decent, but it disabled my ability to lock my screen unless I run "gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.lockdown disable-lock-screen false". The first time I ran that, it seemed to have lost the setting the next time I went to lock my screen. And when I got it to work the first time, it messed with the 20:44
jj_placemenet of all of my windows and was just weird.20:44
fossfreedom_The lockscreen is deliberately disabled from being  enabled ... that's the message you see under the fractional scaling option in budgie control center - displays20:50
fossfreedom_And you should logout and login after enabling fractional scaling20:51
jj_Yeah, I saw. I guess I was looking for some kind of workaround. Not sure what else to do to secure my laptop when having to walk away from it20:51
fossfreedom_No workaround. The lockscreen needs reworking to support fractional scaling20:52
jj_Good info, thanks! I wish I was good enough to take that on. Hopefully someone does21:09
fossfreedom_It will be resolved when budgie moves to wayland. That will be hopefully in 24.10 timescales21:11

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