[03:24] good morning [03:38] o/ [03:38] you don't join #ubuntu-offtopic , lotuspsychje ? [03:39] morning gry [03:39] no, i never liked offtopic much [03:39] where do you chit chat then? [03:39] in launchpad (joke) :p === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [09:57] If someone has a few mins, and is a discourse.ubuntu.com 'regular' (trust level; look at your summary page) ; can you edit this page? (ie. at bottom, you see an EDIT option; its currently marked WIKI being our next issue) [21:13] guiverc: i think you didn't post the url you were inquiring about [21:14] thanks tomreyn , no I didn't :( [21:14] https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-813/40031/2 [21:14] > If someone has a few mins, and is a discourse.ubuntu.com 'regular' (trust level; look at your summary page) ; can you edit this page? (ie. at bottom, you see an EDIT option; its currently marked WIKI being our next issue) [21:15] guiverc: my channel log hasn't seen this url posted here before. [21:15] no you were right; I didn't post it... [21:16] oh, that's what you just said, sorry [21:16] https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-813/40031 (no /2 should be there either) [21:17] * guiverc currently won't matter as no reply to 813 so top post will show [21:19] i'm "Trust Level: member", i assume that's below "regular"? [21:20] yes it is https://blog.discourse.org/2018/06/understanding-discourse-trust-levels/ [22:01] do you have the ability to 'edit' the page (option of edit at bottom) tomreyn ? [22:02] member is what all I'd hope is required for 'edit' access ; and Thank You ! [22:02] guiverc: yes, there is an edit button and it opens an editor [22:03] thank you tomreyn ; that is what I wanted to hear... (required for next thing). Thank you immensely ! [22:03] you're welcome :)