
tjaaltonTimurTabi: yes, it's fallout from internal infrastructure changes, still pending07:31
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TimurTabitjaalton: ok thanks. I depend on that website for kernel development.11:44
tjaaltonreally? :)11:56
tjaaltonhow exactly?11:56
=== cengizIO is now known as cengiz_io
TimurTabitjaalton: I have a script that generates an ubuntu_defconfig for any kernel based on the files in that website.  I can share it if you want to see it.16:36
TimurTabiSo I can build any hacked-up kernel and boot it on an Ubuntu system cleanly.16:36
=== sforshee_ is now known as sforshee
TimurTabiAlso, I'm annoyed that I can't cross-compile the 6.6 kernel on Ubuntu 22 because it requires gcc-13 and that package is not available  in Ubuntu 22.20:41

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