=== Bencraft425 is now known as Bencraft42 === Bencraft424 is now known as Bencraft42 === esv__ is now known as esv [02:11] Maybe I'll ask on the Ubuntu forums [04:22] in the default desktop environment in Ubuntu, how can I get a screenshot of the screen in it's current state? [04:23] If I hit the 'prtscrn' button, the state of the screen changes, and I lose the state that I'm trying to capture. [04:24] Yesterday I needed to get a screenshot of the screen in the current state, and the only way to do it was to a KDE tool that gets video capture... then I opened the video capture in vlc... which I then used to find the right frame. But that's horribly inefficient. [04:26] Basically I'm making some documentation and I need to show the context menu when my browser is active. But hitting 'print screen' closes that menu [04:29] Just now I've tried OBS, but OBS doesn't capture the context menu. It's invisible to the video caputre! [04:34] There's linux tool called 'vokoscreenNG' that is similar to OBS. That doesn't capture the right-click menu either [04:34] bobdobbs: have you tried the built in screenshot tool? [04:36] yes. The built-in screenshot tool changes the state of the screen, which is precisely what I want to capture [04:36] toddc: If I hit the 'prtscrn' button, the state of the screen changes. [04:38] toddc: in particular, I need to show an image that show the open context menu in a web browser [04:38] mine stays the same same size no notible changes testing a bit more [04:39] toddc: that menu closes when you either use the "instant screenshot" feature of ubuntu's screenshot tool, or if you open the print screen options. [04:41] what version of ubuntu? [04:42] 22.04 [04:44] same here I fill out a search window on a web page then used selection option and it saved the test window data for me but it may also be that the web page you are looking at has added scurity [04:46] no idea maybe someone else can diag more [05:27] I noticed a package in the universe repo being outdated. I think there's no dependency conflict to prevent an update. How can I request this? The launchpad page for the package? === catfishk is now known as catfish__ === catfish__ is now known as catfishk [07:02] theh: Ubuntu packages in a stable release aren't generally updated to new versions, but rather bug and security fixes are back potted to the old versions. [07:03] and he's gone already [07:03] They're potting plants now? [07:03] and CrimeOS horribly typoed "backported" [07:03] *ChromeOS [07:04] good grief [07:04] I liked that typo better, even. [07:05] Sounds like what you would call a Kali Linux variant focused on web apps [07:09] My problem is that the keyboard to this thing broke so I'm having to rely on a touch keyboard and AutoIncorrect to type using my Chromebook now. Sometimes it works worse than others. === chris14_ is now known as chris14 [07:57] Hi. The last few times I booted up my ubuntu 20.04 system popped up a message that there were a couple problems, and I've been having random crashes when watching video. I am hoping I can get some advice about what to do to fix the problems. [08:06] valued-customer: hi [08:06] valued-customer: check output of 'dmesg', it may have a copy of these errors [08:06] oops.. [09:13] Hi. [09:27] Hi super hackers, I have been using ubuntu for like 20 years .. I always struggling with sudo apt-get update command... if you do regular update your system you get trouble. https://pastebin.com/H6GkxGV9 how can i fix? thanks in advance [09:28] arminx: your Ubuntu release is not supported anymore [09:28] !eolupgreade | arminx [09:29] !eolupgrade | arminx [09:29] arminx: End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [09:29] in your case i suggest to reinstall a supported release [09:31] i cant dup release upgrade every time i start a old machine for lab prupose [09:31] why cant i use old repos? [09:31] do they remove it? [09:32] because they do not exist on the archive servers anymore [09:32] there is https://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ [09:32] see the link [09:35] arminx: In your case, just run the old installation but never connect it to public Internet. [09:37] ravage you are my hero thanks alot [09:37] also i must complain over the NIC why in this world has it changed to ensxxx instead of the real deal ethX [09:38] elias_a of course not [09:38] arminx: Good. Just wanted to make sure. :) [09:38] arminx: https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/ [09:38] arminx: But if the os works, what do you need the repos for? [09:45] elias_a need few tools === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [09:50] arminx: Ok. === jack_ is now known as ir601 === gusto_ is now known as gusto === iconoclasthero_ is now known as iconoclast_hero [11:26] Hello, the Ubuntu printer is not printing on both sides? I have selected the option in Ubuntu settings, PDF settings. [11:34] kotgc: you do have a duplex printer, right? [11:41] CosmicDJ, I don't know what duplex means, but I have printed on both sides with LinuxMint, but I've moved onto Ubuntu. [12:17] I'm running KDE on ubuntu and for the first time I realize the sessions didn't start with a ssh-agent. is tehre any toggle I shoul touch?> === Szadek4 is now known as Szadek [13:37] Hi all [13:45] Hey guys need help [13:45] Anyone active rn? [13:46] !ask | webchat12 [13:46] webchat12: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [13:49] I have a issue that is executing  grub-install/dev/nvme0n1 failed this is a fatal error please someone help me out by sharing the reason they this issue happens ( I am trying a clean install (not even dual boot)) please help. [13:56] webchat12: what were you doing when you got this error? [14:00] webchat12, make sure you have an EFI boot partition of 512mb or so. [14:15] greetings, is there a working repo to install boot-repair on 23.10? [14:27] iomari891: https://launchpad.net/~yannubuntu/+archive/ubuntu/boot-repair should work but I am not on 23.10 to test [14:29] what's happened to the mainline repositories such as git://kernel.ubuntu.com/virgin/linux.git ? Is it a case that the wiki hasn't been updated with the new location? [14:52] does ubuntu come with systemd installed by default these days? or what is in it as an alternative? [14:53] or Installing the systemd package will not switch your init system unless you boot with init=/lib/systemd/systemd or install systemd-sysv in addition. [14:53] so, i think this might be my answer [14:53] brb [14:59] Greetings, after updating to 23.10,my grub is screwed. I can't even run grub-mkconfig without this error: "/etc/grub.d/proxifiedScripts/linux: 1: version_find_latest: not found" === esv_ is now known as esv [15:31] ruser, ubuntu switched to systemd in 2016 [15:32] (and it has been the default since) [15:34] I have a couple Peak-CAN dongles I need to use on a HIL system, but with a Mac pc as the host. Which seems impossible to achieve. Would it be possible to run a docker container with ubuntu and have it link up the can dongles? [15:37] tennisanders: As long as you know the dongles run on ubuntu, the rest is building the docker container and then asking for support in #apple getting the docker container to work properly on mac [15:38] leftyfb, Ok thanks! === john is now known as Guest313 [15:46] ogra: thnx. i'm trying to figure which of the systemd scripts are causing me to get root auto login, and disable it. i can't seem to track it down, you wouldn't happen to know anything about it? [15:46] I just setup an absolute barebones system [15:46] Sorry for the noob question, but if I'm running Ubuntu Budgie, am I alright to install Gnome apps? If there's a Gnome version and a GTK, should I go with GTK? (I'm not sure what the difference is to be honest) [15:47] ruser: no default ubuntu install will autologin as root [15:47] yeah ... [15:47] leftyfb: so am i in recovery mode then? [15:48] ruser: did you boot into recovery mode? Does it say you are in recovery mode? [15:48] jj_, gnome apps have some extra dependencies they install, if you are not massively short on diskspace, it should be fine to install anything you like ... [15:48] leftyfb: no, it says hostname login: root (automatic login) [15:48] that doesnt sound like anything a proper ubuntu install would ever do [15:48] ruser: then you or someone else customized that install of ubuntu to do that [15:49] how did you install this ? [15:49] yes, i think i just found it [15:49] hang on [15:52] Thanks ogra! [15:53] you are both correct, i missed as a part of the install script the following https://bpa.st/JYVA however i was installing 20.04 and since then done dist upgrade to 22.04. And now i don't see either of these files, any idea where upgrade might have moved them? [15:54] I tried grepping fror autologin in the system of the systemd dir and didn't find anything useful [15:54] they're more than likely gone [15:54] s/useful/anything/ [15:54] Then how did the autologin persist? [15:54] ruser: good luck messing with that custom script [15:54] leftyfb: yeah, i'm down the rabbit hole, i'm re-learning a lot but definitely shot myself in the foot repeatedly [15:55] ruser: I would recommend doing a fresh install of ubuntu 22.04 and not running that script [15:55] except, i want encrypted boot and root :/ [15:55] and zfs [15:55] raidz1 [15:56] then go through the script and manually run only the commands that set that up for you [15:57] that's fair, i dont' really want to do the reinstall so i think i'm stuck chasing where getty@tty1.service.d/override.conf got moved during the upgrade [15:58] thank you both ogra leftyfb [16:00] I guess i'm learning systemd, which not a bad thing in it's own. `systemctl cat getty@tty1` shows the autologin, looks like i'm on the right track [16:02] but yes, i picked up a large foot gun unfortunately [16:09] yes, success. `systemctl edit getty@tty1` got me to the goal, idk how grep -R missed it, oh well. But learned something new [16:13] does anyone here use fail to ban? are default options good enough to stop getting my logs spammed? :) [16:15] ruser: I use fail2ban but your question is a loaded one [16:15] ruser: f2b parses logs for certain regex's and reacts to matches, typically with iptables DROP rules [16:16] I'm pretty sure the default jail is only for ssh [16:16] leftyfb: and how do you mean loaded? I guess i'm asking to wide of a question wrt to logs? [16:16] ruser: it depends on what logs you're referring to [16:17] gotcha [16:18] ruser: if you set your ssh port to a non-standard one, you'll get a lot less hits to your log [16:18] and will be slightly more secure(obscure) [16:18] I also recommend disabling password auth and certainly not allow root to login with ssh [16:18] I should read up on sshd hardening. i'd like to remove the banner for example (i wonder if it's a config option these days) [16:19] removing the banner provides zero security [16:19] are you saying bots these days try to run any and all exploits? [16:20] i get a SSH connect like every 20 seconds on my server ip [16:20] i dont think they care about your banner [16:20] bots don't care about banners nor do people attempting to gain access [16:20] ravage: you get bruteforce attacks [16:20] and yes, bots and people are constantly trying any and all exploits [16:21] leftyfb: so you are saying it's not worth the effort. are there good recent hardening guides available? like way back when there grsec kernel patches, etc. I have dropped out from the field for a while and have to re-learn [16:22] ruser: start with my advice above [16:22] leftyfb: already on a diff port, and disabled direct root login, and moved to key auth [16:23] leftyfb: and yet i still see bruteforce attacks in logs [16:23] why do you care about that? [16:23] they're not getting in with passwords, it doesn't really matter [16:23] install fail2ban if you want [16:24] greetings, how to I change the ubuntu screen when the system is booting? [16:24] i care about reducing target vector, and hardening overall [16:24] ruser: disable the network interface [16:25] or power it off [16:26] ruser: the only way to stop attempts is to not be accessible [16:26] not an option, this machine is going to be used remotely [16:26] i get that, but let's not slide to the extreme [16:26] ruser: you're running on a non-standard port, you've disabled password auth. As far as bot attacks, you're covered [16:27] also disabled root ssh [16:28] I want to reduce the attack surface, and information leakage [16:28] congrats, you did that [16:29] lol [16:29] Either way, thank you for your help and knowledge, I do apprecite it [16:30] ruser: feel free to /join #security if you care to "slide to the extreme" [16:31] leftyfb: thank you [18:09] Hi guys [18:09] I have a serious issue: using any Nvidia driver freezes the OS, with X server the only resolution I have is 800x600. I searched a lot on google, but in vain. Please, Help === k001 is now known as k000 === enzotib is now known as enzotib__ === enzotib__ is now known as enzotib_ [19:55] I've run out of ideas. I need help. [19:55] PARDON THE PASTE: [19:55] >Had a Windows system- very old, but still working. [19:55] >Have installed Linux 100 times in the past, always go back to Winblows [19:55] >Install Lubuntu as dual-boot (so I thought) [19:55] >Lubuntu is pretty tight (STILL CAN'T FUCKING PRINT) [19:59] My apologies ... I've seen you prefer this: https://pastebin.com/377Q1JGK [20:01] nunya: please watch the language [20:01] nunya: you want #windows for support with Windows [20:01] your Windows install has nothing to do with Ubuntu [20:02] also, this isn't the appropriate place to ask where to buy used hardware [20:02] nunya: I would start with running SMART checks on your storage device [20:02] nunya: good luck [20:06] It isn't purely windows support question, since clearly the problem was a direct result of the Lubuntu install. However, terse statements like that do simplify the support task. [20:07] Also, I haven't used IRC in 20 years. [20:07] it's unlikely Ubuntu had anything to do with the issues with your Windows partition [20:07] unless you deleted files from it or modified system file on it [20:09] >unless UBUNTU deleted files from it or modified system files [20:09] nunya: ubuntu does not modify anything on other partitions [20:09] unless you tell it to [20:12] It's fine. I've spent 8+ hours trying to find a solution to what appears to be a common problem resulting from dual-boot systems. I've typed nonsense into a black screen over and over, with inconsistent results. Just another day using Linux. [20:13] is there any working sound server available in ubunut? pulseaudio and pipewire are too unstable for everyday usage, they always stutter on playback [20:21] Hello everyone, on Ubuntu 22.04 ESM, a program crashes, I think because of the recent update of a library. Is it possible to temporarily downgrade the dependency to test this hypothesis? [20:21] marc|gonzalez1: which library and what version are you running? === k001 is now known as k000 [20:22] leftyfb: running vlc/jammy-apps-security,now 3.0.16-1ubuntu0.1~esm1 and library is ffmpeg/jammy-apps-security,now 7:4.4.2-0ubuntu0.22.04.1+esm2 [20:23] ffmpeg was recently updated to esm2, and I think it caused a regression [20:23] I want to test again with esm1 [20:23] ffmpeg isn't a library [20:24] OK, libavcodec58/jammy-apps-security,now 7:4.4.2-0ubuntu0.22.04.1+esm2 installed as a dep of ffmpeg [20:24] I don't think the "esm1" versions are available anymore [20:25] Maybe I could test with the non-ESM release? [20:25] you could try: sudo apt install libavcodec58=7:4.4.2-0ubuntu0.22.04.1+esm1 # but I doubt it'll work [20:25] OK will give it a try, be right back [20:25] sudo apt install libavcodec58=7:4.4.2-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 [20:25] that one is available ^ [20:25] And to go back to the "normal" lib? [20:26] that's the non-esm library [20:26] the 2nd one I posted [20:26] No I mean to revert back to nominal? [20:26] How to undo the change I'm about to do [20:27] So that everything updates normally in the future [20:27] define nominal. If you mean the latest (esm2), and apt upgrade will probably upgrade it to the latest [20:27] OK noted, thanks [20:31] is there a better way to list installed packages other thank dpkg? [20:31] apt list --installed ? [20:31] I guess I should have opened man for apt, my bad [20:32] No worries, I'm battling apt, so I just typed the command a minute ago :) [20:33] What's the correct way to configure Ubuntu server and workstation to install updates on a schedule? [20:34] I've used the unattended-upgrades package but that never seems to actually install or reboot [20:34] candlejack: have you looked in the logs for it? [20:35] On servers unattended-upgrades only installs security updates by default. I’ve never set the config option to have it reboot automatically though because I don’t want it to do that. [20:36] candlejack: you want your server to reboot automatically? [20:36] I do not recommend that [20:36] ^^ [20:36] Yes I do [20:37] there is a non-zero risk it won't come back from the reboot, just fyi [20:38] Yes I'm aware of that, I've been running ubuntu as my primary computing OS for the past 17 years [20:38] so when you say it never seems to install anything, have you confirmed that via logs? [20:38] and you don't know how to setup a cron/timer to do automatic updates and reboots? [20:40] @candlejack The settings you need should all be in /etc/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades [20:41] candlejack: https://www.kolide.com/features/checks/ubuntu-unattended-upgrades first result on google for "ubuntu unattended-upgrades" [20:41] By default it only installs security updates, but the options to reboot and install regular updates are commented out. You can uncomment them to enable them. === stw___ is now known as stw [21:08] leftyfb: apt is a nightmare to tweak a single lib, it's just not a supported use-case [21:08] I didn't think it would be [21:08] I downloaded libavcodec58_4.4.2-0ubuntu0.22.04.1_amd64.deb [21:08] And unpacked it in /tmp [21:08] marc|gonzalez1: I would not recommend doing that [21:09] then ran vlc with LD_PRELOAD=local version of libavcodec [21:09] Why would you not recommend?? [21:09] marc|gonzalez1: maybe try the snap version of vlc and ffmpeg? [21:09] leftyfb: I'm trying to prove that the problem is in the ESM lib [21:09] I just did [21:09] With LD_PRELOAD, vlc works fine [21:10] So they introduced a regression when they did the latest update [21:10] !bug | marc|gonzalez1 [21:10] marc|gonzalez1: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. [21:10] is it possible to select audio inputs and output from terminal? [21:10] impermanence: yes [21:10] leftyfb: how? [21:11] impermanence: pacmd "set-default-sink [21:12] impermanence: pacmd list-sinks [21:12] very nice thank you [21:15] leftyfb: so...hm. What am I looking at here? Is this input and output or just ah...? [21:16] this is just output [21:16] Hey. So, basically, what happens if i've installed something like node.js with apt-get and then try to install it with snap? I have yet to understand exactly where snap stands in the area of package management on linux [21:17] impermanence: pacmd --help [21:18] sybariten: snap has it's own package management. In your scenario, you would have a copy of each node.js package [21:19] leftyfb: Wow. So potentially conflicts? [21:19] not likely [21:19] only 1 will be default [21:20] sybariten: run: which node # to see which is default [21:20] the apt package won't have "snap" in the path [21:20] leftyfb: thanks [21:21] I'm asking because i just tried installing node using the command line "sudo snap install node --classic --channel=20" . Then i did node --version and it says v12.22 . And I'm realizing I may actually have installed node earlier, in the past, but forgotten about it. I definitely didn't know about snap back then so maybe i used apt? Is there a way to see if i may have done that, some sort of apt [21:21] package install history? [21:22] zgrep node /var/log/dpkg.* [21:22] leftyfb: oh so a snap package will even run from a snap related path, once installed? My which node gives a normal usr bin path [21:23] sybariten: right, your apt package install of node.js is the default [21:24] sybariten: run this: type -a node [21:25] leftyfb: your zgrep command line spits out a lot... its from febryary 2023 so it wasnt that long ago after all. But yeah then it seems installed via apt. [21:26] leftyfb: interesting! What is the type command actually showing me? It finds it in usr bin node, bin node, and snap bin node. So three places. One being a link i suppose [21:26] all possible paths for the command [21:27] /usr/bin/node is probably a link to /bin/node for compatibility ... or the other way around, I forget [21:27] sweet. I guess i will try de-installing the apt one and maybe the snap one too, and reinstall the snap one just to do it correctly. [21:28] you don't need to reinstall the snap [21:28] it'll just become the default [21:29] you think it'll work out? [21:29] yes [21:29] the snap doesn't care if it was installed before or after the dpkg [21:31] okay [21:36] Okay, so this is interesting. Maybe i messed something up. I did, ofcourse, not follow your advice. First i purge removed the apt installation. THen i purge removed the snap installation. Then i installed snap with the same command that i've used before, as quoted earlier. No complaints, node 20 installed according to snap. But i dont have it in my path! Is that common? [21:47] sybariten: log out and back in [21:49] leftyfb: ah [21:50] Can I speak here? [21:51] you just did [21:51] leftyfb: thank you! [21:51] Fantastic. I am having an issue updating/upgrading 20/focal [21:57] leftyfb: btw the snap linking structure is anything but intuitive. :-) installed packages thats are seemingly living in /snap/bin are in fact pointing to... all the same binary in /usr/bin ? [21:57] i mean, for someone that doesn't know about snap [22:04] Guest1982: if you'd like help with this, you'll need to provide more info [22:07] having a weird issue with ubuntu 23.10 when the computer locks itself nothing will wake it up and it's ignoring the system settings telling it not to lock and not to turn off the screen. Any ideas? === robertross is now known as uc50ic4more === robertross is now known as uc50ic4more